2024年英语六级听力模拟题英语六级听力模拟题英语六级考试的主要对象是高等学校修完大学英语四级的本科生下面是我整理的英语六级听力试题,希望能帮到大家!Section ADirections:In thissection,you willhear8short conversationsand2longconversations.At theend ofeach conversation,one or more questionswill beaskedabout whatwas said.Both theconversation andthe questionswill bespoken onlyonce.After eachquestion therewill bea pause.During thepause,you mustread thefourchoices markedA,B,Cand D,and decidewhich is the bestanswer.Then markthecorresponding letteron AnswerSheet1with asingle linethrough thecentre.
1.A Themans tennisracket is good enough.B Theman shouldget apair ofnew shoes.C She can waitfor the man for a littlewhile.D Physicalexercise helpsher stayin shape.
2.A Thewoman willskip Dr.Smiths lectureto helpthe man.B Kathyis verypleased toattend thelecture byDr.Smith.C Thewoman isgood atdoing labdemonstrations.D Theman willdo allhecando assistthe woman.
3.A Thewoman askedthemanto accompanyher to the party.B Stevebecame richsoon aftergraduation fromcollege.C Steveinvited hisclassmates tovisit hisbig cottage.D Thespeakers andSteve usedto beclassmates.
4.A Ina bus.B Ina clinic.C Ina boat.D Ina plane.
6.A Shedoes notlike Johnat all.B Johnhas gotmany admirers.C Shedoes notthink Johnis handsome.D Johnhas justgot abachelors degree.
7.A Hehas beenbumping alongfor hours.B Hehas gota sharppain in the neck.C Heis involved in aserious accident.D Heis trappedin aterrible trafficjam.
8.A Sheisgoodat repairingthings.B Sheis aprofessional mechanic.C Sheshould improveher physicalcondition.D Shecannot gowithout awashing machine.Questions9to11are basedon theconversation youhave justheard.
9.A Somewitnesses failedto appearin court.B Thecase causeddebate amongthe public.C Theaccused wasfound guiltyof stealing.D Theaccused refusedto pleadguilty incourt
10.A Hewas outof hismind.B Hewas unemployed.C Hiswife desertedhim.D Hischildren weresick.
11.A Hehad beenin jailbefore.B Hewas unworthyof sympathy.C Hewas unlikelyto getemployed.D Hehad committedthe samesort ofcrime.Questions12to15are basedon theconversation youhave justheard.
12.A Irresponsible.B Unsatisfactory.C Aggressive.D Conservative.
13.A Internalcommunication.B Distributionof brochures.C Publicrelations.D Productdesign.
14.A Placingadvertisements in the tradepress.B Drawingsketches foradvertisements.C Advertisinginthenational press.D Makingtelevision commercials.
15.A Shehas themotivation todo thejob.B Sheis notso easyto getalong with.C Sheknows thetricks ofadvertising.D Sheis notsuitable forthe position.Section BPassage OneQuestions16to18are basedon theconversation youhave justheard.
16.A Thecozy communallife.B Innovativeacademic programs.C Thecultural diversity.D Impressiveschool buildings.
17.A Itis verybeneficial totheir academicprogress.B Ithelps themsoak upthe surroundingculture.C Itis asimportant astheir learningexperience.D Itensures theirphysical andmental health.
18.A Itoffers themost challengingacademic programs.B Ithas theworlds best-known militaryacademies.C It provides numerousoptions forstudents.D Itdraws facultyfrom allaround theworld.Passage TwoQuestions19to21are basedon thepassage youhave justheard.
19.A Theytry togive studentsopportunities forexperimentation.B Theyare responsiblemerely totheir Ministryof Education.C Theystrive to develop everystudents academicpotential.D Theyensure thatall studentsget roughlyequal attention.
