(一)Little Tomdown thestreet callsour dogThe keep dog”・Zip is a sheepdog.But whenTom triesto saySeep*,it comesout keep・And in a wayTom isright.Zip isalways bringing things hoemfor usto keep!I11tell youaboutsome of them.Zips first present was a shoe.It was made ofgreen silk.We didnt know how Zip foundthe shoe.But aftera momentMary,my bigsister,told methe shoehad astrange smell.(点头)I noddedand heldmy nose.What doyou thinkit is(污点)It smellslike somethingfor cleaning.I thinksomeone triedto cleana spotoff the shoe.Then heput itat the doorto dry.Along cameZip.And good-bye shoe!I said.We shouldtake itback.We cant.said mysistter.Maybe littleTom isright/Mary said.Maybe Zipisakeepdog!
1.The writerand Marydidnt know.A.what Zips first presentwas B.howZipcarried itsfirst presenthomeC.who ownedZipsfirstpresent D.what Zipsfirstpresentwasmadeof
2.Tom callsZip the keep dogbecause.A.the doglikes keeping things B.the doglikes playingwith shoesC.he doesntknow thedogs nameD.he cantpronounce theword sheepwell
3.What madetheshoestrange was.Alts colourB.its smellC.its sizeD.that itwasasilk one
4.The wordkeepin thelast sentencemeans A.keepingthingsfor itselfB.bringingthingsfor otherto keepC.not lettingit runabout D.taking careof asmall child
5.We canknow from the readingthat thedog.A.likes togive presentsto peopleB.has beenkept in at thewriters homeC.has broughtsome troubleD.likes to be calledthekeepdog+On Christmas Eve—the nightbefore Christmas Day—children allover Britainput astocking at the endof theirbedsbefore theygo to sleep.Their parentsusually tellthem that Father Christmaswill comeduring the night.Father Christmasis verykind andhearted.He getsto thetop ofeach houseand climbsdown the chimney into thefireplace.He fillseach of the stockings with Christmaspresents.Of course,Father Christmasisnt real.In Jimand Kateshouse,Father Christmasis reallyMr Green.Mr Greendoesntclimb downthechimney.He waitsuntil the children areasleep.Then hequietly goesinto theirbedrooms andfills theirstockingswith smallpresents.When they were very young MrGreen sometimeswore ared coat.But hedoesnt dothat now.zThe children are nolonger young,and theyknow whoFather Christmasreally is.But theystill puttheir stockingsat theendof theirbeds.
1.ChristmasEveis.A.the night of Christmas Day B.the eveningof ChristmasDayC.ChristmasDayD.thenightbefore ChristmasDay
2.Father Christmasoften putspresents.A.into childrenshats B.into childrensstockings C.under childrensbeds D.into childrensshoes
3.When the children wereveryyoung,.A.they didntknow whoFather Christmaswas B.they knewthatFather Christmas wasntrealC.they thoughttheir father was Father ChristmasD.they knewwho putthe presentsinto theirstockings
4.When thechildrenareolder,they.A.know thatFather Christmasis realB.ask theirmother tofill theirstockingswithpresentsC.know thatFather Christmasis reallytheir fatherD.know thatFather Christmasis reallytheir friend
5.FatherChristmascomes into the housethrough the.A.chimney B.back doorC.front doorD.window.KEY:DBACA
(二)(毯子)An old lady in a planehad a blanket over her headand shedid not want to take itoff.The airhostessspoke toher,but theold ladysaid,“I havenever beenin aplane before,and I am frightened.I am〃going tokeep thisblanket overmy headuntil weare backon theground again!Then the captain came.He said,“Madam,Iamthecaptainof thisplane.The weather is fine,there are〃no cloudsin the sky andeverything is going verywell.But shecontinued tohide.zSo thecaptain turnedand startedto goback.Then theoldladylooked outfrom underthe blanketwithone eyeand said,am sorry,young man,but Idon tlike planesand Iam nevergoing to fly again.But FII sayonething,She continuedkindly,“You andyour wifekeep yourplane veryclean!”
