年自编英语童话故事(精选篇)20249自编英语童话故事(精选篇)9在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都接触过英语童话故事吧以下是我精心整理的自编英语童话故事,欢迎大家分享自编英语童话故事篇1A manwas goingto thehouse ofsome richperson.As hewent alongthe road,hesaw abox ofgood applesat theside of the road.He said,I donot wantto eatthoseapples;for the rich manwill give me muchfood;he willgivemevery nicefood to eat.Then hetook the apples andthrew themaway into the dust.He wenton andcame toa river.The riverhad becomevery big;so hecould not goover it.He waitedfor sometime;then he said,I cannotgo to therichman#39;s housetoday,for Icannot getover theriver.He beganto gohome.He hadeaten nofood thatday.He beganto wantfood.Hecame to theapples,and he was gladto takethem out of thedust andeat them.Do notthrow goodthings away;you maybe gladto havethem atsome othertime.自编英语童话故事篇2The CityMouse and the CountryMouseOnce there were twomice.They werefriends.One mouselived in the country;theother mouselived in the city.After many years the Country mousesaw the City mouse;hesaid,Do come and see me at my housein thecountry.So theCity mouse went.TheCity mouse said,This foodis not good,and yourhouse isnotgood.Why doyou live in aholein thefield Youshould comeand livein the city.You wouldliveina nicehousemade ofstone.You wouldhave nicefood toeat.You mustcomeandseemeatmyhousein thecity.The Countrymousewent tothehouse of theCitymouse.It was a verygood house.Nice foodwas setready for them toeat.Butjust as they begantoeat they hearda greatnoise.The Citymouse cried,Run!Run!The catis coming!They ranaway quicklyand hid.After sometime theycame out.When theycame out,theCountrymousesaid,I donotlike living in thecity.I likelivinginmy holein thefield.For itis nicerto bepoor andhappy,than tobe richand afraid.自编英语童话故事篇3The OldCatAn old woman hada cat.The catwas veryold;she could not runquickly,and shecouldnot bite,because she was soold.One daythe oldcat sawa mouse;she jumpedandcaught themouse.But shecouldnot bite it;so themouse gotout of her mouthandran away,because the cat couldnotbiteit.Then theoldwomanbecame veryangry because the cathad notkilled themouse.She beganto hitthecat.The catsaid,Do nothit yourold servant.I haveworked foryou;for manyyears and I wouldwork foryou still,but Iam tooold.Do notbe unkindto theold,but rememberwhat goodwork theold didwhen they were young.自编英语童话故事篇4The littleprincess lovedto hearabout peoplewho werenot thesame asshewas.These peoplehave feetand did not livein the sea:they livedon land.She madehergrandmother tellher everythingshe knewabout ships,cities,and men.She wasverypleased when she heard that the flowers onland hada lovelysmell:theflowers in the seahad nosmell at all.She wasvery pleased,too,when she heardthatthe smallfishes in thesky couldsing.The oldlady wasspeaking aboutbirds,but shecalledthem fishesbecausethe little princessesdidnot know aboutbirds.When youarefifteen yearsold,you cango tothe top of the sea,their grandmothersaid.You willthensit at night andsee theships goby.And youwill knowabout citiesand men.The nextyear theoldest of the sisterswould befifteen.She wasvery happy,but theother sisters wereunhappy.They couldnotgo tothe top of thesea.The oldestsister saidthat she wouldtell themabout everythingthatshesaw.But noneof thesisters wanted to goso muchas theyoungest sisterwanted togo.On manynights shestood bythe openwindow,looking upthrough theblue water.Shecould seethe sunand itlooked very big toher.If aship wentby upthere,above her,shethought thatit mustbe averybigfish.The daynow camewhen theoldest ofthe princess was fifteen and couldgo tothetop ofthesea.When shecame backshe hadmany thingsto tell.自编英语童话故事篇5A hound,roaming in the forest,spied a lion.He thoughtthe lionmight bea goodpreyland chased,thinking hewould makea finequarry
