①Unit1Section B3c范文How doI learn EnglishI thinkthe best way tolearnEnglish is touse it.Every morningI readEnglish aloudafter Iget up.I practicemy listeningskills bywatchingEnglish languagevideos.Every Friday afternoon Igo to the Englishclub topractice conversationswith friends.I think it helpsme withmy speakingskills.Oh,keeping adiary inEnglish is also helpful.In myfree time,I usuallylisten toEnglish songs.It alsohelps.Now I can singmany Englishsongs.What doyou thinkis thebestwayto learnEnglilshCanyou tellme
②Self CheckActivity2范文Xu Zhengis a middle school student.He wona prizefor hisessay aboutthe importanceof English.He likestaking notes,watching moviesandlistening topop songs.He findsthe pronunciationis difficult.And nativespeakers speak English tooquickly.He oftenlearns Englishby makingupconveersations andspeaking tofriends inEnglish.He thinksmost peoplespeakEnglishas asecond language.Englishisused around the worldforcomputers and also usedin science.Englilsh canhelp usunderstand manynew booksand movies.
③Unit2Section B3c作文范文My lifehas changed a lot.When Iwas inprimary school,I used to studyfour subjects,but nowI haveseven subjects.I usedto likemath,but nowIfind itso difficultfor me.I usedto liketests,but nowI hatethem.When Iwas young,there islittle homeworkevery day.So Ihad muchtimeto play.But nowI mamiddleschoolstudent.I haveto studyhard allday.©Self Check范文It seemsthat Yu Mei haschangedalot.She usedto beshort whenshe wasyounger,but nowshe ismuch taller.She usedto havelong,curlyhair,but nowshe hasshort,straight hair.She usedto playsoccer,but nowshe playstennis.YuMeiusedto be quietand serious,but nowshe isoutingand friendly.We alllike hervery much.We aregood friends.
⑦Unit5Section B3b范文Then weinterviewed someother neighbors.Everyone hadtheir ownideas.Chu familysaid,alast night,we foundfootsteps in the hallway.We thoughtit might be the neighbors,so wedidn,t mindit at all.〃Lao Zhengsaid,“I thoughtsomeone tryingto go get inthe windowwhen Iheard thenoise.But Icouldn,t findanyone.At last,I thoughtitmight bethewind.〃Xiao Ningsaid,“Each timewhen Iget home,Icanfind garbagein frontofmy house,so I thinkitmightbecats whichoften eatnear myhome.〃Unit6Section B3cMy favoritegreat bookis TheAdventure ofTom Sawyerby MarkTwain.Tom isthe heroof the story,but there are otherimportant characters.Huck isanoutsider andeveryone isafraid ofhim.Becky ispretty withfair hair,Joe isTom sbest friend,and InjunJoe isthe badman of thestory.The themeofthestory isabout childrengrowing up.It describeshow strangersare seenin smalltowns ofAmerica.Finally,it talksabout freedom,social rulesand howpeople arepunished forbad behavior.It isread andloved bypeople allover theworld today.Go on--------------------read it!I knowyou,11enjoy it,too.Self Check2Dear Lingling,Thanks foro,in gladI havetime towrite toyou.Each hashis ownfavorites;so doI.In myspare time,I like to enjoymusic thatis gentleand traditional.And Ialso loveto seesome Frenchfilms,which canbe goodfor myFrenchstudy.I reallywant tolearn someFrench,too.Unfortunately,I nisure thatit willkeep mehealthy.A healthybody isthe mostimportant,isn,t itYours,Pen palUnit7Section B3bDea.S.T.Zhang,I dlike youto travelto Dalian.Here arethe reasons.First,you canenjoy thefascinating sightson theseaside,and thenyou canenjoy swimmingandhiking.Second,there aredifferent kindsof hotelswhere theyprovide youwith foodthat youlike.If youdon,,you canrent alarge roomwitha kitchenso youcan cookmeals byyourselves.Since youhave aboutthree weeks.I suggestyou takea bus.Enjoy yourselves.Yours,Ace TravelSelf Check2Id1iketogo toa beautifulplace.Ithinki twouldbeParis.If Iwent there,I wouldvisit thefamous EiffelTower.T canal sorelax there,because thestreets ofParis areso beautifuland havemany zoos.So Ican gotothezoo andhavealook at the animals.Th trafficis heavy,butI cantake thesubway allthe timegogetaroundthecity andthe peoplethere arereally friendly.There areso manymuseums andtheatres thatIcan seeplays orshows onart atany time.Unit8Section B2Sally Brownisayoung womanwho wantstobea professional singer.As avolunteer,she singsatalocal hospitalto cheepup sickpeople andalsosings atschool.But aftershe ranout ofmoney forsinging lessons,she cameup withideas formaking money.She putup signsasking forsingingjobs andalso calledup parentsoffering singinglessons forchildren.Now shewill beable tocontinue herlessons andbecome aprofessionalsinger.Section4Dear Liz,dalsolike tohelp yousome morebecause Ihave someextra timeatthemoment.Perhaps Icould helpyou athome,or dosome workfor AnimalHelpers.‘I11call themone daysoon.Here ismy phonenumber:486-
3852.Please callme sowe canarrange atime forme tovisit.Best wishes,Ming LiUnit9Section B3bFrom pie plate toflying diskTheflying diskwas inventedby collegestudents.It wasa newtoy inventedinthe1950s.They useda metalpieplatefrom abakery inBridgeport,Connecticut.Students atethe bakeys pies,then threwthe pieplates.Today,thereareflying diskclubs,magazines anda festival.Unit10Section B3bOn AprilFool sDay Nicks alarmwent off.He gotup andtook ashower.Then hegot dressedand wentto school.When hegot to school,the buildingwasempty.An hourlater theother kidsshowed up.Then herealized thathis brotherhad fooledhim.His brotherhad sethis alarman hourearly.SelfCheck2This moringLuo Mingoverslept.When shewoke up,it hadboon already10:
00.She thoughtshe waslatn forschool andshe hurriedtoschoolby bike.By thetime shearrived atschool sherealized itwas Sunday.She toldit toher friend.They lauthedand laughed.Then shehad supperwith hergrandparents.After suppershe watchedTV inthe livingroom.At teno clock,she wentto sleep.。