1.An oldlady had.A.glasses B.ablanketoverherhead C.a coatD.a basket,
2.A.She didn twantto.A.take itoff B.turn itoff C.get onD.talk about it
3.spoke toher.A.The airhostess B.The mannext toherC.her husbandD.one ofher friends
4.The oldlady hadnever beenbefore.A.abroad B.home C.in aplane D.in hospital
75.The womandidntlike planesand shewas nevergoingA.to flyagain B.to travelC.to goabroad D.to gohome()=Dick livedin England.One dayin Januaryhe saidto his wife,Im going toflyto New York nextweek becauseIve gotsomework there.Where areyou going to staythere his wife asked.I dontknow yet.Dick answered.Please sendme(电报)your addressfrom therein a telegram Jhis wifesaid.All right/Dick answered.He flewto NewYork onJanuary31st andfound a nice hotel in thecenter ofthe city.He put his things in hisroom andthenhe sent his wifea telegram.He putthe addressof his hotelinit.In theevening hedidnt have any work,so he went toa cinema.He cameout atnine oclockand said,Now Imgoingback tomy hoteland haveanicedinner.(出租车)He founda taxiand thedriver said,Where doyou wantto goBut Dick didnt rememberthe nameandaddress of his hotel.Which hotelare mythingsinhe said,And what am Igoing to do tonightBut thedriver ofthe taxidid notknow.SoDick gotout andwent intoa post office.There hesenthiswife anothertelegram,and init hewrote,Please sendme myaddressat thispostoffice.Choose theright answer
1.Dick flewto NewYork because—.(观光)A.he went there for a holiday B.he hadwork thereC.hewentthere forsightseeing D.his homewas there
2.Why didhiswifewant atelegram fromhimA.Because shedidntknowhis addressyet B.Because shewanted to go toNewYork,tooC.Because shemight send him anothertelegramD.Because she couldnt leaveher husbandby himselfin NewYork
3.Where didDick stayin NewYorkA.In thecenter ofthe city.B.In ahotel.C.In arestaurant.D.At hisfriends house.
4.Who wouldsendhimthe nameand addressof hishotel(经理)A.The managerofhishotel.B.The policeoffice.C.The taxidriver.D.His wife.
5.Which ofthe followingis nottrueA.Dick stayedat anice hotelin thecenter ofthe city.B.Dickdidntwork onthe firstnightofhis arrival.C.Dick forgot to sendhiswifeatelegram.D.Dick wantedto goback to hishotelinataxi.
(四)Bob andJim onceworked in the samefactory.One day,Bob lentJim ten dollars,but thenJim lefthiswork andwent towork in another townwithout payingback themoney.Bob didntsee Jimfor ayear,and thenhe knewfrom anotherfriend that Jim was inanother town andstayingat ahotel.So hewentthere to seehim latein theevening.When hegottoJims room,he sawhis shoesnear thedoor.Well,he mustbe in,he thought,andknocked again,and said,I knowyou arein,Jim.Your shoesare outhere.Ive goneout inmy boots,answered Jim.True orFalse
1.Bob andJim onceworked indifferent factories.
2.One dayJim borrowedtendollarsfrom Bob.
3.Jim paidback themoney toBob andwent towork inanother townlater.
4.Bob hadntseen Jimfor ayear whenhe learnedthatJimwasinanothertown.Key:1-4F TF T
(五)I thinkthe mostterrible thingin lifefor my little brotheris getting up in the morning.He isalmost sickwhenmy mother calls,Herbert!Its sevenoclock!Get up!Herbert answers,Im coming!and goesright backtosleep.Im notat alllike mybrother.I dontlike togo to bedat nightbut Idont mindgettingupin the morning.I usuallywake upbefore my mother callsme.I jumpout ofbed andgo into the bathroomtotake a shower.I getdressed,brush myteeth,comb myhair,and getready to go downstairsfor breakfastas soon as my mothercalls.(军乐队)But notHerbert.He just sleeps.A militaryband inour bedroomcould notwake himup.I call川him andsay Getup!Mum wbe upheretopull youout ofbed ifyou dontget upimmediately!zBut hejustsleeps.After callinga fewmore timesmymotherhas to come upstairs and pull Herbert outofbed.Its thatway everyday withmylittle brother.Perhaps someday helllearn to get up on time,but Ireallydont thinkso.True orFalse
1.The mostterrible thingin lifefor mylittlebrotherisgoingto school.
