1.Everybody wantsto have a happy life.The problemis thatno oneteaches youhow to live ahappylife..There aremany waysand hereare threeof themto helpyou start.What ishappinessI oftenhear peoplesay theywant tobe happy.But whenI askth.em what happiness is tothem,they dont know howto explainit.If youdont know what happinessistoyou,happiness isonlya word.目标.Have.goalIf youknow whatmakes youhappy,you needto havegoals to get thosethings.You cantgethappiness ifyou onlywant it,but dontmake itcome true.Dont do things that make youunhappy.This mayseem veryeasy butyou wouldbe.surprised howmany peopledo things that makethem unhappy.If youwant happinessin yourlife,you haveto dothingsthat make youhappy.
1.According to the passage,everybody wantsto.A.havea good jobB.travel aroundthe worldC.live a happylife
2.For manypeople,it isto explainwhat happinessis.A.easy B.boring C.difficult圆线
3.What does the underlinedsentence me.anA.We.dont knowwhathappinessis.B.Happiness nevercomes to the peoplewho wantit.C.We shoulddo somethingtogethappiness.
4.Which of the followingis NOTtrueA.If youknowwhatmakes youhappy,you needto havegoals toget thosethings.B.Everybody knowsclearly howtolivea happylife.C.Many peopledothingsthatmakethemunhappy.
5.What is the best title forthis passageA.Three waysto haveagoodjob.B.Three waysto startahappylife.C.Three thingsthatmakeyou successful.阅读判断根据文章内容,判断正误正确的打,错误的打“四
3.“T”John iseight years old,and he is a very funny boy.He workshard,so he is goodat his subjects.And his teachers andparents like him verymuch.But hehas avery big head.Now thisschool yearfinishes and he goesto his uncles homefor summerholidays.He willstaythere forten days.His unclelives ina mountainvillage andits aboutfour hundredmiles awayfrom车his city.He takesa trainQ to a smalltown,there hisuncle meetshim atthe trainstation andtakeshim to his hou.se bybike.John makessome friendsthere soon.They playgames andswim in the riverhappily.But one哭afternoon hecries tohis aunt,“All thechildren makefun ofme.They sayI havea big head.”Dont listento them,his auntsay,You havea beautifulhead.Now stopcrying andgo to thestore to buy fifteentomatoes forme.nnWhere is the shoppingbagOh,dear.I donthave one.Use yourhat.”1John doeswell inhissubjectsbecause.A.histeacherslike himB.he workshardC.his parentslikehimD.he isaveryfunnyboy.
2.The underlinedwords makefun ofmeans.羡慕责怪取笑.讨厌A.B.C.D
3.Which of the followingis notrightA.After theterm finishes,he goestohisuncles home.B.John andhisuncle.go homeby train.C.Johns auntwants himtobuysome tomatoesfor her.远的D.Johns homeis farfrom hisuncles home.
4.From thelast words,we know.A.Johns aunthas abigheadB.John cantbuy tomatoesC.John reallyhas abigheadD.John hasa beautifulhat
5.What9sthebesttitleof thisarticleA.A FunnyBoy B.A BigHat C.A Boywith aBig HeadD.John andHis Uncle根据短文内容,完成下列句子
4.A tripto New YorkIve justgot homeafter atwo-week holidayin theUSA withmy family.It wasreally great,and Iwant loremember everything,so I am puttingit allin thisdiary.Day1We arrivedat New York Airportand tooka yellowcab toour hotel.Everything hereis sobig!People call New York“The citythat neversleeps.Another popularname forit is“The BigApple.人口Dont askme why!The populationis7,323,
000.Every year,34million peoplevisit NewYork!Day2帝国大厦,First wewent tothe Empire State Buildingwhich is381metres high.We went难以置信的right uptothetop andlooked outacross NewYork.It wasa fantasticview!Afterlunch wewent shopping.Clothes andCDs arecheaper thanin England,and theshops areBIG,BIG,BTG!Day3中央公园It wasSaturday.Central Parkistheplace togo atweekends.It wasfull of peoplewalking,playing,jogging andskating.Theres agreat zoointhepark withlots ofinterestinganimals.In theevening wewent tothe cinema.The Americanscall ita“movie theatre
1.The writerstayed inNewYorkfor.A.two weeksB.a weekC.three days
2.People alsocallNewYork.印A.The BigApple B.“The citythat neversle s”C.Both Aand B
3.The underlinedword cabin Paragraph2meansA.train b.taxi C.bus
4.The writervisited on the secondday.A.NewYorkairport B.Central ParkC.EmpireStateBuilding
5.Which statementis NOTRIGHT accordingtothepassageA.You canfind alot oftourists inCentral Park.B.Tourists cango toCentral Parkonly atweekends C,Cinemas arecalled“movie theatresnintheUSA..根据短文内容,完成下列句子4Aunt Judys birthday iscoming.She will be38yearsold.Dad andMum are going totake metoher house.She lives in Guangzhou.We are going thereby train.Her birthday party willbe onSaturday.We aregoing toleave onFriday afternoon.And wearegoing to comeback onSundayevening.I amgoingtogive mydear Aunt Judy apicture.I amdrawing itnow.I amdrawingsome beautifulflowers.Iamdrawing asmall dogtoo.Thats becauseshe likesdogs.The picturewillbe verynice.l.Aunt Judysbirthdaypartywillbeon.A.Friday B.Saturday C.Sunday
2.This isAunt Judy9sbirthday.A.thirty-eighth B.fortieth C.thirtieth
3.AuntJudylivesin,so thewriter andher parentsaregoingthereby.A.Shanghai;train B.Gunagzhou;plane C.Guangzhou;train
4.The writeris drawing.A.some dogsand aflowers B.some flowersand a dog C.adogand aflower.根据短文内容,完成下列句子5A lotofpeoplein Americaare wearingthe sameclothes,and manyof themhave long hair,sosometimes youdontknowwho aremen andwho arewomen.One day,an old man goesfor awalk ina park,and whenheis tired,he sitsdown ona chairbesidea pool池塘He seesa youngpersonA standing onthe other side边ofthe pool.n Mydear!**the old man saystotheperson next to him.Do yousee thatperson ina redsweater andwithlonghairIs ita boy or a girl”“A boyjsays theperson/Hes myson.””Oh!n says the.oldman.Im sorry,I dontknow youare hismother.n Tmnot/saystheperson.1*Pm hisfather.”L.In America,it ishard totell a boyor a girlby apersons.A.eyes B.nose C.hair andclothes D.face
2.The personstandingontheotherside ofthepoolis.「A.a girlB,a boyC.a manD,a woman
3.When theoldmanistired,.A.he sitsdown ona chair next toa boyB.he sitsdown ona chairnext toagirlC.he sitsdown ona chairnexttoa manD.he sitsdown onachairnexttoawoman
4.The oldman thinkshis neighboristheyoung personsmother becauseA.his neighborlooks prettyand wearsa redsweaterB.his neighborhas longhairC.all thepeople wearthe sameclothesD.heisvery oldandhecant tellaboyoragirl
5.What doyou thinkofthe story幽默的A.I thinkits aninteresting andhumorous story.B.I thinkthe storycan tellus nothingabout theUS.C.l thinkall thechildren don*t likethe story.D.I thinkthestorycant tellus atruth小升初专项突破(参考答案)