1.x Letme helpyou todo your work.V Letme helpyou withyourwork.我建议你去休个长假
2.x Irecommend youto takea longvacation.V Irecommend thatyou takea longvacation.过来
3.x Cometo here.V Comehere.太阳从东方升起4,x Thesun risesfrom theEast.V Thesun risesin theEast.小偷是从窗户爬进来的
5.x Thethief gotin fromthe window.V Thethief gotin throughthe window.让我们从第页开始
6.10x Lets beginfrom page
10.V Lets begin aton page
10.我耐心有限7,x Thereis alimit inmy patience.V Thereis alimit tomy patience.请在白线内等待8,x Pleasewait insidethe whiteline.V Pleasewait behindthe whiteline.•你家房子买了火险吗?9x Isyour houseinsured forfireV Isyour houseinsured againstfire我没地方住
10.x Ihave nohouse tolive.V Ihave nohouse tolive in.02]:词用法B和我不一样,她对英语很精通
1.x Differentfrom me,she isproficient inEnglish.V Unlikeme,she isproficient inEnglish.莫妮卡,借我点钱吧,比方说美元
2.500x Lendme some money,for instance500dollars,Monika.V Lendme some money,say500dollars,Monika.去年夏天我本想去欧洲,但费用太高于是放弃了
3.x Iwanted togo toEurope lastsummer,but itwas tooexpensive soI gaveup togo.V Iwanted togo toEurope lastsummer,but itwas tooexpensive soI gaveup theidea.我就是这样做的
4.x Thisis theway howI did it.V Thisis howI didit.or Thisis theway Ididit.我来这儿的路上遇到了交通事故,所以迟到了
5.x Therewas atraffic accidenton myway here.It iswhy I was late.V Therewas atraffic accidenton myway here.That iswhy Iwas late..他们不理解我的想法6x heydidn tunderstand mymind.V Theydidn tunderstand whatIwasthinking.03副词用法Xdverb Use去哪儿都行
1.x Anywherewill do.V Anyplace willdo.会议定在今天下午点召开
2.3x Thegeneral meetingis scheduledto beheld thisafternoon atthree.V Thegeneral meetingis scheduledto beheld atthree thisafternoon.昨天早上在费尔大街,她偶遇了她的男朋友
3.x Sheran intoher boyfriendyesterday morningin FairAvenue.V Sheran intoher boyfriendin FairAvenue yesterdaymorning.不要对我抱太多期望
4.x Dont expectme too much.V Dont expecttoomuchfrom ofme.给我点钱吧,如果你有的话5,x Givememoney,if youhave.V Givememoney,if youhave any..他待我十分友好6x Hetreated mevery friendly.V Hetreated meinafriendly way.04动词用法ferb Use.你就是在这点上弄错了1x Thisis whereyou mistake.V Thisis whereyou aremistaken.我哥哥一直在忙着准备期终考试
2.x Mybrother hasbeen busyin preparing for his final examination.V Mybrother hasbeen busypreparingforhisfinalexamination.劳拉用了半天时间复习功课
3.x Laurahas spenthalf aday torevise her lessons.V Laurahas spenta halfday revisingherlessons.我习惯了开灯看电视
4.x Iam usedto watchtelevision withthe lighton.V Iam usedto watchingtelevision withthe lighton.饭后,母亲提议去散步
5.x Afterdinner,my mothersuggested togo for a walk.V Afterdinner,my mothersuggested goingfor awalk.政府正在考虑在伦敦新建一个机场的可能性
6.x Thegovernment isconsidering thepossibility tobuild anew airportin London.V Thegovernment isconsidering thepossibility ofbuilding anew airportin London..他的新书将大卖7x Hisnew bookwill besold well.V Hisnew bookwill sellwell.我有很多活要干
8.x Ihave alot ofwork tobe done.V Ihave alot ofwork todo..孩子们当时处境非常危险,一个杀气腾腾的疯子正挥着刀在幼儿园里乱跑9x Thechildren werevery dangerousas the knife-wielding madmanwas runningamokin thekindergarten.V Thechildren werein greatdanger astheknife-wielding madmanwas runningamokin thekindergarten.05单词选择/ord Choice.你的外套破了1x Yourcoat isbroken.V Yourcoat istorn..总之苏珊没犯错2x Susandidn tmake afault anyway.V Susandidn tmake amistake anyway.能借你电话用下吗?
3.x May I borrowyour phoneVMayIuse yourphone•他有所好转4x Hebecomes better.7He gotbetter.外面天还亮
5.x Itwas stillbright outside.V Itwas stilllight outside.在美国一般学生都不穿校服
6.x Commonstudents in U.S.don twear auniform.V Theaverage studentsinU.S.don twear auniform.这道色拉是谁做的?
7.x Whocooked thissaladV Whomade thissalad让我给你把把脉
8.x Letme examineyour pulse.V Letme feelyour pulse.我把帽子忘在屋里了9,x Iforget myhat in the house.V Ileft myhat in the house.你上过大学吗?x Didyou attendcollegeV Didyou goto college他的体温降下来了
11.x Histemperature wentdown.V Histemperature camedown.今天的报纸上有他写的关于香港的文章
12.x Todays newspapershas hisarticles onHongKong.V Todays newspaperscarries hisarticles onHongKong.开窗睡你会感冒的
13.x YouII havea coldif yousleep withyour windowopen.V YouII catcha coldif yousleep withyour windowopen.我去医院探望了她生病的母亲
14.x Ivisited herill motherinthehospital.V Ivisited hersick motherinthehospital.她是第一名
15.x Shewas firstprize.V Shetook firstprize..他失去意识很长时间了16x Helost consciousnessfor along time.V Hewas unconsciousforalong time..他创造了世界纪录17x Hemade aworld record.V Heset aworld record.她婚姻幸福
18.x Hermarriage was happy.V Hermarried lifewashappy.今年夏天我要去自己的出生地看看,这是年来的第一次
19.10x III visitmy nativeplace forthe firsttime inten yearsthis summer.V III visitmy birthplace forthe firsttime inten yearsthis summer.这个座位有人吗?
20.x Isthis seatemptyV Isthis seattaken我看他面熟
21.x Iknow hisface.V Iknow himby sight.我的手表不走了,我得拿去检查下
22.x Mywatch doesnt moveat all.I mustget it checked up.V Mywatch isnt running,Imust getitcheckedup.。