1.enable sb to do sth
3.by accident/by chance/accidentally偶然遇见
4.come acrosssb
6.add to/add up to上星期,病人人数达到了三百eg.The numberof thepatients addeduptothree hundredlast week./人提前
1.1n advance/ahead oftime毕竟
8.after all
9.agree to do sth/agree with sb/agree to sth下定目标做某事
10.aim atdoing sth允许/允许/禁止做某事
11.allow/permit/forbid doing sth允许/允许/禁止某人做某事
12.allow/permit/forbid sb to do sth因某事向某人道歉
13.apologize tosb for sth
15.arrive at a conclusion使某人相形见细
16.put sbto shame他的勇气令其他学生都感到惭愧不如eg.His courageput all the otherstudents toshame./因某事感到震惊
17.be astonishat sth铺床
18.make thebed上因某事责怪某人/该受责怪的人是我19lame sb for sth/it isme toblame坏了/驱散/爆发/破门而入
20.break down/break up/break out/break into摒住呼吸/上气不接下气
21.hold onesbreath/out ofbreath引起,使发生/抚养长大
22.bring about/bring up突然大哭/大笑
23.burst intotears/laughters突然大哭/大笑
24.burst outcrying/laughing拜访某地/拜访某人/打电
25.call atsp/call onsb/call up/call off/call outto/call for/call onsbto do话/取消/大喊/叫来/号召某人做某事实现/做出/指出/查明
26.carry out/work out/point out/find out赶上某人/跟上某人/容忍某人
27.catch upwith sb/keep upwith sb/put upwith sb
29.come into being/come tooneself/和某人有共同点
30.have sthin commonwith sb祝贺某人某事
31.congratulate sbon sth/doing sth被认为,被当成
32.be regarded/thought of/considered as
34.encourage sbto do sth/encourage sbin sth
36.deal with/do with/handle下定决心做某事
37.be determinedto do sth/make upone*s mindto do从某种程度上来说
38.to somedegree/to someextent/in away推迟
39.put off---until/delay取悦于做某事
40.take delightin sth/doing sth
1.1in thedistance/atadistance打扮某人
43.dress sbin sth/sb bedressed in sth按期,按理该做某事,由于
44.be due to do sth失败都是由他的粗心造成的eg.The failureis totallyduetohis carelessness./
47.make effortsto dosth
49.expect sbto dosth/count onsbto dosth/want sbto dosth让某人做某事
52.fall asleep/fall ill/fall silent某人熟悉某物
53.sb befamiliar with sth/sth befamiliar tosb挑某人的毛病/是某人的错
54.find faultwith sb/sb beat fault帮某人忙
55.do sba favor/give sba hand想耍做某事
56.feel likedoing sth/would liketo dosth适合,胜任
57.be fit/suitable for sth玛丽相信她可以胜任新的工作eg.Mary believesthat sheis fitfor thenew job./对做某事感兴趣
58.be fondof doing sth迫使某人做某事,让某
59.force sbto dosth/make sbdosth/have sbdosth/get sbto dosth/let sbdo人做某事分发/送人/放弃/屈服/释放气体/归还
60.give out/give away/give up/give in/give off/give back我刚看见一个人在彳圭了道上正发传单eg.I sawa mangiving outpamphlets on the street./我长大后,把所有的玩具都给了我弟弟eg.When Igrow up,I giveaway allmy toysto mybrothers./汽车每天释放出很多有害气体eg.Cars giveoff muchpoisonous gasevery day./背诵,牢记在心
61.1carn/know sthby heart随便吃/禁不住做某事/不能帮忙
62.help oneselfto sth/cannot helpdoing sth/cannot helpto dosth做某事坚持,稍等/阻塞
63.hold on/hold up坚持
64.insist on/persist in/stick to敲门/撞墙/打晕
65.knock at the door/knock into the wall/knock outsb/knock sthoff/knock sthover某人/把……打掉/把……撞倒谁把花瓶从架子上弄掉的?eg.Who hasknocked thevase offthe shelf/泄密/保守秘密
1.11et outthe secret/keep stha secret
69.mean to dosth/mean doing sth某事我告诉你真相并不是打算要伤害你eg.I didntmean tohurt youby tellingyou thetruth./对我撒谎就意味着要杀了我eg.It meanskilling methat youlie to me./急需,缺乏
1.1in badlyneed of/in lackof/in wantof和某人没关系/不管你的事
71.have nothingto dowith sb/it isnone ofsbs business反对某事/反对做某事
72.object to sth/doing sth某人突然想到一个主意
73.an ideaoccur tosb汤姆突然想到他可以藏在桥eg.An ideaoccurred toTom thathe canhide himselfunder thebridge./底下
75.pay sb some moneyfor sth
76.sth costsb some money
77.sb spendsomemoneyon sth/in doing sth
78.it takessbsomemoney to dosth发生/取代某人/取代某人
79.take place/take onesplace/take theplace ofsb联系做某事
80.practise doingsth向某人提供某物
81.provide sbwithsth/provide sthfor sb故意
82.on purpose而不是/除了,不同于
83.rather than/other than他买了那条红领带而不是那条绿色的eg.He boughtthe redtie ratherthan thegreen one./他除了向我要东西,从不和我说话eg.He neverspeaks tome otherthan toask forsomething./她很少有不高兴的时候eg.She seldomappears otherthan happy./指的是,提及
84.refer to在……扮演一个角色,在某方面起作用
85.playarole in
87.see sboff/meet sbatthestation派出/派人去请医生/发出气体/发射
88.send out/send fora doctor/scnd off/send up/有意义
89.make sense你刚才说的话都是废话eg.What youhave saidmakes nosense./判某人死刑/用石头把某人打死/饿死某
90.sentence sbto death/stone sbto death/starve sbto death人
92.sooner orlater阻止某人做某事
93.5top sbfrom doingsth/keep sbfrom doing/prevent sbfrom doing
95.be sure to dosth她有信心在比赛中获胜eg.She issuretowin thefirst prizein thecompetition./确保,确定
96.make sureeg.When youleave theroom,make surethat all the windowsare shut.
