(一)I believethat oneof thefactors thatmakes apiece ofliterature oreven amovie amasterpieceis howwell thereader canrelate to the story.This isdefinitely abook everyonecanrelate to.The Adventuresof Tom Sawyer is a literarymasterpieces,written in1876by thefamousauthor MarkTwain.Tom Sawyeris amischievous youngboy wholives in the smalltown ontheMississippi Rivercalled St.Petersburg.The storyline issimple,the bookreads likeabiography ora memoirof asummer inTom Sawyer#39;s life.Tom Sawyerseems to be theprecursor ofand thetemplate formisfit kidssuch as;Dennis theMenace Malcolmin theMiddle,and Calvinand Hobbs.What makesthis storygreatis thatTom Sawyerrepresents everythingthat isgreat aboutchildhood.The book isfilled withTom#39;s adventuresplaying piratesand warwith hisfriend JoeHarper.Tomhas atrusted friend,Huck Finn,who fewof theadults approveof.The bookis filled withideas ofhow theworld works,such ashow piratesand robberswork,that areso innocent,they couldonly comefrom achild.It isa storyfilledwithaction,adventure,ingenious ideas,love,and schoolyardpolitics.The wholestory isseemingly acomplication ofwhat peopledidor wishthey didduring theirchildhood.The bookisalittle difficultto readat first.Personally,it takesme alittle whileto getusedtothe19th centurydialect in the book.Other thanreferring topersons ofAfricandecent inderogatory termswhich I#39;m sureuses termseven youngchildren alreadyknow,the bookwould bean enjoyableread forpeople ofall ages.I highlyrecommend thisbookfor anyonelooking tofeel youngagain,if justfor a few hundredpages.英语名著读后感1000字二I#39;ve readthis twice.The firsttime Irushed throughit justto findout whowas thevictim.Yeah.Wasn#39;t reallysurprised aboutthat.I#39;m sureafewpeople arethinkingit wasa seriousmistake tooff ourlamented victim,but honestly,I wasn#39;treally enthusedat havingto slogthrough thisbook.I understandthat this is coveringthe adolescentyears ofyoung Mr.Potter,but thewholeteenage angstthing cameout ofnowhere.There should#39;ve beensome hintsasfar backas Chamberbut instead,we havefour yearsof pent-up hormonescome floodingoutof thepage.It isoverwhelming attimes,a feelingmade worsewhen yourealize thattherewasn#39;t abig plot;if anything,this waswritten partiallyfor contract,partially tocontinuethe storyI,personally,could havelived withoutthe wholeHagrid/Grawp subplot,not to mention50%of DoloresUmbridge,who herselfis partpun,part metaphor,yetneither partreally doesanything butmake onegroan oButone thingtobesaid,there isgrowing tensionand suspenseinthebook,which iswrittenand intended-if weremember fora moment and thinkperhaps somewhatna-iv-ely—for young adults andnot thoseof uswith seasonedpalates.This iswhy thebookdeserves ahigh rating;tome—and tomany individualsover theage of,say.16—this isn#39;ta great novel.But itis anexcellent novelfor theyoungadultcrowd andanyone who wantsa mystery/fantasy/pseudo-thriller withcharacters whoare reachingthegenesis of their development.We maynot likethe personHarry becomesor thebrowbeatingattitude ofUmbridge orRon#39;s jealousyrearing itshead atodd turns,butit isa realisticportrayal ofadolescent confusionand angst,ofthetendency forsomeindividuals intoday#39;s societyto repreinformationand punishanyonewhotries toresistthe system.Yes,thisisa heavy-handed statement,but thisbookisa metaphoras muchas itis afantasy.Remember,the HarryPotter seriesis desginedas anarc,so wenaturally havetohave thestage setfor thefinal twobooks inthe saga.Hardcore Potterfans willenjoy this.Anyone expectingagreatepic,however,will bedisappointedbecause oftheir misconceptions.英语名著读后感1000字
(三)I wasread thebook whichcalled“The Adventuresof TomSawyer Thisstory isaboutoa cleverboy calledTomSawyer.Tom isa naughtyboy,he doesnt likeschool andhe doesnt likework andhe neverwantsto getup inthe morning.But helike playinglike swimming,fishing andhavingadventures withhis friends.In thisstory heand hisfriend havea lotof adventures.Theseadventures canbe dangerous.One nightinthegraveyard heand Hucksee threemen.ThenTom andhis friendssaw amurder.Joey killedthe doctorand referredto Peter.Tom andhisfriends exposedJoey andcaught himand becamehero.I thinkTom isnaughty buthe issympathetic andupright,he isbrave hedoesn,t afraidofJoey andfull ofhis mindare wickedidea buthe isclever andoptimistic,he wanthisfriend workfor him,he makea lotof funnythings.〃This booklet meknow we need toThe roadsees rough,gone tobat toface difficultthingswe cant shrinkback andwe needto fightwith them.In thesame timeI knowif onlyhavea dreamhave pursuitand shouldtry our best to do it,we cant giveup easily.Itjust likein ourstudy lifewe needtodoourbest.When wehave problemweneedtoovercome itand getbetter scores.本文来源网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!。