雅斯口语题库(完整版)口语test提成三个部分,下面按照次序发part1注意部分问题也也许在part3中被问到1Basic Informationowhat is yourfull namewhatcan Icall youwhatis yourID numberCharacteristics:Authentic,ShowyGood Custom,Tense excellence,Vocabulary,Communication Skills,idiom
2.Working orStudyingAre you working orstudyingWhat do you usuallydoworker onlywhere do you workwhatdo Chinesethink aboutkeeping petsDochina havewild animalzoowhat do you thinkimprovement ofzoo can be done
2.Describe relaxation methodCue Cardwhat is it how do you know it why you prefer itAbstract whatthe differenceis pressurebetween todayand50years agowhatrelaxationmethoddo yourfriend havewhatdifference are there inrelazxation methodsbetween manand womanwhatdo you think of the pressurewhatis the importance of the relaxationhow do you think thepressure progresseshow canwe doto solve the issuewhattradition wayChinese peoplecan dofor relaxation
3.Describe communicationmethodCue Cardwhat is it how you know it why you preferit
4.Describe anideal jobCueCardwhat is it how you knowit why you preferitAbstract howthe jobcan affectthe society
5.Describe somethingold in your familyCueCardwhat is it whobought itwhen boughtwhy youreserve itAbstractwhy somethingcan becarried downon fromone tonext generationswhodo you think areto acceptthese thingscarried downonwhat do you thinksignificant ofkeeping oldthings andpictures in the museum
6.Describe abook,which influenced you in your childhoodCueCardwhatis it whogave itto you what wasthat aboutwhat you learn fromitwhen thechildren startto readwhat booksnormally areread whywhatdo you think influenceof theInternetwhich onedo you think isbetter,online readingor traditionaloneImagine whetherthere aresome changes in readingof futureand what changeshow do you thinkto enjoyreadingwhat typesof booksthe people like toread atdifferent ageswhatbooks willyou readwhen gettingold
7.Describe alibraryCue Cardwhatisitwhere why you like it ordislike
8.Describe apopular physicalexerciseCue Cardwhatis itwhenand whereyou cando itAbstractwhat differentopinions are there tosports between the oldand theyoungwhich do you thinkthe sportis for,friendship orexercisesMight sportscause injuredwhichdo you think isbetter,exercise aloneor togetherwhat are the pros and cons ofoutdoors sportshowdo youtreat thesports equipmentswhat pros and cons
9.Describe ashopCue Cardwhere isit why howdo you knowit what youcan findout thereAbstractdiscusse-shop whatadvantages and disadvantageswhat are the advantages and disadvantages of creditcardwhat are the differences betweenthemodern shoppingand shopping in thepastwhat is the situationoftheshoppingin your hometown
10.Describe yourfavorite magzineor newspaperCueCardwhat ittalks abouthow often do youread it why do you likeit whatspecial doesithaveAbstract what are the differences between magzine andnewspaper whatpros and cons ofbothwhat are the differences newspaperjournalist andmagzine reportershow to bea goodjounalistwhat are the differences betweenmagzineand theInternetwhy do you preferto buynewspaperIs itpossible forthe publisherto writeanything canit criticizegovernment does it thepublisherhas anylimitationswhether do you thinkthe paperwill losemany purchaserswhywhat is theimportanceofthenewspaperwhat wayscanbeused ifsomeone wantsinformationhow totreat theInternet
11.Describe anadvertisement you likeCue Cardwhatisitwhy do you likeit
12.A schoolyou attendCueCardwhat theschool looks like whatscale whydo you like itAbstractwhatqualities the teachers are supposed toequip withwhythere aresome peoplechoosing theteaching aseternal careerdo you havesome chanceto playa teacherrole inyour lifediscussthe single-sex schoolwhatare the differencesbetweengood teachersand averageteacherswhat typesof schoolsdo you want tosend yourchildren,private school or publicschool
13.A pieceof clothesor jewelryyou haveCueCardwhat type of clothesor jewelryyou choosein specialtime whatit is what youlooklike whenyou wearithow youfeel whenyou wearitwhy it is importantwhy you like itAbstractwhat is fashionwhatsituation dopeople will change theweringIs itnecessary towear costumewhat are the prosandcons ofthe policewearing costumewhattypeof clothes do you preferto wearwhatyoulearnfrom theclothing
