年英语励志文章2024英语励志文章英语励志文章1A NewDayThe sunhas begunto setand Ihang upthe smiler veworn allday,though I will makesureit is the firstthing Iput backon in the morningjust incase it isthat day.0I wantherto seeme atmy verybest.I dothe normalroutine,eat dinner,dean thehouse,write—the usualstuff.And then Ilay downhoping tofall asleepquickly somy new day willhurry upand arrive.A newdaywith abrand newsun.But as I laythere andwait for the worldto turnhalf wayaround,!think abouther.And sometimes I smileand sometimesthat smilewill turnintozasnicker and then oftenthat snickerwill turninto aburst oflaughter.zAnd thenthere aretimesIget thatlump inmy throatand thattight feelingin mychest,and sometimesthat feelingoverwhelms meand beginsto turninto atear,andoften thattear multipliesitself and I canno longerfight thefeeling and I losethe battle.Then somehowthrough eitherthe joyorthesadness Idrift andfind myselfasleep.Thenthe dreamsbegin andkeep mepany untilmy newday arrives.When Iawake it s withsuch excitement because Itell myselfthis couldbe the daythat everyother dayhas ledup toand thefirst dayof therest ofmy life.I quicklydon mysmilebecause Ido sowant herto seeme atmy verybest.Then Ilook out the windowbecause,even though I knowit sdawn,I stillhave toconfirm Fve beengiven anotherchanceto find her.And thereitis...the sun,even whenitscloudy;somehow Istill see it.And itsmiles atmeandIsay“Thank you,andIsmile back.Then Iask myself,Is thistheday”And theexcitement rushesover meagain.Andthen Iask myselfWhere sit goingto beMaybe it II be at the waterfountain,and,unexpectedly,there FII find her尸nd muchmorethan mythirst will be quenched.MaybeitIIbeat thegrocery storeand theresheII appearas Fm pickingout fruit,and shezII showme thedifference betweenfresh andspoiled.Then,from thatmomentnothing thatI eatwill evertaste thesame becauseshe IIbringoutthesimplest beautiesin everythingI see,taste,smell,hear,or touch.Or maybetoday will be theday whenmy angelbrings anitemup to the cashregister withoutits pricetag.And asI waitbehind thisangel withallthe frustratedpeople whoare insuch ahurry with their busylives,!will findmyself withsuchblessed extratime.Just enoughtime tostart aconversation withthis beautifulvisionstanding infront ofme thatI mightnot otherwisehave noticed,but,because of a〃price checkon register5,I wasable tofindher.Thank youfor thesun,which beganmy newday.Thank youfor grantingme thefaithwhen Iarose thismorning thatI wouldfindherin thisnewday.But mostof all,thank youfor me nothaving toever waiton anothersunrise becausewhenever I want toseeit,Iwill lookat herand thereit shallalways be,in hereyes;she willforever holdit forme.She ismy sunrise,my dawn,my newday.Pinkie victoryover big hammerThe worldno.l salesmanwas askedto sharehis secretof successupon hisretirement.2,500salesmen cameto listento hisspeech.He seta verybig iron ball andabighammeron thestage.Then heasked,“Who canmove thisiron ball”one personin theaudience said,want totry.He wenton thestage andknocked atthe bigiron ballonce.It didn t budge.Then camemore men.The iron ball stilldidntmove.At thistime thespeaker said,“Now Iteach youthe secret/7He thenpoked theironball every5seconds byhis pinkieno matterhow theaudience reacted.The ironballbegan tomove alittle after40miutes.But theironballswung fiercelyafter50minutes.He thenasked,“Who canstop theironballon thestage”the peopledown thestageall saidit couldn7tbedone.The worldno.l salesmansaid,“This ismy secretofsuccess.I visitcustomers everydayuntil theygive in.you see they justcan tblock mewhenI succeed.英语励志文章2Dear LWhereAre YouEverythingabout myfuture wasambiguously assumed.I wouldget intodebt bygoingto college,thenIwould beforced to get ajob topay offthat debt,while stillgettinginto moreand moredebt bybuying ahouse anda car.It seemedlike anever-endingcycle thathad noplace forthe possibilityofadream.I wantmore一but notnecessarily in the materialsense ofpersonal wealthandsuccess.I wantmore out of life.I wanta passion,a conceptualdream thatwouldn tletme sleepout ofpure excitement.I want to springoutofbed inthe morning,rain orshine,and havethat zestfor life that seemedso intrinsicin earlychildhood.We allhave adream.It mightbe explicitlydefined orjust avague ideabut mostofzus areso stuckinthemuck ofinsecurity andself-doubt thatwe justdismiss itasunrealistic ortoo difficultto pursue.We beeso fortablewith thelifethathas beenplanned outfor usby ourparents,teachers,traditions,and societalnorms thatwe feelthat its stupidand unsafetorisk losingit forthe smallhope ofachieving somethingthat ismore fulfilling.