年老人与海读后感英文版2024老人与海读后感英文版认真读完一本名著后,想必你一定有很多值得分享的心得,此时需要认真思考读后感如何写了哦可能你现在毫无头绪吧,以下是我整理的老人与海读后感英文版(精选篇),欢迎阅读,希3望大家能够喜欢老人与海读后感英文版篇1The old man and the seacreates aclassic imageof atough guy.Santiago,an oldfishermanin Cuba,went outto seaalone andcaught a huge Marlinafter84days ofnothing.This isa big fish twofeet longerthan hisboat that the old man hasnever seenorheard of.The fishis strongand draggingWhydidnt Hemingwaylet the old manwin in the endIn thewords of the old man inthenovel,a manis notborn tobe defeated,a mancan be destroyed,but hecant bedefeated.This isthe philosophyof the old manand the sea.Theres nodenying that aslong asits human,its flawed.When aperson admitsthis defectand triesto overcomeitinstead ofsuccumbing to it,whether hecan finallyovercome his own defect,he isawinner,because hehas overcomehisowncompromise on the defect,he isthe winnerofhis owncourage and confidence.The old fisherman isthe winnerwho daresto challengehisown defectsand courageand confidence.From theperspective ofworldly viewofvictory,the old fisherman is not thefinal winner,because althoughhe defeatedthe greatMarlinat first,the greatMarlin wasfinally eatenby the sharks.He justreturned to theshore with the whitebone shelfof the great marlin,that isto say,the sharksare thewinners.However,in theeyes ofidealists,the oldfisherman isthe winner,because hehasnever beentothesea,not tothegreatmarlin,not tothe sharkcompromise andsurrender.As musicmaster Beethovensaid,I can be destroyed,but Icant beconquered..Human natureis strong,and humanbeings havetheir ownlimits,but itis preciselybecausepeople likethe oldfishermen challengethe limitsagain and again,and surpassthemthat the limits areexpanded againand again,placing greaterchallenges in front ofhumanbeings.In thissense,such heroesas the oldfishermanSantiago,whether theychallengethelimitof successor failure,are worthyof oureternal respect.Because whathe bringsus isthe mostnoble confidenceof humanbeings!老人与海读后感英文版篇2Reading thebook the old manand thesea,I wasdeeply movedby thespirit of theold fishermanin thebook!He letme knowthataperson musthave perseverancetosucceed!This bookdescribes anoldfishermanwho hasa spiritof notsaying defeat.Althoughhe didntcatch afish in84days,he stillhad hopeandconfidenceevery day.He believedthathe couldcatch fish.So hemade along voyage.I admirethis oldfisherman verymuch.Think aboutmyself.Sometimes whenI dosomething andencounter alittle setback,Iwant to give up.But withthe encouragementof myparents,I persisted.During thelong voyage,he meta hugemarlin.After threedays ofhard fighting,though hishand wascramped againand again,he grabbedthe fishingrod ashard ashecould;though hishand wasmarked withblood marksby the fishing line,he continuedtoinsist andfinally caughtthe fish.When Iread this,I thoughtof thatclimbing.When I washalfway upthe mountain,Iwastoo tired.I felltwice onthe road,and myhand wascut bythethorns onthe side of the road.I wantedtogive up for a timeand didntwant toclimbany more.But mymother encouragedme tosay,the goalis rightinfrontof myeyes,and I will be atthe top ofthe mountain.If Igiveupnow,it willbe afailure!So Ibracedup andfinally reachedthetopofthemountain!The old man tiedthefishto onesideofthe boat,but in the processof returning,thesharks in theseafound the marlin withthe smellof blood.Many sharksattacked againandagain.The oldman foughtwiththesharks forwisdom andcourage againandagain.Finally,the oldman stoodout andbrought the bigfishback tothe fishingport.Compared withthe oldfisherman,my littledifficulty is nothing.As long as Istick to it andneversay die,I willsucceed!I knowthat inmy laterlife andstudy,I willalso encountermany difficulties,but aslongas Ibravely meetthe challengeswith aconfidence,Iwillalways be a realwinner!老人与海读后感英文版篇3A manisnotborn tobe defeated.He canbe destroyed,but hecannot be defeated..This isa veryinfluential sentenceinthe oldmanand thesea.It is also a perfectinterpretation givenby Hemingwayto hisoldmanSantiago.The oldfisherman driftedinthesea withoutany harvestfor84days,and finallycaughtahugemarlin.After twodays andtwo nightsof struggle,the oldman finallykilledthe bigguy.But onthe wayback,thebigfish unfortunatelyattracted sharks.So afteranotherdeadly fight,the oldman cameback tothe shoreexhausted,but thegiant marlinwasonly askeleton bittenby theshark.Although Hemingwaydidnt givethe storyaperfectending,he depictedtheunyielding qualityofthespiritual strongfor thereaders.A manisnotborn tobedefeated.He canbedestroyed,but hecannot bedefeated..This istheoldmans beliefand thethought expressedintheoldmanand thesea.Whenone strivesforagoal ontheroad of life,he oftenencounters manysetbacks,just liketheold manstruggling withthesharkin orderto bringback themarlin.Many peopleareoften afraidof sufferingand succumbtoit,and makethemselves submittoit.But the oldman didnt,and kepton fighting.Although theoldmanfailed inthe end-themarlinwaseaten upby sharks,theoldman wasa unbeatenloser.He neversuccumbed inspirit oraction.Failure isnot terrible.Who hasntfailed inlife Someonewill givein tofate infailure,andtheold willgrow upin failure.The oldmans imageof hecanbeeliminated,but hecant bedefeated isfully reflectedin him,and peoplecant helpbut havedeepadmiration fortheoldman.Return toreality fromtheoldman.In reality,we areoften thesame astheoldman.When weencounter sucha setback,sometimes itisalsoa waveof upsand downs.However,now isnot thetime tothink aboutwhat ismissing.Think aboutwhat youcando withwhat youhave..The differencebetween theweak andthe strongis fullyreflectedin it.If wewant tobeastrong manontheroadoflife,we mustbe liketheoldman,who willnot bedefeated.Life isa constantpursuit,its roadis longand rough.But aslongaswe canfightbravely,we willbeawinner forever!本文来源网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!。