3.As faras Imconcerned据我所知
4.As faras Tknow正如我刚才提到过的
5.As Ijust mentioned在我看来
6.As I see it
8.As longas
12.Could youplease explain难道我们不能……吗
25.Do youthink itnecessary to...没有道理/没有意义/不清楚
26.doesnt make sense
275.What seemsto bethe troubleis……令我吃惊的是
276.What surprisedme is that
278.What youhave to do is…
280.When doyou wantme to谈到…;涉及
281.When itcomes to……你看什么时候方便
282.When will it beconvenient foryou to…能否请你…
283.Wouldyoube sokind asto
285.You areexpected to不允许你
286.You arenot allowedto…不允许你
287.You arenot permittedto...要求你
288.You arerequired to你应该
289.You aresupposed to…你没必要
290.You donthave to你没必要
291.You dontneed to…你的确应该处理一下;你真得为
292.You reallyhave to do somethingabout做点什么了你应该避免做某事
293.You shouldavoid doing sth.…你应该努力
294.You shouldmake aneffort to.你应该充分利用
295.You shouldmake gooduse of..…你绝不应该
296.You shouldnever…你本不应该
297.You werenot supposedto
299.Youll neverguess…你绝不会想到
300.You*!!never thinkof…
44.How doessound…要用多长时间
45.How longwillittake you to
47.I absolutelyagree with我完全同意…
48.I absolutelyagree with
0251.I amvery pleasedto havethis opportunityto…我彳艮高兴有机会・・•
55.I cantimagine…
90.I thinkthis isa goodchance foryou to
99.I wonderwas wonderingif…
109.Td behappy toif youdlike…我想了解更多关于…
110.Id liketoknowmore about我想建议你…
111.Id liketo suggestyoudo…
114.Tm afraidI won*t beableto
116.Im consideringdoing,,.我正考虑・・・…我确信…
117.Im convincedthat
119.Im determinedto
122.Im justcalling to…我不是很确定…
123.Im notsure
125.Im occupiedwith我的确喜欢…
126.Im reallyfond of…
128.Tve beenthinkingabout...我—直想・.・我非常渴望…
129.I havea desireto……我已经决定…
130.Ive decidedto
134.If only...!可能的话…
135.If itis possible…如果你问我,我认为…
136.If youask me,I think
138.In aword
143.In orderto youshould…为了…・你应该
145.In thatcase…彳艮重要
146....is ofgreat importance你是否方便…
147.Is itconvenient foryouto…
149.Is itpossibleto有没有更好的方法
150.Is therea betterway to你有没有可能
151.Is thereanychanceyou couldpossibly还有别的吗
152.Is thereanything elsethat看来,似乎
153.It appearsthat/
155.It doesntmakesenseto
157.It goeswithout sayingthat
159.It occurredto methat没有坏处
160.It wontdo anyharm to
162.It happenedthat如果……的话,将会对某人有帮助/好处
163.It helpsif很了不起
164.Its amazingthat是不好的
165.It isbad to很难想象
166.TVs hardto imagine人们认为...
167.It isbelieved that
170.It iseasy enoughto…有必要…
171.It isessential that是有礼貌的表现.
172.It isgood mannersto do
174.It ishoped that..是很重要的
175.It isimportant that一直是我的梦想
176.Its longbeen mydream to很/没有可能
177.It isvery/not likelythat…是没有必要的
178.It is not necessaryto做某事是毫无用处的
179.It isno usedoingsth.
181.It ispossible impossibleto危险
182.It isdangerous to相当普遍
183.It israther commontodo...…据说;据报道
184.It isreported that要求…
185.It isrequired that据说…
186.It issaid that们认为…
187.It isthought that...A不是真的.
188.It isnot truethat非常困难.
189.It isvery difficult to对我来说确实是一个挑战
190.Its reallya challengefor meto很有用
191.It isvery usefulto…很明显…
192.It iswas obviousclear that
194.It soundslike.某人花多长时间/多少钱做某事
195.It takessb sometime moneytodosth.,直至才
198.Its notjust likesbtodosth是一个坏习惯
199.Its abad habitto感到非常愉快
200.Its agreat pleasureto05…是习惯
1.It/s customaryto令人很高兴
202.Ifs delightfulto是我莫大的荣幸
203.Its mygreat honorto不好
204.Its notgood to…是我们的责任
206.It*s wrongto
216.Make suretodosth
218.means agreat dealto me…我的梦想/目标/希望所划是…
219.My dreamgoal planis
221.no matterwhat.…没有人能够否认…
222.no onecan denythat
227.On thecondition that正好相反
228.On thecontrary
231.Personally,I thinkbelieve feel请随时
232.Please donthesitate to…请随时
233.Please feelfree to请原谅我
234.Please forgiveme for…请代我问《美
235.Please givemy bestwishes to
236.Recent studiesshowthat...最近研究表明・・・
239.Sb.looks asif必须采取措施
240.Something mustbe doneto很抱歉打扰你,可是
241.Sorry tobother you,but…由于…/多亏
242.Thanks to重点/关键是
243.The pointis…问题是…
244.The problemis that的原因就是…
245.The reasonwhy...is…的秘诀是…
247.The wayIseeit就是那个时候…
248.This wasthe momentwhen...
251.There isno doubtthat.…看起来好像
252.There seemsto be
254.There*snopoint in..绝不可能
255.Theres noway.在很大/某种程度上
256.To agreat/some extent
258.To one^delight首先
259.To startwith
261.To tellyou thetruth.我们认为
262.We holdthe opinionthat..…我们必须采取行动以
263.We mustdo somethingto.我们必须采取行动/措施以
264.We musttake actionmeasures to..…我们应该竭尽全力
265.We shouldmake everyeffort to
270.What2m gettingat is…更严重的是
271.What ismore seriousisthat…意义何在为什么要
272.Whafs thepointof是什么让你认为…;你为什么认为
273.What makesyouthink…..大概是什么问题
274.What seemsto bethe problemwith.。