1.You cantborrow booksfrom theschool libraryyou getyour studentcard.09A.before B.if C.while D.as
2.Mozarts birthplaceand thehouse hecomposed“The MagicFlute“are bothmuseums now.(秋)09A.where B.when C.there D.which(秋)
3.It is not immediatelyclear thefinancial crisiswill soonbe over.09A.since B.what C.when D.whether(秋)
4.Hearing thedog barkingfiercely,away.09A.fleeing the thief B.was fleeingthe thiefC.thethiefwas fleeingD.fled thethiefA.Before B.Where C.Unless D.Until
72.-Is that the smalltown youoften referto(卢:弯一)-Right,just the one,you know,I used to workfor years.101A.that B.which C.where D.what
73.High technologyhas beenused inteaching.As aresult,not only,but studentsbecame moreinterested in the lessons.(卢湾-)101A.saved was teachers5energy B.wasteachers9energy savedC・teachers energywas savedD.was savedteachers9energy(卢湾)
74.those boyscalled thegrey-headed gentlemanreally made the oldman frustrated.10-1A.Which B.Whether C.How D.What
75.The reasonshe gavefor notcoming to the partypuzzled allof thepeople present.(卢湾)10-1A.what B.why C.as D.which
76.The Premiersays thatbilateral relationswill growsmoothly andsteadily bothcountries followthe(虹口-)principle containedin thejoint documents.101A.as faras B.though C.unless D.as long as
77.The guidewarned thetourists not to getoff thebus becausehe wasfearful somewild animalsmight(虹口-)hurt them.101A.if B.that C.whether D.as
78.The workersovercame all the difficultiesand completedthe projecttwo monthsahead of time,is somethingwe had(虹口-)not expected,101A.what B.that C.which D.it
79.The governmenthas promisedto dolies in its powerto relievethe hardshipsof thevictims in the(虹口)
80.,she wasbold enoughto participatein the presidential campaign,
2008.10-1A.A womanas Hillary Clinton is B.Woman asHillary ClintonisC.Woman as longasHillary Clintonis D.Now thatHillaryClintonis a woman
81.There aremore than2,400e-bike manufacturersin China,sell20million e-bikes in the domesticmarket ayear,(金山)according toa reportby BeijingEvening News.10-1A.that B.what C.they D.which
82.golf was first playedin Scotland in the15lh centuryisgenerally agreed.(10金山-1)A.Whether B.Why C.That D.What
83.Since foreignscientists predictthat it may be at mostten yearsit ispossible for Chinese astronautsto(金山)walk on the moon.10-1A.before B.since C.when D.after
84.The first time I saw thelovely littlegirl,I heldher inmy armstenderly andasked.(金山)10-1A.how oldshe was and whetherwas shehere onvacationB.what was her nameand wherewas shefromC.how oldwas sheand whether she was here onvacationD.what hername was and whereshe wasfrom(
85.It is these poisonousproducts cancause thesymptoms of the flu,such as headache andaching muscles.10金山)-1A.who B.what C.that D.how
86.In the past,not only,but theycouldnt attend the sameschools aswhites,or eatwith themat manyrestaurants.(金山-)101A.black Americanscould notvote B.could black Americans notvoteC.blackAmericanscould voteD.could blackAmericans vote
87.My grandparentshave developeda habit of takinga walkin ZhongshanPark everySaturday afternoon(长宁)it rains.10-1)A.except that B.except for C.except when D.except
88.-1went toChicago toattend mydaughters graduationceremony lastweek.(长宁)-Is that you had a few days off10-1A.when B.why C.what D.where(长宁)
89.It was at thatmoment herealized a serious situationhe wasin.10-1A.when...what B.then...how C.before...that D.that...what(长宁)
90.Think about you reallycare about,and tryyour best to accomplishyour goals.10-1A.that B.what C.which D.when(长宁)
91.that no one willsail on it andhave a lot offun.10-1A.So shallowis the lake B.The lakeis tooshallowC.Shallow is thelakeD.Such is a lakeshallow
92.good useyou havemade of your time to work,there isstill someroom forimprovement.(长宁)10-1A.Whatever B.However C.Though D.Whether
93.In hisnew study,Mare suggestssome answersby analyzingthe languagepolicies worldwide,willA.which B.that C.what D.it(长宁)affect GlobalEnglish andinfluence itsfuture.10-
194.I expectis for you to think independentlyand introducenew ideas.(10黄浦-1)A.What B.Whether C.That D.Which
95.Taylors popularitygave hera lot of powerwith themovie industry,she gotvery highpay for hermovies.(黄浦)10-1A.if B.though C.so D.unless
96.A neweight-kilometer roadis underconstruction linksthe portarea withmotorway system.(黄浦)10-1A.that B.where C.it D.as(黄浦-)
97.Not onlythe way we spoke,but the waywedressed.101A.he disliked...he also disapproved of B.he disliked...did he also disapproveofC.did hedislike...did healsodisapproveof D.did hedislike...healsodisapproved of
98.After lookingthrough theart bookshere,I foundAndrews paintingsto be the closestto I thought(黄浦)good paintingsshould look.10-1A.how B.what C.that D.why
99.flying ismore expensivethan land and seatravel,I wentthere by air to save time.(浦东)1-1A.Even thoughB.If C.As D.In case(浦东)
100.We cannever expecta bluesky wecreate aless pollutedworld.10-1A.until B.if C.unless D.when(,甫东)
101.It will be sadnotto see youduring theChristmas holidayfamilies get together.10-1A.before B.when C.that D.since
102.Liu Xiangsperformance at the ShanghaiGolden GrandPrix has told hisfans afact hehas beenback(浦东-)on winningtrack.101A.when B.that C.whether D.which
103.How was the televisedconcert lastnight(浦东)-Terrific!Rarely sucha largeaudience.10-1A.a concert attracted B.did a concertattractC.aconcertdid attractD.attracted aconcert
104.Many peoplein the city wonderA.that B.which C.what D.whetherthe cityofficials have the information they need to solvethe problem.
105.We arenot consciousof the extent workprovidesthe psychologicalsatisfaction thatcan makethe(10徐汇・_difference betweena fullandanempty life,)1oC.to whichA.that B.in which一
106.We allneed knowledgefrom thepast it comes frompersonal experienceor fromstudying history.(徐汇)It isour onlyguide to the future.10-1A.as B.whether C.how D.when
107.At present,visits can be arrangedto manybusinesses andcompanies,they cansee howdifferent(徐汇-)products aremanufactured.101A.as if B.even though C.except that D.so that
108.You canimagine to settle downto workon the newspaper attwo poundsa week,when Iknew that I(徐汇)could earnas muchas thatin asingle dayas abeggar.10-1A.how hardlywas it B.what hardwas it C.how hardit was D.what hardit was
109.The factthat a planet existsoutside oursolar systemencourages hopeother solar systems exist,andin(徐汇)them,perhaps,aplanetthat doessupport life.10-1A.that B.which C.where D.whether
110.In the end,the self-important manhad to admit that he had no ideaof impactthis incidentwould haveA.that B.whether C.how D.what(徐汇)on thelife in the ocean.10-
1111.Doctors considerof greatimportance thatpregnant womenshould bemore carefulthan ordinarypeoplein theexplosion ofH1N1virus.(10闸北-1)
112.many studentshave known about the news,you,as ourmonitor,had betterannounce it(闸北)officially in front of all thestudents.10-1A.Unless B.Although C.Once D.Because
113.Barrack Obamasrecent visitto the Asian nationsclearly senta messageto the world Asiais importantin Americas(闸北)global partnership.10-1A.which B.where C.that D.as
114.Only latelyabout thedark secretsbehind theseemingly-happy marriageof thegolf starTiger Woods.(闸北)10-1A.the publichave knownB.were the public knownC.havethe public knownD.the publicknew(苏格兰)
115.It was after defeatingHiggins ofScotland the22-year-old DingJunhui won the2009UK-(斯诺克)(闸北)Championship.10-1A.that B.where C.from which D.what
116.Besides knowledge,a goodcharacter isevery childshould try to getduring his or hergrowth.(闸北)10-1A.what B.that C.where D.when(闸北)
117.Now,the worldsfocus is all onShanghai the2010World Expois to be held.10-1A.when B.whose C.where D.that
118.-Dont youknow theschool willprovide uswith everything,from bedsheets todrinking cups(青浦)-Yes.I ambringing thisbasin Ineed it.10-1A.for fear ofB.in caseC.as longas D.so that
