7B Unit8ic stripand Weleto theunit随堂练习姓名学号
一、完形填空There was a tigerin the forest.All theother animalsthere wereafraid ofhim.They]away asquickly aspossiblewhen theysaw him.So hehad nofriends and he alwaysfelt2,Once hecaught awolf and a fox,but hewas3that dayanddidnt want to eat them.So hedecided to make friends with them.The twoanimals werehappy andagreed withhim at once.It wasa4day.The forestwas coveredwith thicksnow.It was5for thethree animalsto find food.They wereallhungry.When the6went down in thewest,they wentto a village andcarried asheep,a dogandaduck away.分“How shall we dividethe animalsamong us,Mr Wolf”asked the tiger.属于“The sheepis the7and heaviestof thethree,said the wolf.Of courseitll belongto you.Mr Foxis the8of us,so he can eat the duckand Illeat thedog.It madethetigerangry andhe killedthe wolfat once.Then hewenton asking,“How shallwe dividethem9us,Mr Fox”Thats easy,Mr Tiger,answered the fox.YouH eat the duckfor breakfast,eat thedog forlunch andeat thesheepfor supper.”“How10you are!Who taughtit toyou”
2.B.walked C.ran D.jumpedA.lonely
3.B.sad C.strange D.happyA.pleased
4.B.sorry C.hungry D.fullA.spring
5.B.summer C.autumn D.winterA.lucky
6.A.B.easy C.difficult D.possibleB.Earth D.starSun
7.A.C.Moon C.B.fattest D.thinnestfatter
8.A.thinner C.B.biggest D.smallestbigger
9.A.smaller C.B.in D.aboutduring
10.A.betweenB.bad D.cleverable C.kindLooking at the deadwolf,the foxsaid sadly,“You,Mr Tiger!”
二、阅读理解About750years ago,a mannamed Marco Polo wentto China.He startedin Europeand traveledmore than5,000miles.He crossedsome largedeserts沙漠・The journeytook almostthree years.There wereno planesortrains then.So how did Polomake thetrip Herode acamel.货物,Like horses,camels canwork aspack animals.They cancarry manypounds ofcargo such as foodandsupplies.That is very helpfulfor along trip.They actas“ships of the desertCamelsdo wellin the desert.They cango forseveral dayswithout water.They cansurvive along timewithoutfood,too.There aretwo kinds of camels.One kindhas onehump.The otherhas two.These humpsstore fat.If needed,thefat turns into water.应对Camels haveother specialways todeal withdesert life.They have a thickcoat.This keepsthem warmatnight andcool in the day.They havelong eyelashesand an extra eyelid.These helpprotect theireyes.Camels alsohavethick lips.They caneat allkinds ofplants,even thornyones.They are not pickyabout food.That is good becausefew plantsgrow indeserts.They alsohave verylarge feet.These help camels walkon sand.Camels can run on sand,too.They cango about25miles perhour.Thats aboutasfast asa racingbicycle.Camels havecarried peopleand thingsfor thousands of years.Today theyplay otherroles in the modernworld,too.
1.According to the passage,howdidMarcoPolomake histrip toChinaA.By horse.B.By camel.C.On foot.D.By ship.
2.The underlinedword survive“in paragraph3means.A.live B.start C.sleep D.leave
3.What can helpcamelsdeal withthedesertlife
①②They have a thickcoat.They onlyeat thornyplants.
③They haveshort eyelashes.4They have anextraeyelid.
4.What canwe knowabout camelsfrom the passageA.Camels cancarry fewpounds ofsupplies.B.Camels storefat andwater in their stomachs.C.Camels canrun fastonsandwith largefeet.D.Camels havebeen usedfor transportationfor hundredsof years.
