年英文演讲分钟20245英文演讲分钟5英语演讲能力是学生英语综合能力的重要组成部分对高校学生英语演讲能力的培养符合独立院校培养应用型人才的目标定位下面是我为你整合的英文演讲分钟的资料,希望能够帮助到你5英文演讲分钟篇一5Good morning:Dear teachers,1m veryglad to stand heremy speechwith you.My nameis ZHAOXIAOXUAN,Im fromclassl002and mymajor subjectis LogisticManagement.Im aneasygoinggirl andget alongwell with my classmates.I likeblue,as Ilove theskyzbecause itcan makeme feelhappy fromthe bottomof myheart.!also liketraveling insummer.As thesaying goesTravelis restoredto thefountain of youth,A smoothsea nevermade askillful marineris mymotto.My dream is to become adoctor.I hopewhen myfamily getinjured Iknow whatto do.Today Imgoing to talkZabout choiceEveryonehas achoice whenhe wakesup inthe earlymorning.You canchoose to behappy orsad allthe day.But forme,I thinkI haveresponsibilities tofulfill allthe day.Soevery morningmy firstjob isto choose what kind of dayI amgoing tohave.Today I cancomplain becauseit israiny or I can be grateful that thegrass iswatered forfree.Today Ican feel sadbecause I dont havemore moneyor I can beglad thatit willprevent mefromwasting.Today Icanfeelvery downbecause ofa badcold orIcanrejoice thatI amstill alive.Today Ican lamentover allthat my parents didntgive mewhen Iwas growingup orIcan feelgratefulthatthey allowedme to be born.Today Ican bedisappionted formy lackof friendsorIcan beexcited todiscover newrelationships.Today Icanbeexhausted becauseI havetoo muchhomework todo orIcanfeelhonored becauseIm gettingcloser tomy dreamin thisway.What todaywill belike isjustup toourselves.We canget tochoosewhatkindofday wewill have!As teenagerswe stilllzhavemuch timeto achieveour dreams,but theway tosuccess isnot soeasy.If wechooseto faceit ina goodmood andcarry ontrying,!believe wecan enjoythe wholeprocessand getto thedestination ofsuccess muchmore easilyand happily.In fact,everything dependson yourown attitude.If youchoose to be happyandpositive,you willenjoy yourwork andhave agood time.If youchoose to be sadandnegative nothinggood willcome toyou andyour lifewill becolourless.zThe worldaround usis sobeautiful.There isno reasonwhy wedont enjoyit.So,everybodyJets choosetobehappy everyday!英文演讲分钟篇二5Good morningjadies and gentlemen!!am gladtostandhere.1hope youcan enjoymyspeech andgive mesuggestions.My nameis JackJones.I comefrom Beijing,thecapital ofchina.lt,sabeautiful placewhich I am proundof it.So manypeople liketo cometovisit it.There aremang placesof interestsin Beijing.For example:the greatwall ofchina,Gugong andTiananmen etc.I am14years old.My hobbyis watchingmovies andtakingphotos.I havea lotof photographsabout myhometown,I willlet myfriends havealook atthem someday.Iamsure youwill lovethe beautifulscenery.I alsolove tosing、songs.My favouritestars areJeff ZhangJacky Chenand Wanglihong.I want tobeafriend ofyou!Do youwant tobe myfriendsMy PledgeMy OathI canrsquo;t standmy poorEnglish!I canrsquo;t standmy tenyears ofwasted time!I canrsquo;t standbeing lookeddown upon!Icanrsquo;t standbeing laughedat!I wantto improvemy situation!I wantto changemy life!I wanttobesuccessful!I wanttobeinternational!I donrsquo;t wantto let myparentsdown!I donrsquo;t everwantto letmycountry down!Most important,I donrsquo;t wanttoletmyself down!I wantto speakperfect English!I wantto understandall kindsof accents!I wantto writebeautiful articles!I wantto readthousands ofbooks!I wantto translatefreely betweenChinese andEnglish.I wanttobethe masterof the worldrsquo;s twomost importantlanguages:Chineseand English.I mustact atonce!I mustopen mymouth topractice!I mustsurprise themwithmyexcellent English!I mustrealize mydream!I mustsucceed!英文演讲分钟篇三5Idon#39;t wanttotalkabout theconstruction ofour countrypolitics,and alsospeakimpassioned speechon theDiaoyu Islandevent.1just wantto appealyoungpeople showingthe sideofyouthgood andconfidence.We mustlearn toorganize ourzzown thoughts,correct ourown concept,and changeour directionto theright sideinfuture life.China dreamactually liesin ouryoung generation,especially oftheintellectuals.Perhaps thestrength ofa personis small,but whenhis orher fateis connectedwiththe motherland,he orshe willbe heroor heroine.Perhaps adreamistiny,but whenitbecomes thedream ofa country,it becomesinestimable.Perhaps Icannot changeourcountry bymy own,but ifthousands andthousands ofyoung peoplestruggle forthedream together,our motherlandis enoughto maketheworldshock.本文来源网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!。