年英语日记范文「推荐」2024英语日记范文「推荐」忙碌而又充实的一天又过去了,相信你一定有很多值得分享的经验,不妨坐下来好好写写日记吧好的日记都具备一些什么特点呢?下面是我收集整理的英语日记范文「推荐」,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助英语日记范文「推荐」1zWhen someonedisagrees withyou oroffends you,don tlose yourtemper.WhyBecause it is ofno useto doso.You oughtto shouldbe patientand keepcalm lestyoushould quarrelwith him.You mustknow thatpatience is not cowardice,but avirtue.Ihope that everybody practicesit.In addition,patience willalso bringus suess.When youmeetwith difficultiesin yourwork,it isno uselosing heart.You mustkeep onfightinguntil tillthe final victory belongsto you.英语日记范文「推荐」2A manwho iscareful inchoosing friendswill certainlyderive benefitfrom them.WhyBecause there are more false friends than real ones in this world.To haveone realfriendsis better than ahundred falseones.Friends whoflatter youto yourface arenot truefriends.We must make friendswith thosewho havegood characterand kindnessof heart.On英语日记the otherhand,we shoulddo ourbest toa voidkeeping panywith badpeople.范文「推荐」3Both workand playare necessaryto us;the formergives usknowledge whilethelatter givesrest.An Englishproverb iswell said:Work whileyou workplay whileyouplay.It makesour lifepleasant,efficient andsuessful.Work is one thingand playisanother.It isof coursenot good to workall daylong.However,itis also notgood toplayall daylong.While youwork,you shouldwork inearnest.Then whileyou play,you willfeelmore relaxedand pleasant.That goeswithout saying.英语日记范文「推荐」4I likethe Chinesenew yearbetterthan any otherfestival.This is a timeespecially forrestand joy.I neednot study.I weargood clothesand eatgood food.I have a goodtimefrom morningtill night.To befrank withyou,I amas happyas aking.The Chinesenew yearlasts aslong asfifteen days.It givesus morepleasure thanwe比用来得好英语日记have imagined.After thatwe haveto mustresume ournormal work.范文「推荐」5When I was sixyears old,I beganto goto school.The firstschool whichI attendedwas a primaryschool.There weremany subjectswhich weretaught in the school,such asChinese,arithmetic,history,geography,drawing andso forth.Since Iwas becameastudent Istudied veryhard.My parentswere quiteproud ofme.After I had studiedthere forthree years,I entereda juniorhigh school.When Iwastwelve yearsold,I becamea studentof asenior highschool.I stillstudied veryhard.Except onsick leaveIwasnever absentfrom class.Everybody lookedupon meas amodelstudent.英语日记范文「推荐」6Though thepeople in the worldare allopposed towar,they canby nomeans avoidit.This isindeed aregrettable thing.War isvery terrible.Everybody hearsit withfear.In awar thousandsand thousandsoflives will be lostand alarge amountof money willbewasted.It bringsus untoldmiseriesand damage.To sumup,so longas waris unavoidable,human beingscannot enjoylasting peace.How tragicaltheir fateis!英语日记范文「推荐」7The zoois themost interestingplace that I haveever seenin mywhole life.It islike agardenwhich showsexhibits variouskinds of animals,birds andinsects.It isindeed agoodidea topay avisit to the zooduring schoolholidays.The moreyou lookat theanimals,the happieryou willbee.Of Amongall theanimals,the monkeyis monkeysarethe funniest.That smy opinion.Do youagree.英语日记范文「推荐」8There isnot ano thriftyman butbees arich mansooner orlater.Why Becausehewill notspend suchmoney asis unnecessary.Little bylittle hismoneywillaumulate.Ten;to onehe isbound tomake afortune.!do notlike suchmen asspend theirmoney inawrong way.They do not knowextravagance isa badthing.It canonly make them happyforthe timebeing.In short,thrift makespoor menrich andextravagance makesrich menpoor.英语日记范文「推荐」9A manwho iscareful inchoosing friendswill certainlyderive benefitfrom them.Why Becausethere aremorefalsefriendsthanrealonesinthisworld.To haveone realfriendsis betterthanahundred falseones.Friends whoflatter youto yourface arenottrue friends.We mustmake friendswith thosewho havegood characterand kindnessof heart.On英语日记the otherhand,we shoulddo ourbest toa voidkeeping panywith badpeople.范文「推荐」10WHERE THERE IS AWILL,THEREISA WAYThesecret of suess Thekey tosuess isnot somuch moneyasa strong will.A greatmanisonewho hasastrong will andan indomitablespirit.In otherwords,if aman doesnothaveastrongwillto winget thefinalvictory,he willnever sueed in hislife.He isnomore thana failure.lt isquite obviousthat thereisnodifficult thingnothing difficultinthe world,if youmake upyour mindto doit,you willcertainly aomplish your end.Thatstands toreason.英语日记范文「推荐」11Needless tosay,nothing butperseverance canlead aman tothe wayof suess.Inother words,a perseveringman neverdoes his work withoutsueeding init.This isindeedunchangeable truth.Our NationalFather,Dr.Sun Yat-Sen,is themost idealexample.Hewas devotedtotherevolution aboutforty years.He metwith manyfailures,but hewasanything butdiscouraged.As aresult,he won.The Republicof Chinawas born.