1.Hisable ledto hisfailing topass theexam.
2.Withouthesitate,she leaptinto thewater andsaved thedrowning child.
3.pare to the sizeof the whole earth,the highestmountain doesnot seemhigh atall.
4.It makesme feelfresh andenergythroughout thewhole day.
5.Have yougot anyproveto supportyour statementthat youhad brokenaway fromthatorganization
6.The youngman layon thesofa withhis armsfbldandsoon fellasleep.
7.Hell needan operationon theinjureleg.
8.He failedin theexam,which madehimupset.
9.Ue toldus incrediblestory abouthis grandmothercatching athief.
10.1wish tothank ProfessorSmith,without helpI wouldnever havegot thisfar.基础知识单句语法填空二
1.He thoughtit absolutelysenselessattempt theimpossible.
2.Dont putthat glassthe edgeof thetable;it mightfall off.
3.You candefinitesave alot ofmoney bybuying acheaper oneinstead.
4.Herrude wasan exampleof hertypically badmanners.
5.The numberof thestudents inour schoolis tentimes itwas beforeliberation.
6.Janes grandmotherhad wantedto writea childrensbook fbrmany years,but onething oranotheralways gotin way.
7.The buildinghadprevious beenused asa hotel.
8.The visittargetto developrelations betweenthe twocountries.
9.The signingof sucha treatywould bea majorcontributeto worldpeace.
10.If athought orideaoccur toyou,you suddenlythink ofit orrealize it.基础知识单句语法填空三
1.When therescuereached theruins,the sawmany deadbodies.
2.The younggirl wastoo frightenedto speak,standing therefbr seemedlike hours.
3.I justheard bankwhere Doraworks wasrobbed bya gunmanwearing amask.
4.The dogpermitto einto thehouse becausethe ladyhates thesmell ofthem.
5.Once theyhave letsome steamonline,people canbee lessinvolved totake partinrealworld struggles.
6.We werepletelyaware ofthewholeaffair.
7.The resultwas justcontrary tomyexpect,and Ifailed.
8.But whenit estoextend theBushera taxcuts fbr the wealthiest2percent,he wouldnot agreewithit.
9.In thepast threeyears,Tom donatea totalof$
10.If youwant toattend theconcertconduct bythe famousconductor,you shouldbook aticket inadvance基础知识单句语法填空四
1.The younglike chatwith theirfriends onthe Internet.
2.If headachesonly occurat night,lack freshair andoxygen isoften thecause.
3.We cannever expecta bluersky unlesswe createless pollutedworld.
4.Chinas economicdevelopmentstimulate thedevelopment ofthe worldeconomy andworldtrade greatlythese days.
5.All thepoisons arcabsorbed bythe bodyarc broughtto theliver.
6.They hopedthe newventure thecause ofcultural cooperationin Europe.
7.The WomensHealth Initiative,fundby theNational Institutesof Health,conducted oneof thelargestof thesetrials.
8.Asresident inBeijing,we feelquite excitedto shareour happinesswith you
9.Our powerplants arecapable managedby localteams whoare equippedwith modemfinancialand managementsystems.
10.They aredetermined notplainand get down to your work.基础知识单句语法填空五
1.If themusclestretch again,it couldeven tear.
2.Lets gotothecinema—that willtake yourmind offthe problemfbr while.
3.You arcentitled toa freegift youaccept ouroffer ofinsurance ornot.
4.Nothing couldcure herher impatiencewith Anna
5.There arcthree conferencerooms eachof whichequipwith ascreen,flipchart andaudio visualequipment.
6.The theoryis basedon aseries ofwrongassume.
7.Examine yourteeth forthe signsofblood.If younotice any,let yourdentist knowas soonaspossible.
8.A busconductcaught thethief.
9.They failedto appreciatethesignificant ofthe precautions.
10.It ishard tosay whetherEnglish learningthreattheChinese language.基础知识单句语法填空六
56.She sufferedseriousinjure toher faceand chestin thecar crash.
57.A policemanstood nextto him,his armsfold,staring straightahead atthe Windowsof ourtrain.
58.Lacking naturalresources,Japan hasto importa largeamount fromabroad.
59.He didntmake clearwhen andwhere themeeting wouldbe held.
60.It hadneveroccur toCinderella shewould beea princesssomeday.
61.These plantsmust shelterfrom directsunlight.
62.The fakenot onlydisturbs thenonnal marketorder,but alsothreatpeoples lifehealth.
63.Last month,part ofSoutheast Asiawas struckby floods,from effectsthe peoplearestill suffering.
64.Some womensurprised themselvesby howcapablethey managedmoney oncethey wereforcedto doso
65.Still,otherattempt atcreating wavemotors havebeen madethroughout theyears..基础知识单句语法填空七
56.We havebought someadvanced experimentequipfbrtheschool lab.
57.You mustask fbrpermitbefore takingany photosinside thehall.
58.His facedarkened withangrywhen heheard thebad news.
59.There wasadisappoint lookon herface whenshe sawthe result.
60.You shouldquitplain andgetdowntoyourwork.
61.Peoplescare ofsharks fbrmany yearsbecause oftheir horribleimage.
62.Everyone shouldbe responsiblefbr stoppingthe cruelto animals.
63.People watchhow shefolds androlls thecloth importantstep inthe traditionaltiedyeing扎染.
64.What messageis theheadmaster tryingto getto us
65.Finning isa typeof fishingsharks arecaught andtheir finscut off.答案汇总答案1disability hesitationpared energeticproof foldedinjured upsetan whose答案2attempting ondefinitely rudenesswhat thepreviously wastargeted contributionoccurs答案3rescuers whatthe isntpennitted offunaware expectationextending hasdonated conducted答案4chatting ofa hasstimulated thatwould furtherfiinded residentscapably toplain答案5is stretcheda whetherof isequipped assumptionsbleeding conductorsignificance willthreaten答案
61.be sheltered
65.attempts答案7equipment permissionanger disappointedplaining arescaredcruelty anacross where。