熟词生义例原卷版361熟词生义测试一(例)50指出下列句子中画线单词的中文意思l.We wanderedabout thetown for an houror so.
2.She lookedat hermother inan absentway.
3.Her eyestook awhile toaccommodate to the darkness.
4.When myname wascalled,he lookedacross atme.
5.Theres a bus stopjust acrossthe road.
6.The professorwill addresshis speechat2:00pm.
7.They finallyadded that they werepleased with the arrangement.
8.The theatreonly admits1,000persons.
9.If youleave theclub,you willnot beadmitted backin.
10.We wereall deeplyaffected byher death.
11.It affordedher theopportunity to improve hertennis skills.
12.Now and then hewould stop,look atthe scraperand tryit againsthis handbefore itwas sharpenough tocut up the meatandscrape thefish.
13.The picturelooks niceagainst thewhite wall.
14.Your stoiydoesnt agreewith whatthe policehave toldus.
15.There was a comfortableair abouther room.
16.She lookedat himwith adetermined air.
17.This mealallows youone glassof milkfor free.
18.A Britishwoman wasamonq thesurvivors.
19.Warm sunshineamiounces thecoming ofspring.
1.11kept ringingthe bell,but noone answeredthe door.
1.5She has an amazingappetite forknowledge.
1.8Ben was always theapple of his father^eye.
23.Apply thecream evenlyover theskin.
24.Lay downyour armsor wellfire!
25.His motherattended to him dayand night.
26.Are youavailable tonight
26.1was justan averavasort ofstudent.
28.She backedinto the doorway tolet thecrowds passby.
29.Her parentsbacked herin herchoice of career.
30.We badlywanted to help,but therewas nothingwe coulddo.
31.That second-hand tablewasareal bareain.
32.He wasbadly woundedin thewar andstill bearsthe scars.
33.She borethe responsibilityfor mostof thechanges.
34.His workcant bearclose examination.
35.The problemis beyondme.
36.The strangerreturned mygreetings with a blanklook.
1.1spent thesummer waitingtables.
342.Grandmas outwalking thedog.
343.Schools areurging parentsto walk their childrento school.
344.This societywelcomes peoplefrom allwalks of life.
345.Her thoughtswandered backto heryouth.
346.Shes wantedimmediately in the directorsoffice.
347.The othercyclists wereway behind.
348.1can stillremember he wasalwayswearing a smile andwilling tohelp.
1.It isno longersmart towear longhair anda beard.
350.My shoeshave worndown atthe heel.
351.His linedface lookedworn andsad.
352.What didit sayin thewill
353.Even thoughshe was in terriblepain,she neverlost thewill tolive.
354.The riverwinds to the sea.
355.My watchhas stoppedfbr Ididnt windit lastnight.
356.There was still noword fromJohn.
1.1give youmy wordthat itwont happenagain.
358.The medicineworks moreeffectively ifyou drinksome hotwater aftertaking it.
359.They havedone me a greatwrong.
360.The tailorstood there,considering howto designthe suittailored for the president.
361.We need to tagthe expertiseof thepeople wealready have.
37.His songsalways makeme feelblue.
38.The studentsboard duringthe weekand gohome atweekends.
39.Youre right,Josh.He mayhave asmall build.
40.Tension beganto buildas theyargued morefrequently.
41.1was beginning to feelthat Ineeded abreak.
42.Shall webreak forlunch now
43.1didnt knowhow Iwas goingto breakthe newsto mymother.
44.Dawn wasbreaking bythe timewe arrivedhome.
45.The followingday theweather brokeand wehad tendays ofrain.
46.She apologizedfor herbroken English.
46.1will try to pavethe waybetween theworlds andbridge thegap betweenyou andme.
48.This isbut oneexample ofwhat canhappen whenthings gobadly wrong.
49.Lets justsay itwas anaccident.^^Hell neverbuy that.
50.All wevegot is a coupleof cansof soup.熟词生义测试二(例)50指出下列句子中画线单词的中文意思
51.She choseher wordswith care.