5.Which isthe best title of the passageA.Habits ofCamels B.Marco PolosTrip toChinaC.Life in the DesertD.Camels-Ships of the Desert
三、短文填空Riley isa dogfrom Boston,America.Now he]work inBoston Museum.He isonly twelveweeks old,but hecando hisjob very2good.Riley cantdraw pictures3enjoy them.Then4canhebe amember ofthe museum虫子Thats becauselots ofsmall bugsare in the museum.Those bugsarenotgood5pictures in the museum,so peopleneed6kill them.Riley helpspeople because hecanuse hisnose7find thebugs.So Riley is8important memberin the museum.Rileyissmart.Everyone inthemuseumlikes9he.He isthe10one dogin theworldto dothis kindof job.He iscool,right
一、阅读理解村庄Nie Xiangbolives in avillagein ShandongProvince.Years ago,when hiswife wascooking,a firehappened.Nies wifelost herlife andNie gothurt.The fireburntdown my house andburnt mybody badlyJ hesaid,“I wasntable towork andmy familywas quitepoor.”After thefire,Nie stayedat homeall dayby himselfand seldomtalked toothers.One day,one ofhis friendssenthim two parrots aspets.He lookedafter theparrots carefullyand soonknew theirlifestyle.One yearlater,the parrotshadmore than10little parrots.村官Village officialsgot a good idea.They wentto thepet marketand found that parrotswere quitepopular饲养基地pets,so theyhelped Niebuild abreeding base of parrots.Nie washappy andworked hard.He boughtbookson parrotraising andasked someexperts forhelp.At hisbreeding base,he has11buildings fullof parrots.Last year,Nie soldmore than3,000parrots andmadeover100,000yuan.Im livinga happynew life.Tm helpingothers inmy villageraise parrots.he toldthe reporter.
1.Which isthe rightorder ofwhat happened
①②Nie gottwoparrots.Nie helpsothers raiseparrots.
③④A firemade Nielose his family.Village officialshelped Nieto raiseparrots.
2.What isthe Chinesemeaning ofthe underlinedword“experts-in Paragraph
4.专家渔民作家.画家A B.C D
3.The besttitle for thepassageisA.Parrots canbe betterpets C.Fire isB.Raising parrotshelps Nieout D.dangerous toour lifeNie shouldhelp peoplein need
二、信息还原A:Hi,Tony.Why are you insuch ahurry]B:I lostmy bag.I rememberI putit besidethe playground.A.Whose bagis thisA:Really Whendid you find it was lostB.Lef sgo to the Lostand Foundoffice.B:2C.My walletis inthe bag.A:Bad luck!Is thereanything important in yourbagD.Its on the firstfloor inthe officebuilding.B:Yes.3E.Half anhour ago.A:Dont worry.I canhelp youlook fbrit.F.What canI dofor youB:Thank youso much!But whatshallwedo nextG.Its mypleasure.A:4B:Good idea.Do youknow whereit isA:5Maybe weare luckyto findit there.B:I hopeso.Let5sgothere andhavealook now.
三、短文填空Do you haveadog1you do,never feedchocolate toyour dog.Here ismy story.1have2pet dognamed Pipi.Pipi isa lovelybrown dog3short fur.He isone ofmy best4friend.He likes无论哪里把戏.following5I whereverI go.And Ilike toteach himsome tricksIt wasaboring afternoon,and Iwas6teach Pipia newtrick.It wasquite7excite becausehe learnedit verywell.I decidedto feedsomething deliciousto him.There was just achocolate baron thetable,so I got asmall pieceandgave itto Pipi.That evening,Pipi lookedweak.He layunder thechair and was veryquiet.I8quick sentPipi to the animalcentre.The doctor told methat chocolatecould makedogs ill,or evendead.Itwas9luck thatPipi wasfine atlast.From thenon,I fedPipi carefully.I wantto10see himgrow uphealthily.
1.Please openyour mouthand say”Ah”.诗歌
2.1like readingby differentpoets.
1.1am goingto holda partyat theeofthis month.温柔的
4.She isa kindteacher andoften speaksto thestudents ina voice.
5.My dogis[bai tiij]the catwhen I e backhome.
6.Its wrongto[fai t]with yourclassmates.喂
7.Several childrenbread to the ducksjust now.老鼠.
8.As weknow,cats aregood atcatching
9.Dont bertoothers.You must be polite.
10.To makethe treesgrow better,we needto cutoff someofthe枝条・
11.My dogis friendlyand quiet.He nevermakes anyt.碰
12.Its dangerousto themachine withyour hands.
13.Jack hastroublesleep duringsuchanoisy night.Peter andMike aregood friends.Peter likesto dosports in his freetime.He Lrunning.赢得He oftenwins the400metre raceinhisschool.One day,Peter andMike wentcamping intheforest.Theyate anddrank,and thenthey wentfishing inthe river.The twoboys hada greattime there.
2.,Mike hearda loud声音.noise“Listen!What工_________________noise overthere”Mike asked.They lookedaround and foundthatit wasa tigerbehind a big tree.They wereso afraidthat theycould几乎不hardly
4..Peter puton hisshoes nervouslyand wantedto runaway.
5.,Mike stoppedhim andsaid JTdontthink wecanrunaway.The tigerruns faster than us.”It doesntmatter Jsaid Peter.I runfasterthanyou!”
