1.When areyou goingon holiday--------------------------------------.A.Last nightB.Next weekC.By planeD.With mybrother
2.let meintroduce myself.I mSteward.A.What apleasure B.Pleased tomeet youC.I dont knowD.Thanksa lot
3.this boaI stoo heavyfoe meto carryupstairs.A.You mayask forhelp BI’11give youa hand・C.Please dome afavor D.Id cometo help
4.Hi,is Marythere,please--------------------------------------.A.Hold on,I11get herB.No,she isnt thereC.Yes,she liveshere.D.Yes,what do you want
5.Oh,Betty,we11have abuffet partynext Saturday.And wed likeyou tojoin us.--------,.Susan.What sthe occasionWhat timedoyouwant metocomeA.I’d love to.B Noway.C.By nomeans DP mafraid notPearlCarlson wasshaken awakeat3:30a.m.by aforceful pull.King,the familydog,was tryingto pullher outof thebed.Then shesmelledsmoke andheard soundof firefrom herparent sroom.Pearls screamsawaked hermother,Fern,and herfather,Howard,who hadrecentalybeen inhospital forlung disease.Helping Howardto afirst-door window.Fren toldhim toclimb out,then ranto herdaughter.Still inside,King appearedat Pearls window,making squeaking(短促尖叫)sounds.When runningtoward Pearls bedroom,Fernrealized herhusband hadnt yetescaped.She madeher wayback thoughthesmoke andflames,following King s soundto whereHoward laysemiconscious(半昏迷)on thefloor.Fern helpedhim getoutside.King cameout onlyafter bothwere safe.As daysdawned,the Carlsonssaw theKingspaw werebadly burnt,and hisentire bodywas burnt,too.His chaincollar hadgotten sohotthat itburnt histhroat,making itimpossible forhim tobark normally.Only afterthe seven-year-old dogrefused fooddid theyfind piecesofwood inthis mouthand realizethat King,who sleptoutside,hadbitten thoughthe doorto warnhis family.
6.Who wasKing in the storyA.The familys sonB.The familys daughterC.The familydog D.The master
7.According to the storythe firstone whowas completelyout ofdangercould be.A.Howar B.Fern C.Pearl andFern D.Pearl
8.When themaster sroom caughtfire,A.the dogwas sleepingin PearlsroomB.the dogwaked PearlupC.the dogjust sleptoutside themaster shouseD.the dogdid nothing but bakingoutside themaster shouse
9.After readingthe story,we velearnt that the followingstatementscould bereasonable exceptA.the dogmade abig holein thedoorB.the dogawoke motherfirstC.the dogwas the last oneto escapefrom theburning roomD.the dogwas badlyburn andnot ableto eat
10.From thisstory itcan beinferred thatA.Pearl loves her parentsvery muchB.Haward isthe bestman inthe familyC.the womanlovesherchildren moredeeply thanher husbandD.the dogis mans bestfriendPassage2There arethree kindsof goals:short-term,medium-range andlong-term goals.Short-term goalsare thosethat usuallydeal withcurrentactivities,which wecan applyon a daily basis.Such goalscan beachievedin aweek orless,or twoweeks,or possibly,months.It shouldberemembered thatjust asa buildingis nostronger thanits foundation,long-term goalscannot amountto verymunch withoutthe achievementofsolid short-term goals.Upon completingour short-term goals,weshould datethe occasion and thenadd new short-term goalsthat willbuildon thosethat havebeen completed.The intermediategoals buildon thefoundation of the short-termgoals.They mightdeal withjust oneterm ofschool orthe entireschoolyear,or theycould evenextend forseveral years.Any timeyou moveastep ata time,you should never allowyourself to become discouragedoroverwhelmed.As youcomplete each step,you willenforce thebelief inyou reabilityto growand succeed.And asyour listof completiondates grow,your motivationand desirewill increase.Long-term goalsmay berelated toour dreamsof thefuture.Theymight coverfive yearsor more.Life isnot a static thing.We shouldneverallow along-term goalto limit us or our course of action.
11.Our long-term goalsmean alot.A.If wecannot reachsolid short-term goalsB.If wecomplete theshort-term goalsC.if wehave dreamsof thefuture D.if weputforward someplans
12.New short-term goalsare builtupon.A.adailybasis B.your achievementin aweekC.current activitiesD.the goalsthat havebeen completed
13.Whenwe completeeachstepof ourgoals,.A.we willwin finalsuccess B.we areoverwhelmedC.we shouldbuild upconfidence ofsuccessD.we shouldhave strongdesire forsetting newgoals
14.What isthemain ideaof thispassageA.Life is a dynamicthing.B.we shouldset uplong-term goals.C.Different kindsof goalsin life.D.The limitationof long-termgoals.
