1.Mike doesn,t likemath and he oftenmisses lessons.,hisgrades dropped.A.As aresult B.At firstC.As resultD.Of course not()
2.一Shall wego for a picnictomorrow—Well,it allthe weather.A.belongs toB.happens toC.depends on D.concentrates on()
3.Thanks foryour invitation,but Imso sorryI cantgo.I needto my babyat home.A.take awayB.take offC.take careof D.take outofThese threelucky childrenalways hadeverything theyneeded:pretty clothes,goodfires,a lovelyplayroom anda dogcalled James.They hada happylife,but theydidnot know how happytill thepretty lifein thelarge housewas over.Peter hada toyengine andit broke.After dinner,Peter showedFather theengine.Father lookedit overand promisedto doit onSaturday.At thatmoment twomen cameto seeFather.Minutes passed.Fathers voicecameout from the study,loud andangry.More timepassed.Then Mothercame in and said,“Fathers beencalled away一on business.”A weekafter theirfather wentaway,their mothersaid,“Now,were going tomove to the country.A prettylittle whitehouse,called Three Chimneys.The familystarted packing:clothes,plates,candles andalso tablesand chairs.“We seemto betaking allthe uglythings,“said Roberta.“Were takingthe usefulones,»said Mother.Weve gotto playat beingpoorforabit.”Peter saidjoyously,“I dolike moving!I wishwe movedonce amonth.”Motherlaughed and said,I dont likemoving!”As sheturned away,Roberta sawher face.She neverforgot it.“Oh,Mother,“she whispered,“how Ilove you!You arebrave enoughto laughwhenyoure feelinglike that!”Then theytook atrain toThree Chimneys.No oneknew howlong theyhad beeninthe trainwhen Motherwoke themup.They stoodin thecold nightair on the darkplatform.At thatmoment theydidn t knowhowimportant thestation and the trainswould beeto them.They didntknow theywere going to bethe railwaychildren.Taken fromThe RailwayChildren
15.The familypacked thingslike platesand candlesbecause Motherthought theywere.A.useful B.new C.expensive D.beautiful
16.Which of the followingquestions isanswered inthis passageA.How didPeters toyengine breakB.When wouldthe childrens fatherbe homeC.What wasthe familylike beforeFather was away D.What wasthe familys lifelike inThreeChimneys
17.According to the passage,which ofthe followingis TRUEA.Phyllis wantedto movea houseonce amonth.B.Father saidgoodbye to the childrenwhen heleft.C.Mother wantedto leaveLondon andmove to the country.D.Mother wasbrave enoughto laughwhen she was feelingsad.
18.What can we infer推断from the underlined sentencesin thelast paragraphA.The childrendont liketheir lifein London.B.The stationhas nothingto dowith thefamilys futurelife.C.Something isgoingtohappen to the childrenlater in the story.D.Parents canbetter dealwith lifechanges thantheir children.()
4.—Remember this,children,careful youare,mistakes youwill make.一We know,Mr.Li.A.The more;the moreB.The fewer;the moreC.The more;the fewerD.The less;the less()
5.一Do youknow theboy一Yes.He fellyesterday,but hefeels muchbetter now.A.ill;sick B.ill;ill C.sick;illness D.sick;ill()
6.Peter speaksChinese wellindeed,but ofcoursenotalocal speakerin China.A.so fluentlyas B.more fluentthanC.as fluentas D.much fluentlythan()
7.Could Iuse yourputerSorry.I amnow.But youcan useit later.A.work on it B.work itonC.working itonD.working onit()
8.My parentsare out.I have tomylittle brother.A.look atB.look outC.look forD.take careof
1.My friendcan tellmany interesting(故事)
2.John(从不)eats junkfood.
3.We shoulddo much(运动)to keephealthy.
4.Tom often(1HI1HI)animals at home.
5.The libraryis about
(六十)meters fromthe teachingbuilding.
6.There isa bus(车站)near myhouse.
7.It stime tohave lunch.Let sgo tothe(餐厅)hall.
8.It isvery(重要的)for usto learnEnglish well.
9.I oftengo towork bybus,(有时)I ridea bike.
10.How many(人)are therein China
11.I thinkI amgoingto be(生病的).
12.r msorry tohear thatyou hurtyour right(月黍盖).
13.If youcut yourself,you shouldput a(绷带)onthecut.
14.Dont standin thesun fortoo long,or youllhave a(鼻出血).
15.What(发生)to Mikelast night
1.Lets gosomewhere differenttoday.
2.Where doyou wantto go
3.Have youever beentothespace museum
4.No,I havent.How aboutyou
5.1t sfantastic.