98.tear sthinto pieces把.......撕成碎片一直/同样/一切都好/千里迢迢
99.all thetime/all thesame/all thebest/alltheway他一路飞来,为的就是看最后的决赛eg.He camealltheway byair inorder towatch thefnals./厌倦做某事/因某事感到劳累
100.be tiredof doing/be tiredfrom doing和某人保持联系/和某人失去联系
101.keep intouch with sb/lose touchwithsb向某人寻求帮助
102.turn tosbforhelp使自己被别人理解
103.make oneselfunderstood过去常常
104.used todosth/would习惯做某事
105.be usedto doingsth/be accustomedto doingsth被用来做某事
106.be usedtodosth/get usedtodosth/be usedforsth顺便说说/碍事/从某种程度上107,by theway/in theway/in away/ontheway/in noway/in thisway来说/在路上/绝不/就这样愿意做某事/不愿意做某事
108.be willingtodosth/be unwillingtodo和某人谈话/和某人吵架
109.have aword withsb/have wordswithsb总之1lO.in aword/in short/to sumup换言之1ll.in otherwords
113.be worthdoing/be worthytodo这本书值得一读eg.The bookis worthreading./The bookis worthytoberead./指控某人做某事
114.accuse sbof doingsb他被指控谋杀了他的老板eg.He wasaccused ofmurdering hisboss./
116.get ridof sth怀疑某人做某事
117.suspect sbof doingsth警告某人某事
118.warn sbof sth我警告过他彳艮多次,但eg.I havewarned himof thedanger manytimes,but hewont listentome./是他就是不听我的区别于
122.sb beengaged indoingsth失败于某事
123.fail insth/fail todosth沉溺于某事
1.indulge oneselfinsth/doingsth他沉溺于他的环球旅行eg.He indulgedhimself intraveling allover theworld./某人被牵涉进某事中
5.sb be involved insth我不想搅和进他们的争吵中eg.I dontwant tobeinvolvedin theirquarrel./全神贯注做某事
126.concentrate onsth/doingsth决定
127.decide onsth他们已经决定了出游的日期eg.They havedecided onthe datefor theirouting./节约
128.economize onsth我们应该节约各种能源eg.We shouldeconomize onall kindsof energy./开始着手做某事
129.embark onsth给某人动手术
130.operate onsb就某事进行投票选择,赞成/反对
131.vote onsthforsb/against sb达到
132.amount to吸引某人
133.appeal tosb鲜艳的颜色总是很吸引年轻女孩eg.The brightcolors alwaysappeal to the younggirls./依恋于,依附于
134.attach to把某人限定在一个范围内
135.confine sbto妈妈把调皮的儿子关在房间里eg.The motherconfined hernaughty sontotheroom./负责准备
136.see to今天轮到谁做饭了?eg.Whose turnto seetothedinner today/屈服于,投降于
137.surrender oneselfto屈服
138.yield to
140.hope forsth
142.cope with规劝某人
143.reason withsb我尽力说服他,但是他太固执了eg.I havetried toreason withhim,but heis toostubborn./
146.be keenonsth对.......热衷
150.be sensitiveto对.......感到敏感./那个小女孩对阳光彳艮敏感eg.The littlegirl isvery sensitivetothesunshine月艮从于
151.be obedientto152上e harmfulto对.......有害有能力做某事
153.be capableof doingsth独立于/依赖于
154.be independentof sth/be dependentonsth