119.People allover the world holdthe beliefthe economywill soonrecover andlife willimprove.(青浦)10-
1120.A.What B.That C.Whether D.It(青浦)
121.The roots of thetree,water is absorbed,should bewell protected.10-1A.of which B.from them C.through which D.from that
122.did thestudents realize that theywere mistakenabout spiders.(10青浦-1)(青浦)really mattersat adebate is not what you saybut theway yousay it.10-1A.It wasuntil thenB.It was not until then C.Not untilthen D.Not until when
123.Ed likeyou totake mypicture standsone of the tallestbuildings in the world——the JinmaoTower.(青浦)10-1A.which B.there C.that D.where
124.If youwant tolearn Englishwell,it is not halfso important to knowsome grammaticalrules it is tohavemore practice.(10静安-1)A.so B.as C.since D.that
125.That night,tired the man wentout againto lookfor help.(1静安-1)A.like he was B.though he was C.as was he D.even he was
126.his coolfacial expressions,Michael caresmore aboutothers,emotions andsufferings,which makeshima selflessperson.(1静安-1)A.Despite ofB.Though C.In spiteD.Despite
127.Young adultsgenerally maketheir ownchoices aboutcareer topursue.(10静安-1)A.how B.that C.what D.whether
128.It has arts powerto translate,to abstractfrom thecircumstances itoriginates.(10静安-1)A.how B.when C.on which D.in which
129.He appearedto understand,but heabsorbed everydetail I cannot say.(10^^安-1)A.what B.whether C.how D.where
130.In China,because of her ancientculture,the tipsof chopsticksare usuallya littlesquare thetails are(静安)circular andround.10-1A.when B.unless C.while D.once
131.Jenny hadjust walkedout of the classroomshe heardher deskmatecalling herthat she had lefther(宝山-)mobile phoneon thedesk.101A.while B.when C.as D.since(宝山)
132.How canyou expect to bea goodspeaker younever dareto speakin public10-1A.in caseB.even if C.unless D.if
133.doesnt matteris whethershe willjoin inour activityor not.We haveenough members.(宝山)10-1A.It B.What C.That D.Which
134.Whatever wedo,we willmake it,as longas wetake thepassion we should have to achieveour goals.(宝山)10-1A.when B.what C.which D.where
135.A freegift will be givento completesthe questionnairebefore theactivity begins.(宝山)10/A.whomever B.whom C.whoever D.who(宝山)
136.Paul hasmany waysto makea classactive.,he ispopular withhis students.10-1A.As he isa young teacherB.He isas ayoung teacherC.Young teacher ashe is D.A youngteacherasis he(崇明-)
137.The pooryoung manis ready to accepthelp he can get.101A.whichever B.however C.whatever D.whenever
138.If ashop haschairs womencan parktheir men,they willspend moretime in the shop.A.that B.which C.when D.where
139.-Were youworried abouthim lastnight-Yes.It was.(崇明)10-1A.until he returned that I went to bedB.until hereturned that I sleptwellC.not untilhereturnedthatI wentto bedD.not untildid hereturn thatIwentto bed
140.We have been toldthat underno circumstancesthetelephone in the office for personalaffairs.(崇明)10-1(1崇明・1)A.may weuse B.we may use C.we coulduse D.did weuseHow to their childrenhas astrong influence on thecharacter of the children.(10杨浦-1)A.parents areclose B.are parentsclose C.close parentsare D.close areparents
142.Learn torecognize thesymptoms ofH1N1and understandwhat to do youor aloved oneis infected.A.until B.as faras C.even if D.in case(杨浦)10-
1143.Dried foodsare invaluable to climbers,explorers andsoldiers inbattle,little storagespace.(杨浦)1-1A.which haveB.which has C.who haveD.that has
144.The threeheroes,together withsome of their braveschoolmates,jumped into the rivertosave the drowning(杨^甫)boys despitethe factnone of the19-year-olds couldswim.10-1A.that B.in which C.what D./
145.having hundredsof online“friends isgreat,our realand closestconnections stilllie withthose who are apart ofourdaily lives.(10杨浦-1)
146.-Im frustratedafter somany failures.I cantsee anyhope.-Behind everymisfortune!(1杨浦・1)A.lies an opportunity B.does anopportunity lieC.anopportunitylies D.is anopportunity lying
147.As abasketball player,I alwayskeep in mind that its notthe winning,but thetaking partcounts.(杨浦)10-1A.what B.when C.that D./
148.I dont like goingto the party;I must,,go sincethey haveinvited meseveral times.(长宁)10-2A.still B.otherwise C.nevertheless D.and(长宁)
149.It will be justhalf amonth the2010World Expositionis heldin Shanghai.10-2A.since B.before C.until D.when
150.made herfriends angrymost was that shelied to them,as she had neverdone thatbefore.(长宁)10-2A.It B.What C.That D.Whatever
151.Israeli scientistsgrow vegetablesand othercrops insidestandard metalshipping containers,water replacessoil as(长宁一)the bedfor therootsof the plants.102A.which B.in which C.when D.with which
152.The students are allinterested inMs.Snider managedto completetwo popularnovels inone anda(长宁)half years.10-2A.why B.what C.that D.how
153.His suggestionput forwardat the conference theUN launchan educationalprogram to teach people(长宁)how to solve conflictspeacefully will be takeninto consideration.10-
25.As anew diplomat,he oftenthinks ofhe canreact moreappropriately onsuch occasions.(09秋)A.what B.which C.that D.how
6.some peoplecome herefor ashort break,others havedecided tostay forever.(10春)A.Because B.If C.Once D.While
7.Tina washesitating about the joboffer asshe didnot knowthe companywas anestablished one.(10春)A.whether B.what C.until D.although
8.It wasby makinggreat effortsshe caughtup withother students.(10春)A.how B.when C.what D.that
9.Never Lisawould arrivebut sheturned up at the last minute.(10春)A.did wethink B.have we thought C.wethoughtD.we havethought
10.There isno obviousevidence there is lifeon anyother planetin thesolarsystem.(10春)A.which B.that C.how D.where
11.Samuel survivedwhen thecar he wasapassenger in turned offthe roadand hita tree.(10春)A.where B.that C.as D.why
12.One reasonfor herpreference forcity lifeis she can haveeasy access to placeslike shopsandrestaurants.(10秋)A.that B.how C.what D.why
13.When changinglanes,a drivershould usehis turningsignal tolet otherdrivers know.(10秋)A.he isentering which lane B.which lanehe isenteringC.is heentering whichlane D.whichlaneis heentering(卢湾)
154.Such great achievements sofar thatmany friendsabroad canhardly believe that.10-2A.has Chinamade B.China has made C.does Chinamake D.are madein China
155.As isknown to us all,the openingceremony of the ShanghaiWorld Expo,theme is Better City,Better Life”,will(卢湾)begin onMay1st,
2010.10-2A.which B.its C.that D.whose
156.A majorissue wasput forwardby somerepresentatives at theconferencethe teachersin theremote(卢湾)areas wereunderpaid.10-2A.whether B.at which C.where D.that
157.The trafficin Shanghaiwill beblocked andpeople willcome toblows thegovernment plansin(卢湾)advance.10-2A.as longas B.unless C.even if D.since
158.It was theA/H1N1epidemic spreadalmost throughoutthe countrypromoted theresearch and(卢湾)production of the fluvaccine.10-2A.that...that B.that...which C.what...that D.that...what
159.He wasdisappointed hehad learnedfrom booksquite differedfrom hisactual life.(卢湾)10-2A.what B.that C.which D.how
160.The athletes,especially thewinners,should remainmodest rapidprogress theyvemade.(卢湾)10-2A.however B.how muchC.whatever D.no matter(甫东)
161.This city,lies in the northeast,was thecountrys busiestport from1648to
1950.107-2A.that B.which C.of which D.where
162.Mary hadto workat eveningsand weekends.Only in this waycomplete thereports by the deadline.A.was sheable toB.she wasable toC.she has been able to D.has shebeen ableto
163.you havea complaintto make,do somethingabout itright away.The longeryou wait,the harderit(浦东)will beto getyour complaintresolved.10-2A.If B.Unless C.Though D.Since
164.One advantageof eatinga balancedbreakfast is it cankeep youenergetic throughoutthe day.(浦东)10-2A.that B.how C.when D.whether
165.Many scientistsbelieve thatnow we can study the behaviorof athree-year-old childtoseethey will(浦东)10-2A.that B.how C.why D.whethergrow up to becriminals.