英语日记范文「推荐」12If we have noknowledge,we cannotsueed indoing anywork.Why Becauseknowledgeis power.With knowledgewe haveconquered natureand inventedsteamers,trains andairplanes.We cansend messagesby telegram.We cantalk withour friendsbytelephone.As iswell known,we studentsare thefuture mastersof thenation.She Itneeds usverymuch.If wedo notmake effortsto acquireknowledge,how canwe renderservice toherit英语日记范文「推荐」13I donot knowthe reasonwhy somepeople wantto getup late.They willnever havetheopportunity toenjoy ofenjoying thefresh air and calmnessof themorning.This isindeeda quiteregrettable thing.To rise early isa good habit whichwe shouldcultivate.Why Becausethe besttime whenwe canpursue ourstudies isin themorning.Inaddition,early risingisalsogoodto our health.I hopethateverybodyour knowsthereason whywe mustriseearly.英语日记范文「推荐」14Not onlyis summera hotseason butalso diseasesare aptto happen.To usit isneitherfortable norsafe.If wedonotwish to get sick,we mustpay attentionto thefollowingsanitary waysin summer.Both freshairand clean foodare indispensabletous.We musttry ourbest toget obtain them.We shouldtake atleast onebath everyday.Don twear dirtyclothes.In conclusion,if we can carryout the above-mentioned rules,we willneither gettake/fall sicknor sufferpain.英语日记范文「推荐」15Everybody wisheshopes toget moneyso thathe canmaintain hislivelihood.Inother words,money isso usefulthat itis impossiblefor mankindto livewithout it.For this7reason,we havean interestingproverb.It saysMoney canmaketheworld goaround/In aword,money ismore powerfulthan anythingelse.However,money shouldnot bewasted.It mustbe usedfor someproper purposes.We youngmen shouldform thegoodhabitof notspending moneyin thewrong way.英语日记范文「推荐」16My motherisawoman ofthe oldschool.She istoo conservativeto keepup withthetimes.However,she isgood-natured andtreats othersincerely.For thisreason,all herneighborsare onlytoo gladpleased tomake friendswith her.They considerher amodelwoman.She isa typicalhousewife.She keepsthe herhouse neatandcleanand/z英语日looks afterus withextreme care.She oftensays tous Youcannot studytoo ard.z记范文「推荐」17It goeswithout sayingthat workwithout restwill doharm tohealth.In otherwords,we hadbetter takesufficient recreationto relaxafter work.There isno doubtthat therearea numberof amusements,such asplaying ball games,collecting stamps,fishing,gardening,skating andso on.As forto me,I takegreat delightin gardening.Whenever I am atleisure,Iam英语日记范文austomed togrowing flowers.I regardthem asmy mostagreeable panion.「推荐」18Dear X:We havenot seeneach otherfor along time.I missthink ofyou verymuch.I wishthat I hadwings andcould flyto yourhome.However,this isimpossible!Father Myfatherhas goneabroad oflate.If Ihad hadtime then,I wouldhave aompaniedhim.OnlyMother mymother andI areat homenow atpresent.We areleading livinga quietandhappy life.We lookas ifwe werefairies.I hopethatIcan hearfrom you very often.Sincerely yours.英语日记范文「推荐」19Dear X:We havenot seeneach otherfor along time.I missthink ofyouverymuch.I wishthatIhadwings andcould flyto yourhome.However,this isimpossible!Father Myfatherhas goneabroad oflate.If Ihad hadtime then,I wouldhave aompaniedhim.OnlyMother mymother andI areat homenow atpresent.We areleading livinga quietandhappy life.We lookas ifwe werefairies.I hopethatIcan hearfrom youvery often.Sincerely yours.英语日记范文「推荐」20No soonerhad thesummer vacationbegun thanI returnedto mynative town.Ofcourse Imustmakegood useof it;otherwise I would incurthe displeasureof myparents.In themorning Ireviewed mylessons andread newspapersor magazines.In theafternoonI playedballgameswith myfriends orwent fishingintheriver.At nightIn thenightI watchedtelevision withmy familythe membersof myfamily,hardly hadtheclock onthe wallstruck tenwhen Iwent tobed.英语日记范文「推荐」21Iwouldrather sufferhardships thanfail.In otherwords,to achievesuess ismy onlydesire.We allknow thattherearemany factorsofsuess.Now letme writedown themostimportant onesinthefollowing.Diligence—Foolish asa personis,he cansueedinhisworkif heworks hard.That一does notadmit of any doubt.Perseverance Whenyou fail,don tlose heart.Keep onworkinguntil youaomplishyouraim.Honesty—If youtell liesor doesnot keepyour words,no onewill relyon you.I wouldratherbe scoldedthan cheatothers.英语日记范文「推荐」22Education isthe verything thatwe wantto receive.Our parentssend usto schoolsoas toenable ustogetobtain knowledgeand achievegreat thingsinthefuture.Thefollowing are the dutiesofastudent whichwe shouldkeep inmind.In thefirst place,we shouldbe filialtoourparents andrespectful toour teacher.In thesecond place,wehaveto muststudy ashard aswecan.In thethird place,we mustnot telllies.Last ofall,we mustnot criticizeothers.To sumup,theabove-mentioned rulesarethevery dutiesofastudent.本文来源网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!。