1.many peopledo notdoubt thata issuperior tob,while othersthink quitedifferentlyon theissue of.personally,i standon theside ofa.
2.some peoplesay a,other peopleargue b.in aword,.but i cannot agreethispoint ofview formany reasons.
3.there aredifferent viewsconcerning thistopic.some peoplelike to choose a,some preferto choose b.personally,i preferb.i thinkb hasmore advantages.
4.from mypoint ofview,it ismore advisableto choosea thantochooseb.
5.despite thefact thatmost peopleprefer a,i wouldlike tochoosebbecause thefollowing reasons.
6.in generali preferto.z
7.as faras i am concerned,i wouldlike to prefer.
8.when itcomes to,most peopletend tobelieve a.but othersconsider b as
9.when askedabout,the vastmajority ofpeople wouldsupport thata.but othersregardbas.
10.at therisk ofaddress theissue toodirect,i prefera because i think that.
11.when askedabout,many peoplegive theiropinions that,but otherpeople mayseedifferently.
12.when facedwith,quite afew wouldclaim that,but others,in contrast,deem as.
13.when inquiredabout,the vastmajority ofpeople wouldlike to,but otherpeople,who holdan oppositeview,consider as.
14.when ismentioned,most peoplebelieve that,but otherpeoplewould ratherthink as.
15.while many people maystick tome idea that,iwould liketoprefer.
1.one ofthe greatestwriters oncesaid that.now,it stillhas itssignificant realisticvalue.
2.i wouldfollow thereasoning that.
3.many peopleadvocate that.they claim that.my opinionis thesame astheirs inthefollowingreasons.
4.i totallyagree with the statement that.the reasonsare presentedbelow.
5.after ponderingthis questionon manyoccasions,i finallyreached theconclusionthat issomething worthyto doand i cannot skipit.
6.my argumentsfor pointare listedas follows.
7.i agreewith theabove statementbecause.
8.nowhere in the worldhas theissue ofbeen somuch debatedlike inoursociety.
9.i agreewith the statementthatwithout reservationbecause.
10.thinking logicallyi can only say that thetitle statementis validbecause.z
11.i fullysupport thestatement abovebecauseiam very sure that.
12.some mayhold the opinion thataaa.but othershave anegative attitude.as farasiamconcerned,i agreethat.
13.many onehave theidea thataaa.however,many othersdisagree withthisargument.but bothside ofthe problemwhether aresupported bygood reasons.
14.recently,it hasbeen muchdebated overthe problemof aaa.those whoobjectto aaaannounce that.but those who favoraaa uttera sonorousvoice that.
15.recently,there isvehement discussionon theissue of.those whocriticize arguethat.theyclaim that.but peoplewho firmlyadvocate,on theother hand,argue that.
16.there is a much-debated problemtoday about.thosewhoobject toargue that.they areverysureabout.but peoplewho prefer,on theother hand,claimthat.b.disagree
1.until recently,was viewedas.but peopleare takinga freshlook atit.
2.recently,we oftenhear about.but isit
3.these days,it isoften heardabout.but isthis reallythe truth
4.i feelsuch anattitude isnegative,and that it canbring.
5.some peopleargue asif it isageneral truththat.but tobe frank,i cannot agreewith themfor theflowing reasons.
6.despite thefact thatmany peoplebelieve that,i doubt whether theargument canbearmuch analysis.
7.although some people holdtheopinionthat,i wonderwhether theargumentcould bearclose examination.
8.inthenationwide,discussion,manypeopleargue that.but ican saynothing but.
9.advocates ofaaa proclaimthat,but i.
10.until recently,was regardedas.but.
11.somepeoplethinkthat,but idisagree withthis opinionfor numerousreasons,as presentedbelow.
12.now,it isincreasingly mentionedthat.such peoplethink.but icanonlycastdoubt onwhether.
13.now,it iswidely believedthat.these peoplethink.but iwonder if
14.icannot totally theideathat.because,in mypoint ofview,i believe.
15.as amatter offact,i supportthat,but icannotagreewiththetitle statement.
16.nowadays,it iswidely heldthat.people ofthis kindthink.but idoubtwhether.结尾句:
1.taking intoaccount ofall thesefactors,we mayreach theconclusion that.
2.all reliableevidences pointto onesaying,that is.
3.for thereasons presentedabove,i stronglycommit tothe notionthat.
4.while it is truethat,i thinkthat.
5.given thefactors ihave justoutlined,icanonly saythat.
6.this isnottosaythat.but interms of,itis.
7.therefore,itiseasy todraw theconclusion that.
8.recognizing thefact thatshould driveus toconclude that.
9.to putall intoa nutshell,i.
10.in aword,i supportthestatementthatitis betterto becausegood stuff!wonder whythere areso fewhits.本文来源网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!。