1.Lead in
1.Ask thestudents tofind outand correctsome mistakesin somesigns inour dailylife.
2.Chairman Maoonce said“In oureveryday lifejfyou makesome mistakes,you shouldcorrectthem,then youare stillgood fellows.设计意图通过让学生发现并改正身边错误标语的英文翻译来导入本节课主题,引发学生深入思考的同时,并调动起学生对每节课的兴趣课内探究Step
1.We stoppedto restfor awhile andto drinksome watersfrom astream.
2.He hadno ideasthat thekitchen wasnot forguests.
3.1II getgood marksin allmy subject.二动词作谓语要注意1They didnot wantme to do anywork athome;they wantme todevote allmy timetomy studies.2As weclimbed themountain,we fedmonkeys,visiting templesand toldstories.3There willan importantgame nextmonth.4One eveningshe toldme thatsomething happenedwhen herparents wasout.5Growing upis noteasy.Sometimes allthat isneed issomeone torely on.6Mary aswell asher sistersstudy Chinesein China.非谓语动词需要注意
1.The airkeeps the balloon upwas escapingquickly andthe balloonwas comingdown.
2.After hearyour sadstories,he willsay somewords thatare niceand warm.
3.1noticed motherlooking ata nearbytable occupyby anelderly womanand ayoungcouple.三代词主要涉及1I readyour e-mail tomy parentsand showedthem the photo yousent itto me.2Finally,the men threw awaymost ofhis clothesto savethemselves.3And Icant forgetthe goodfood youcooked forI.4I hopethat bothyou twocould come and visitus sometime soon.5I justsmiled tomeandthoughtWhat canI doH6One dayI wrotea littlestory andshowed tomy teacher.四冠词主要涉及I.That dayI didnt learnmuch aboutanimals,insects ortrees,but Ilearnt aimpressivelesson aboutgravity.
2.An Americanand aFrenchman decidedto crossthe seabetween Franceand Englandinthe balloonin
3.1gained somuch confidencethat I went backto schoolas newperson.
4.When achild isfive inEngland orWales,his parentsmust sendhim to the school.
5.We maybe one familyand liveunder asame roof.五介词主要涉及1Bill insistedin stayingnear thecar.2Most peoplecan quicklyget forhelp froma doctoror goto ahospital whenthey areill.川
3.I wasso tiredthat Ifell asleepat themoment myhead touchedthepow.
4.Because thehelp yougave methat summer,my lifechanged.六形容词和副词主要涉及1After anhour orso webegan tofeel veryfrightening.1Bill insistedin stayingnear thecar.2Most peoplecan quicklyget forhelp froma doctoror goto ahospital whenthey areill.
3.I wasso tiredthat Ifell asleepat themoment myhead touchedthe pillow.
4.Because thehelp yougave methat summer,my lifechanged.六形容词和副词主要涉及1After anhour orso webegan tofeel veryfrightening.2As aresult,people inthe modernworld generallylive muchmore longerthanpeople inthe past.
3.They cameback latelyand hadsome tea.
4.The twomenthrewall theirequipment intothe waterto makethe balloonlight.七从句及并列连词主要涉及1In thelast fiveyears thattheyve climbedchurches,high buildingsand televisiontowers.2Charles saidAs soonI seea reallytall building,I wantto climbit3We triedto fixit andthere wasnothing wecould do.4I havea goodfriend whos nameis LiuMei.设计意图高三二轮复习是学生学习轮回反刍的过程,所以锻炼学生自我总结,整理知识,形成清晰的思路,学生对知识的记忆会更加深刻激发学生参与课堂活动采用自学、小组讨论再结合练习以及必要的解释,充分体现学生自学,教师引导,合作探究.总结技巧巩固提高Step3短文改错解题步骤1通读全文,从语篇入手,理解文章大意
1.The teenageyear from13to19were themost difficulttime forme.They werealsothe bestand worseyears inmy life.At thefirst,I thoughtI kneweverything andcouldmake decisionsby yourself.However,my parentsdidn tseem tothink such.Theyalways tellme whatto doand howtodoit.At onetime,I everfelt my parents couldntunderstand meso Ihoped Icould befreely fromthem.I showedthem I was川independent bywear strangeclothes.Now I am leavinghome tocollege.At last,Iw设beonmy own,but Istill wantto havemyparentsto turnto wheneverneed help.
2.计短文改错出错点I becameinterested inplaying footballthanks toa smallaccident.One afternoonwhenI wasin primaryschool,Iwaswalking bythe schoolplayground.Suddenly afootballfell justin frontof meand almosthit me.I stoppedthe balland kickedit hardbacktothe playground.To everyonessurprise,theballwent intothe net.All thefootballplayers ontheplaygroundcheered loudly,saying thatI hada talentfor football.From thenon,I startedto playfootball withclassmates afterschool.Iama goodplayernow.设计意图通过高考真题的练习以及让学生自己进行短文改错出错点设计,将本节课所学的重点难点进行落实,并且学以致用Step
5.SummarySummarize thetips forimproving proof-reading.
1.Attach importanceto basicvocabulary andgrammar
2.Read alot todevelop senseand accuracyof language
3.Practice makesperfect
4.Sum uplessons youlearn aftersome practice设计意图让学生自己谈一下自己这节课所学到的东西,一方面可以检查学生知识的落实情况,另一方面让学生形成知识体系Step
6.Home workFinisha proofreading exercise.(设计意图通过作业检查学生知识的落实情况)。