必修一Unit5迷同练一练考场不慌乱/随堂巩固演练教材与语法填空Elias,a poorblack workerin SouthAfrica,said thatthe time
1.he firstmet NelsonMandela wasavery difficultperiod ofhis life.In1952,he wentto seeMandela,
2.black lawyer,for advice.Mandelawas generouswith histime,for whichElias wasvery grateful.Elias beganschool atsix,but he had toleave schooltwo yearslater
3.his familycouldnt affordtheschool feesand thebus fare.As aresult,hehadvery little
4.educate.After tryinghard,he gota jobin agold mine.
5.,_to livein Johannesburg,one hadgot tohavea passbook.Not havingone becausehe was not bornthere,he worriedabout
6.he wouldbee outof work.Then Mandelahelped him,telling himhow toget thecorrect papers
7.stay inJohannesburg.Hebecame morehopeful abouthis futureand laterjoined theANC YouthLeague
8.organize byMandela.Just asMandela putit,the blackswere so
9.bad treatedthat theyhad reacheda stagewhere theyhadalmost norights atall.In1963,he helpedMandela blowup somegovernment buildings.He knewthat only
10.answering violencewith violencecould theyachieve theirdream ofmaking blackand whitepeopleequal.答案:l.when
7.to stay
9.badly lO.by教材与短文改错THE RESTOF ELIAS9STORYYou cannotimagine whatthe nameof RobbenIsland madeus afraid.It wasa prisonfrom wherenoone escaped.There Ispent thehardest timeof mylife.But whenI getthere NelsonMandela wasalsothere and he helped me.Mr.Mandela begana schoolfor thoseof uswho hadfew learning.He taughtusduring the lunch breaks and the evening when we should have beenasleep.We readbooks underourblankets and used anything we could find makecandles tosee thewords.I becamea goodstudent.Iwanted to study for my degree and I wasnot allowed todo that.Later,Mr.Mandela allowedthe prisonguards to joinin us.He saidthey shouldnot bestopped from studying for their degrees.They werenotclever than me,but theydid passtheir exams.So1knew Icould geta degreetoo.That mademe feelgood about me.答案THE RESTOF ELIAS9STORYYou cannotimagine whatthe nameof RobbenIsland madeus afraid.It wasa prisonfrom howwhereno oneescaped.There Ispent thehardest timeof mylife.But whenI getthere NelsonwhichgotMandela wasalso thereandhehelpedme.Mr.Mandela begana schoolfor thoseof uswho hadfewlearning.He taughtus duringthelunchbreaksandtheeveningwhenweshouldhavebeen littleeveningsasleep.We readbooks underour blanketsandusedanythingwecouldfindA makecandles totosee thewords.I becamea goodstudent.I wantedtostudyformydegreeandIwasnotallowedto butdothat.Later,Mr.Mandela allowedthe prisonguardstojoin-us.He saidthey shouldnotbe stoppedfromstudyingfortheirdegrees.They werenot cleverthanme,but theydid passcleverertheir exams.So Iknew Icould geta degreetoo.That mademe feelgoodaboutme.myself三.话题微写作连句成文
1.在我看来,我叔叔是一位具有良好品质的人in one9s opinion,character在紧急情况下,他会保持镇静
2.keep calm有一次,他从大火中救了一名伤员
3.get injured此外,他还经常力所能及地帮助残疾人
4.the disabled社区的人们都佩服他的慷慨行为,他被提升为社区主任
5.promote,admire...for...One possibleversionIn myopinion,my uncleis aman ofgood character.And heis alwayskeeping calmwhen inanemergency.At atime,he saveda personwho gotinjured ina bigfire.Whats more,he oftendoes whathecan tohelp thedisabled.Therefore,all thepeople inthe munityadmire himfor hisgenerosity,andhe waspromoted tobe presidentof themunity.。