166.-Is thereany possibilityyou couldpick me up atmy officeat7:00tomorrow evening(浦东)-No problem.10-2A.when B.which C.if D.that
167.Many companiesgive awaysmall quantitiesof theirproduce assamples people can trythem before(浦东)buying them.10-2A.if B.because C.so that D.since(闵彳亍)
168.your planslook good,you stillneed todo somerevision workon it.10-2A.If B.Once C.Although D.Since(闵彳亍)
169.True friendshipis likesound health,whose valueis seldomknown it is lost.10-2A.when B.though C.until D.unless
170.The filmbrought the hours back to me I wastaken goodcare ofin thatfar-away village.(闵行)10-2A.until B.that C.when D.where(闵彳亍一)
171.Many peoplefirmly believeda healthylifestyle canimprove the quality of life.102A.that B.if C.how D.why(闵彳亍)
172.Only inrecent yearsto realizethe importanceof wildlifeconservations.10-2A.do people begin B.have peoplebegun C.people havebegun D.peoplebegin(闵彳亍)
173.The questioncame up at themeeting we had enoughmoney forour research.10-2A.whether B.that C.which D.what
174.Teenagers havereached apoint in their lifethey aresupposed to make decisionsof their own for the(四区)first time.10-2A.which B.where C.how D.why
175.Evidence has been piledup drinkingwater aftergetting upin themorning contributesto oneshealth.(四区)10-2A.what B.which C.if D.that
176.Many expertsbelievethatteachers developmentis the key to better educationlies.(四区)10-2A.that B.what C.where D.which
177.Only whenyou leaveyour parentsfor collegeeducation how much youlove them.(四区)10-2A.do you realize B.yourealizeC.you willrealize D.will yourealize(四区)
178.Bad habits,formed,are difficult,and sometimesimpossible toshake off.10-2A.once B.before C.until D.unless一
179.Ive readanother essaythis week.(四区)-Well,maybe is not how much youread butwhatyouread thatmatters.10-
2180.The fieldresearch willtake Joanand Paulabout fivemonths;it willbea long timewe meetthem(普陀)again.10-2A.after B.before C.since D.when(上瘾)
181.at onlinegames,he managesto keephimself from being addictedto them.(普陀)10-2A.Fascinated ashe isB.Fascinated asis heC.As fascinatedis he D.As he is fascinated(普陀)
182.Only if you putthe sunof theother planetsin thesky makesense.10-2A.there are the movementsB.there do the movementsC.are the movements D.themovementsare there
183.has aninterest in the lecturecan gofor aticket from the officenext to the gateof thelecture room,(普陀)10-2A.No matterwho...where B.Whoever...whereC.Anyone...in which D.Those who...in whichthelecture willbe given.
184.It mustbe keptinmindthat lifelongstudy canyou survivein the highly competitivesociety.(普陀)10-2A.only when B.untilthenC.only throughD.untilwhen
185.In asports teameach playerhas aclear role,and there are fewoccasions membersare confusedoruncertain of their roles.(10普陀-211・浦东题类似)A.which B.that C.when D.how
186.It isa good idea toask for a mapat theinformation center,may proveto be very usefulbefore youA.where B.which C.who D.that(普陀)start yourtour of the museum.10-2(召回)
187.Chinas newfood lawprovides for a foodrecall systemproducers haveto stopproduction iftheirfood isntup tostandards.(10普陀-2)A.where B.that C.when D.which
188.It happenedonce,however,some seventyyears ago,the goldcup wasstolen afewdaysbefore the(徐汇)10-2race!A.how B.that C.where D.what
189.The forecaston Wednesdaysaid noeffective andwidespread rainfallcould beexpected beforeMay,(徐汇)10-2A.because B.so that C.although D.whenweak rainfallwas likelyin thesecond halfof thismonth.一
190.Ralph has a goodmemory..He canremember everyincident ingreat detail.(10徐汇-2)A.So does he B.So he does C.So is heD.So he is(徐汇)
191.Sorry Imlate,but you cannot imaginegreat troubleI tookto findyour house.10-2A.how B.however C.whatever D.what
192.The weballows peopleto createweb sitesthey canpour outtheir deepestthoughts,desires andmotivationsto thousandsor evenmillions ofperfect strangers.(10徐汇-2)A.that B.in which C.through which D.as
193.It maytake awhile youfind ahobby thattruly interestsyourself,so dontgive up.(徐汇)10-2A.that B.before C.unless D.since
194.Worldwide marketsget tighterand thepain onlylasts longerinternational cooperationis strengthenedinno time.(10虹口-2)A.because B.if C.unless D.when
195.The entrypoint tissuein thevery frontof eyefunctions as the windowall lighthastopass onits way.(虹口)10-2A.which B.that C.across which D.through which
196.makes thepeople whofind valuein hardshipsdifferent is that they are ableto combinewhat happened(虹口)with thestory of theirownlife.10-2A.It B.What C.That D.Which
197.-Susan hasdone wellin thecompetition.(虹口-)-.She alwaysdoes wellin suchactivities.102A.So hasshe B.So shehas C.So doesshe D.So shedoes
198.strong-minded the teachers are,they shouldgive theirstudents enoughtimetoshare theirideas in(虹口-)class.102A.However B.Whatever C.No matterD.Although(松江)
199.1want to be verycareful totalk onlyabout weveformally tested.10-2A.which B.that C.what D.whether(松江)
200.I paida visitto thisscenic spot,I wasdeeply attractedby itsbeauty.10-2A.The first time B.Firstly C.For the first time D.At first(松江)
201.Dont promiseanything you are onehundred percentsure.10-2A.if B.after C.in caseD.unless
202.Is that themanhouse the police found the lostcomputer lastweek(1松江-2)A.in whose B.in what C.in that D.in which
203.It is the experiencehehadasaboy hasformed hispresent personality.(10松江-2)A.that B.what C.which D.who
204.There isno doubtwe willhost the2010World Exposuccessfully.(10松江-2)A.which B.whether C./D.that
205.Not onlyat music,but alsothey arereadyto help others.(10松江-2)A.they aretalented B.they have been talentedC.are theytalented D.they havetalented(松江)
206.It thatmaking aplan iseasier thancarrying itout.10-2A.was turnedout B.is turnedout C.has beenturned D.turns out
207.The onlineexposure of the diaryof agovernment officialmadethepublic realizethe extentthe(闸北)Internet affectsthe society.10-2A.that B.to which C.what D.upon which
208.pressure theU.S.government puton theChinese government,China wouldstick to its ownpolicy ofexchange rate.(闸北)10-2A.However B.Wherever C.Whoever D.Whatever
9.online shoppinghas accountedfor alarge partof thetotal purchasevolume,many peoplethink thetraditional(闸匕-)shopping styleis irreplaceable.10d2A.Because B.Once C.Unless D.Although
210.many Frenchnewspapers are eager toreport isnot theirpresidents politicalachievements buthis privatelife.(闸北)10-2A.That B.It C.What D.Where
211.to hidethe truthfrom thepublic,the qualityproblem ofits computerwas revealed.(闸北)10-2A.As HP company triedhard B.As hardHP companytriedC.Hard asHP companytried D.Hard didHPcompanytry(黄浦)
212.You mayuse myPSP youreturn it before nextTuesday.10-2IA.as longas B.although C.in caseD.unless(黄甫)
213.The filmwas setin atown isnow partof JiangsuProvince.107-2(黄甫)
214.the footballgame willbe heldon timelargely dependsonthe weather.10-2A.If B.That C.Whether D.When(黄*甫)
215.The strangerisnt like a worker,nor asalesman.10-2A.he islike B.he lookslike C.doeshelike D.is helike
216.After tenyears ofliving in a remotevillage,she isa completelydifferent personfrom sheused to be.(黄浦)10-2A.that B.whom C.what D.who(奉贤)
217.The buildingburnt downin abig fire.was thebase on which itstood.10-2A.What remainedB.All remainedC.What wasremained D.All whatremained
1.1feel honoredto introduceMr.White toyou,without considerationour projectwould haveended in(奉贤)failure.10-2A.whom B.that C.whose D.who(奉贤)
219.advertisements areof great help,I dontthink weshould entirelyrely onthem.10-2A.Since B.While C.Once D.As(奉贤)
220.No oneknows preventedthe rumorfrom spreading.10-2A.what was it that B.what it was that C.how it was that D.why it was that
221.about wildplants that they decided tomakea tripto Madagascarfor furtherresearch.(奉贤)10-2A.So curious the couplewas B.So curiouswere the coupleC.So werecurious thecouple D.So was thecouplecurious
222.After Johnstayed in Shanghai fora couple of days,he gotthe impressionthe citywas very(奉贤)fascinating.10-2A.which B.why C.where D.that(奉贤)