1.11felt free from thecares of the dayas soon as Ileft thebuilding.
53.The morningpaper carrieda storyabout demonstrationsin NewYork andWashington D.C.
54.The teachercauqht theboy cheating.
55.His fingercaught in the door.
56.Even withstaff ofvolunteers,Thomas oftendevotes up to50hours aweek tohis cause.
57.A chanceremark byone of his colleaguesgot himthinking.
58.Can you make changefor$
2059.Before youuse it,the batterymust becharged.
60.Gibbons hasbeen chargedwith murder.
61.A lotof lostproperty isnever claimed.
62.The skycleared afterthe storm.
63.Martins gone to collectthe childrenfrom school.
64.Hes studiedin theUS andhasa good commandof English.
65.1have nocompany on the journey.
66.Who willtake hisplace stillremains cloudy.
1.11will publishmy resultsonly when I haveconcluded myresearch.
68.He istoo excitedto contain his laughter.
69.Careless drivingcost himhis life.
70.It isnot howmuch youread butwhat youread thatcounts.7l.The coursesin thisrestaurant varywith seasons.
72.She laughedto covenher anxiety.
73.The RedArmy covered25,000li in the LongMarch.
74.To coverthe costof hiringabus,each studentwill haveto pay$10each time.
75.The librarycovers varietiesof books.
76.Jack coveredmany presidentsof differentcountries.
77.Dont becross withhim——after all,he isa child.
78.She ranto thewindow andcried forhelp.
79.Nothing couldcure herof herimpatience withAnna.
80.Before thecurtain wentup,the dancerstook theirplaces onstage.
81.The originalversion wascut bymore than30minutes.
82.He claimed$7,000damages from the taxicompany.
83.Theyve beendating forover sixmonths.
84.Being badlyill,he wasdashed tohospital.
85.Having beencheated ina businessdeal,he wasreduced tonothing.
16.Oh,it istoo dear.I donthave sucha lotof money.
87.The kingdelivered atelevised speechto thenation onNovember
88.Where areyou going”she demandedangrily.
89.He desertedhis wifeand childrenand wentabroad.
90.Ben isdesperate to get thejob.
91.Did youhave thefilms developed
92.The oldman developedlung cancer.
93.The menuincludes awide selectionof vegetariandishes.
94.Can youdirect me to thestation
95.Will theseshoes doforthewedding
96.What moralare weto drawfrom thestory
97.What firstdrew you to teaching
98.She drewaway,but hepulled herclose again.
99.Bobby drewa chairupto the table.
100.Ali reachedinto hispocket anddrew outa pieceof paper.熟词生义测试三(例)50指出下列句子中画线单词的中文意思
101.The nursewill dressthat cutfor you.
1.It isthe sameinstinct thatdrives peopleto dressone way at homeand anotherwayat work.
103.Even thoughI ama verypositive person,I lostmy driveto write.
104.You cantexpect meto dropeverything wheneveryoure intown.
105.Just dropme here.I canwalkthe rest of the way.
1.1just droppedby to see howyou weregetting on.
107.Tm dyingtosee what it is.
108.We talkmore openlywhen wefeel easyand relaxed.
109.The policeemployed forceto openthe door.
110.Good healthencourages clearthinking.
111.He enteredhis nameforanEnglish contest.
112.His nameescapes meright now.
113.Do yousmell anescape ofgas fromthe pipe
114.The conferencewas animportant socialevent.
115.The recentdiscoveries haveexcited newinterest amongdoctors.
116.Can Ibe excusedfrom swimmingtoday I have acold.
117.Nothing can excuse suchrudeness.
118.Fm aboutto explode!He brokehis promiseagain.
119.You mustexploit everyopportunity tolearn English.
120.Can Ideliver thefile byexpress
121.Is therean expressfrom Nanjingto Shanghai
122.Christmas faHson aFriday thisyear.
123.It grewcolder asthe nightfell.
124.William found it increasinglydifficult to read,for hiseyesight wasbeginningtofail.
125.She feltin herbag fora pencil.
