一、选择补全短文Do youknow thegirl ina hatwith flowerson itHer nameis Hezi.Hezi isa niceJapanese girl,mynew penpaL(彼止I likeHezi.T dont know Japanese,But weknow someEnglish.So wewrite toeach other匕)in English.We arethe sameage,12years old.But herfavorite subject is biology.We alllike footballverymuch.She liveswith herparents.She likesgoing tomovies onweekends.She hopesto cometo Beijingthis summer.A.She istheir onlychild.B.My favoritesubjectismath.C.She likescartoons best.D.and Hezidoesnt knowChinese.E.She livesin Tokyo.
二、阅读理解I thinkour life will be very differentin100years.First,people wontlive onthe earth.Special machineswill provideair andlight,but theenvironmentwont be the same.Trees andplants wontgrow becausethere wontbe anysoil.Most offood will be intheform ofa pill.If thereis nopollution in the sea,people willalso eatfish.Second,I thinkpeoples everydaylifewill be different.No onewill have to dohousework.So,peoplewill havemore freetime andthey willbe able to enjoythe thingsthey like-sports,for example.Finally,I believethat everyonewillbe abletotravel tothe moonfor aholiday.In aword,L believethe futureworld willbe aninteresting placeto livein.A.They wonthavetowork longhours,because computersand robots will helpthem.B.Our citieswillbeunder thesea.C.I thinkthat lifeinthe future wontbethesame asit istoday.D.For thisreason,people wontbeableto growvegetables.
三、选择完成短文In aclass inJapan,a robotteacher Sayacalled outthe namesof the students,smiled atthem andtoldthem off.So thestudents likedher verymuch.But thescientists sayshe isnot goingto takethe placeofhuman teachers.They aresurprise,fear,dislike,anger,happiness andsadness.She canalso saysimple phrasessuchas“Thank you”and“Sorry”.,碇〃(影响)“Robots thatlook likehumans havean importanton childrenand olderpeople JsaidKobayashi,the makerof Saya.After beinginvented,she wastested ina classroomwith manyfifth andsixth gradestudents.Shestill cantdo muchmore thancall outnames andshout Bequiet\but thechildren hadgreat fun/Kobayashisaid.They werevery happywhen Sayacalled outtheir names.We inventedSaya tohelp people,but we(工具)cannot havetoo highhope forher.She isjust a/oo/(发明)A.Saya wasin
2004.B.Saya hassix feelings.C.She cantthink orlearn.D.Her funnyface madethestudentslaugh.U!、选择补全短文E.robotswillbeveryimportant inthefuture.(发明)The car was inventedjust acentury ago.You mayknow allkinds ofcars names,but manypeopledontknowwho wasthe inventorof the first car.The firstcarwasinvented notby aGerman,butby anAmerican.Henry wasborn ina poorfamily.He wasthe eldestof sixchildren.When hewas aboy,he becameinterested inmending watchesand machines.When hewas twelveyears old,his motherdied.In theevenings herepaired watchesfor anotherdollar aweek.The hardlife madehim strongand able.At thattime therewas anotherinterest inthe lifeof theyoung ford.It couldrun withouta horse,sonamed horselesscarriage9He over-came(克月艮)a lotof difficultiesand inApril1893,the horselesscarriagewas finallyfinished.(福特汽车公司).Later HenryFord foundedthe FordMotor Company(梦想)A.He dreamedto makea machine.B.His namewas HenryFord.C.He wasreally thefirst inventorof thecar inthe world.D.Soon hehad towork ina machineshop fortwo dollarsand fiftycents aweek.E.It wasthefirstcar.。