1.T F夕卜卖食品Some Chinese people liketakeaway food.They areusually busywith workand鸡月dont havetime tocook mealsafter work.There aremany differentkinds,like chicken退,hamburgers andsandwiches.They areall veryyummy.People usuallydrive to buy some.Then theytake itto theirworkplaces ortheir homes.Chinesepeopleusually havea bigmeal at weekends.The familyget togetherand goout eating.rSome people like tostay athome.They cookfor themselves.When theyare eating,they watchTVor talkabout funnythings at the sametime.
1.Takeaway foodis popularbecause itsaves time.r
2.People usuallyeat takeawayfood in their cars.
3.People onlytake takeawayfood totheir homes.
4.Chicken is one kindof takeawayfood.
5.Some Chinesepeopleliketo goout eatingatweekends.根据短文内容,判断正误
2.TF May4th wasmy birthday.I hada partyat myhome.My relativesand friends came to myhome in the evening.And Igot a lot ofpresents fromthem.My motherprepared a big birthday cakefbr me.There areeleven candleson it.After singingthe songHappy birthday”,I sharedthe cakewithmy friendand relatives.Then wewatched TVand listenedto music.Some of the girlsdancedwith themusic.We hada goodtime thatday.Now Iwant tosay“Thank youmy friends.Thank youmyparents!Im sohappy!”
1.My birthdaywas onthe4th ofMarch.
2.My relativesand.friendscametomyhome in.the morning.
3.My friendsgave meabigbirthdaycakeas abirthday present.
4.We hadalot of funon thatday..阅读短文,判断正误3T FAustralia isoneofthegreatest countriesin.the world.It is smaller thanChina.It isinthesouth oftheEarth.So whenit ishot summerin ourcountry,it iscold winterin Australia.Australia isbig,but人口the populationissmall.The populationof Australia is almostthe sameas thatof Shanghai,acity inChina.Australiaisfamous forits sheepand kangaroos.After ashort drivefrom anytown,you willfind yourselfinthemiddle ofwhite sheep.Sheep,sheep,sheep,sheep areeverywhere.Didyou seea kangaroobefore Ithas abag inits body.The motherkangaroo keepsits babykangarooin thebag.It isvery interesting,isnt it
1.China islarger thanAustralia.
2.Australiaisa greatcountry.
3.The populationof Australiais aslarge asIhat ofChina.
4.Kangaroos aresmall animalslike micein ourhouse.
5.Kangaroos alwayscarry bagson theirbacks..阅读短文,判断正误4TF Itis eightthirty onSaturday evening.Mike andher parentsare intheir sitting-room.They aretalkingabout theirplans fortomorrows picnic.They will go toBlue HillPark.Mike isvery excited.Her motherbought alotofdelicious food and fruit.Mikes friendDing Yuanwillgowith them.Hewill flyhis kitethere.They willmeet atseven thirtyatthe school gate.l.Ifs halfpast eighton Sundayevening._
2.Theyre planningfor Sundayspicnic.
3.Mikes motheris goingtobuyfoodandfruit.
4.Mike andDing Yuanare classmates.
5.They willmeet attheschoolgate tomorrowafternoon..根据短文内容,判断正误5TF Foodis importantin ourlife.What doyou knowabout foodWhat isfor dinner,fried chickenina fast food restaurantor chickencooked inthe Chineseway It.seems hardto choose.Maybe youlikefastfoodvery much,but itsnot goodfor yourhealth.癌症.If you have toomuch deep-fried food,youre morelikely to get cancerWell,it isnotjust potatochips thatare badfor you.There areother foodsthat youshould worryabout,like苏打加工食品.soda and processed foodsIf youhave toomuch ofit,youll getfat.If youwant tobe healthy,youhaveto learnwhich foodsare goodfor you.Scientists divide孚[制品,谷物,foods intofive differenttypes:dairy meat,grains fruitand vegetables.No onefoodhas themall.So weshould eatless meat,oil andmore fruit,vegetables,especially thedeep-colour vegetables.Vegetables arerich invitamin A,vitamin Cand othernutrients.
1.Fast foodis goodfor ourhealth.
2.1f wehave toomuch sodaandprocessedfoods,well getfat.
3.Its easytogetcancer,if youhave toomuch deep-fried food.
4.Potato chipsare badfor people.
5.Vegetables arentrich invitamin A,vitamin Cand othernutrients.r(参考答案)