14.A roomyou likethe bestCueCardwhat it is whatit lookslike whatyou often do in the roomwhyyou like itAbstractwhatare thedifferencesbetween urbanhouses andcoutry housesdiscussthe prosandconsof livingwith familydo you thinkyouw川live alonewhatdifferences indifferent countriesof Chinawhatisthemost poplararchitecture do youthinkare thechanged in the futuredoyou young people preferto livewith theold nowwhattheprosandconsto livewith theelderlyImagine whatthe roomlookslikein thefuredo youknow yourneighbour whattheir homelook like
15.Change inyour lifeCueCardwhen ithappened whatis waslike whyyou changed16o Describe the partof dayyou likethe mostCueCardwhen whatdoyou do thenwhyyou likeitAbstract doyou like to makeschedule whydoyouthinkothers likethisdo you like othersprefer fix-time scheduleor flexibleschedule
17.Describe thecity youenjoyed visitingCueCardwhere isit whatdoesithave whatchanges in the futureAbstractwhatchangesare there in thesecountries inthese yearsdoyouwanttravel inthat citywhatproblems thepollution willbring tothe country
18.Describe anold manyou arefamiliar withCueCardwho he/she is how you got toknow him/herhow he/she hasinfluencedyou
19.Describe ariver orlake youhave seenCueCardwhay dopeople dothere whatare thechangesindifferent seasonswhen did yougo therewhere itlocatedAbstractwhat watersports Chinahaswhether doyouthinkthe governmenthas theresponsibilities fordevelopment of water sportsIswater importantto ChinaHowthe governmentdoes soas to take fairadvantage touse waterresourceswhy peoplelike waterwhatthe valueofwaterresourceIf youare leader,whay methodsaresupposedto beused toenable peopleto savewaterwhether doyouthinkthe governmentspends enoughmoney onthe watertourism inTian Jinwhatarethe good waysto betterand makeuse ofwater resourceIsthere enoughwater inChina Howabout your hometownwhich onedoyouthink ismore important,oil orwaterwhat arethegoodmeasures tosolvethewater scarcityIsit gettingless andless torow theboat travelinghowabout thefuture
20.HandicraftCue Cardwhatyou madehow you made itwhatiswas usedfor how you feltafter itwasfinishedAbstractwhat arethedifferencesbetween machine-made andman-madedo youthink whetherpeople preferthe handicraftwhatarethe advantages and disadvantages of your workwhatis yourideal jobwheredoyou studywhat arethe advantages and disadvantages ofyourschooloruniversitywhat subject/major doyou haveCollegestudents onlywhatarethe advantages anddisadvantagesofyour subjector majorCollegestudents onlyCharacteristics:Special Idea,Vocabulary,Case,And fixedsentence structure
3.Hometown andHomeWhich townor citydoyoucome fromwhafsthe bestthing aboutliving thereIsthere anythingyou donftlikewhich placeswould yourecommend atourist tovisitwhere areyou livingnowwhat typesof handicaftsare therein Chinawhatdoyouthink creativeeducation sampleswhatpeoblems arethereinChinese educationsystemIs thehandicraft longcarriedIs itdifficult tolearn handicraftdoesyou schoolteach handicraftwhatdoyouyoung wantto learnhow to reducethe problemsintheschool
21.Describethe bestpresent you got inyour lifeCue Cardwhat itwas how yougotit howyou feltexplain why it is special for you
22.Describe yourfavorite wayof transportCueCardwhat it is whataretheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofit how often you use itwhyyou likeit
23.A famousperson youadmireCue Cardwhothis personwas whathe didwhat wasspecial abouthim orher whyyouwould like to meethim orher
24.Favorite MovieCueCardwhat itis howoftern doyou seethis typeof filmwhyyou likeit
25.HolidayCue Cardwhat itiswhen itiswhatdoyouoftendothen whyisspecialto you
26.Your best friendCue Cardhowyouknoweach otherhowyoubecame friendshowyouspend timetogetherwhy he/she isyour bestfriend
27.An electricequipment you use inyour lifeCueCardwhat themachine ishowyou use ithowoftenyouuseitwhyitisimportant toyou