223.Dont leave the chocolatesCathy canget them.They arenot goodfor teeth.10-2A.whether B.in which C.where D.unless答案1-10AADDD DADAB11〜20BABCB DBBBD21〜30ACAAB CBCAD31-40BDCDC CABAC41-50CCBCD BBACC51-60AACCB CBACC61〜70CBBDD BCDCB71〜80BCBDD DBCDB81〜90DCADC BCBDB91〜100AAAAC ADAAC101-110BBBDC BDCAD111-120CBCCA ACBDA121-130CCDBB DCDBC131-140BDBCC CCDCA141〜150CDCAC ACCBB151-160BDAAD DBAAC161-170BAAAD DCCCC171-180AB ABDCDADB181-190ABBCC BABCB191-200DCBCD BBACA201〜210DAADC DBDDC211〜220CABCD CACBB221〜223BDC上海地区链接(春)
1.I haveno ideathe journalistcould havegot his information from.11A.that B.why C.which D.where(春)
2.Viewers continueto watchTV theycomplain about the qualityof the programming.11A.even thoughB.as if C.as longas D.unless(春)
3.Fayes fondestmemory is of lastyear,the clubgave atea partyfor herbirthday.11A.that B.which C.where D.when(春)
4.The resultsof thestudy indicatedthat it was thetype offat madethe difference.11A.that B.what C.who D.as(春)
5.comes willbe welcome to theopen-air concert.11A.Whatever B.Whoever C.No matterwhat D.No matterwho(秋)
6.There isclear evidencethe mostdifficult feelingof allto interpretis bodilypain.11A.what B.if C.how D.that
7.If alot of people saya filmisnotgood,I wontbother tosee it,or Tilwait itcomes outon DVD.A.whether B.after C.though D.until(秋)
118.The policeofficers inour citywork hardthe restof uscan livea safelife.(11秋)A.in caseB.as if C.in orderthat D.only if
9.The messageyou intend to conveythrough wordsmay be the exactopposite ofothers actually(秋)understand.11A.why B.that C.which D.what(秋)
10.Youll findtaxis waitingat thebus stationyou canhire toreach yourhost family.11A.which B.where C.when D.as(校)
11.my eyeswhen1began toimagine the most fantasticshapes in Chinas GotTalent.11/lA.Not untilI closed
8.No soonerhad I closed
9.Hardly did IcloseD.Scarcely had I closed
12.All theneighbors admirethe familythe parentsare treatingtheir childlikeafriend.(八校)11A.why B.where C.that D.which(八校)
13.Bill Bankstayed inPyramid Hotelhewasin Cairo.11A.thelast time B.last time(秋)
14.Wind poweris anancient sourceof energywe mayreturn in the nearfuture.10A.on which B.by which C.to which D.from which(秋)
15.our managerobjects toToms joiningthe club,we shallaccept himasamember.10A.Until B.Unless C.If D.After
16.A new-born babysinfluenceon a familyshould bemeasured by theextentit changesthe behaviors(市调研)and viewsof the young couple.09A.which B.that C.of which D.to which
17.Many famouspeople haveapplied forimmigration theHong Konggovernment announcedits Quality(市调研)Migrant AdmissionPlan inJune,
2006.09A.as longas B.since C.when D.while
18.City constructionprojects will not belicensed theymeet anenvironmental protectionstandard.(市调研)09A.as faras B.unless C.so longas D.in case
19.In hisvictory speech,Obama extendedhis thanksto himduring thepresidency campaign.(市调研)09A.no matterwho hadsupported B.whoever hadsupportedC.no matterwhen hadsupported D.whenever hadsupported(市调研)_
20.It wasto livea quieterlife________Mrs.Evans decidedto settlein thecountryside.09oA.when B.why C.where D.that
21.The latestachievement ofSteve JobsApple releasedits3G iPhonelast summerand thedevice proved(市调研)to bean immediatehit withconsumers.09A.is that B.is why C.is aboutD.is what
22.Skipping breakfastcan alsocause youto overeat.To makematters worse,your bodyisin a slowstate,it will not be(校)abletoburn theextra caloriesvery efficiently.09C.a lasttimeD.for thelasttime
14.in theregulations that you shouldnot tellother peoplethe passwordof youremail account.(八校)11A.What isrequired B.what requiresisC.It isrequired D.it requires
15.Under thepressure ofinflation,many families,nowadays inChina,cry helplesslyover isleft of their(八校)homes.11A.what B.which C.there D.that
16.It isquite atime YaoMing gotinjured,and manyfans hopeit wontbe longhe returnsto the(八校)court.11A.before,since B.after,when C.since,before D.that,when
17.The connectionbetween Paulof theNew OrleansHornets andJames of the MiamiHeat hasstrengthened during thepast sevenyears,tothe point Jamesthinks ofPaul ashis bestfriend in the NB.(八校)11A.which B.what C.that D.where
18.The inclusionof acupuncturemarks theacknowledgement acupuncturewas createdby China,not(八校)other countrieslike SouthKorea,Japan,etc.11A.what B.that C.which D.where
19.-Shall weattendtheconcert thisevening(八校)-Great idea,wecan do someshopping first.11A.when B.where C.since D.if(八校)
20.So wellin2010that theworld hasagreed thatit was the yearof China.11A.China performB.China hasperformedC.as Chinaperformed D.China isperforming
21.Those concernedby thelong-term effectsof globalwarming believethat thedamage hasbeen done,.(六校)11A.whether wetake remedialsteps nowB.if or not wetake remedialsteps nowC.whether wetake remedialsteps nowor notD.unless wetake remedialsteps now(六校)
22.The ministrydidnt expectquite sucha negativereaction fromfarmers.11A.there beingB.itC.to beD.there to be
23.The newbuyer identifieda dozennew sourcesfor thematerial,proved to be reliable.(六校)11A.most of them B.most of which C.most of whom D.most ofthose
24.The chairmaninterviewed everyone involved in the accident to ascertain the truthbehind actually(六校)happened.11A.what B.that C.it D.which
25.The fashiondesigner makesfrequent tripsto Paris,asit is streetahead fashionis concerned.(六校)11A.which B.where C.why D.whose
26.lie detectortests arenot allowedas evidenceinthecourts,it isnevertheless auseful investigativetool.(六校)11A.Unless B.If C.Because D.Although
27.She wasmoving out ofherold apartmentshe suddenlyrealized that thekeytothenew apartment(十校)wasnt onher.11A.until B.once C.when D.as if
28.Its asecret.Promise noone elsewould knowit”,he loweredhis voiceand whisperednoonecouldoverhear it.(11十校)A.in caseB.even if C.so that D.just as
29.Stage frightisacommon exampleof educatorscall a“lack ofconfidence“among students.(十校)11A.that B.what C.which D.whose
30.After along andtiring flight,Mr.Ritz wasfrustrated atthe newshis luggagehad beensent toHong(十校)Kong bymistake.11A.that B.which C.what D.because
31.“Simpler”books are the foundationstudents builda lifelonghabit ofreading andfurther theactual(十校)skill ofreading forlonger andstronger periodsoftime.11A.which B.upon which C.for which D.in which
32.the trappedminers neededurgently wasa continuoussupply offresh airand water.(奉贤11-DA.When B.That C.What D.Whether
33.Contrary tothe opinionofthemembers,thepresidentshould appointhe thinkscandothe jobmost(奉贤)adequately.11-1A.who B.whom C.whomever D.whoever
34.We shouldpay attentionto safetyin schoolsbecause offrequent reportsabout accidentsstudents got(奉贤)injured orkilled whilein school.11-1A.in which B.for which C.which D.that
35.I was much impressedby great changes andfast paceoflifeinShanghaiI came to visitthis fantastic(奉贤)city.11-1A.atthefirst timeB.for thefirsttimeC.bythefirsttimeD.thefirsttime(奉贤)
36.Who wasit wasseated besideMiss Smith,talking excitedlyall thetime11-
137.If you are travelingthe customsare reallyforeign to your own,please doastheRomans do.(11奉贤-111崇明・1・38题类似)A.in which B.what C.when D.where
38.Doing yourhomework isa sureway toimproveyourtest scores,and thisis especiallytrueitcomes to(普陀)the classroomtests.11-1A.before B.as C.since D.when
39.Beer is the mostpopulardrink amongmaledrinkers,overall consumptionis significantlyhigher than(普陀)that ofwomen.11-1A.whose B.which C.that D.what(普陀)
40.It wasquite aserious accident,caused bycareless driving.11-1A.which I think was B.I thinkwhich was C.which I think it was D.Ithinkwhich itwas
41.Mother madea promiseI passedthe collegeentrance examinationshe wouldbuy mea mobilephone.(普陀)11-1A.that B.if that C.that if D.that whether(普陀))
42.Personally Ithink it is the sales manager,rather thanthesalesgirls,to blame.11-1A.isB.that isC.are D.whoare
43.Government reports,examination compositions,legal documentsand mostbusiness lettersarethemain(普陀)situations formallanguage isused.11-1A.in which B.on which C.in that D.at what
44.It isvery different from the situation inthe wild,the vastmajority ofcamels willdie orbe killed(长宁)before theygrow up.11-1A.which B.where C.when D.what