“The policyof beingtoo cautiousisthegreatest riskof all.”^Jawaharlal NehruTakinga riskis stilla risk.We canand willfail.Possibly many manymanytimes.Butthat is what makesit excitingforme.That uncertaintycan beviewed negatively,or itcanempower us.Failing iswhat makes us grow,it makesus strongerand moreresilient to the aspectsoflife wehave nocontrol over.The fearof failure,although,iswhatmakesusstagnantand sad.So eventhoughIcouldnz tseethefuture asclearly asbefore,!took theplungein hopesthat inthe depthsof fearand failure,!would eout feelingmore alivethan everbefore.If youfeel lostjusttake adeep breathand realizethat beinglost canbe turningpointof findingout whoyou trulyare andwhat youtruly wantto do.z英语励志文章3What isyour directionindicator ofascended.One windyspring dayjobserved youngpeople havingfun usingthe windto flytheirkites.Multicolored creationsof varyingshapes andsizes filledthe skieslike beautifulbirdsdarting anddancing.As thestrong windsgusted against the kites,a stringkeptthem incheck.Instead ofblowing awaywiththe wind,they aroseagainst itto achievegreat heights.They shookand pulled,but therestraining stringandthecumbersome tailkept themintowjacing upwardand againstthewind.As thekites struggledand trembledagainst thestring,they seemedto say,Let mego!Let mego!Iwantto befree!They soaredbeautifullyeven as they foughtthe restrictionof thestring.Finally,one ofthe kitessucceededin breakingloose.Free atlast,it seemedto say.Free tofly withthewind.Yet freedomfrom restraintsimply putit atthe mercyof anunsympathetic breeze.Itfluttered ungracefullyto the ground andlanded ina tangledmass ofweeds andstringagainst adead bush.Free atlast“free tolie powerlessinthedirt,to beblownhelplessly alongtheground,and tolodge lifelessagainstthefirst obstruction.How muchlike kiteswe sometimesare.The Heavengives usadversity andrestrictions,rules tofollow fromwhich wecan growand gainstrength.Restraint isanecessary counterparttothewinds ofopposition.Some ofus tugattherules sohardthat wenever soarto reachthe heightswe mighthave obtained.We keeppart ofthemandment andnever risehigh enoughto getour tailsoff theground.Let useach risetothegreat heights/ecognizing thatsome ofthe restraintsthat wemaychafe underare actuallythe steadyingforce thathelps usascend andachieve.英语励志文章4Just fortodayJust fortoday I will try to livethrough thisday onlyand nottackle mywhole lifeproblemat once.I cando somethingfor twelvehours thatwould appallme ifI hadtokeep itup fora lifetime.Just fortoday I will behappy.This assumesto betrue whatAbraham Lincolnsaid,that Mostfolks areas happyastheymake uptheir mindsto be.Just fortoday I will adjustmyself towhat is,and nottrytoadjust everythingto myowndesires.I willtake myluck asit es.Just fortoday I will tryto strengthenmy mind.I willstudy.I willlearn somethinguseful.I will not bea mentalloafer.I willread somethingthat requireseffortthought andconcentration.Just fortoday Iwill exercisemy soulin threeways.Iwilldo somebodya goodturnand notget foundout:If anybodyknows ofitjt willnot count.Iwilldo atleast twothingsI dontwanttodo-just forexercise.Iwillnot showanyone thatmy feelingsare hurt:theymay behurt,but today Iwillnot showit.Just fortoday Iwillbeagreeable.Iwilllook aswell asI can,dress beingly,talk low,actcourteously,criticize notone bit,and trynot toimprove orregulate anybodybut myself.Just fortoday Iwill havea program,!may notfollow itexactly,but Iwill haveit.I willsavemyself fromtwo pests:hurry andindecision.Just fortoday Iwill havea quiethalf hourall bymyself andrelax.During thishalfhour,sometime]will trytogeta betterperspective ofmy life.Just fortodayIwillbeunafraid.Especially Iwillnotbe afraidto enjoywhat isbeautifuland tobelieve thatasIgive tothe worldso theworld willgive tome.z z本文来源网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!。