Unit5Amazing things名句积累
1.The world is astunning place,full ofoutstanding worksof art.See thiswhile yourestill young.这个世界是令人惊叹的,到处都是杰出的艺术品趁着你还年轻去看看吧
2.There iskindness tobe foundeverywhere.人间处处有温情
3.There is a historyin allmens lives.—Shakespeare每个人的生命都是一段历史莎士比亚
4.In thestreet appearthe dragonand liondance andsome otherfestival activities,while thegrand SpringFestival Galaheldby CCTVis whatyou cantmiss.大街上有舞龙、舞狮和一些其他节日活动,而中央电视台举办的盛大的春节联欢晚会是你不能错过的
5.Cherish life,treat otherskindly andserve sincerely.珍惜生命,善待他人,真诚服务本单元的主题语境是“人与社会”,话题是“Amazing things”;本单元的教学,旨在学习在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到一些令我们吃惊的事物相关知识主题词块acting n.computer gamesdancen.__________film n.__________magazine n.__________story n.__________music n.__________newspaper n.news n.__________run v.__________skate v.__________swim v.__________write v.mind v._________love v.__________like v.__________hate v.__________cant stand__________afraid adj.___________bored adj.___________crazy/mad adj.excited adj.helpful adj.__________lonely adj.__________nervous adj.__________patient adj.__________pleasure n.__________proud adj.___________satisfy v.__________serious adj.__________strict adj.__________surprise n.___________tired adj.__________be afraidof__________be amazedat beanxious aboutbe happy/glad todo bebad forbesupposed todo sth.be proudofbe inagreement beterrified of拓展阅读时文阅读Passage1重获戒指29-year-old FrancescaTill comesfrom the US.In August,she went to NorthBeach withher husband.When theywere playingsoccer,TilFs ring fell兑落)her finger.The ringis veryimportant toher becauseit wasfrom hergreatgrandmother.She and her husbandspent hourslooking forit,but theycouldntfind the ring.When theygot home.Till sharedthe thingon Facebookand askedfor helpfrom anyonewho might go to the beachwith a metal detector(金属探测仪).A60-vear-old mannamed LeAsi sawher post(帖子)andhewenttolook foritwith hismetaldetector.In the first twodays,he was not solucky.But still,he said,nI want to go back andgive itone lasttry.Luckily,he foundthe ringthe nextday.Asi senta pictureto Till,writing ina message,Please tellme thisis the ring soI canfinally leavethis beach.Tillwas surethat it was her ring,so Asi returned itto Till.Till washappy thatherringwas backon herfinger.A.She waskicking aball withhe husband.B.She wasvisiting hergreat-grandma.C.She wasswimming in the ocean.D.She waslooking fora metaldetector.
2.What canwe knowabout TillsringA.She madeit byhand.B.Her husbandbought itfor her.C.Its aspecial giftfrom a friend D.She gotthe ringfrom hergreat-grandma.
3.How longdid Asispend tofind theringA.one B.two C.three D.four
4.Which of the followingis the right order
①Asireturnedthering to Till.
②Till askedfor helpon Facebook.
(3)Asi senta pictureof theringtoTill.
(4)Till andher husbandlooked forthering.A.
1.What wasTill doingwhen herringfelloff herfinger
5.Which of the followingwords canbest describeLe AsiA.Kind.B.lovely C.friendly D.hard-workingPassage2公鸡Boo在新家的幸福生活Boo isa rooste(r公鸡).Boo Heloves goingon roadtrips,playing thepiano,watching TV,and walkingout withother housepets:chickens andcats.★Butmost of all,he lovesto playwith hishuman mom,Mary Bowman.Before hecame to the Bowmanfamily,Boo*s lifewasn*t alwaysthisbeautiful.He spent thefirstsix monthsof hislife ona farmwith manyotherchickens.There he was morelike aproduct.Mary adopted(收养)Boo afterlearning abouthim froma friend.She wasvery sad knowinghis poorlife.She thendecided to help himleave thefarm andfinally livesafely.Boo,just likea dog,welcomes thefamily when they comehome.He likes to spendtime withhis dadreading thecomics.He spendstime withhis grandmatoo.Boo evenlikestolook atpictures in the booksbecause thatsfun too!
1.Which canbe the best for★A.He likesplaying thepiano best.B.He enjoysmany thingsin hislife.C.He ispopular with the Bowmanfamily.D.He livesa happierlife thanother housepets.