45.There isgrowing concernfood supplieswillnot be enoughto feedthe increasingworld population.A.that B.which C.as D.where
46.The LijiangRiver wasso fascinatingthatIloved itthe momentI gotoutofthe coach.(长宁)11-1A.when B.since C./D.as
47.The ladywas beautifuland impressedme mostwas hereducation backgroundthat sheused todo(长宁一)scientific researchat StanfordUniversity.111A.that B.which C.where D.what
48.So suddenlythatthe villagers hadno timeto escape,and atleast halfofthemwere buriedinthemud.(长宁)11-1A.did the disaster occurB.the disaster occurredC.wasthedisasteroccurredD.thedisasteroccurring(长宁)
49.well preparedyou are,you stillneed alot ofluck towin afootball match.11-1A.However B.Whatever C.How D.So
50.As amatter offact,much ofwe readonthe Internet every day isgroundless ornonsense.(闵行)11-1A.those B.that C.it D.what
51.The newly-built railwaywill getseveral roundsystem testsitisopen tothepublic.(闵行)11-1A.before B.after C.since D.while(闵彳亍)
52.The fallenleaves coveredthe streets,added beautytotheancient smalltown.11-1A.that B.which C.it D.this
53.you areaware ofthe trickused inadvertisements,I dontthink youareeagerto buy.(闵行)11-1A.Unless B.Once C.Whether D.Although
54.Everybody talksaboutthetaste ofgreat food,but hardlyaboutthetongue andthe nosethat makethe(闵行-)tasting possible.111A.anybody talksB.does anybodytalk C.talks anybodyD.nobody talks(虹口)
55.we mayface,were supposedto workwith jointefforts tofight againstit.11-1A.However asevere disasterB.What asevere disasterC.However severea disasterD.What severea disaster
56.In yesterdaysspeech,it wasntmade clearthe earthquakecant bepredicted accurately.(虹口)11-1A.what B.why C.that D.how
57.Research showswhen people are shutup together,theyre inis calleda stresssituation.(虹口)11-1A.that B.how C.what D.why
58.Learning toread ismade easierwhen teacherscreate anenvironment childrenare giventhe opportunitytosolvethe(虹口一)problem byreading.111A.which B.whose C.that D.where
59.Traveling withoutordering roomsin advancecan eatup preciousvacation timeluck issmiling toyou.(虹口)11-1IA.unless B.as C.ifD.when
60.much isknownaboutwhat occursduring sleep,the precisefunction ofsleep andits differentstages remainslargely(卢湾)intherealm ofassumption.11-1A.Because B.For C.Since D.While(卢湾-)
61.,hedoesget annoyedwith hersometimes.111A.As he likes hermuch B.Although muchhe likesherC.Much ashe likesher D.Much althoughhelikesher
62.When Itrytounderstand thatprevents somany Americansfrombeingas happyas onemight expect,(卢湾)it seemsto methat there are twocauses.11-1A.why it does B.what it does C.what itis D.why itis(卢湾)
63.Prof.Lees bookwill showyoucan be usedin othercontexts.11-1A.thatyou have observedB.that howyou haveobservedC.how thatyou haveobserved D.how whatyouhaveobserved
64.Without facts,we cannotform aworthwhile opinionfor weneedto have factualknowledge our(卢湾)thinking.11-1A.which to be basedon B.which to base uponC.upon whichtobaseD.to whichtobebased
65.Physics is the present-day equivalentof usedtobecalled naturalphilosophy,from whichmost of(卢湾)present-day sciencearose.11-1A.that B.all C.which D.what
66.On arainy dayI wasdriving norththrough VermontI noticedayoungman holdingupasign reading(卢湾)“Boston”.11-1A.which B.where C.when D.that
67.It was foralifetime ofunselfish workamong thesick nativesthe olddoctor deservedtobehonored.(徐汇)11-1A.who B.that C.which D.whom
68.Researchers claimtohavefoundthefirst proofgetting aregular eighthours anight reallydoes make(徐匚)you appearhealthier and more attractive.11V-1A.as B.that C.how D.which
69.Newton isknown asa giftedscientist withvery humanweaknesses whostood atthepointin historymagicended andscience began.(11徐汇-1)A.that B.when C.where D.which
70.a childbegins school,he entersa worldof viciouscompetition wheresuccess andfailure areclearly definedand(徐汇)measured.11-1A.Before B.Until C.Whenever D.The moment
71.A BelgianFrench-language dailyhas issuedis thought tobeEurope9sfirst3D newspaper——complete(徐汇)with cardboardviewing glasses.11-1A.what B.where C.that D.which(涂鸦)(破坏行为)
72.you thinkgraffiti ismindless vandalismagainst propertyoraliving artform,its popularity(徐汇)suggests thatitis here tostay.11-1A.Although B.No matterC.Whether D.Suppose
73.Tom inviteda Chinesetoteachhim KongFu,he stillhad somedifficulty practicing.(嘉定)11-1A.As thoughB.Even though C.In spiteof D.Because
74.All thepeople wonderedeagerly causedthe seriousbuilding firein JiaozhouRoad inShanghai.(嘉定)11-1A.what wasit that B.what itwas that C.how itwas that D.why itwas that(嘉定)
75.There aremany peopleonly on-line activityis sendingand receivinge-mail.11-1A.who B.that C.which D.whose(嘉定)
76.you workmore efficientlyare youabletocatch upwith othersintheclass.11-1IA.Only when B.If C.Unless D.Until
77.In theinterview,one ofmy classmateswho hopedtobeadmitted intoFudan Universitywas askedmany questions,(嘉定)the answerscouldnt befound inour textbooks.11-
178.All thespecialists aretrying theirbesttoreduce thepeoples fear“super influenza^^will affect theworldseriously(嘉定)and killmore andmore peopleinashort time.11-1A.which B.that C.whether D.because
79.is most importantto me isthat avolunteer jobfor the World ExpoPark canoffer mea chancetohelpothers.(嘉定)11-1A.It B.That C.What D.This(
80.The purposeoftheresearch programcarried outrecently hasa moreimportant meaningfor themthan.11嘉定)-1A.it doesus B.itdoesfor usC.itdoesto usD.it hasfor us
81.Everyone foundstrange itwasforMr.Wang toarrive soearly,hewas always thelast to getto.(静安)11-1A.how B.which C.that D.what
82.As youknow,blood beginstosettleinthelowest partofthebody theheart stopspumping itaround.(静安11-DA.as soonas B.as well as C.as faras D.asmuchas(静安-)
83.Her armscircled hisneck,the wordsroared unstoppablyinside herhead.111A.what B.whether C.as D.that(静安)
84.Were justtrying toreach apoint bothsides willsit downtogether andtalk.11-1A.when B.that C.where D.which
85.The problemthequalityofthe products isup torequirement hasnot beensettled.(静安)H-1A.if B.that C.what D.whether(静安)
86.They refusedto admitPaul tothe performancebecause ofhewaswearing.11-1A.what B.how C.that D.whichconsumed withcaution.(11杨浦)-1A.Unless B.As longas C.Even though
87.energy drinksare popularand canbe boughtanywhere,researchers recommendthe drinksbe
88.Some peoplehold differentviews onthenewrule animalperformance shouldnotbecarried outinzoos.(11杨浦-1)A.in which B.which C.why D.that
89.It isntclear winsinthebattle formarket sharebetween Tencentand Qihoo360,but theusers areA.who B.that C.whoever D.what(杨浦)always thelosers.11-
190.It wasbecause ofthe heavysnow hundredsof flightswere severelydelayed oreven cancelledat(杨浦-)Heathrow airport.111A.what B.so that C.that D.how(杨》甫)
91.I dontmind talkingtothepress that my identityis protected.11-1A.in caseB.on condition C.for fearD.in order
92.More andmore peoplecometo realize thatour environmentis thenatural foundationour economyis(杨浦)built.11-1A.that B.which C.on which D.what
93.I wasgrateful tothe repairmanfor helpingme getback wasaccidentally deletedby myself.(杨浦)11-1A.which B.those C.what D.that(杨浦)
94.Never so well beforethehigh-rise fireoccurred.11-1A.unless B.thoughC.since D.before(八校)
23.youve pickedup,you mustgive it backtoit belongsto.09A.Whatever...whoever B.What...no matterwhoC.No matterwhat...no matterwho D.Whatever...no matterwho
24.Only afterhehadspent severalnights workingonthemaths problemto wonderwhether theproblem(八校)was wronglyset.09A.did he begin B.hebeginC.he didbegin D.begin he
25.Sufficient supplyof gasis themajor concerntotheEuropean Union,a number of memberstates are(八校)increasingly dependenton onesingle supplier.09A.which B.where C.whose D.that
26.Much he claims hehasa good tasteof hisown,he cantavoid beinginfluenced byadvertisement.(八校)09A.that B.which C.as D./
27.the Internetis ofgreat help,I dontthink itsgoodidea to spend too much time onit.(八校)09A.As longas B.While C.Now that D.As though
28.Some peopledisagree with the ideathe digitaltextbook willimprove educationquality whilethe(十校)traditional textbookis outof date.10A.because B.which C.that D.as