126.She tquredthat shewould bethe next.
127.The manwill geta fineif heparks thecar there.
128.Tve justbeen firedfrom myjob,and I dont knowwhat todo.
129.Donations havebeen floodingin sincewe launchedthe appeal.
130.1received aflood ofletters thismorning.
131.1wanted toput thewardrobe behindthe door,but Idont thinkitll fit.
132.He spokewith astrong accent,so Ifounditdifficult tofollow him.
133.She forcedasmileto coverup herawkwardness.
134.The subjectis foreiunto all of us.
135.All ourdrinks arefreefrom artificial colouringsand flavourings.
1.1froze withterror asthedoorslowly opened.
2.Freeze!Or Illshoot/9shouted thepoliceman.
5.She isquite freshto thework.
139.The cargained speedgradually.
140.Given thecircumstances,youve donereally well.
141.He wasHued to the TVwhen theOlympics wereon.
142.That morning,however,the processdidnt goquickly.
143.The firstprize forbiology wentto theyoungest childin theclass.
144.Pink andorange dontgo.
145.Its reallyheavy.Can youqive mea hand
146.It happenedthatthenew personin theoffice wasthe womanhe hadmet atthe party.
147.The shipwas headingfor Shanghai.
148.Despite thethumbs-up giventotheold lady,some arguedthat attentionshould bepaid to our heavyroad traffic.
149.My fatherisaheavy smoker.
1.1always endup havingan argumentwith her.Idontknow why.I just cant helpit.熟词生义测试四(例)50指出下列句子中画线单词的中文意思
151.They helpedeach othertothedish.
152.The casecan holdall myclothes.
153.Some cigaretteads aredesigned tohook youngpeople.
154.The movieis goingto bethis summershot ticket.
155.Were waitingfbr thehot newson theelection results.
156.The libraryhouses tensof thousandsof books.
157.Students arehungry forknowledge.
158.It hurtswhenItrytomove myleg.口
1.Its noRood speakinill ofothers.
160.His bestmusic wasinspired bythe memoryofhismother.
161.She wasacting entirelyin herown interests.
162.They offeredto buyout hisinterests inthe company.
163.He inventedanexcusefor hisbeing late.工
164.The dishesare reallyinvitin
165.Such commentsare justinviting trouble.
166.Mother isironing myshirt withan electriciron.
167.The accidentjammed themain roadfor twohours.
168.He jammedhis fingersinhisears.
169.Removing thetable isquite ajob.
170.Join thetwo piecesof woodwith strongglue.
171.Last weekthe pricesof goodsjumped.
172.You are a justperson.
173.He needsmore moneyto keephis wifeand children.
174.The meatwill keepovernight.
175.The coffeeshop iswell kept.
176.The housestructure isa keyfactor thatcustomers consider.
177.She getsa kickout ofdriving athigh speed.
178.Take iteasy.Trnjust kidding.
179.How doesthe mankill time
180.Since finishingmy studiesat Harvardand Oxford,Ive watchedone friendafter anotherland high-ranking,high-payingWall Streetjobs.
181.He isthe lastman I want tosee.
182.The foodwill lastus forthree weeks.
183.She missedher latehusband verymuch.
184.They arelaying bricks.
5.1learned ofthat yesterday.
186.Ive appliedfbr threedays,leave.
187.My fathergave mea lectureabout thedanger ofsmoking.
188.The accidenttaught mea lessonIll neverforget.
189.The booklay openon thetable.
190.The coupledecided tolet outthe smallerflat ata lowerprice.
191.Can yougive mea lifttothestation
192.His reportgave usa lift.
193.The childrenare fulloflife.
194.The carbroke downonalonely stretchof acountry road.
195.He longedto travelaround theworld.
196.She kepther lookseven inher oldage.
197.Please hurry!My watchloses10minutes.
198.Come on.We haveno timeto lose.
199.Its notunusual tofeel ratherlost when you firststart college.