15.Which of the followingstatements iswrong accordingto thepassageA.The long-term goalscannot amountto verymunch withouttheachievement ofsolid short-term goals.B.The intermediategoals buildon thefoundation of the short-termgoals.C.Life isastaticthing,thus weshouldneverallow along-term goaltolimitusorourcourseofaction.D.We shouldoften addnewshort-term goalsto thosewhich havebeencompleted.
1.We goto thecinema aweek.A.often B.once C.seldom D.usually
2.her and then tryto copywhat shedoes.A.mind B.see C.stare at D.watch
3.Matematics studyor scienceof numbers.A.is B.are C.was D.were
4.Ihave thecoplacent feelingI mhightly intelligent.A.what B.which C.that D.this
5.The younglady comingover tous ourEnglish teacher;the wayshe walkstells usthat.A.must beB.can beC.would beD.could be完形填空(共10题)What isa museumA museumisagood placeto keep21and beautifulthings.A museummay bea placeto learnabout science.A museumcanbe aplace22art ofIndians oranimals.What isinside amuseum Somemuseums23old carsand airplanes._24museums havepictures andstatues(雕像)o Othershave rocksand oldbones.One museumeven has25_coalmine inside.Many citieshave museums.Some verysmall26have museums,
27.Indianapolis hasa_28_museum.Children donot haveto payto getin.Children goto museumoften.They like_29_at thedinosaur bones.They seea whitebear tenfeet tall.They goinside anold logcabin(小木屋.On Saturday,Indianapolis childrencan30talks aboutanimal andtrees.They seemovies.
1.A.new B.old C.good Dimportant
2.A.for B.in C.about Don
3.A.has B.have C.there isD thereare
4.A.a bitB.a littleC.much Dmany
5.A.the B.an C.a Don
6.A.homes B.towns C.villages Dcountries
7.A.too B.also C.either D.neither
8.A.child sB.child C.children sD children
9.A.see B.to seeC.look Dto look
0.A.listen B.tolisten C.hear Dto hear
二、阅读理解(共10题)Passage oneOncethere wassomethin wrongwith amachine inthe factory.The workercould donothingbutturn to a Germanengineer forhelp,who drawa lineon itandthensaid,“take offthe partwhere thelineis andchange iffor a new one.The machinewith anew parton,begin runningwell again.The engineerthen asked for$30,000forwhat he had done.The followingwere whathe wroteonabill,“Thenew partonly costsone dollar,and knowingwhere theproblem withthemachine iscosts$29,999”One dollarfor changinganewpart soundsreasonable(有道理的)but the$29,999is exactalythe valueof wisdomand knowledge.
1.The factoryturned tothe Germanengineer because.A.hehadnothing todo inthe factory.B.there wereno otherpeople inthe factorC.the workerscould notrepair themachineD.the workerasked fottoo muchmoney forrepairing themachine
2.The problemof themachine.A.was causedthe Germanengineer B.was foundand solovedby theworkersC.took the engineer along timeto findD.was justa part
3.According tothe engineer,the findingoftheproblem cost.A.only onedollat B.$29,999C.nothing D.less thanthe newpart
4.The writerwants totell usthat.A.theengineeraskedfortoo muchmoney B.the workersshould payfoethe moneyc.the knowegeis worthmoney Dthe newpartcould costmore
5.What isthe besttitle fothe passageA.The ValueoftheKnowledge B.helpless WorkersC.The ExpensiveMachine D.The LuckyFactoryPassage twoPlacesto stayin Britainare asvaried asthe placeyou visit.Whateveryou budgetis,the choice一from thebasic barntosmall hotel,fromtiny cottageto grandcastle一is allpart offun.HotelsCheap,good-valued hostels are aimedat alltypes oflike-mindedtravelers,who prefervalue overluxury andyou dont havetobeyoungor singleto usethem.Braitain,s independenthostels andbackpackershostels alsooffer a great welcome.Facilities andprices vary,especially inrural areas,where somehostelsarea littlemore thanabunkhouse临时住房while othersare remarkablycomfortable一almost likebargain hotels.Youth hotelsFoundedmany yearsago to“help all,especially youngpeople oflimitedmeans,to agreater knowledge,love andcare ofthe countryside,“the YouthHotels Associationis stillgoing stronginthe21st century.The networkof230hotels isa perfectgateway forexploring Braitainstown andcountryside.BBsThe BBsbed andbreastfast isagreatBritish institution,inessence youget aroom insomebody shouse,and facilities:and usuallyrunfrom around12to20per person.City BBscharge about25to30per person.Pubs InnsAswell asselling drinksand meals,Britain spubs and innssometimes offerBBs,particulary incountry areas.Staying anightor twocan begreat funand putsyou at the heartofthelocal community.Rates rangefrom around15to around25per person.Pubs aremorelikely tohave singleroom.