29.Perhaps the best signof computerand internetuse pushesup demandfor papercomes fromthe(十校)high-tech industryitself.10A.how B.what C.why D.that
30.Further readingmade merealize thatitwashard workand determinationas wellashergood nature(十校)had gother intoa medicalschool.10A.sold fire extinguishersB.did fireextinguishers sellD.fireextinguishers sold
95.Was itduring theSecond WorldWar hedied(11黄浦-1)A.when B.that C.in which D.then
96.There isstill along wayto gothe abovequestions couldbe answered.(11黄浦-1)A.once B.when C.after D.before
97.We willdiscuss informationis,or canbe,organized inthe courseof Journalism.(11黄浦-1)A.that B.what C.whether D.howC.were fireextinguisherssold
98.makes the working classdiffer frompeasants islonger periodsof employmentandmorefixedincomes.(11黄浦-1)A.That B.How C.What D.Whether
99.therearetwo differentresults,scientists nowgenerally agreethat somekinds ofdinosaurs livedin biggroups.(11黄浦-1)A.Though B.If C.As longas D.Unless
100.The EnvironmentAgency tookover therole offlood warningfromthe police hadto godoor todoorto getthenewsout.(11黄浦-1)A.who B.which C.where D./
101.Dear Mom,I wonderif youever knewhow muchI appreciatedyou gaveme even though Ioftensimply said,“Thanks Mom.”(11宝山-1)A.all which B.all that C.in that D.for that
102.I reallydontlikemaths,I findhis lecturesinteresting.(11宝山-1)A.As B.Since C.Once D.While
103.Dad toldme,Nothing isimpossible youwant itbadly enoughand goafter ithard enough.^^A.unless B.ifC.because D.until
104.Do youknow thatAustralia wasasamatter offact usedtobea landfor prisoners(宝山)11-1A.where B.what C.which D.that(宝山)
105.We waitedand waited.wehad been lookingforward to.11-1A.Then camethe hourB.Then did the hourcomeC.Came thenthehourD.Came thehour then
106.It seemsas if there9vebeenalot of strongearthquakes thisyear.And no,its nota signalthe planetis(缝隙)(宝山)coming apartattheseams Scientistssay.11-1A.whether B.that C.what D.which(浦东
107.a graduateis talentedand practical,physical appearancewillnotplay animportant rolein jobhunting.11)-1A.Once B.Unless C.Though D.As longas
108.His parentsdont carehe manageshis pocketmoney,but onething isfor sure:the moneyspent must(浦东)be worthwhile.11-1A.when B.where C.whether D.how
109.He hastraveled the continent acoupleoftimes buthardly to know hisway around thecontinent.(浦东)11-1A.hecanclaim B.can heclaim C.claims heD.heclaims
110.your idealis,careful planand preparationarethekey factorsforyoutorealizeit.(浦东)11-1A.However B.Whatever C.Whichever D.Wherever
111.We shouldtake thestudents9request intoaccount theschool canteenprovide morefood totheir taste.(浦东)11-1A.when B.which C.that D.where
112.His abilityhas neverbeen indoubt—the questionisornot heis prepared to workhard.(11金山・1)IA.that B.ifC.where D.whether
113.Considering that she did her workher managerhad instructed,itwasnot properto criticizeher.(金山)11-1A.as B.until C.when D.though
114.The SpringFestival isour traditionalfestival,people usuallyvisit theirfriends andrelatives.(金山)11-1A.for which B.to which C.during whichD.about which(金山-)
115.Do youknow hadreported theaccidenttothepolice111A.who itwas that B.who wasit that C.itwas who thatD.thatitwaswho
116.More andmore Chinesepeople followthe practicethey willtravel tovarious scenicspots toenjoy the(金山-)scenery intheir leisuretime.111A.whether B.whichC.where D.that(金山)
117.thatmydearest friendwould playa trickon meinfrontof allmy students.11-1A.Never Ithought B.Never did IthinkC.Ithoughtnever D.Never thoughtI
118.According toa reportfrom Shanghai,the cityhas about800,000pet dogs,more thanhalf wereunregistered.(闸北)11-1A.what B.whichC.whose D.of which(闸北)
119.It wasin Guangzhouthe2010Asian ParaGames tookplace.11-1(闸匕)
120.Parents willfind itvery hardto changea badhabitoftheir kidsitisformed.111-1A.despite B.once C.unless D.because
121.The performanceofthefamous actorGe Youwas madehigh boxofficeforthe filmLet theBulletsFly.(11闸北・1)A.what B.that C.who D.whichA.So busyhas the traffic beenB.So busythetraffic hasbeen(拥挤)(闸]匕)
122.forthelast fewyears that Beijing isconsidering chargingcongestion fee.11-1C.Has thetraffic beenso busyD.So thetraffichasbeen busy
123.The Braziliangovernment promisedto holdthe2014World Cupsuccessfully difficultymay appear.A.however B.in spiteof C.whatever D.aslongas(闸北)11-
1124.The explosionin Swedenforced thecountry toface thefact terrorismdoes existinthesmall country.(闸北)11-1A.what B.whichC.where D.that
125.the daywent on,theweathergot worsein someprovinces.(青浦)11-1A.With B.When C.While D.As
126.Only thenhow muchdamage had been causeddue to her slipof tongue.(11青浦-1)A.she realizedB.she hadrealized C.had sherealized D.did sherealize
127.With morethan17000islands,only6000are inhabited,Indonesia is the worldslargest islandnation.(青浦)H-1A.onwhichB.for whichC.of whichD.along which
128.As weall know,the daysare approachingthe2012Olympics willbe heldin London.(青浦)11-1A.when B.where C.thatD.which(青浦)
129.This isa naturereserve.Til visitit,.11-1A.how farmay itbe B.no matterhow faritmay beC.however itmay beD.how mayitbe
130.After threeyears ofpreparation,Shanghai haspresented theworld manysay is the greatestWorld(青浦)Expo.11-1A.when B.what C.where D.which
131.Stephen Hawkingbelieves thatthe earthis unlikelytobethe onlyplanet lifehas developedgradually.(崇明)11-1A.that B.where C.whichD.whose(崇明)
132.It wasnot untilthe latetwentieth century.11-1A.did Chinawitness greatchanges B.when Chinawitness greatchangesC.China witnessed greatchangesD.that Chinawitnessedgreatchanges(崇明)
133.does somethinggood willbe praisedbythe teacher.11-1A.Anyone B.No matterwho C.Those who D.Whoever
134.A fewyears ago,the beliefbecame generalorange juiceand milkshould neverbe drunkatthesametime.(11崇明・1)A.that B.what C.and thatD.which(崇明)
135.He madea mistake,but thenhe correctedthesituationit gotworse.11-1A.until B.when C.before D.as
136.So amusedthatI couldnt helplaughing when Isawthe childrendressed upas SantaClause on(崇明-)Christmas Day.111A.didIfeel B.had I felt C.IfeltD.I hadfelt(四区)
137.We haventsettled thequestion itis necessaryfbr him to studyabroad.11-2A.if B.where C.whether D.that(四区)
138.My grandfatherruns inthe parknearby everymorning itrains.11-2A.except that B.except when C.except D.except for
139.A rewardof50thousand yuanwillbeoffered bythe localpolice tocan provideany cluesleading to(四区)the arrestofthebank robbers.11-2A.whoever B.whomever C.who D.whom
140.Many atime heranswers inthe testpaper becauseshe isnot confidentenough ofherself especially(四区)when itcomestoa criticalmoment.11-2A.the girlhas changedB.has changedthe girlC.did thegirl changeD.has thegirl changed
141.E-mail isa convenient,highly democraticinformal mediumfor conveyingmessage amongpeople(四区)well satisfieshuman needs.11-2A.what B.who C.thatD.how
142.My unclehesitated foralongtime hedecidedtobuy aflat,ashewasnotquite surewhether theprice(四区)ofthehouse wouldgo upornot.11-2A.unless B.before C.ifD.until
143.1received acall fromthepoliceat midnightyesterday.that hehad beenbadly injuredinacar(卢湾)accident.11-2A.Then didI learnB.Only themI learnedC.Only thendidIlearn D.Only thenlearned I
144.Some localofficials arenot yetaware ofthe necessityoftheenvironmental protectiontheyve been(卢湾)educated timeand again.11-2A.on conditionthat B.so thatC.as thoughD.even though(卢》弯一)
145.Dont youthink citizensare increasinglyconcerned aboutnext season112A.will theestate priceskeep risingB.if theestate priceswill keep risingC.whether theestate priceswill keeprising D.how muchwill theestate priceskeeprising
146.The ChinaPavilion,,“The CrownoftheEast,“hasaunique roof,is one ofthemostimportantstyle featuresin(卢湾)traditional Chinesearchitecture.11-2A.whose structureB.which structureC.structure ofwhichD.ofwhichstructure
147.The predicationfrom Mayaworries inhabitantsDecember21,2012would betheendoftheworld.(卢湾)11-2A.if B.thatC.whether D.which
148.She wastrapped ina heavytraffic jam,so itwas alreadytime forlunch breakshe gottoheroffice.(长宁)11-2A.since B.until C.thatD.when