200.It isdifficult forus tofind aparking lotoutside someshopping centres.熟词生义测试五(例)50指出下列句子中画线单词的中文意思
201.Some girlsare madabout goingto dances.
202.Im sureyou willmake avery goodteacher.
203.She matchedthe carpetwith somevery nicecurtains incolour.
204.No onecan matchhim inEnglish.
205.1ts hardto measurehis abilitywhen wehavent seenhis work.
206.Tom saidsharply,Dont beso mean.”
207.He saysyoure firedif yourenot backatworkon Friday.And Ithink hemeant it.
208.The companysays itis unableto meetthe workersdemands forhigher wages.
209.Our eyesmet momentarily,andthenhe lookedaway.
210.The messageof thefilm isthat goodalways triumphsover evil.
211.Mind yourhead!
212.If weleave nowwe shouldmiss thetraffic.
213.The policehad monitoredallofhis phonecalls.
214.She maskedher angerwithasmile.
215.Warm clothesareamust inthe mountains.
216.If youmust smoke,please gooutside.
217.One carwent toofast andnarrowly missedhitting the other one.
1.1think Imisunderstood thenature ofthis event.
219.It isnot inhis natureto beaggressive.
220.“Iwantto befamous!I amtired ofbeing anobody,he said.
220.1noted that her handswere dirty.
222.While nursinher illelder sisterthroughout theyears,Charlotte discoveredshe hadan interestin medicine.
223.Someone whodoesnt observetraffic regulationswill probablyget hurt.
224.Do youplan toobserve Christmasin China
225.Hes stillfully occupiedwith writinghis report.
1.It hadnever occurredtohimthathemight befalling inlove withher.
227.The companymade anoffer of$5million forthe site.
228.Children needto playout inthe open.
229.They leftthe matteropen.
230.Have youordered yourmeal
231.He owesa greatdeal tohis publishers.
232.Hes takengreat painstoimprovehis image.
233.1left someimportant papersin mybriefcase.
234.She spentthe eveningmarking exampapers.
235.A carpark isa placewhere youmay parkyour car.
235.1hope wellnever part.
237.You cantget inwithout apass,
238.It paystogetsome professionaladvice beforeyoumakea decision.
239.Students haveto pickthree coursesfromalist of
239.1would liketo picturemy futurelife inten years.
241.Were goingto loseanyway,so Icant seethe pointof playing.
242.Its standardpractice fora companylike thisonetoemploy asecurity officer.
243.Hes seldomat home,but thatsthe priceof success.
244.The darkclouds promiserain.
245.We aretrying tobring alongseveral promisingyoung footballplayers.
246.He pulledoff hisdamp shirt.
247.He pulledout hiswallet andsaid,Let mepay.”
248.1needtopush myselfmore atwork.
249.“She isagoodgirl Jthe girlsmother put.
250.Race toseewhatis happening.熟词生义测试六(例)50指出下列句子中画线单词的中文意思
251.Of allthe meninthesurvey,they ratethemselves theleast fun-loving andthe mostresponsible.
252.The farmerraises cowsand corn.
253.They areraising fundstohelpneedy youngsters.
254.Fve beentrying allday toreach himon thetelephone.
255.She reachedinto herbag andproduced abusiness card.
256.The north-eastern partsreach intothe PannonianBasin.
257.Medicine shouldbe placedwithout childrensreach tomake sureof safety.
258.Its hardtoreadthe expressionon hisface.
259.A signon theouter doorread“No Entry”.
260.1tried toreason withhim,but hewouldnt listen.
261.Please remembermeto your parents.
262.How canI repairthe damageIhavecaused
263.He replacedthe bookontheshelf.
264.1would liketo paymy respectsto yourparents.
265.Rest yourhead onmy shoulder.
266.His warningwasstillringinq inmy ears.
267.He wasreceived asan honouredguest atthe WhiteHouse.
268.The chairmanrose fromhis chairand cameforward togreet her.
268.1hope there9s goingto beenough roominthefridge.
270.We arelosing thegame inthe lastround duetoourcarelessness.
271.For awhile,she rana restaurantin Boston.
