新概念英语第三单元()课文挖空默写2L49-60Lesson49The endof adreamsleeping on the floor,a youngman inTeheran foryearsto buy a real bed.For thefirst timein hislife,he becamethe proudowner of a bed・Because theweather wasvery hot,he carriedthe bedof his house.He sleptvery wellforthe first two nights,but on the thirdnight,a storm,swept the bed off the roof and into the courtyardbelow.Theyoung mandid notwake up the bed hadstruck the ground.Although thebed excited,the partydug ahole twofeetdeep.They finallyfound asmall goldcoin whichwas almostworthless.The partythensearched thewhole cavethoroughly but did not find anythingexcept anempty tintrunk.Inspite ofthis,many peopleare confidentthat The Revealer*may revealsomething ofvaluefairly soon.Lesson56Faster thansound!Once ayear a race is held for old cars.A lotof carsentered forthis racelast yearand therewas a greatdeal ofexcitement justbefore itbegan.One of the mosthandsome carswas aRolls-Royce SilverGhost.The mostunusual carwas aBenz which had onlythree wheels.Built in1885,it was the oldestcar takingpart.After agreat manyloud explosions,the racebegan.Many of the carsbroke downon thecourse and some drivers spent moretime undertheir cars than in them!A fewcars,however,completed the race.The winningcar reachedaspeed offorty miles an hour—much fasterthan anyof itsrivals.It speddownhill at theend of the raceand itsdriver hada lotof troubletrying to stop it.The racegave everyoneagreat dealof pleasure.It wasvery differentfrom moderncar racesbut noless exciting.Lesson57Can Ihelp you,madamA woman in bluejeans stood atthe window of an expensive shop.Though shehesitatedfor amoment,she finallywent in and asked to see a dress that was in the window.Theassistant whoserved herdid not like theway she was dressed.Glancing ather scornfully,he toldher that the dresswas sold.The womanwalked out of theshop angrily and decidedtopunish the assistant nextday.She returnedto theshop thefollowing morningdressed inafur coat,with ahandbag inone hand anda long umbrella in the other.After seekingoutthe rudeassistant she asked for the same dress.Not realizingwho she was,the assistantwaseager toserve herthis timewith greatdifficulty,he climbedinto theshop windowto getthedress.As soon as she saw it,the womansaid she did not like it.She enjoyedherself makingthe assistant bringalmost everythingin thewindow beforefinally buyingthe dressshe hadfirstasked for.Lesson58A blessingin disguiseThetiny villageof Frinleyis saidto possessa*cursed tree*.Because the tree wasmentionedin anewspaper,the numberof visitorsto Frinleyhas nowincreased.The treewas planted neara church fifty years ago,but it is onlyin recent years that it hasgained anevilreputation.It is said thatif anyonetouches the tree,he willhave badluck;if hepicks aleaf,he willdie.Many villagersbelieve that the tree has already claimed anumber ofvictims.The vicarhas beenasked tohave the tree cutdown,but sofar he has refused.Hehas pointed out that the tree is auseful sourceof incomeas touristshave beencoming fromallparts of the countryto see it.In spiteof all that has been said,the tourists-have beenpickingleaves andcutting theirnames on thetree-trunk.So far,not one of themhas beenstruckdown bysudden death!Lesson59In oroutOur dog,Rex,used to sit outsideour frontgate andbark.Every timehe wantedto comeinto the garden he would bark untilsomeone openedthe gate.As theneighbourscomplained of the noise,my husbandspent weekstraining himto presshis pawon thelatchto let himself in.Rex soonbecame anexpert atopening the gate.However,when I wasgoing outshopping last week,I noticedhim in the gardennear the gate.This timehe wasbarking so that someone would lethim out!Since then,he hasdeveloped anotherbad habit.As soonas heopens thegate from the outside,he comesinto the garden andwaits until thegate shuts.Then hesits andbarks untilsomeone lets him out.After thishe immediatelyletshimself in and beginsbarking again.Yesterday my husband removedthegate and Rexgotso annoyedwe have not seen him since.Lesson60The futureAta villagefair,I decided to visita fortune-teller calledMadam Bellinsky.I went intoher tentand she told me to sitdown.After I had givenher somemoney,she lookedinto acrystalball andsaid:1A relationof yoursis coming to see you.She will be arrivingthisevening andintends to stay fora fewdays.The momentyou leavethis tent,you willget abig surprise.A womanyou knowwell willrush towardsyou.She willspeak toyou andthen she willlead youaway fromthis place.That isall.1As soonas I went outside,I forgotall about Madam Bellinsky because my wife hurried towards me.Where haveyou beenhidingshe askedimpatiently.