1.If youwant toshoot theyou mustaim atit alittle bithigher.
2.I vremember thepicture hedrew lastweek.(映射)
3.Some flowersare inthe riverwhich arevery beautiful.
4.Be carefulwith thiss knife,or youwill hurtyourself.(整齐的)
5.He foldedhis clothesin apile on the chair.
6.The streetis son thatonly onecan pass.n.选词填空,hold on,reflect onupside down,be awareof,be scaredof
7.Hedoesn t seem to the problems.
8.The girlwas lefttotheinfluences ofher decision.
9.Be carefuland don,t turnthe table.
10.We managedto untilhelp arrived.
11.He goingout aloneat night.RL完成句子有辛勤工作就有成功
12.there ishard work,success..你介意我把窗户稍微打开一点吗?
13.Would youa bit.他喜欢开着窗睡觉
14.He likesto sleep.老师手里拿着一本书走进了教室
15.,the teacherentered theclassroom..他买了一张漂亮的老式手工制作的红桌子
16.He boughttable.W.课文短文改错r msitting inthe warmnight airwith acold drinkin myhand andreflect onthe day.It isa dayof apuremagic!I wentsnorkelling onthe reefoffshore thismorning.Seeing soextraordinary beauty,I thinkevery cell in my body woke up.It waslike discovera wholenew dimensionof life.The firstthing Ibecame aware wasall thevivid colourssurrounded me.And thefish didnt seemto mind myselfswimming amongthem.However,there wereother creaturethat Idon twant to get too close to.How atinyspot Iwas inthis enormousworld!答案I.
7.be awareof
8.reflect on
9.upside downlO.hold on
11.is scaredof;III.
12.Where thereis
13.mindmyopening thewindow
14.with thewindows open
15.Book inhandreflectI msitting inthe warmnight airwith acold drinkin myhand andontheday.Itreflecting
16.a beautifulold redhandmadeis aday d^a puremagic!I wentsnorkelling onthe reefoffshore thismorning.Seeing sosuchdiscoverextraordinarybeauty,I thinkeverycellinmybodywokeup.lt waslike awhole newdiscoveringA...surroundeddimension oflife.The firstthing Ibecameawareof was41耻vivid colourssurroundingmyselfme.And thefish didntseemto mindswimming amongthem.However,there wereothermecieature dont HowthatI wanttogettoocloseto.a tinyspot Iwas inthis enormousworld!creatures didnt What。