2.Mary learnedabout Boofrom.A.a farmerB.her dadC.afriendD.her grandma
3.What canwe infer(推断)fromthe passageA.Boo likestaking picturesvery much.B.Boo willgobackto thefarm sixmonths later.C.The Bowmanfamily livesa busylife.D.The Bowmanfamily maybe verykind toBoo.E.What is the best title of thepassageA.A terriblefarm B.A happyfamilyC.A momslove D.A roostefsnew life名著阅读One morning,an oldfisherman threwhis netinto the sea fourtimes.The firsttime therewere onlystones inhis net.The secondtime therewere onlyweeds.The thirdtime itwas empty.The fourthtime ithad alarge jarin it.He foundthe jarwithalid.He tookoff the lid andlooked into the jar.He couldnot seeanything.After awhile thelightsmoke cameslowly out of the jar.Then littleby little,the smokegrew heavierand thickertill finallyit turnedinto aterriblegenie(妖怪)!The geniemade apromise thathe wouldkill theperson wholet himout of the jar.He wanted to killthefisherman,but the fisherman thoughtitwasnot fairfor himbecause heset the genie freeoutof the jar.The geniesaid thathe wouldlet thefisherman choosehow hewould die.The fishermanwasnotfrightened.He said,Since I must die,Imustdo something.But beforeI die,answer meonequestion.^^All right,but bequick.”“Were youreally in the jarYou areso bigand the jar isso smallthat itcould hardlyhold oneof yourfeet/9“Of courseI wasin the jar.Dont youbelieve me”No,and Iwont untilI seeyou in thejarwith myown eyes.”When heheard this,the geniechanged intosmoke.Slowly thesmoke wentback into thejar.When allofthesmokewas in thejar,thefishermanquickly putthelidon thejar andthrew itback intothesea.文章摘自《一千零一夜》The ArabianNights
1.A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.FourHow manytimes didthe oldfisherman throwhis net
2.A.The net.B.The jar.C.The weeds.D.The stones.
3.The underlinedword“frightened“means“in Englishc.A.happy B,surprised afraidD.tiredWhere didthegeniecome from
4.What doyou thinkoftheold fishermanA.Foolish.B.Clever.C.Handsome.D.Naughty.
5.A.The storyof jarB.The storyofaclever fishermanC.The storyofthesea D.The storyofthelucky genieWhat is thebesttitle for thispassagePassage1什么样的音量是最合适的Peter is15years old.He likesplaying computer games and listening to music.Once hespentthewhole nightplayingcomputer gamesandlistening tomusic.He wasexcited andyelled along withthe MP3player.The nextday°话题阅读when hewalked outof hisroom afterlistening tothe MP3player,he couldnthear anythingabout hismothers words.Hismother tookhim tothe hospitalat once.It wasmoderate(中度的)hearing loss(听觉损耗).Are youlike PeterIf you are doingthis now,stop itat once.A surveyshows thatlots ofyoung peopleenjoylistening totheir MP3players.And theyalways listento themat highvolume.There are about100million peoplelisteningto MP3players inEurope everyday.Most ofthem areyoung people.Scientists havefound that if peoplelistento MP3players atvery highvolume formore thanfive hoursa week,they maylose theirhearing infive years.High-volume musiccan keeppeople excited,so young people wouldlike tokeep thevolume high.Its toobad fortheirears.So theMP3player listenersshould keep the playerswithin safe volume levels,no higherthan60%〜70%offull capacity(容量).If people near you can hear the sound of your MP3player,it meansyouarekeeping yourMP3player atvery highvolume.Turn itdown,please!
1.What didntPeter dobefore hehad moderatehearing lossA.He playedcomputergames.B.He yelledalongwiththeMP3player.C.He listenedtotheMP3player.D.He wentto seethe doctor.
2.Who enjoyslisteningtoMP3players accordingtothepassageA.Young people.B.Adults.C.No one.D.Scientists.
3.Whats thesafevolumeoftheMP3playerA.People besideyoucanhear thesoundofyourMP3player.B.No higherthan60%〜70%of full capacity.C.You canthear itclearly.D.Keep thefullcapacity.
4.What is the Chinesemeaning ofthe underlinedword“volume”A.水平B.方式C.音量D.音符
5.Why doyoungpeoplekeepthevolume highA.Because thepeoplenearthem canthearthemusic.B.Because theywant tosurprise others.C.Because thehigh-volume musiccan keepthem excited.D.Because theywanttohave hearingloss.Passage2蓝鲸The largest animal everto liveon Earthistheblue whale(蓝鲸).It weighs(重)about80tons(吨)more than24big elephants.It ismore than30metres long.A newbaby whaleweighs asmuch as a bigelephant.Cats wontdie ifthey falloff veryhigh placesbecause they can turnthemselves uptherightway tokeep themselvessafe.A bearcan runas fastasahorse.It can run muchfaster thanpeople think.A new-born pandais smallerthan amouse andweighs about100grams(克).Elephants arethe mostcareful animalsin theirlove.A male(男性)elephant mayshow hislady love for upto(达)three yearsuntil thefemale(女性)elephant takes his love.They oftenshow theirlove bytouching(触摸)each other5s body(身体).Usually,wolves donot hurt(伤害)people.For yearsa Canadiannewspaper saysthat theywould giveanyone alotof moneyif heor shecould showthat awolf couldhurt a person.But nobodycould dothat.Wolves donot usuallygotogether andthey onlyhurt peopleat anunusual time.