*Your sisterwill behere inless thanan hourand wemustbe atthe station to meether.We arelate already/As shewalked away,I followedher outofthe fair.‘Were going back now/said the conductor.Well,,I stayon the bus/I answered.Lesson51Reward forvirtueMy friend,Hugh,has alwaysbeen fat,but thingsrecently that hedecided to.He a week ago.First of all,heof allthe foods.The listincluded mostofthethings Hughloves:butter,potatoes,rice,beer,milk,chocolate;and sweets.Yesterday I.I rangthe belland was not surprised to see thatHugh wasstill.He ledme intohis room and hurriedlyunder his desk.he wasveryembarrassed.When I asked himwhat he was doing,he and thenput theparcel on the desk.He explainedthat his diet washe had to.Then heshowed me・It five large barsof chocolateandthree bags of sweets!Lesson52A prettycarpetWe havejust and I hardall morning.I have been trying to.This hasnot beeneasy becauseI ownbooks.,the roomis rathersmall,so Ihave temporarilyput mybooks on the floor.,they coverof floorspace andI to get in orout ofthe room.,my sisterhelped meto carryoneof my old bookcases up the stairs.Shewent into my roomand whenshe saw all those books on the floor.This isthe prettiestcarpet/she said.She itfor sometime then added,fYou don*t need bookcases at all.You cansit hereand read the carpet!,Lesson53Hot snakeAt last firemenhave inCalifornia.,they have been tryingto find out how the fire began.Forest firesare oftencaused bybrokenglass or by cigaretteends whichpeople carelessly.Yesterday thefiremen carefully,butwere not able to find any broken glass.They werealso quitesure thata cigaretteend did not.This morning,however,a firemenaccidentally.He noticedthe remainsof asnake whichwastheelectric wires ofa16,000-voltpower line.,he wasable to.The explanationwas simplebut veryunusual.A birdhad thesnake fromthegroundand then dropped it on to the wires.The snakethen wounditself roundthe wires.,it andthese immediately started a fire.Lesson54Sticky fingersAfterbreakfast,I andthen I went to the shops.It wasstillearly when I returnedhome.The childrenwere atschool,my husbandwas atwork andthehouse wasquiet.So I decided tomake somemeat pies.In ashort timeI wasbusy and myhands weresoon stickypastry.,the telephonerang.Nothing couldhave beenmoreannoying.I the receiver betweentwo stickyfingers andwasdismayed when I recognized the voice of HelenBates.It tookme tenminutes to persuadeher to.At lastI hungup thereceiver.!There waspastry onmy fingers,on thetelephone,and onthe doorknobs.I to thekitchen than the doorbell rangto wakethe dead.This timeit wasthe postman and he wanted meto sign for!Lesson55Not agold mineDreamsof findinglost treasurealmost recently.A new machine calledTheRevealer*hasbeen invented and it has been used to detect gold which has・The machinewas usedin acave near theseashore--it issaid—pirates used to hide gold.The pirateswould oftenin the cave andthen fail to collect it.the newmachine,a searchparty wentinto thecave.The leaderofthe party wasnear theentrance tothecave when the machineshowedthat there was gold under theground.Very excited,the partydug・They finallyfound asmallgoldcoin,The partythenbutdid notfindanything exceptanempty tintrunk.,many peopleare confidentthat TheRevealer*may revealfairly soon.Lesson56Faster thansound!,araceisheldforoldcars.A lotof carslast yearand therewas justbefore itbegan.was aRolls-Royce SilverGhost.The mostunusual carwasaBenz whichhad onlythreewheels.in1885,it wasthe oldestcar takingpart.After,theracebegan.Many ofthe carsonthe courseandsomedriversspentmore timeundertheircarsthanin them!A fewcars,however,.The winningcar fortymilesanhour-much fasterthan.It atthe endoftherace anditsdriver