149.Losing weightisnoeasy task.A lotof peoplewho lostweight gainitbackover timeand endup backthey started.(长宁)11-2A.where B.what C.as D.after
150.-It rainedheavily yesterday.Did youget wet(长宁一)-Quite lucky,got onthe trainwhen itpoured down.112A.no soonerhadIB.I haveno soonerC.hardly hadI D.scarcely Ihad
151.The firefighterwas injuredin puttingout abig fire,soweshould bepreparedtodo ittakes tosave his(长宁)life.11-2A.whichever B.however C.whatever D.whomever
152.At the115th anniversaryoftheuniversity,the auditoriumwas fullofpeople,are outstandingscientists,public figures(长宁)and governmentofficials.11-2A.most ofthem B.most ofthose C.most ofwhichD.most ofwhom
153.The localgovernment shouldconsider therequests ofthe residentsparks inthecityshould be open to(长宁)thepublicfree ofcharge.11-2A.that B.when C.whichD.whose
154.Some childrenwant tochallenge themselvesby learninga languagedifferentfromtheir parentsspeak(长宁)at home.11-2A.one B.thatC.whichD.what
155.Many peoplebelieve we are headingfor environmentdisasters webasically changethewaywe live.(闵行)11-2A.because B.although C.unless D.once
156.There isa popularbelief amongparents schoolspay nomore attentionto handwriting.(闵行)11-2A.as B.forC.whose D.that(闵彳亍一)
157.So nervousthat she didnt knowhow tostart herspeech.112A.shedidbecome B.she had become C.that shebecame D.did shebecome
158.The oldlady likesto spendtime indoors,she cancomfortably watchtelevision orread newspaper.A.when B.thatC.whichD.where(闵行)11-
2159.A newlydesigned skyscrapersare beingset uptheWorldTrade Centerusedtostand.A.that B.where C.whichD.when(闵行)11-
2160.-What wasthepartylike一Wonderful.Its yearsI enjoyedmyself somuch.(11闵行-2)A.since B.when C.before D.after
161.Dont setyourself upfor failure.Your chancesof achievingyour goalsare muchbetter theyrerealistic.(11浦东-2)A.since B.unless C.ifD.as(浦东)
162.not allschool subjectscanbeapplied directlytoyourjob inthe future,they mayhave indirectvalue.11-2A.Although B.As C.When D.As though
163.As weall know,the startofanew yearistheperfect timetothinkaboutyouwant toaccomplish.(浦东)11-2A.that B.whichC.what D.how
164.-Its reportedthat anew undergroundline hasbeen completed.一(浦东)Yes,but ithasnt beenmade clearits tobeopento traffic.11-2A.that B.when C.what D.who
165.People holdthe viewthat lifeis10%what happenstousand90%we respondtoit.(浦东)11-2A.why B.how C.when D.what
166.The mostdestructive elementinthehuman mindis fear.Only whenwe areno longerafraid tolive.(浦东)11-2A.wearebeginning B.begin weC.do we begin D.webegin(*甫东)
167.Raising childrenis saidtobea jobparents receivethe leastformal training.11-2A.in whichB.for whichC.where D.that
168.Braddock wasforced intoretirement duringthe GreatDepression,but henever gaveup hisboxing dream,and.(黄浦)11-2A.so washis managerB.his managerdid soC.neither didhis managerD.neither washis manager(黄)甫-)
169.you loseyour key,please keepa spareoneinyour office.112A.As longas B.Though C.Unless D.In case(
170.youaregiven aform tofill outdoes notnecessarily meanthatyouhavetoanswer all the questionsinit.11黄浦)-2A.That B.Why C.What D.Whether
171.Parent-teacher conferenceshould bepleasant,civilized,a kindof dialogueparents andteachers build(黄浦)partnership.11-2A.whoseB.asC.thatD.where
172.In thethird andfourth columnsof yourmonthly budget,list youexpecttospend yourmoney onand(黄浦)the amount.11-2A.what B.howmuchC.how D.which
173.Each personexcuses himselfby thinkingsomeone elsewill helpthe moreother people^thereare,the(黄]甫)greater thetotal shiftingof responsibility.11-2A.if B.until C.so thatD.as if
174.Youd betterhave somecash onyou,for anemergency yourcredit cardwont do.(普陀)11-2A.whichB.where C.however D.unless
175.They mustrealizethatthey wantto finishthis reportwillbedoing itunder alotofpressure.(普陀)11-2A.who B.whoever C.no matterwho D.whom(普陀)
176.we haveallthematerials ready,weshouldbegin thenew taskat once.11-2A.Since that B.Since nowC.By nowD.Now that(垄断).(普陀)
177.In somemarkets theremaybeonly oneseller.is calleda monopoly11-2A.Situation asthis B.Such kindof situationC.Such asituation D.A situationof this(普陀)
178.Never inmy wildestdreams thesepeople areliving insuch poorconditions.11-2A.when B.whichC.how D.that
31.It struckme likelightning howdifficult itmust havebeen forawomanto geta medicaltraining solong ago(十校)womens educationwasalwaysplaced secondto mens.10A.while B.when C.until D.as
32.the childcannot forgiveistheparents refusaltoadmitthese chargesifthechild knowsthem tobe(十校)true.1A.Whether B.That C.Why D.What
33.Not untilyears latertheir leadingposition inthe marketplacewith thecreation ofSwatch watches.(十校)10A.the Swiss regained B.the Swisshas regainedC.did theSwissregain D.has theSwiss regained
34.It wastwo monthstheyoungman masteredthe skillof runningthe machineintroduced fromGermany.A.since B.when C.thatD.before(六校)10-
135.The BlackFriday afterThanksgiving Dayisthebusiest dayoftheholiday shoppingseason,shoppers(六校)line uphours beforestores opentogetthebestdeals.10-1A.whichB.where C.when D.that(六校)
36.really mattersin sportsisnotthe winning,but thetaking part.10-1A.That B.It C.What D.How
37.-1serve himthree mealsa dayand almosteverything forhim,but hestill failsme.一Im sorryto saythats youare wrong.To givehim whateverhe wantswill onlyspoil him.(六校)10-1A.where B.what C.why D.how
38.,lack ofclean freshwater presentsan evengreater threat.(10六校-1)A.I couldimagine B.could Iimagine C.I couldntimagine D.couldnt Iimagine(普陀)
179.tothelab thanhe setout todotheexperiment.11-2A.He hasno soonergot B.No soonerdid heC.He willno soonerget D.He hadno soonergot
180.Space explorationhasbeenmade with the developmentof modernscience andtechnology.(普陀)11-2A.it possibleB.itwaspossible C.that possibleD.possible
181.・Its theembarrassment ofrefusing tojump persuadeshimtoconquer hisfearofheights.(虹口)11-2A.whichB.thatC.how D.what(虹口)
182.She sweptthe soilaway andfound herselfstanding onseemed apavement.11-2A.what B.whichC.who D.that
183.You shouldtake controlofyourlife itis planningcoursework orpicking amajor.1(11虹口-2)A.whenever B.whether C.whatever D.no matter
184.The traditionalview iswhere youstand inthe alphabetcan reallyaffect yourchances.(11虹口・2)A.whenB.why C.whether D.that
185.Of themaking ofgood booksthere isno end;neither anyendtotheir influenceon manslives.(虹口)11-2A.thereisB.is thereC.itisD.isit
186.In additionto histraditional medicaltreatment,he triedto puthimself insituations wouldbring about(虹口)positive emotions.11-2A.whichB.where C.why D.as
187.A specialscientist teamhadbeenformed tostudythepossible relationshipbetween theunusual weatherin(徐¥匚-)Australia andin Braziland someother countries.112A.theoneB.the onesC.thatD.those
188.What reallyworries usistheexplorers canaccurately locatethemselves withthe olddevice incase of(徐汇)bad weather.11-2A.that B.where C.what D.whether
189.A goodvolunteer shouldnot onlydisplayhis orher owngoodimage butalsoseeto itthe visitorgets(徐¥匚-)the exactinformation heneeds.112A.that B.whichC.how D.where
190.there hadbeen evidenceofbowling-like gamesin ancientEgypt,history clearlypoints outthat(徐汇)bowling beganin Germanyduringthedark ages.11-2A.Since B.Unless C.Until D.Though
191.Parties alcoholis servedcan go downhill quicklyif drinkingis basicallythe onlything todo atthe(徐汇)party.11-2A.where B.whichC.when D.as
192.theproductor servicedoes notlive upto publicexpectation,the customerwillbevery dissatisfiedand possiblyask(徐匚)for hisorhermoney back.117-2A.Although B.Unless C.If D.Even if(、玩意)
193.A USoffice workerhas inventedwill likelygodownasthemost usefulworkplace gadget4a(徐汇)device thatlets youknow whenyour nearestWC isfree.11-2A.what B.thatC.whichD.who
194.youaretalking about,gossiping inthe officeisasurefire wayto endyour worklife.A.No matterwhat funnythings B.No matterhow funnythingsC.No matterwhat thingsfunny D.No matterhow thingsfunny
195.Slipping offthe bicycle,Jack askeda passer-by whetherthere wasa drugstorearound hecould buy(闸匕)the medicinefor hisbroken knee.
