高级高三上期第一学月英语参考答案:2022一.选择题题号12345678910答案A C C B B AA BB A题号11121314151617181920答案C A BB A CB A B A题号21222324252627282930答案B C CCB D CCC A题号31323334353637383940答案ABB A D DC FA G题号41424344454647484950答案B CADAB C DBC题号5152535455答案BADCA二.语法填空
65.to scare三.书面表达
66.Dear Jay,I havegood newsto tellyou.Our StudentDrama Groupwill performFarewell,My Concubinein thegrandhall at3:00p.m.on May
5.Since youare quitefond ofChinese operaculture,I sincerelyinvite youtowatch the show.After watchingtheshow,we willshow youaround theschool artgallery inorder toknow muchmoreabout ourChinese culture.1would appreciateit ifyou couldaccept myinvitation.Im lookingforward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua
67.Just atthat moment,Luella sfamily returnedin theircar.Empathy surgedwithin meas Isaw theshockand disbeliefon theirfaces.I couldnthelp butapproach Luella,tightly holdingher handsand sayingJTm sosorryfor yourloss,but thankfullyyoure allright.She weaklynodded atme,still appearingpuzzled by thedevastating sight.My familyvolunteered tohelp hersclean upthe mess,cutting downthe branchesandremoving thefallen treesfrom theyard.To upliftLuellas spiritsand bringher fort,I triedmy bestto cheerherup whiletidying the garden withher,during whichmy ownjoyful personalityseemed torevive a bit.Even afterthe debriswas cleared,I couldstill senseLuella ssorrow forher lostgarden.My heartwentout toher,knowing howmuch shehad cherishedthose tulipsthat shehad devotedso muchenergy to.Yet now,they wereall gone.Determined torestore thebeauty thatonce thrived,I suggestedthat werebuild thegarden.Luella agreeddelightedly.With eachbulb carefullyplanted andwatered,the newtulip seedlingsonce againfilledthegarden,which symbolizedthe sproutingof anew friendshipbetween us,as wellas theturning thatIfinally gotembraced bythis newenvironment.My momwas right:its moreblessed togive thanto receivebecausewhen yougive.You mayreceive somethingunexpected inreturn.听力原文Twxtl W:Hi,Jim.What isyour planon SaturdayM:Well,I havea projectto finish,but Iguess Ican handleit byFriday night.W:Well,what aboutgoing campingby the lakeM:You know,camping isthe lastthing Idchoose for a weekend.Td ratherbe acouch potato.Twxt2W:You dontlook verycheerful.Has yourheadache goneyetM:Not yet.And thepainkillers upsetmy stomach.I needto askthe doctorfor somethingdifferent.W:Oh dear!Why dontyou goand liedown Maybethe medicineneeds sometime totake effect.Giveyourself abreak.Twxt3M:Hey.You lookabitconcerned.Is everythingOKW:Well,ifs justthat myhigh schoolclassmate hasinvited me to gosnowboarding inthe mountainsnextSunday.Extreme sportslike thisare notmy cupof tea.If svery easyto getinjured.Twxt4M:Mr.green recentlyknocked agirl down and hurther badly.W:How didit happenM:He dranktoo muchat hisfriend^birthday partyand didntstop hiscar quicklyenough.Twxt5M:The meetinghas begunand Idoubt ifJohn wille.W:Of coursehe willcertainly e.He isgoing tospeak atthe meeting.Twxt6M:Hey,listen,I needthe rent.I cantwait anymore.W:Yeah,Im sorryI haven51given ittoyouyet.M:Why dontyou gotwo blocksover to the MissionInn HotelIts halfwhat youpay here.Listen,I needyouto be out of here inthe morning.W:Am Isupposed to beoutofheretomorrowM:Ive gotpainters ingin.W:Alright,look,I needmore time.M:No.W:ril paintit myself.All right.But Ijust...I havegot tohave somemore time.My sonlives here.M:All right,one weekand youpaint theroom.Twxt7W:Excuse me,can youhelp mefind thenearest trainstationM:Of course!Where are you tryingto goW:I want to goto thecity center.M:Alright.You cantake thegreen linetrain fromthe stationtwo blocksdownandit willtake youdirectly tothecity center.The stationis calledDowntown Station.W:Thank youso much!Is itwithin walkingdistanceM:Yes,its abouta1Ominute walkfrom here.Just headstraight downthis street,then turnleft whenyou seetheCity Bank,and youllsee iton yourright.W:Got it.Thanks againfor yourhelp!M:No problem.Have asafe trip!Twxt8M:So whereareyougoing onholidayW:Johns takingme toa littlehouse bya lakeup north.M:Sounds verypeaceful.W:It is.Its exactlywhat weneed afterthis year.Its beenso busy,so wevebarely seeneach other.M:Whatare youguys goingto dothereW:Sleep hopefully!Im dreamingof lying in bedevery day.M:John seemsto bemore ofthe activetype.I cantimagine himlyinginbed.W:No,he getsup at6:00a.m.and goesforarun.There arenice forestpaths aroundthelakewith aview ofthemountains.We alsohave theuse ofa boat,so wecan gosailing ifthe weatheris good.M:Sounds ideal.W:I dontwanttoget myhopes up,but Ithink hemight planon askingmetomarry him!M:Its abouttime.How longhave youbeen togetherFour yearsW:Five yearsin June.M:Well,ril havemy fingerscrossed foryou.W:Thanks.Hed betterbuy mea nicering!Twxt9M:Rosa,what doesyour groupdoW:We workon oldbottles andmake eachbottle intoan individualwork ofart sothey canbe sold.All themoneywe makegoes tocharity.It isthe joyof helpingpeople thatkeeps usgoing.M:Thats such a creativeway ofgiving backtothemunity.W:You areright.We areprovided moneybythelocal governmentas partof theirrecycling project.They havejusttold usthat wewill begiven anextra roomto workin fromSeptember.M:You havejust hadyour ownwebsite made.Can peoplebuy bottlesonlineW:Im afraidnot.You canjust seepictures there.The townhall hasan exhibitionof ourstuff whichis onsalethere.We hopeto sellin someshops,but thathas nothappened yet.M:How manypeople areinvolved inyour groupW:Well,there werefive ofus atthe start.As ithas beensuchasuccess,three morepeople joinedlater toorganizeeverything.TwxtlO W:Umbrellas arehandy whetherits rainingor sunny.In ancientEgypt,rulers usedthemduring socialaffairs.In Japan,leaders usedto walkunder redumbrellas,which symbolizedpower.The kingsofBurma rodeon whiteelephants underwhite umbrellas.By the1600s,umbrellas hadmade theirway tonorthern Europe.There,they wereused onrainy daystoo.The umbrellaswere thoughttobebig andawkward.Improvements weremade inthe1800s.Before then,mostumbrellas weremade withanimal bonesand weighedabout10pounds!By1826,their weightwas reducedto
1.5pounds.Steel wasfirst usedin1852and thecovers weremade ofspecial silkor oiledpaper.Modern umbrellasare verylight.Some peoplethink theyturn insideout tooeasily,but theydo havesomeadvantages.For example,they foldup intosmaller packagesand somehave plasticwindows sopeoplecan seewhere theyre walking.When itstarts torain,people canopen theirumbrellas quicklyand goabouttheir day.。