6.How arewe goingto getthere
五、根据情景选择适当的句子,补全对话A:1You lookunhappy.B:I wantto buya puter2A:Well,you couldborrow somefrom yourbrother.B:3Because mybrother doesnt havemoney,either.A:Maybe youshould askyour parentsfor somemoney.B:No,I don t thinkso.A:4B:Because theydon twant meto spendmore time playing putergames.A:Then Ithink youshould geta parttimejob.B:5A.WhyB.That sa goodidea.C.What swrong withyouD.But Idonthave enoughmoney.E.I’m afraidI cant.
六、综合填空Once upona time,there was a father and histhree daughters(居住)in asmalltown.One day,the father was goingto afaroff placeandheasked his daughters whattheywanted asa.His youngestdaughter namedBeauty said,“Father,I onlyneed arose.On hisway back,he founda hugecastle andwent insideto findnobody.He sawa beautifulrosebush growingin thegarden andremembered Beautys gift.He ared rosefrom thebush.Suddenly,a beastcame outand shouted,“You are(偷)my roses!“The fatherwasso sand toldthe Beastabout Beautys gift.The Beastdecided to let himgo buthehad tosend Beautyto this castle.He criedand toldhisdaughtersabout the Beast.But Beautyloved herfathera lot andagreed tostay withthe Beast.The BeastBeauty with alotof kindness.At first,Beauty wasafraid ofthe Beastbutslowly,she beganto likehim.One day,Beauty lookedin amagic(镜子)and sawthatfatherwas very ill.She askedthe beasttolether returnhome tosee herfather.The beastsaid,“You maystay withyour fatherfor days.But youmust promiseto ebackafter that.Then Beautystayed withher familyfor sevendays andmore.She forgotthe Beast andhiscastle.But onenight,she hada terriblein whichshe sawtheBeastwasveryill andgoingto die.Beauty wokeup andwent backtothecastle atonce.She criedandsaid,“Pleasedon tdie,Beast!I willlive withyou永远!The Beastmagically changedintoa handsomeprince.And then,Beauty and theBeastgot mand theylived happilytogether.
七、完形填空Jim Smithwasapoor boy.One dayhewasvery coldand1,He cameto ahouse andaskeda young2only fora glassof water.But thelady wasso3that shegave hima largeglassof hotmilk.Jim drankit andthen asked,“4should Ipay you”You dontneed topay,〃She replied,Jim5her formthe bottomof hisheart.Years later,Jim becamea
6.One day,a womanwas sentto his hospital.She wasseriously ill.He recognizedher atonce anddecided to7to saveher life.The operationwas successful,lout thecost washigh.After lookingat thewomans bill,Jim wrote8onit.When thewoman receivedthe bill,she didntdare tolook atit.9something onthe sideofthebill caughther attention.She beganto10the followingwords:Paid infull withone glassof milk.
1.A.hot B.hungry C.cool D.strong2A.woman B.man C.husband D.waiterB.beautiful C.lucky D.kindB.Where C.How muchD.WhyB.forgot C.missed D.understood
6.A.teacher B.worker doctorD.driver
7.A.say helloB.do hisbest C.give away D.get backingB.everything C.nothing D.something B.Whenever C.Especially D.Hardly B.remember C.read D.guess
八、阅读理解AMrs.King isan Americandoctor.She isnow inChina.She worksin achildren shospital儿童医院in Beijing.She isalso learningChinese medicine中医there.Shelikes Chinese medicine verymuch.She lovesworking forchildren.She workshard in theday and reads Englishbooks on关于Chinese medicineat night.She learnsChinese fromthe Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends.Now shecan speaksome Chinese.She canreadsome Chinesebooks,too.Iler husbandMr.King isa teacher.He teachesEnglish in a junior high school inBeijing.He workshard,too.He worksfrom Mondayto Friday.He teachesthree classeseveryday.Sometimes,on Saturdaysand Sundays,he teaches other English classes.Hewants to make moremoney挣更多钱.
