3.100Dear Mr.Wang,Wersquo;re so pleased that you arewilling toshare ourviews.In thecourse ofthe generalrevision,what we need issolid foundation.范文One possibleversionDear Mr.Wang,We8irsquo;re sopleased thatyou arewilling toshare ourviews.In thecourse ofthe generalrevision,what we need issolid foundation.As youknow,we didnrsquo;t learnwell enoughin thefirst twoyears,sopleaseslow downand makesurewe havereally masteredsomething.Besides,weneeda littlemore timeto thinkforourselves.As forthose importantpoints whichalso makeus confused,would youpleasegive usmore practicein casewe forgetMeanwhile,weneedyour instruction,forexample,in howto writein naturalEnglish.I stillhave anotherrequest:assign uslesshomework inorder that we cando itmore efficiently.;By theway weoften feelfrustrated,which hasa verybad effecton ourstudy.Wewould appreciateit ifyou wouldgive ussome encouragementfrom timeto time.依据/根据
1.According to我可以吗?
2.Am Iallowed to就我而言
3.As faras Iam concerned实际上
4.As matterof fact、据我说知
5.As faras Iknow、正如我刚才所提到的
6.As Ijust mentioned在我看来
7.As Isee itJ尽可能
8.As aspossible众所周知
9.As isknown tous all只要lOAs longas若不是因为
10.But for()、你相信吗
12.Can youbelieve that、你能想像吗
13.Can youimagine、你能解释一下吗
14.Could youplease explain、难道我们不能吗15Can#39;twe、能否请你帮我一个忙
16.Could youdo mea favora nd你知道吗
17.Do youby anychance know你喜欢(做事)吗
18.Do youenjoy doing你知道吗
19.Do youhappen tokow你有没有的好办法
20.Do youhave anygood waysto你知道吗
21.Did youknow that你知道是否
22.Do youknow if/whether如果你是否介意
23.Do/Would youmind doing()你有没有意识到
24.Do yourealize that你认为可能吗
25.Do youthink itis possibleto你认为有必要吗
26.Do youthink itis necessaryto、没有道理/没有意思/不清楚
27.doesn#39;t makesense不要害怕
28.Don#39;t beafraid of另(把当成理所当然
29.Don#39;t takeit forgranted thatJ不要浪费时间(做事)
30.Don#39;t wasttime doing、、难道你不觉得、、、、吗
31.Don#39;tyouthink that请原谅我
32.Excuse mefor、、一方面另一方面、
33.For onething Foranother在我看来
34.From mypoint ofview从我的立场来说
35.From whereI stand总的来说
36.Generally speaking、、—就(侄!装句型)
37.Hardly whenJ你有没有考虑过(做事)
38.Have youconsidered doing你决定好了吗
39.Have youdecided你曾去过吗
40.Have youever beento本文来源网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!。