20.A Itwill arriveat Boulogneat halfpast two.B Itcrosses theEnglish Channeltwice aday.C Itis nowabout halfway tothe Frenchcoast.D Itis leavingFolkestone inabout fiveminutes
21.A Oppositethe shipsoffice.B Atthe rearof Bdeck.C Nexttotheduty-free shop.D Inthe frontof Adeck.Passage ThreeQuestions22to25are basedon thepassage youhave justheard.
22.A Itisthesole useof passengerstravelling withcars.B Itis muchmore spaciousthan thelounge onC deck.C Itis forthe useof passengerstravelling withchildren.D Itis forsenior passengersand peoplewith VIPcards.
23.A Itwas namedafter itslocation.B Itwas namedafter acave artexpert.C Itwas namedafter itsdiscoverer.D Itwas namedafter oneof itspainters.
24.A Animalpainting waspart of the spirituallife of the time.B Deerwere worshipedby theancient Cro-Magnon people.C Cro-Magnon peoplepainted animalsthey huntedand ate.D Theywere believedto keepevils awayfrom cavedwellers.
25.A Theyknow littleabout whythe paintingswere created.B Theyhave difficultytelling whenthe paintingswere done.C Theyare unableto drawsuch interestingand finepaintings.D Theyhave misinterpretedthe meaningofthecave paints.Section CIfyou areattending alocal college,especially onewithout residencehalls,youllprobably liveat homeand commuteto classes.This arrangementhas alot of_26_Itscheaper.Itprovidesa comfortableand familiarsetting,and itmeans youllget thekindof homecooking youre usedto insteadofthemonotony单调that_27_even thebestinstitutional food.However,commuting studentsneed to_28_to becomeinvolvedinthe lifeof theircollegeand totake specialsteps tomeet theirfellow students.Often,this meansacertain amountof initiativeon yourpart in_29_and talkingto peoplein yourclasseswhom youthink you might like.One problemthat commutingstudents sometimesface istheir parentsunwillingnessto recognizethat theyreadults.The_30_from highschool tocollege isabig one,and if you liveat homeyou needtodevelopthe samekind ofindependenceyoud haveifyouwere livingaway.Home rulesthat mighthave been_31_when youwerein highschool dontapply.If yourparents are_32_to renegotiate,you canspeedthe processalong byletting yourbehavior showthat youhave theresponsibility thatgoeswith maturity.Parents aremore willingto_33_their childrenas adultswhen theybehave likeadults.If,however,theres somuch frictionat homethat it_34_your academicwork,youmightwant toconsider sharingan apartmentwith oneormorefriends.Sometimesthis isa happysolution whenfamily_35_make eneryonemiserable.宏景口••
1.A Theymight bestolen goods.
2.C Theyare newsreporters.
3.D Theman wentto changethe timeof hiscomputer class.
4.B Thefifth contestantwon thebiggest prize
5.B Lookingforarailway timetable.
6.D Hehad hishaircut yesterday.
7.A Hecannot appreciatethe Picassoexhibition
8.D Hehas beenlong involvedin studentgovernmentLong ConversationOne
9.B Somethingwent wrongwith hercar.
10.D Cost
11.A Third-party insurance.Long ConversationTwo
12.C Whereto locatetheir plant.
13.D Theirbasic facilitiesare good.
14.A Tryto avoidmaking ahasty decision.
15.C Roadand raillinks forsmall towns.PassageOne
16.A Onefifth ofthem wereon badterms withtheir sistersand brothers.
17.C Advancein age.
18.B Theytend toforget pastunhappy memoriesand focuson theirpresent needs.Passage Two
19.C Theyare theonly insectthat migratesalong fixedroutes.
20.D Ina Mexicanmountain forest.
21.C Eachgenerationin acycle layseggs ata differentplace.
22.C Migrationpatterns ofmonarch butterflies.Passage Three
23.A.Time hasbecomes morelimited.
24.B Americanstoday havemore freetime thanearlier generations.
25.D Ourbehavior ischanged.SectionC
26.taking intoconsideration
34.inthewake of