tryingtostopit.The racegave everyone.It wasvery differentfrom modemcarraces but.Lesson57Can Ihelp you,madamA womanstoodatthewindowofanexpensiveshop.Though she,she finallywentin andasked toseeadressthatwasin thewindow.The assistantdid notlike she wasdressed.her scornfully,hetoldher thatthe dresswas sold.The womanwalked outof theshopangrilyanddecided topunish theassistant nextday.She returnedto theshop thefollowingmorning,with ahandbag andalongumbrellain theother.After therudeassistant,she askedfor thesamedress.Not realizingwho she was,theassistantserveher thistime.,he theshop windowto getthe dress.shesawit,thewoman saidshedidnotlikeit.She makingtheassistantbring almosteverythingin thewindow beforefinally shehad firstaskedfor.Lesson58A blessingin disguiseThetiny villageof Frinleyissaidto possessa Because thetreeinanewspaper,visitors toFrinleyhasnow increased.The treewasplantednear thechurchfiftyyearsago,but inrecentyearsthatit has.It issaid thatif anyone,he willhave;if hepicks aleaf,he willdie.Many villagersbelievethatthetreehasalreadyclaimedvictims.The vicarhas beenaskedto,but sofar hehas refused.He haspointed outthatthetree cutdown,but sofar hehas refused.He haspointedoutthatthetreeis,as touristshave beencomingfrom toseeit.allthathas beensaid,thetourists havebeen pickingleaves andcutting theirnames onthetree-trunk,not oneof themhas been by!Lesson59In oroutOur dog,Rex,usedtoour frontgateandbark.he wantedto come into thegardenhewouldbarksomeone openedthegate.As theneighbors,my husbandto presshis pawonthelatch tolet himselfin.Rex soonthegate.However,whenI was shoppinglastweek,I noticedhim in thegardennear thegate.This timehewasbarkingsothatsomeonewouldlethimout!Since then,hehas・he opensthegate fromthe outside,he comesinto thegarden andwaits.Then hesits andbarks untilsomeoneletshimout.After thishe immediatelylets himselfinand.Yesterday myhusbandand Rexwehavenotseenhimsince.Lesson60The futureAta villagefair,Idecidedto visita fortune-teller calledMadam Bellinsky.I wentinto hertentand shetold metositdown.After Ihad givenher somemoney,she lookedinto acrystalball andsaid:I iscomingtoseeyou.She willbearriving thisevening andstay fora fewdays.,you willget abigsurprise.A womanyouknow wellwill.She willspeak toyou andthenshewill thisplace.That isall/I wentoutside,I forgot allaboutMadamBellinskybecausemywifehurriedtowardsme.Where haveyou beenhiding1sheaskedimpatiently.*Your sisterwillbehere inand wetomeether.We arelate already.1As shewalked away,I followedher.第三单元课文挖空默写答案L49-60Lesson49The endofadreamTired ofsleeping onthe floor,a youngmaninTeheran savedup foryears tobuyarealbed.For thefirst timein hislife,he becamethe proudowner ofa bedwhichhadsprings andamattress.Becausetheweather wasvery hot,he carriedthebedontothe roofof his house.He sleptvery wellforthefirsttwonights,but onthe thirdnight,a stormblew up.A gustofwind sweptthebedofftheroof andsent itcrashing intothe courtyardbelow.The youngmandidnotwakeupuntilthebed hadstruck theground.Although thebed wassmashed topieces,the manwas miraculouslyunhurt.When hewoke up,hewasstill onthe mattress.Glancing atthe bitsof woodand metal that lay around him,the mansadly picked up themattress and carriedit intohishouse.After hehad putit onthe floor,he promptlywent tosleepagain.Lesson50Taken fora rideIlove travellinginthecountry,but Idon*tlikelosing myway.Iwenton anexcursionrecently,but mytrip tookme longerthan Iexpected.*Pm goingto Woodford Green/I saidtothe conductoras Igot onthe bus/but Idont knowwhere itis.f Filtell you where to get off,answered the conductor.I satinthefront ofthe busto geta goodview ofthe countryside.After sometime,thebus stopped.Looking round,I realizedwith ashock thatI wasthe onlypassenger leftonthe bus.Youll haveto getoff here/theconductorsaid.This isas faras we go.,Is thisWoodford Green*Iasked.!Oh dear/said theconductor suddenly/I forgotto putyou off/It doesntmatter,*I said.Ill getoff here.1We aregoingbacknow,said theconductor.Well,in thatcase,I prefertostayonthe bus/I answered.Lesson51Reward forvirtueMy friend,Herbert,has alwaysbeen fat,but thingsgot sobad recentlythat hedecidedto goonadiet.He