2.Im notlike mybrother becauseI liketogoto bedearly atnight andget upearly in themorning.
1.1usually jumpout ofbed andgo intothe bathroomfor ashower beforemymothercalls.
4.When mothercalls,Herbert doesntanswer andremains inbed.
5.My motheroften hastogoupstairsandpullHerbertout ofbed as he refusesto getup.
6.Sometimes wehave tosend for a militaryband towake Herbertup.
7.The writerthinks someday Herbertwill learntogetupontime.
(六)KEY:ABABC(经历)In England,people oftentalk aboutthe weatherbecause theycan experiencefour seasonsin one汰day.In themorning theweather iswarm justI ein spring.An hourlater black clouds comeand thenitrains hard.The weathergets alittle cold.In thelate afternoontheskywill besunny,the sunwill begintoshine,and itwill besummer atthis timeof aday.In England,people canalso havesummer inwinter,or havewinter insummer.So inwinter theycanswim sometimes,and insummer sometimesthey shouldtake warmclothes.(伞)When yougotoEngland,you willsee thatsome Englishpeople usuallytake an umbrella oraraincoat with them inthe sunny morning,but youshould notlaugh at them.)(后悔If youdont takean umbrellaoraraincoat,you willregret laterintheday.
1.Why dopeople in England oftentalk aboutthe weatherA.Because theymay havefour seasonsin one day B.Because theyoften havevery goodweatherC.Because theweatheriswarm justlike inspring D.Because thesky issunny allday
2.From thestory weknow thatwhen come,there isa heavyrain.A.sunshine andsnow B.blackcloudsC.summer andwinter D.spring andautumn
3.People canalso havesummer inwinter.Means it is sometimestoo inwinter/A.warm B.cool C.cold D.rainy
4.In thesunnymorningsome Englishpeople usuallytakearaincoat oranumbrellawiththembecause.A.their friendsask them to doso B.it oftenrains inEnglandC.they aregoingto sell themD.they aretheir favouritethings(标题)
5.The besttitle forthis passageis.A.Bad SeasonsB.Summer orWinter C.The WeatherinEnglandD.Strange EnglishPeopleMr Brownwas goingaway fora week.Before heleft,he saidtohis son,if anyoneasks forme,you cantellhim thatyour fatherhas beenout fordoing something,and willbe backinaweek,then besure toask himtosit downfora cup of tea.OK,Dad,said hisson.But hewas afraidhissoncouldnt rememberthis,hewrote thesewords downon a piece of paper andgave itto him.His sonput itinto hissmall pocket,took itoutand lookedat itevery nowand then.Four dayspassed,but noone came to seehis father.The boythought that there wasno manto comeandthat thepiece of paper wasof nomore usefor him,so heburnt itthat evening.The nextafternoon,someone knockedatthedoor.The boyopened it.A manwas standingatthedoorand said,Where isyour fatherThe boyputhishand intohis pocketat onceand lookedfor thepiece ofpaper.He couldnot findit.He suddenlyremembered hehad burntit,so heshouted,No more.1The manwas verysurprised.He asked,No moreI metyour fatherlast week.When didit happennBurnt yesterdayevening.
1.Mr Browntold hisson that.A.he wouldbe awayfrom homefor fourdays B.he wouldbe backin sevendaysC.he wouldbe backinamonth D.he likeda cupof tea
2.Mr Brownwrote thewords downon.A.the wallB.thedoorC.apiece ofpaperD.his sonspocket
3.A mancametovisit theboys fatheron.A.the seconddayB.the thirdday C.the fourthday D.the fifthday
4.The manwas verysurprised because.A.he thoughtthe childsfatherwasdead B.thechilddidnt askhim tosit downC.thechildgave himacupofteaD.hecouldntfind thatpieceofpaper
5.What wasburnt.A.The pieceofpaperB.Mr SmithC.The visitorD.The boy()AOne ofthe thingstobelearnt ina foreign language isguessing all the timewhat kindof thingtocomewhen listeningto(必要的)someone talking.People dothis allthe timein theirown language,so itis necessarytodothis ina foreignlanguage,too.Here aresome examples.