111.2A.where B.when C.whichD.whichever
196.many Americanfamilies havea largerincome nowthan everbefore,peoplearefinding itdifficult to(闸匕)make endsmeet anyway.11J-2A.Once B.Unless C.Although D.Since(闸」匕一)
197.Still hardly,according toscientists,earthquake withtodays technologies.112A.peoplecan predict B.canpredict people C.can peoplepredict D.predictpeoplecan()
198.The rumour1SW goingaroundthenewspaper SteveJobs,founder ofApple company,was seriously(闸北)sick finallyproved wrong.11-2A.where B.who C.what D.that(闸W匕-)
199.US secretaryHilary Clintonsaid recentlythatshesoon toenjoy privatelife.112A.retired B.would retireC.had retiredD.will retire
200.American Idol,which cameinto existencein2002,one ofthemostpopular showsinthecountry and)millions ofaudience watchtheprogramevery week.(11闸4匕-2)A.became B.would becomeC.has becomeD.hadbecome
201.Was itthe favourableenvironment andweather madeVancouver themost livablecity intheworld(闸北)11-2A.thatB.what C.who D.where
202.1fyouare travellingthe customand cultureare reallyforeign toyour own,please doastheRomans do.(松江)11-
2203.After comingto himself,the passengercouldnt quiteremember theaccident happened.(松江)11-2A.that whenB.itwaswhen C.when itwas thatD.when wasit(松江)
204.make toomuch differencewhethershejoins theclub ornot.11-2A.This doesntB.That wontC.It doesntD.This wont
205.After6years oftwists andturns,the constructionofthe Shanghai Disneyland,was anothermajor construction(松江)project aftertheShanghaiExpo,was officiallystarted onApril8th.11-2A.thatB./C.what D.which
206.Although Chinaspopulation issteadily increasing,ifs hardtoknowexactly thepopulation isata(松江)certain timefor statisticsexperts.11-2A.what B.how manyC.howmuchD.which
7.ill-mannered,the laziestand mostirresponsible creatureyou couldever hopeto meet.(松江)11-2A.Not onlyis he...but heisB.Not onlyishe...but alsois heC.Not onlyheis...but alsoisheD.Not onlyheis...but alsoheis
208.We shoulddiscuss carefullythe importantquestion wecan completethe taskwithin aweek.(松江)11-2A.what B.ifC.whether D.which
209.-Have youever seena tigerinthewild(崇明)-Yes.T sawwhenIvisited thenational parkin southernNepal.11-2A.itB.one C.thatD.any
210.In somecountries,is calledequality“does notreally meanequal rightsfor allpeople.(崇明)11-2(崇明)
211.you willcarry outmy instructionsor Iwill offerthe jobto someoneelse.11-2A.Either B.Unless C.Until D.Whether
212.They didntdiscover untilthey happenedto enterthe backroom someonehad stolenthe priceless(崇明)painting.11-2A.thatB.what C.whichD.when(崇明)
213.Tve triedvery hardto improvemy English,but byno meanswith myprogress.11-2A.theteacherisnotsatisfied B.istheteacher notsatisfiedC.theteacheris satisfiedD.istheteacher satisfied
214.The storybrought thehours backto meI wastaken goodcare ofin thatfaraway village.(崇明)11-2A.thatB.until C.where D.when
215.has recentlybeen doneto providemore buses,a shortageof publicvehicles remainsaseriousproblem.A.That B.What C.In spiteof what D.Though what
216.Not untilI shoutedatthetop ofmy voicehis head.(11奉贤-2)A.that heturned B.he didntturn C.did heturn D.did henot turn(崇明)11-2(奉贤)today.11-2A.why B.when C.whichD.that
217.Johns successhas nothingtodowith goodluck.It isyears ofhard workhasmadehim whatheis
218.fashion differsfrom countryto countrymay reflectthe culturaldifferences fromone aspect.A.What B.It C.That D.Which(奉贤)11-
2219.There aremany kinds of publicmerriment associatedwith PancakeDay,oneofisthepractice ofpancakeraces.(11奉贤-2)A.whichB.themC.thatD.what
220.Someone calledmeupinthemiddle ofthe night,but theyhung upIcouldanswer thephone.(奉贤)11-2A.asB.since C.until D.before(奉贤)
221.convincing anargument is,it needssupport ofevidence.11-2A.Whatever B.Altho C.Whether D.However答案:1-10DADAB DDCDA11〜DBACA CDBDA21-30CDBAB DCCBA2031〜BCDAD CDDAA41〜CBABA CDAAD51-60ABBAC BCDAD4050AACCD ACDAC61〜CCDCD CBBCD71〜ACBBD ACBCB81-907080CDACA DBDDB91-100BCCBB DDCAABDDBB111-120CBCDC ABDAC121〜130AACDD DCABB131-140BDDAC ACBAD141〜150DACBB DCBDD151-160CDADC DDDBA161〜170CACBB CBCDA171〜180ADCCD AACBB181-190BABDB ACDAD191-200ACAAA CCDBC201〜210A.As badasthe air canbe B.Bad astheair can beC.The aircanbe bad D.As theaircanbebad
39.she couldntunderstand wasfewer andfewer studentsshowed interestin herlesson.(八10校)A.What...why B.That...what C.What...because D.Why...that
40.Computers,have manyuses,cannot completelytake theplace ofhumans.(1八校)A.thatB.thoughC.whichD.as
41.There isno doubt(1八校)A.whether hewill finishthe workon timeB.if hewill finishthe workon timeC.thathewill finishthe workon timeD.how hewill finishtheworkon time
42.Nancy enjoyedherself somuch shevisited herfriends inSydney lastyear.(1八校)A.thatB.whichC.whenD.where
43.The jobwillbeoffered tois capableof performingit well.(10八校)A.who B.whoever C.no matterwhoD.anyone
44.I keepmy dictionaryIcansee iteasily,as Imayuseit anytime.(10八校)A.whichB.whatC.where D.when
45.The questionthat puzzledthem isthey canget ridoftheair pollutioninthearea.A.how isit thatB.that howC.what isit D.how itisthat
46.Yesterday eveningthe boardhadadiscussion regardingthey shouldset upmore scholarshipsto meet(校)the increasingdemands.10H
147.In thesurvey theylisted twelvekindsoffood wouldaffectthework ofthe brain.A.that werebelieved B.which the experts believedC.the expertsbelieved thatD.theexpertsbelieved(■校)
48.But whenI gotthe townoughttohavebeen,all Ifound wasa gasstation.10HA.where B.wherever C.there D.that(-一校)
49.the HopeProject wascarried outinthispoor area,students herehadnoaccesstoeducation.10HA.Once B.As C.Before D.After
50.Despite alotofresearch,scientists cannot figureout quitea numberof insects,birds andanimals are(奉贤-)dying out.101A.thatB.asC.why D.when
51.Mary,born ofa poorfamily,cant beadmitted toa universitynext fallshecanafford herfurther study.(奉贤)10-1A.unless B.forC.asD.if(奉贤)
52.Henry setupaclub forfootball fans,he invitedall hisfriends.10-1A.to whichB.to whomC.for whomD.from which(奉贤)
53.The customerscomplained thatnot onlyhigh,but hedidnt doa goodrepair job.10-1A.he chargedB.washecharged C.didhecharge D.hewascharged(普陀)
54.Was itin1969the Americanastronaut succeededlanding onthe moon10-1A.when...on B.that...onC.that...inD.then...in
55.The growingspeed ofa plantis influencedbyanumberoffactors,are beyondour control.A.most ofthem B.most ofwhichC.most ofwhat D.most ofthat
56.The companiesare workingtogether tocreate theyhope willbethebest meansof transportinthe21st(普陀)century.10-1A.whichB.thatC.what D.who
57.theInternetisofgreathelp,I dontthink itsagoodideatospendtoomuchtimeonit.(普陀)10-1A.If B.While C.Because D.As一
58.Never beforeso popularwiththeyoung peopleinChina.一(普陀)Yes.Thafs becausetheyareconsidered tobeveryuseful aswellaslook fashionable.10-1A.have mobile phones beenB.mobile phoneshave beenC.had mobilephones beenD.mobilephoneshadbeen
59.I didntquite followhim heexplained thetheory ina waythat istotally newtome.(闵行)10-1A.before B.ifC.because D.until(闵彳亍)
60.Not untilallthefish diedintheriver howserious thepollution was.10-1A.the villagersdid realizeB.thevillagers realizedC.didthevillagers realizeD.didnt thevillagersrealize
61.A warmthought suddenlycametomeImight usethe pocketmoney tobuy flowersfor mymothers(闵行)birthday.10-1A.ifB.whenC.thatD.which
62.A cleanenvironment willimprove thecitys image,inturnwill attractmore foreigntourists.(闵行)10-1A.thatB.whichC.it D.where
63.She showedusthewhole dancefirst,then brokeit downwe couldlearn itmore easily.A.unless B.so thatC.even thoughD.until
64.It issuggested bymany expertsand welcomedby kidsin schoolstudents shouldbe givenmore free(闵行)time.10-1A.whenB.whyC.whether D.that(嘉定)
65.she seemsto putonasmiling faceeveryday,she hasntreally gotover theshadow ofexam failure.10-1A.Because B.As C.Whether D.Though(嘉定)
66.No oneknows preventedthe firefrom spreading.10-1A.what wasit thatB.what itwas thatC.how itwas thatD.why itwasthat
67.Only inthepast50years,withtherevolution indiving equipment,study deepseas closely.(嘉定)10-1A.were scientistsable toB.scientists wereable toC.have scientistsbeen ableto D.scientists havebeen ableto(嘉定)
68.The Englishprogram normallyattracts morethan1,000studentsayear,uptohalf willbe fromabroad.10-1A.in whichB.for whomC.with whichD.ofwhom
69.In Copenhagenclimate summit,countries weretrying tocreate theyhoped wouldbethebest wayto(嘉定)savetheplanet althougharguments existed.10-1A.whichB.thatC.whatD.who
70.She wontleavethecomputer gameher husbandis waitingfor hissupper.(10卢*弯-1)A.as thoughB.eventhoughC.whether D.whenever
71.unemployment andcrime ishigh,it canbe assumedthatthelatter isdue tothe former.。