1.Mrs.King worksin a.A.shop B.junior highschool in BeijingC.hospital inBeijing D.hospital inAmerica
2.Both ofthe Kings.A.live inAmerica B.live inShanghaiC.work hardD.work everyday
3.Mr.King works.A.in ajunior highschool inBeijingB.in achildren,shospital inBeijingC.in ajuniorhighschoolinAmericaD.in achildren shospitalinAmerica
4.Mrs.King learnsChinese from.A.her teacherB.the booksC.the doctorsD.theChinesedoctorsandherChinesefriends()
5.Which ofthe followingsentences isNOT trueA.Mrs.King canspeak Englishand Chinese.B.Mrs.King doesn,tknowanything aboutChinesemedicine.C.Mrs.King isfrom America.D.Mr.King sometimesteachesotherEnglishclasseson weekends.BWhile themobile Internetis changingthe waywe live,more andmore old peoplein Chinaare gettingin onthe digital(数字的)world.Yang Su,a61yearold microvlogger(短视频博主),has morethan
2.3millionfollowers onChina sfamous short video appDouyin.Two anda halfyears ago,my sonputa shortvideo ofmeplayingthe pianoathomeon Douyin,and hourslater itwas playedover1million times,“Yang remembered.After finishinghis studiesin theShanghai Conservatoryof Music,he becameapianist.With thedevelopment ofthe Internet,he walkedinto anew world.He filmedover6000short videosand openedan officialaccount(官方账户)on WeChatto sharearticlesand offeronline pianolessons.However,do otherold people get used tothedigital worldlike YangDing Qiulinisa73yearold manfrom Human.I gotmy smartphone morethan oneyear ago,but Ionlyuse WeChatfor videocalls,“he said.Ding findsit hardto learnto useother apps.Luo Xu,a post90s volunteer,joined anonprof it(非营禾I」性的)group inBeijingnine yearsago to teach old people howto usethe Internet.uWhile Iam helpingpeopleaged between50and90years old,I havea strongfeeling ofsatisfaction,“Luosaid.()
6.How didYang beefamous atfirstA.By sharingarticles onWeChat B.By learningto makeshort videosC.By playingthe pianoinashortvideoD.By givingonline pianolessons
7.How didthe writershow notall oldpeoplegetusedtothe digitalworldA.By tellinga storyB.By usingnumbersC.By askinga questionD.By usingan example
8.Which ofthe followingcanweput backinto theb1ank”A.In fact,many otheroldpeoplehave thesame feelingas Ding.B.However,many youngpeople findit hardtoteachthe oldto usethe Internet.C.As aresult,oldpeoplehavetospend muchtime learningto usethe smartphone.D.Luckily,younger peopleare buildinga bridgebetween thedigital worldandtheold.
9.What didLuo Xuthink ofhis workin thenonprofit groupA.Relaxing B.Meaningful C.Difficult D.BoringCThe weathermansaid therewas goingtobea terriblestorm,but theweather wassonice.Molly,s motherwas goingto buysome batteries电池inthe corner storeto prepareforthe storm,although Mollythought itwasnt necessary.Her momleft andwas backan hourlater.It wasabout6:00p.m.,andthesky begantoturn darkbecause ofthe blackclouds.The windalso started to pickup.Then therainstartedtopound连续重击against thewindows.The treesshook hard.Some oftheneighbors plantsfell offtheir windows.Im scared.said Mollyto hermother.The stormlasted forabout thirtyminutes,long enoughtomakethe lightsgo outandthe oldtrees fallover.Even Gretchen,the cat,was staying quietly under the sofa.Mollys motherlit somecandles sothey couldsee theirway aroundthe house.What aboutdinnervasked Molly.Her motherbought somefish whenshe wenttothecorner store.I hada feelingthat wewouldn,t beable tocook,so Ibought thefood andsome bread.They atethe fishand breadby candlelight.You know,this iskind offun.Its almostlikecamping.said Molly.Later thatnight,the lightscame backon.Molly said,“Although itwasascarytime,I didhave fun.”
10.Why didMollys mothergo tothecornerstoreA.To getthe newspaper.B.To getcandles.C.To getbatteries.D.To getcat food.
11.What doestheunderlinedword“lit”inthesecond paragraphprobablymeanA.made sth.start toburn B.gave sth.awayC.threw sth.awayD.made sth.stop burning
12.What didMolly eatfor dinnerA.Some cakes.B.Some catfood.C.Nothing.D.The fishand bread.
13.What canwe knowfromthe passageA.The rainstormstarted inthe morning.B.The rainstormlasted forabout halfan hour.C.Molly,s mothergot wetbecause ofthe rainstorm.D.Gretchen likedstayingquietlyunder thesofa allthe time.
14.What isthe besttitle forthepassageA.A nightwitharainstorm B.Gretchen stayedunderthesofaC.Molly,s busynight D.Moms triptothestoreDRoberta,Peter andPhyllis livedinalarge housein London.Father workedhard inagovernment office.He wasnever angryand alwaysready fora game.Mother wasalmostat home,ready toplay withthe children,andreadto them,and helpthem dotheirhome lessons.。