1.My connectionwith pandasgoes backto mydays ona TVshow in the mid-1980s,Iwas thefirst WesternTV reporter.
2.Simon isa comedianand actorhas10years experienceof teachingcomedy.
3.I livenext doorto acouple childrenoften makea lotof noise.
4.I preferto workin blackand white,allows meto showdifferent specificworlds moreclearly.
5.As achild,Jack studiedin avillage school,is namedafter hisgrandfather.
6.Many youngpeople,most of were well-educated,headed forremoteregions tochase theirdreams.
7.The yearsand monthswe spent together arereally wonderfulto us all.
8.He wrotemany childrensbooks,nearly halfofwerepublished inthe1990s.
9.He imaginedvarious wayshe couldteach herhow to learn Englishwell.
10.China Todayattracts aworldwide readership,shows thatmore andmore peopleallover theworld wanttolearnabout China.
11.Please sendusallthe informationyou have about thecandidate for theposition.
12.Prince Williamtook avisit to the ForbiddenCity onFeb.28,emperors oncelived.
13.Jane pausedin frontof acounter someattractive tieswere ondisplay.
14.Maybe youhave ahabit isdriving yourfamily crazy.
15.Nicks guests,had heardtheir conversation,asked whythey shouldnot buysalt morecheaplyif theycould.
16.So Idecided toleave homefor NewYork,I mighthaveabetter chanceto finda goodjob.
17.Third,we mayfall behindothers,makes usstressed.
18.All of a sudden,her handicapwas goneand allI sawwas thisbeautiful girl,smile justmelted me.
19.Some peoplethink that the greatChinese scholarConfucius,lived fromroughly551to479B.C,influenced thedevelopment ofchopsticks
20.We willput offthe picnicinthepark untilnext week,the weathermay bebetter.
21.Creating anatmosphere employeesfeel partofateam isa bigchallenge.
22.I amlooking forwardto theday mydaughter canread thisbook andknowmy feelingsfor her.
23.We areliving in an agemany thingsare doneon computer.
24.As thesmallest childof hisfamily,Alex isalways longingfor thetimehe shouldbe ableto beindependent.
25.ril neverforget thedays westudied together.
26.ril neverforget thedays wespenttogether.
27.is knownto all,many satellitesare goingaround inthe sky.
28.A bankis theplace theylend youan umbrellain fairweather andaskfor itback whenit beginsto rain.
29.Mary wasmuch kinderto Jackthan she was tothe others,,of course,made alltheothers upset.
30.The daysare gonephysical strengthwas allyou neededto makealiving.
31.Youll findtaxis waitingatthebus stationyou canhire toreach yourhostfamily.
32.The settlementis hometo nearly1,000people,many ofleft theirvillage homesfor abetterlife inthe city.
33.After graduatingfrom college,I tooksome timeoff togo travelling,turned outto beawise decision.
34.The oldtemple roofwas damagedinastorm isnow underrepair.
35.According tothe author,those enjoyreading willnever feellonely.
36.He wrotea letterhe explainedwhat hadhappened inthe accident.
37.Scott wasamazed bythe GreatWall,he describedas thegreatestattraction inBeijing.
38.The prizewill gotothewriter storyshows themost imagination.
39.She wasnot thecheerful womanshewasbefore shemarried.
40.The children,all ofhad playedthe wholeday long,were wornout.
41.Nowadays,it iscommon tosee peoplestaring attheir mobilephones insteadof readingareal book,about manyexperts areworried.
42.In1963the UNset upthe WorldFood Programme,one ofpurposes istorelieve worldwidestarvation.
43.The citywas attackedby suchterrible weatherfew citizenshad everexperiencedbefore.
44.There theymet peoplefrom otherparts ofthe country,had alsovolunteered tohelp.
45.Its helpfulto putchildren ina situationthey cansee themselvesdifferently.
46.The house,door oftenstays openuntil lateat night,works asa homefortheguards,some ofare fromthe countryside.
47.She showedthe visitorsaround themuseum,the constructionof hadtakenmore thanthree years.
48.Lily tooka fewfriends tomy birthdayparty,none ofI wasfamiliarwith.
49.The artistwas veryproud ofhis creationand calledit thebest paintinghe hadeverdone.
50.The AppWeChat providesa networkingplatform communicationisfaster andeasier.
51.Some expertsthink readingis thefundamental skillupon schooleducation depends.
52.The reasonI callyou isto inviteyou toa party.
53.This isthe reasonhe explainedto usfor hisabsence fromtheconference.。