11.In thispassage theauthor mainlyA.tells uswhere tostay whilevisiting BritainB.advises readerto paya visitto BraitainC.introduces thewonderful publicservices inBritain D.give ussomeinformation aboutBritish life
12.are mainlybulit foryoung vistiors.A.Pubs InnsB.Youth hotelsC.HotelsD.BBs
13.If youtravle aloneand wantto knowbetter aboutfamily lifeinBraitain,you dbetter stayin.A.Pubs InnsB.Youth hotelsC.HotelsD.BBs
14.If youare interstingin travellingwith yourfriend butonly withlimitedmeans,where isthe betterplace foryou tostay D.BBs
15.Which ofthe followingis NOTtrue accordingtothelast partofthe passageA.Pub andinns usuallyprovide visitorbed andbreakfastB.All Pub andinnsoffer visitorbed andbreakfastC.Pubandinns chargea visitor26atthemost
1.We vemissed thelast bus.I mafraid wehave nobut totakea taxi.A.way B.choice CpossibilityD.selection
2.On average,a successfullawyer hasto talkto severala day.A.customers Bsupporters C.guests D.clients
3.The publicstore isto closeat9:00pm.---------------------------noneed toworry,it isjust7:30pm.A.You haveB.They haveC.It isD.There is
4.Today sweather isthan yesterday.A.very B.much C.very muchD.much too
5.I hadmy mealswhen Iwas illin bedwith abad cold.A.to bringB.bring C.brought D.bringingU!完形填空(共10题)John sentfor adoctor becausehis wifewas ill.He calledthe doctorandmake surethey_1meet atfive.He arrivedatthe doctor sattwenty_2five.He thought,“It isa littlebit earlier.I11waitfor amoment.It sgood to3there ontime.”4he stoppedhis carin frontthe doctors.He looked5and sawa noisysquare notfar fromthere.He wentthere andsatdown ona chairto enjoythelastlight ofafternoon sunand6himselfquiet.He sawsome childrenplaying andsome womentalking toeach otherhappily.Suddenly he7a girlcrying.He cameup toher andasked somequestions.The heknew shegot lost.John triedto findher8and tookherhome.The girls parentswere verythankful.Then Johnhurried tothedoctors.When thedoctor sawhim,hewas very9and said,“You arelate.Why didyou keepme waitingfortwenty minutes”John said10―except oneword”sorryv.
1.A.should B.shall C.would D.will
2.A.past B.to C.of D.after
3.A.arrive atB.get C.leave D.ride
4.A.Every timeB.From nowon C.Before D.Then
5.A.for B.after C.at D.around
6.A.made B.let C.had D.felt
7.A.hears B.was hearingC.heard D.would hear
8.A.name B.school C.age D.addressD.kind
10.A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing
9.A.polite B.angry C.happy
1.one cannever succeedwithout enoughconfidence inhimself.
2.you canbuy waterinside.
3.As itknown toall,China isa developingcountry.
1.-------Is thatseat taken
2.------What doyou thinkof yournew teachernotD.It isvery nice.A.He cameto teachus lastweek.B.He teachesus English.C.He hastwo children.D.He isvery nice.
3.Could youhelp mewith myphysics,pleaseA.No,no wayB.No,I couldntC.No,I can tD.Sorry Icant.I haveto gotoameeting rightnow.
4.-----Is itpossible foryou towork latetonight--------------------A.I likeit BP11do thatC,I dlovetoD.I thinkso
5.1am terriblysorry thatI spilledsome coffeon thecarpet.-------------------------------A.Sorry BIt doesnt matterC.That sright D.Don tmention it