1.How longisthelargestanimalon theearthA.About30meters.B.More than30meters.C.About80meters.D.Less than80meters.
2.A bearcanrunpeople thinktheycan.A.faster thanB.slower thanC.as fastas D.as slowlyas
3.A maleelephant wontstop followinga female elephant tountil thefemaleelephanttakeshislove.A.fight withthe babyelephant B.ask thelady elephanttohelphimC.show hislovefora longtime D.find foodtogether withhim
4.A wolfwont hurtpeople except(除了).A.in winterB.at anunusual timeC.in groupD.that itis happy
5.How manykinds of animals arementioned inthis passageA.Five.B.Six.C.Seven.D.Eight.Passage3感动In acold winter,a couplehad tomove outof theirbig housebecause ofbankruptcy(破产).The husband workedday and night butwith nocare ofhis wife.So she thought,He doesntlove meany more.He justthinks abouthis work.”One day,she wantedto takea shower,but herhusband stoppedher atthe door.Let metake itfirst,OK”“Why notlet metake itfirst^^she asked,Tmtired,dear.You takeit later,OK”She wasverysad.On arainy day,she foundnothing todo andturned onher husbandscomputer.After afew minutesher eyeswerefull oftears...It washis diary:Today,I wasquite sad.My wifeasked mewhy Ialways took the shower first,and Isaid Iwas tired.She wasunhappy.I amnot asrich asbefore!We movedtothesmall houseand itis verycold.I findthatifone persontakes theshower first,the bathroomcan geta littlewarmer.So Ialways rushtothe bathroom first.When shetakes theshower,thebathroom canget warmer,at least1℃.I cantgive hermore,but atleast Ican giveher love.
1.The couplemoved outof theirbig housebecause.B.they founda newhousethey becamepoorD.they foundnew jobsin anotherplacethey didntlove eachotherWhy didthe womanthink herhusband didntlove herA.Because heloved anotherwoman.Because hetook theshower first.Because heworked day andnight.D.Because hewas toobusy totake careof her.A.She felther husbandslove fromhis diary.She wassad tosee herhusbands words.What madethe womanseyes fullof tearsHerhusbandworkeddayandnight.She couldnttake theshower first.
4.The husbandtooktheshowerfirstbecause.A.he didntcare abouthis wifeB.he wantedto makethebathroomwarmerC.hewastired andwantedtogo tobed earlierD.hethoughtmen shouldtake theshowerfirst
5.Whatisthebesttitleforthis passageA.1℃love B.A diaryon thecomputerC.The coupleloved eachother D.The bestway toexpress lovePassage4鲨鱼Let metell yousomething aboutsharks.Sharks areamong theoldest animalsin theworld.There areover fourhundredand fortydifferent kinds of sharksintheworld.Whale sharks areabouttwelve metreslong andlive inthe ocean.Sharks cansmell somethinginthewater,for example,the bloodofanimals.That helpsthem findtheir food.Sharksmainly eatfish,other sharks and plantsinthe ocean.Most sharksbite(咬)people bymistake.They thinkapersonisalarge seaanimal.When thesun risesor goesdown,sharks are looking fbrfood.So atthat timepeople shouldn,tgoswimming inthe ocean.Today peoplekill sharksfor foodand theirfins.The numberof sharksintheworldisdropping fast.
1.How manykindsof sharksarethere inthe worldA.Less than
440.B.More than
2.What dosharks mainlyeat inthe oceanA.Fish,other sharksand plants.B.Only fishand plants.C.Only othersharksandplants.D.Only fishand othersharks.
3.Why domost sharksbite peopleby mistakeA.Because theythink peopleare dangerous.B.Because theythink peopleare largesea animals.C.Because theythink peoplecan hurtthem.D.Because theythink peoplecan takeaway theirfood.
4.Why shouldntpeople goswimming intheoceanwhenthesun risesor goesdownA.Because sharksare everywherethen.B,Because wateris coldthen.C.Because sharksare lookingfor foodthen.D.Because sharksarelookingfor peoplethen.
5.How isthe numberofsharksintheworld todayA.It isdropping fast.B.It isrising fast.。