272.Charles ranhis fingersthrough herhair.
273.1cant makethis machinerun properly.
274.Salinas isrurniing fora secondterm aspresident.
275.He doesnot intendto rushhis decision.
276.Dan wasrushed tohospital withserious headinjuries.
277.Fm sorryto rushyou,but weneed adecision byFriday.
278.Setting downclear rulesfromthestart willsave argumentslater on.
279.Well savetherestof thefood andhave itlater.
280.The kind ofcaryou drivesays whatkindofperson youare.
281.He scoredhis firstgoal ofthe seasonon Saturday.
282.The auditoriumcan seat5,000audiences.
283.1cant seewhy hesso upset.
284.This centuryhas seentoo manywars.
285.1could sensethat somethingwas wrong.
286.Sanchez wassentenced tothree yearsin prison.
287.Meals canbe servedtoyouin yourroom.
288.The sofahad toserve asa bed.
289.The dogsettled onthe grassto enjoyits bone.
290.Her gazesettled ona door,and shewondered whatwas ontheotherside ofit.
291.Please comehere atseven oclocksharp.
292.Can youlend mea coupleof dollarsIm alittle short.
293.Young peopleshould learnto shoulderthe blame.
294.He wassick againand dashedtothebathroom.
295.She sankback intoher seat,exhausted.
296.She gainedsome25pounds inweight duringpregnancy.
297.She wasthe firstteacher whodmade Paulfeel likehewassomebody.
298.Its quitesomething tohave ajob atall thesedays.
299.1tisimportant tohave a sound body.
300.With heavyrain fallingall night,she hadasoundsleep.熟词生义测试七(例)30指出下列句子中画线单词的中文意思
301.rd likeyou tocome overwhenyoucan sparea coupleof hours.
302.1wanted tospare themthe troubleof buyingmeapresent.
303.The warmmorning sunlifted ourspirits.
304.1tcanbe hardfor evena traineddoctor tospot thesymptoms oflung cancer.
1.1found thefish standsurrounded ina seaof customers.
306.He dressedquietly andstole out ofthehouse.
307.A basketballcoach mustknow thestrengths andweaknesses ofhis players.
308.His jokesdidnt strikeJack asbeing veryfunny.
309.An ideasuddenly struckme.
310.The churchclock beganto strikeat twelve.
311.The matcheswere dampand hecouldnt makethem strike.侬
1.1stru edupthehill withthe heavybags.
313.He studiedher facethoughtfully.
314.He hasa beautifulsmall oldwooden study.
315.Her paleface suggestedbad health.
315.1ve hada toughfew months,but Filsurvive.
317.His meagrewage isnot enoughto supporthis fivechildren.
318.Tom sprungoutofbed andran downstairs.
319.He willsucceed Foleyas SpeakeroftheHouse.
320.The momentKramer walkedin,I couldtell thatthings werenot goingwell.
321.He threwhimself downonto thebed.
322.He isplanning tothrow abirthday partyfor hisgrandmother.
323.The newdriver gota ticketfor speeding.
324.He isthirsty forpower.
325.We treatedMum tolunch atthe Savoy.
326.Her sonsvisit isa greattreat forher.
327.While shewasinParis,she developeda tastefor fineart.
328.We havetasted thesweets andbitters oflife.
329.It washe whocoined theterm anorexia”.
330.Im sorry.I hadntrealized thesituation wasthat bad.33l.He hastwo heartattacks ina year.It hasntstopped himsmoking,though,
332.They tiedwiththevisiting teaminthegame.
333.Larry wastravelling alongRoad165north afterdelivering lettersto oneofhiscustomers.
1.1couldnt carryeverything atonce,so Ihad tomake severaltrips.
335.You mustwait yourturn patiently.
336.He upseta bowlof soup.
337.The chemicalsupset thebalance ofthe environment.
338.Moreover,I willopen morechannels foryoutovoice youropinions andneeds.
339.In hisvalues,he valuesthe conventionalcultures ofhis country.
340.The verythought offood mademe feelill.。