1.—Look!The caris newand beautiful.Who doesit—It mustbeMr.Blacks.A・look forwardto B.depend onC.belong to D.pick up
2.More andmore peoplelike touse WeChatPay things.A.buy B.buys C.to buyD.bought
3.His brotherwants togo tostudy.But hisfamily istoopoor.His parentsdont haveenough money.A.abroad B.beat C.board D.achieve
4.Where isCatherine Ihaven tseen herfor days.She_____Wuhan.Shell beback nextweek.A.has goneto B.has beentoC.have gonetoD.have beento
5..Many teenagerswith theirparents because of differentopinionsabout studyand life.A.fight overB.fight forC・fight againstD.fight back
6.1abroad forseveral years,but Ihave neverregretted myfinaldecision tomove backto mymotherland.A•am livingB.lived C.have lived
7.There arethree booksin thebig library.A.million B.million ofC.millions D.millions of一(红包)
8.Did youget theWeChat redpacket duringthe SpringFestival—Yes.Its themost popularway ofsending wishesand presentsnow.A.finally B.widely C.actuallyD.hardly
9.—Shall wego for a walkoutside.A.I wouldbe B.I likeC.I doD.Good idealO.People dontneed tospend moneybuying gifts.A.too manyB.much tooC.too muchD.many too
二、完形填空An interestingthing happenedto melast Sunday.The weatherwasso finethat Idecided to1in thecountry.On myway(汽油)home,my carstopped.It ran out of gasoline.1decided towalkalong the road untilI foundsomeone whocould sellme somegasoline.Ihad walkeda longway beforeI founda big house2_was nearthe road.Iwas3_to seeit becauseit wasgetting dark.I knockedat thedoor andanold ladycame out.She saidJTve beenwaiting foryou fora longtime,ein,please.I got4_ready foryou.I wasvery surprisedand saidnothing.nOh,Tony!I justcant believemy eyes,wele back!”the womanadded.Itold hermy carranout ofgasoline,_5she didntseem tohear me.Shewas talkingso strangelythat Iwanted toleave.6shewent toget thetea,I wentoutof the houseas quicklyas possible.I wassohappy whenI saw7house bytheroad.When Itold themanabout theold lady,he saidJOh,thats Helen.She livesby_8_in thatbighouse.She!s strange,but shewouldnt hurtanyone.She is_9waiting forthe manwhom shewas goingto marry25years ago.Toour surprise,the daybefore theygot married,he wentaway with_10words/
11.A.walk B.drive C.run D.ride
2.A.what B.where C.thatD.there
3.A.sad B.angry C.excitedD.sorry
4.A.coffee B.milk C.water D.tea
5.A.andB.or C.but D.so
6.A.If B.Although C.As soonasD.Unless
7.A.others B.the otherC.other D.another
8.A.themselves B.myself C.herself D.himself
9.A.evenB.alsoC.instead D.still
10.A.some B.no C.a fewD.several
三、阅读理解The San Diego Zoohas beena lovelyhome forgiant pandassince twoof the blackandwhitebears cameto visitin
1987.This weekthere was一snow in San Diegowell,at leastforalucky groupof giant pandas.Over15tons ofsnow wasblown intothe San Diego Zoofspandaarea onTuesday morningto givethe endangeredbears a chance to play.They wouldexperience the snow justlike living in their natural habitat.The snowday wasa firstfor Xiao Liwu whosename meansLittleGift.”He wasthe sixthbaby pandaborn toBai Yun.Xiao Liwuwasjumping onMom,playing withher andgetting usedto beingthrown inthe snow by mama bear.Jennifer Becerra,SanDiego Zoo keepersaid,nHe wasreally enjoyingthe snowand runningaround.Pve neverseenhim sohappy/1All the SanDiego Zoos giant pandas arefrom China,as partof a(人工养殖)longterm captivebreeding program.Four ofXiao Liwusbrothershave alreadybeen movedfrom Californiato China.Todaythere are44giant pandaslivinginzoos outsideof China,where thebears1only natural home is.As just1,600pandas arethought tobe leftinthe wild,researchers insistthat captivebreeding isan importantwayto studyand protectthe endangeredpandas.Not onlybecauseofthe(繁殖率),habitat lossfrom humanactivities andlow reproductiveratesgiant pandassurvival isalso affectedby climatechange.A studyshowedthat globalwarming couldkill muchofthebears mainfood,bamboo,over thenext century.
1.Why wasthesnowblown intotheSanDiegoZoospanda areaA.To stopthe bamboosfrom dying.B.To givethe pandasachancetoplay.C.To helpthe pandaslive intheirnaturalhabitat.D.To makeXiao Liwuhappy.
2.Whats therelationship betweenBai Yunand Xiao LiwuA.Wife andhusband.B.Father anddaughter.C.Sister andbrother.D.Mother andson.
3.What isNOT thefactor thatinfluences thegiantpandas1numberA.The lossof habitat.B.Low reproductiverates.C.Human research.D.Climate change.21cnjy
4.Which ofthe followingis thebest titleof thispassageA.Giant pandasinSanDiegoZooB.Giant pandasin dangerC.XiaoLiwu9s happytime D.How toprotect giantpandas
5.Which ofthe followingis trueaccording tothe passageA.Captive breedingis themost usefulway toprotect giantpandas.B.More than44giantpandaslive inzoos outsideof Chinanow.C.China isthe onlynaturalhomeof giantpandas.D.XiaoLiwuwas afraidof beingthrown inthesnowbymama.
四、从方框中选取适当的句子完成对话A:Hi,Jill.l.B:A LittlePrince,a classicnovel.Have youheard ofitA:Yes.
2.B:Oh,its sofantastic thatI couldn!t putit down.A:Wow!
3.B:Hmm…A storybetween apilot andthe littleprince fromanotherplanet.A:Sounds interesting!B:Yeah.It alsosatisfies thetaste ofboth kidsand adults.
4.A:OhJ cantwait toread it.Can youlend itto meB:Sure.
5.A.What isit aboutB.Pm almostdone.C.What areyou readingD.It!s wellworth reading.E.But Ihavent readit yet.
1.Study hardand youwill makea greatsucceed.
2.I cantfind properwords todescribe thebeautifulofthemountain.
3.This kindof specialfruit isfrom thesouthpartof China.
4.1have alreadychosen thesetwo books,and Alicein Wonderlandisinteresting,I think.
5.The bestthings inlife arefree—laugh,friends andfamily.。