2.Presently thelion perceivedthathewasbeing pursued,so,stopping short,he roundedon hispursuer andgave aloudroar.The houndimmediately turnedtail andfled.A fox,seeing himrunning away,jeered3at himand said,Ho!Ho!There goesthe cowardwho chasedalionand ranawaythe momentthe roared!One fineday inwinter someants werebusy dryingtheir store of corn,which hadgotrather dampduring along spellof rain.Presentlyl upcame agrasshopper2and beggedthemto spareher afew grains,For,she said,I#39;m simplystarving.The antsstoppedwork fora moment,though thiswas againsttheir principles.May weask,said they,whatyou weredoing withyourself alllast summerWhy didn#39;t youcollect astoreoffoodfor the winter Thefact is,replied thegrasshopper,I wasso busysinging thatIhadn#39;tthetime.If youspent thesummer singing,replied theants,you can#39;tdo betterthan spendthewinterdancing.And theychuckled3and wenton withtheirwork.自编英语童话故事篇6The thingwhich Iliked todo the most wasto lookata large city,she said.The citywasnear thesea andthereweremany lights.I heardpeople singingand menspeaking.Isaw bighouses andI heardbells ringing.And Iwantedtogo intothecity.The youngestprincess wantedto hearabout everythingagain.The nextnight whenshestood bythe openwindow andlooked upthrough thesea,she thoughtshe couldhearthe bellsringing.The nextyear anothersister becamefifteenandwenttothe topofthesea.She wentthere justasthesun wasgoing downin the sky atnight.This wasmore beautifulthan anyother thingI eversaw,she toldher sisterswhen shecame back.The skywas golden,andIcannot tellyou howbeautiful itwas.It wassoon timefor anothersister togotothetopofthesea.She wasthe bravestofthe six,and shewent upa river.She sawhills withwoods andhouses and sheheardthebirds singing.Many children were jumpingin the water.Then alittle dogran afterher.She becameafraid andwent back tothesea.Nothing canbe morebeautiful,she saidwhenshecamebackhome.I haveseenships onthe water:they wereso faraway thatthey lookedlike whitebirds.自编英语童话故事篇7Far outinthesea the water isvery,very blue.You cansee throughit likeglass.Fardown inthewaterthere arebeautiful treesand plants.These treesand plantsare sofarfrom thetopofthewaterthat noone cansee them.Fishes goin andoutofthe treesjustlike birds.This isthe placewhere the Sea King s cityis.The Sea King swife diedmanyyearsbefore,so hisold motherlooked afterhim.Sheloved theSea Kings sixchildren verymuch,and theyloved theirgrandmother,too.These sixchildrenwerebeautiful princesses.The youngestprincesswasthe mostbeautiful:her eyeswere asblue astheseaand herbody waswhite like a rose.But,like allhersisters,she hadno feet.The topofherbody waslikeagirl sbody;andtherest ofherbody waslike thebody ofa fish.The sixprincesses oftenplayed allday inthe bigrooms inside theSeaKings house.Beautiful flowersGREw outofthewalls onall sidesof them.When thewindows wereopened,fishes wouldgo intothe roomsjust likebirds comeinto ourrooms.But thefisheswere braverthan birdsThey wentup tothe littleprincesses toeat foodfromtheir hands.In frontoftheSeaKingshousethere wasalargegarden fullof redplants andblueplants.The flowersof theseplants werelike theburning sun.There wasa bluelight overthe garden;you wouldthink thatyou wereup inthesky-not downinthesea.Each ofthelittleprincesses hadher ownlittle gardeninsidethelargegarden.They couldplant theflowers,which theythemselves likedthemost.Theyoungest princessplanted redflowersinthegarden,andsheplanted ared treenear theflowers.She wasnot atall likehersisters.自编英语童话故事篇8An oxand adog serveforthesame farmer.One daythe dogarrogantlyl says:Howgrand Iam!In thedaytime,I watchout forthe cattleinthemeadows;atnight,I guardthehouse.But you...Me Howabout methe oxsaysYou canonly ploughor drawa cart,the dogslightly says.Yes.It#39;s true,the oxsays.But ifI don#39;t plough,what doyou guard自编英语童话故事篇9The gorillasinthevalleys inthe southoften livedtogether ingroups ofseveral tens.They werefond ofdrinking wine,and evenfonder ofimitating man#39;s behavior.People knewvery welltheir habitsand oftenput wineor distiller#39;s grainson theroadsidetogether withmany strawsandals connectedtogether withropes.The gorillasknew thiswasatrick toIure3them intotraps andcursed:Humph!Do youthinkwe don#39;tknowyour tricksWe#39;ll neverbe takenin!So theycalled oneanother,turned roundand left.But theyhad alreadysmelled thearoma ofthe wine,and couldn#39;t bearto partwithit.Even afterthey left,they wouldturn theirheads tolook back.When theysaw noonethere,they wouldturn back;and afterthey turnedback,theywereafraid ofbeing;deceived,and leftagain.After muchhesitations theyfinally saidto themselves:Just forataste ofthe wine.It won#39;t matteras longas wedon#39;t getdrunk.Shortly afterwards,they agreedto comebacktodrink thewine.When theygot drunk,they forgoteverything.Every gorillalput onthe strawsandals andimitated theway manwalks.As aresult,they felldown oneafter anotherand wereall caughtalive bypeople.本文来源网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!。