beganhisdietaweekago.First of all,he wroteout along listofallthefoods whichwere forbidden.The listincluded mostofthethings Herbertloves:butter,potatoes,rice,beer,milk,chocolate,and sweets.Yesterday Ipaid hima visit.I rangthe bellandwasnotsurprisedtoseethatHerbert wasstill asfat asever.He ledmeintohis roomandhurriedly hida largeparcel underhisdesk.It wasobvious thathewasveryembarrassed.When Iasked himwhat hewas doing,he smiledguiltily andthen puttheparcel onthe desk.He explainedthat hisdiet wasso strictthathehadtoreward himselfoccasionally.Then heshowed methe contentsoftheparcel.It containedfivelargebars ofchocolateand threebagsofsweets!Lesson52A prettycarpetWe havejust movedinto anew houseandIhavebeenworking hardall morning.I havebeentryingtoget mynew roomin order.This hasnot beeneasy becauseI ownover athousandbooks.To makematters worse,the roomis rathersmall,so Ihave temporarilyputmy booksonthe floor.At themoment,they coverevery inchof floorspace andI actuallyhaveto walkon themtogetinoroutofthe room.A shortwhile ago,my sisterhelped metocarry oneofmyoldbookcasesup thestairs.She wentintomyroomandgotabig surprisewhenshesawallthosebooksonthefloor.This isthe prettiestcarpet Ihave everseen/shesaid.She gazedatitfor sometimethenadded,You dontneedbookcasesatall.You cansithere inyour sparetime andreadthecarpet!1Lesson53Hot snakeAtlast firemenhave putout abig forestfire inCalifornia.Since then,they havebeen tryingto findouthowthefirebegan.Forest fireare oftencaused bybroken glassorbycigaretteends whichpeople carelesslythrow away.Yesterday thefiremen examinedthe groundcarefully,but werenotable tofindanybrokenglass.They werealso quitesure thatacigarette enddidnotstart thefire.This morning,however,a firemanaccidentallydiscovered thecause.He noticedthe remainsofasnake whichwas woundround theelectricwiresofa16,000-volt powerline.In thisway,hewasabletosolve themystery.The explanationwas simplebut veryunusual.A birdhad snatchedup thesnakefromtheground andthendroppedit ontothe wires.The snakethen wounditself roundthewires.When itdid so,it sentsparks downtotheground andtheseimmediatelystartedafire.Lesson54Sticky fingersAfterbreakfast,I sentthe childrento schoolandthenIwentto market.It wasstill earlywhenI returnedhome.The childrenwere atschool,myhusbandwas atwork andthe housewasquiet.So Idecidedtomake sometarts fortea.In ashort timeIwasbusy mixingbutterand flourandmyhands weresoon coveredwith stickypastry.At exactlythat moment,thetelephone rang.Nothing couldhavebeenmore annoying.1pickedupthereceiverbetweentwo stickyfingers andwas dismayedwhenIrecognizedthevoiceofMrs Bates.It tookmeten minutestopersuadeher toring backlater.AtlastI hungupthereceiver.What amess!There waspastry onmy fingers,onthetelephone,and onthe door-knobs.Ihadno soonergotback tothe kitchenthanthedoor-bellrangloud enoughto wakethe dead.This timeitwas thepostmanandhewantedmetosignfora registeredletter!Lesson55Not agold mineDreamsof findinglost treasurealmost cametrue recently.A newmachine calledTheRevealer*hasbeeninventedandithasbeenusedtodetectgoldwhichhasbeenburied intheground.The machinewas usedinacavenear the seashorewhere-itissaid-pirates usedtohidegold.The pirateswould oftenbury goldinthecave andthenfailtocollectit.Armedwith thenewmachine,a searchparty wentintothecave hopingtofindburied treasure.Theleader ofthepartywas examiningthe soilneartheentrance tothecavewhenthemachineshowed thattherewasgoldundertheground.Very,the manwas miraculouslyunhurt.When he,hewasstill onthe mattress.the bitsof woodandmetalthatlayaroundhim,the mansadly themattressandcarriedit intohishouse.After hehad putitonthefloor,he again.Lesson50Taken fora rideIlove travellinginthecountry,but Idont like.I recently,but mytrip tookme longer.Tm goingto WoodfordGreen,I saidtotheconductor,but Idont knowwhere itis/Til tellyouwheretogetoff.*1answered theconductor.I satinthefront ofthebustothecountryside.After sometime,thebusstopped.,I realizedwith ashock thatIwasthe onlypassenger leftonthebus.‘Youll getoff here/theconductorsaid.This iswego/Is thisWoodfordGreen11asked.Oh dear/said theconductor suddenly.I forgotto・It doesntmatter/I said.Ill getoff here/。