1.What canyou tell me aboutyourself这个问题并不是要你介绍你的简历,老师是希望你能通过T牛小事,了解你的处理方式,从而看出你的性格、优势,与哪位老师比较匹配等The followingis agood exampleof apositive response.In highschool Iwas involvedincompetitive sportsand Ialways triedto improvein eachsport Iparticipated in.As acollegestudent Iworked ina clothingstore part-time andfound thatI couldsell thingseasily.The salewas important,but for me,it waseven moreimportant tomake surethatthe customerwas satisfied.It wasnot longbefore customerscame backto thestore andspecificallyasked forme to help them.I#39;m verycompetitive andit meansa lotto meto be the best.
2.What isyour greateststrength这个问题是想要了解你对你的专业、对你的学校,包括对以后的研究生生活的自信程度,让他们看到你作为研究生的优势I feelthat mystrongest assetis myability tostick tothings toget themdone.I feelareal senseof accomplishmentwhen Ifinish ajob andit turnsout justas I#39;d planned.I#39;ve setsome highgoals for myself.For example,I wantto graduatewith highestdistinction.And even though Ihad aslow startin myfreshman year,I madeup forit bydoingan honor#39;s thesis.
3.What wouldyou liketobedoing fiveyears aftergraduation毕业五年之后的规划,这个问题你可以通过与学长学姐聊天或者同其他已经毕业的学生交流看看他们的做法,结合自身的优势,给出你的回答I hopeto domy bestI canbe atmy joband becausemany in this lineof workarepromoted toarea manager,I amplanning onthat also.
4.Why do you choosethis major为什么选择报考专业这个问题是老师比较喜欢的一个问题需要你表达自己对专业的喜欢,现在开始可以多查看相关的专业文章,对专业术语了解清楚,在复试中会有加分的机会I majorin InternationalTrade and have greatinterest init.International tradecurrentlybecome increasinglyimportant in the worldof globalization,and thosecompaniesdesirous tofile themselvesinto theinternational marketandhaveto confrontplentyof issues.Thus,corresponding emphasishave beenput onthese issuesinthis field.But duringmy collegestudy andinternship period,I havefound Ihave manyto study,soit isvery necessaryand urgentformeto graspfirmly andcomprehensively therelevantknowledge ofinternational trade.That is why Ichose thismajor.Now Ilook forwardtoenriching myscope inthisfieldin our university.
5.Why do you change your major为什么跨专业这是跨专业考研同学几乎必背的一个问题,多说报考专业的未来发展,少说原专业不合适(报考专业)报考方向I showkeen interestin thestudies,in particular,eventhoughmy原专业.原专业major isYou mightask mewhy well,let#39;s tellyou likethis.are tooz原专业abstract,full ofterms,far awayfrom thereal world.I don#39;t meanthat is报考专业useless.But studiesseem morechallenging,and promisingformyfuture career.相关行业专业人士My planis likethis:start mywork ina firmand workas aso thatI cantrymy besttohelpthe clients,who they#39;re andwhere they#39;re from,whetherthey#39;re richor poor.That#39;swhyI madeup mymind tochange mymajor andappliedfor thislaw school.英语口语常见问题总结
1.Where doyou comefrom
2.What kind of landscapesurrounds yourhometown
3.What doyou doduring theSpring Festival
4.Tell mesomething aboutthe customsof yourhometowno
5.Could youtellmesomething aboutyour family
6.What socialresponsibilities shoulda post-graduate take
7.Which kindof professordoyou like best
8.What doesfriendship meanto youand whatkindofpeople doyou makefriendwith
9.What isyour majorHow doyoulikeyour major
10.When andwhere didyou graduateWhat qualificationshave youobtained
11.What impressedyou mostwhen youwere atuniversity
12.What isthebestuniversity in your opinion
13.Do you think thesubjects youare studyingtoday arerelevant topresent-daysociety Why
14.What doyou dofor aliving
15.What areyour jobprospects
16.If youhad theopportunity tochangeyoursubject,what wouldyou dowith it
17.What areyour sparetime interests
18.Where haveyou beentraveling toWhich placeinterested youmost
19.What kindof differencesinthesystem ofhigher educationbetween Chinaandother countries
20.Do youthink youwill beable tocope withEnglish-demands ofyour intendedstudyprogram
21.What difficultiesdoyouthink you#39;ll encounterin yourstudies
22.Why didyou chooseouruniversity
23.If therewere anopportunity ofstudying abroad,what wouldyou do;
24.Should youstudy moretheory ordo morepractice Giveyour reasonsplease
025.What doyou intendto doafter youfinish studying
26.How seriousis unemploymentamong youngpeople andwhat willyou doif youcannotfind ajob aftergraduation
27.In youropinion,what arethe mostserious problemsassociated withmodern life
28.What doyouthinkhave beenthe mostimportant changesinyourstudy fieldoverthe past5years
29.How doyou affordyour tuition
30.Does yourfamily supportyour decisionon studyingWhat helpdo theyoffer本文来源网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!。