1.strangers under the same roof【】屋顶,顶部roof nPl.roofse.g.The cornerof theroom wasdamp wherethe roofhad leaked.The roof of thecar wasnot damagedin theaccident.口腔顶部;腭部roofofyour mouththe topof theinside ofyour mouth有…顶的平顶的大楼roofed flatroofedbuildings飞涨go throughthe roofof price,etc.to riseor increasevery quickly暴怒hit theroof informalbee veryangryhave aroof overyour headhave somewhereto live—homelessunder oneroof/the sameroof in the samebuilding orhouseI dontthink wecan liveunderthe sameroof.under yourroof inyour home我再也不想让她到我家来了I dontwant herunder myroof again.
4.When itall getstoo much,your parentsare oftenthe firsttargets ofyour anger.目标,对象;靶子target[n]目标观众瞄准靶子中/脱靶target audienceaim ata targethit/miss thetarget容易成为某人/某物攻击的目标或对象an easytarget forsb./sth.完成/达到目标meet/achieve/reach atarget【】面向,把……作为攻击目标V面向,针对…的be targeted at这个宣传计划显然是针对青年人的The campaignis clearlytargetedat the young.
5.You haveboth anew desire for independenceand acontinued needfbr your parents9love andsupport.desire[vt]desire sth./desire to dosth./desire sb.to dosth.我们都渴望健康和幸福We alldesire healthand happiness.渴望有做某事/得到某物的渴望[n]have adesire todosth./for sth.strong/great/urgent/overwhelming他有强烈的成名欲望He hasa strongdesireforfame.她有难以遏制的回家的愿望She hasan overwhelmingdesire toreturn home,期望的,想得到的desired adj.The medicineachieved thedesired effect.可取的,值得拥有的desirable adj.It isdesirable thatinterest ratesshould bereduced.
9.So we have designedTeenHealthWeb to help youalong thejourney toadulthood.设计,制订design[vt]设个新标识designed anew logoid目的是be designedtodosth.The programis designedtohelppeople whohave beenout ofwork fora longtime.be designed for sth.为.......设计The methodis specificallydesigned foruse insmall groups.The grammarbookisdesignedforthe Englishbeginners.【】设计,设计艺术设计师n designer[n]故意地偶然地by design=intentionally=deliberately=on purpose—by accident账户,描述,施军释
91.Do youfeel thatyou justcannot see eye to eye withthem onanything
2.You mayfeel anxiousthatyouare developingatadifferent rateto yourfriends,shooting upin heightorgetting leftfar behind.
3.On theother hand,when youare strugglingto controlyour feelings,you wishthey couldbe morecaring andpatient.
4.When youdisagree withyourparents,take aminute tocalm downand tryto understandthe situationfromtheir pointof view.
5.After youhave thoughtit through,explain youractions andfeelings calmly,listen carefully,and addresstheirconcerns.
6.Through thiskind ofhealthy discussion,you willlearn when to backdownandwhentoask yourparents torelaxtheir control.
7.Everything willturn outall rightintheend,andthechallenges ofyour teenageyears willprepare youforadulthood.
8.The wholeexperience wasreally terribleand Ido notwant to go throughthesamething again.
9.You canlook throughthese articlesto findadvice onyour problem.
10.I thinkyourparentsare toostrict withyou.
11.When weare athome,she keepspressing meto studyall thetime.
12.Pm eager for myparents love,but theyare alwaysbusy atwork.
13.I tellthem thatPm stressedabout schoolbook,but neitherof themshow anyconcern.
14.They arealways onmy backabout something.
15.I understandthat theyretrying toprotect mefrom gettinghurt.
16.Cynthia thinksthat everyparent hastoo muchcontrol over/high hopesfor theirchildren.
17.Every Saturdaynight Mamawould sitdown bythe kitchentable andcount outthe moneyPapa hadbroughthome.
18.We allfelt verygood becausewe didnot havetogodowntown anddraw moneyout ofMamas BankAccount.
19.Whatever happened,we alwaysknew westill hadthe Bankto depend upon.
20.Last weekI respondedto MrSmiths letter.I gavehim anencouraging responseto hisproposal thoughitwas notthat practical,and Ireminded himthat tradepanies shouldact positivelyin responseto customers9plaint onthe qualityof goods.Fill inthe blankswith appropriatephrases above.
1.We aregetting alongvery welland weusually thethings thatreally matter.
2.Betsey has.She istaller thanHugh now.
3.He mademe soangry thatI hadto hangaround inthe streetto.
4.That answerdoesnt work;I dontbelieve youvethe problem.
5.of somescientists,the cloningtechnique hasbrought abouta greatscientific breakthrough.
6.To mysurprise,it that they hadknown eachother formany years.
7.The medicalteam musthave alot ofdifficulties there.
8.The oldlady thirtypence andgave ittotheshop assistant.
1.1often turnto himfor help,for heis theonly personI can.
10.We needto learnwhen ifwehaveanargumentwith ourfriends.
11.1am writingthe questionsyou askedatthemeeting.
12.Everyone inthe classis theirheadteachers approvalofthebasketball game.
13.Li Huasparents himin hisstudies.They alwayshim studyattheweekend.
14.He oftenhis notesbefore theexam.
15.Obviously,the teachercouldnt_the childrenbut shestruggled tokeep controlof hervoice.
2.shot up
3.calm down
4.thought through
5.From thepointofview
6.turned out
7.gone through
8.counted out
10.to backdown
11.in responseto
13.are strictwith,press...to
14.looks through
15.have controlover。