1.Whats thematter Iwent toa partylast night,so I...
2.I feelso tiredthese days.I thinkyoud better...
3.Of course,she neverstops talking.She isone ofthe most...(上下文)You cansee fromthe abovethree examplesthatthecontext helpsa lotin understandingwhat isbeing talked(尤其)about.So guessingis veryimportant inunderstanding English,especially spokenEnglish.
4.This passagetells usmainly about.A.the importanceof guessingin learning a foreignlanguageB.how to guess whatone isgoingtotalk aboutC.some examplesof rightguessingD.how importantitistoguessallthetime
2.fromthecontext,we cansee maybethe finished answer in EXAMPLE Iis.A....so Ididnt havea goodtime.B....so Iwent tobed verylate.C.So Ifelt unhappy.D....so Igot upvery early.
3.Maybe thefinished answerin EXAMPLE2is.A.I thinkyoud betterhaveagood restand takegood careof yourself.*B.I thinkyoud betterhave somethingtodrink.C.I thinkyoud betterget somehelp fromyour friends.D.I thinkyoud betterbe morecareful.
4.Maybe thefinishedanswerinEXAMPLE3is.A....she isone ofthe mostfamous filmstars.B....she isone ofthe mostbeautiful women.nC....she isone ofthe mostfamous speakers.D...she isone ofthe mosttalkative women.(推断)
5.From thepassage wecan inferthat guessingis inlearningaforeignlanguage.A.the onlyway B.more importantin spokenEnglish thanin writtenEnglishC.more importantthan anyother wayD.more importantin writtenEnglish thanin spokenEnglish
(九)Uncle Liand Uncle Wang aregood friends.They livenext toeach otherand their farms areboth atthe footof themountain.So theycan helpeach other.But neitherofthemlikes touse hishead.Theyre bothpoor thoughthey workhard.Most villagershave builtnew houses,but theystill liveinthelow andbroken houses.They neverfind out why.Once Uncle Li wentto townto buysome medicinefor hiswife.In the town heheard the apples ina citywere expensive.He toldUncle Wangaboutitas soon ashewent back.They decidedto carrysome applestothe city.They borrowedsomemoney fromtheir friendsand boughtnearly l000kilograms of apples inthe villagesand carriedthemtothe cityonatractor.zBad luck!A lotof appleshas alreadybeen carriedthere whenthey arrived.A fewdays laterthey hadto sellthem ata low(价格)price.They feltunhappy andreturned totheir village.(蒙受)(盈利)“I cantunderstand whywe sustained losses in business whileothers alwaysprofit Uncle Li askedoneday.The tractorwas toosmallUncleWangsaid withoutthinking.Well carrymore applesona truck nexttime!(傻的)I agree!said UncleLi.How foolishwe were!
1.UncleLiand UncleWang liveinthelow andbroken housesbecause.A.they hopeto savemoney B.theyre bothpoorC.their farmsare atthe footofthemountain D.theyre notfar fromtheirfarms
2.The twofarmers carriedtheapplestothecity to.A.make ajourney B.visit someplaces ofinterest C.meet theirfriends D.make aprofit
3.thetowfarmers hadtoselltheir applesatalow pricebecause.A.theirs werentas goodas theothers B.theirs weremuch lessthan theothersC.a lotofappleshad beenalready carriedtothecity D.they forgotto carrythem ona truck
4.UncleLiand UncleWang wereunhappy because.A.they hadsustainedlossesinbusinessB.they hadlost somemoney inthe cityC.something waswrong withthe tractorD.other peopleprofited inthecity
5.Which ofthe followingis trueA.The twofarmers foundoutwhytheywerepoor.B.The twofarmers willsoon getrich.C.Neither ofthe farmersis clever.D.The twofarmers decidedto buyatruck.。