28.A subjectyou studiedat schoolCueCardwhen youlearned itwho taught ithowtheteachertaughtitwhyitwas yourfavorite
29.A buildingCueCard
30.A clubor teamor organizationyou joinedCueCardwhat itishowoftendoyou attendhowtobethemember whyyou like to attendtheorganization
31.Describe apeaceful placeCueCardwhereisitwhatit lookslike how did youfind itwhyyouthink itis apeacefulplace
32.Describe animportant decisionyoumadeinyourlifeCueCardwhatitishowdid you make itwhydidyoumakeit
33.A bandyou likethe bestCueCardwhatitis whyyou likeit注意两点1这个题库的题量虽然不是巨大,不过覆盖面很广,诸多题目之间有千丝万缕日勺关系,在准备日勺过程中要不停分析总结,题目之间互相借用材料,有日勺较笼统日勺题目囊括了某些详细的题目,如19题和31题2这个题库是一年前从环球雅斯获得的,是对过去所有年份考题的总结,因此算比较全时,但不排除近年有新型题目出现的也许,因此假如有局限性之处请大家在下面跟帖提出,或者发短信给版主请他们帮忙在顶楼更新,谢谢can youdescribe your home tomewhataretheadvantagesanddisadvantagesof livinginyourhomehow canyou improveitwhafs themost interestingobject inyourhome
4.Learning EnglishPleasesome ideashowtostudy Englishhowdoyouthinkabout Englishwhatdoyouthink ofEnglish andother languageshowlearn Englishwellhow toimprove yourEnglish whendidyoubegin tostudy Englishwhatisthekey aboutstudying Englisharethere somedifficulties aboutstudying Englishwhydont youstudy anotherlanguage
5.Watching TVwhatTV programsdoyou like towatchwhat aretheadvantagesanddisadvantagesof watchingTVdo youthink thereshould bea TVinthestudents dormitoryroomdo yourparents letyou watchTV asyoulike
6.Health Foodwhatarethedifferencebetween peopleeat20years agoand todaywhatdoyoulike toeatwhat isthe healthfooddo youthink Chineseeating isbetter orworse thanbefore
7.Shopping whoprefer shopping,men orwomenwhen doyougo shopping whoalways gowith youwhichplaces whereyoungpeoplelike togoshoppingnowwhich kind of thingsyoulike to buydoyou alwaysgo shoppingwhatkind ofplace peoplelike togo forshopping
8.Photograph doyouliketo takephotosdo Chinesepeopleliketotakephotographsls takingphotos popularin Chinawhich kind of photos youliketotakehow doarrange yourphotosare theresome photosinthepast yougotwhich kind ofphotosyoulike
9.Music whatkind ofmusic youlikehave you ever playsome instrumentswhendoyoulisten tomusicdo childrenshould play instrumentswhether childrenplayinstrumentswillchangetheir thinkingabout musicdothe instrumentscould changea personslife whoplays it
10.Reading howmuch timeyou takea dayabout readingwhydoyoulikereadingwhich kind of booksdoyouliketoreadwhat isthe meaningof readingforyou
11.Sport doyoulike sportswhich kind of sports doyoulikewhywhich kind of peoplelike sportswhichdislikedo Chineselikesportswhichkindofsportsdopeople inyourhometown likedoyouthinksports havesome benefitsto youngpeoplewhich kinddoyoudosome sportsin school
12.Travel doyouliketraveling aloneor withpeoplewhich anothercountry*s cityyouevergoare theresome benefitsabout travelingwhatyouw川learn abouttraveling
13.Transport whichkindoftransport doyou likewhywhataretheadvantages anddisadvantageswhichkindoftransport youby whenyou travelingwhataretheprosand constellme something about thetransportation infutute
14.Computer doyouusecomputerwhich doyouusecomputer todohow doyoustudythe knowledgeabout computerwhichkindofeffects docomputer doesfor ourlivesdo youthink whichkindofcontents cangive yoursome badinfluence incomputeralways usingcomputer isgood orbadwhytell mesomethingaboutemail
15.Seasons whichseason doyou likewhywhatpeople doin thisseasontell me sth about the climateinyourhometown tellme sthabout theseasons inyourhometown
16.Friends whatdoyoudo withyour friendshhowcould becomebest friendstellmesthabout yourbestfriend
17.Fashion(时装)whichkindofclothesdoyouliketoweardo youliketobuy clotheswhywhatarethedifferencesbetweenpeople wearingnow andinthepastwhat isyour opinionaboutthetrend offashionwhat isthe meaningof fashionpart2and3注意要制定每天的计划持之以恒很重要2分钟卡片要按范围准备,做到举一反三看到新卡片要联络到可以使用欧I有关的旧卡片
1.Describe yourfavorite animalCueCardwhatisithowyouknowitwhyyoupreferitAbstractwhatisyour pointof viewon keepingpets whatadvantagesanddisadvantageswhat arethe characteristicsof differencesof animals。