三、短文填空It isSaturday today.At six,I getup andget]dress.At6:40,I eatbreakfast withmy family.After havingbreakfast2quick,we walkto thesubway station.When wetake3subway to the zoo,there aremany peoplethere.My motherlikes pandas4good,so wego tosee themfirst.Look!Some pandas5eat undertrees.My mothersays,“They are so cute!”But Ithink they are kindof lazy.They sleepall day.Next,we seethe giraffes.My sisteris veryhappy.6they areher favouriteanimals.My sisterwants to give somefood tothem.But mymother stopsher,Dontdo that!We cantgive foodto theseanimals.Its oneofthe7rule inthe zoo.Then wesee manyother animalsin thezoo.After wee backhome from the zoo,our parentstell us,Animals areour goodfriends.We should be8friend tothem.Many animalsare9danger now.We cando somethings10save them.^^It isa greatdaytoday andI learna lot.
四、阅读表达A cathas beenbringing his owner smallgifts every day ina showof loveand friendship.The keypoint isthatthe catsowner has been deadfor overa year.Benny isa cute,3yearold blackand whitecat.David washis ownerwho diedon September22,2011,aged
71.坟墓.Benny hasbeen visitinghisownereverydayfor thepast yearand leavingsmall presentsatthe cemetery Thegiftsare leaves,sticks,plastic cupsor papertowels.“Even todayI wenttothe cemetery withBenny.On the way back,someone Iknow toldme the cat wentthereearly thismorning,“Davids wife,Katherine said.Neighbours havealso seenBenny movingaround thecemetery throughthe day.It allstarted theday ofthe葬礼,funeral whenthe catfollowed thegroup fromthe housetothecemetery.The nextmorning,Katherine wenttothecemeteryagain.I founda floweronthecemetery.I immediatelysaid thatit wasthe cat,“she said.That night,Davids sonreturned tothecemeteryandfoundBenny standingby thecemetery.David hadkept thecat sincethecatwas just3months old.David lovedhim very much.Its likelythat Bennythinkshe shouldbe thankfulfor Davidslove.He isa specialcat.One canthelp likinghim,“Katherine said.
1.Benny nevertakes giftstothecemetery,does he
2.How didBenny knowthewaytothecemetery
3.Do youwantto keep apet likeBenny Whyor whynotUnit8Grammar随堂练习姓名学号
1.My dogis thecleveranimal of all.
2.Goldfish arequiet and they areeasilyto lookafter.
3.He isa lazyboy andhe alwaysdoes everythinglazy.
4.Jenny issoexcite attheexcite film.
5.He looksworry,becauseheis latefor schoolagain.
6.If yourecare,youll makea lotof mistakes.
7.Its sonoiseoutside.What ishappening
8.He walkedslowtowards thecat.
9.Its reallywonderto showthe visitorsaround thetown.
10.Dogs are very friendto people.They areour goodfriends.
11.The filmMickey isvery interest.Children areall interestin seeingit.
12.How lovethe rabbitlook!
13.When Ifeelhappy,Millie oftentells mefunny storiestomakeme laugh.
14.Mrs Smithlookedangry athis son.He tolda lie.
15.1finished mywork with their help.They aresohelp.
二、根据句意,选用合适的不定代词填空⑴选用或填空somebody,anybody nobody
1.Look out!is followingus.
2.There5sinthe room.Theyre allunder thetree.
3.1didnt seeintheclass.Theyre havinga PElesson inthe playground.选用或填空2something,anything,everything nothing
4.Look!Theres underthe bed.It lookslike acat.
5.is readyfor theparty.Lets begin.
6.Why areyou lateIs therewrong
7.1have to eat.I wantto gototheshopping mall.选用或填空3someone,anyone noone
8.Did yousee thereI cantfind them.自私的.
9.He istoo selfishwill makefriendswithhim.
10.is knockingatthedoor.Go andopen thedoor.
三、短文填空Boys andgirls,areyouinterested in]keep catsIt lookslike thereare morecats aroundus today.In fact,nowthere areabout
44.12million pet cats allover ourcountry.Now Chinahas the2two largestnumber ofcat3owninthe worldafter theUnited States.Every year,moreand moreyoung peoplekeep cats4pets.More catsalso bring5many specialjobs.Many peoplenow workat somepetshops andanimal hospitals.But thereis alsoabigproblem,too.6some peopledont wantto livewiththeirpet catsany more,they may7send theirpet catsoutside.Then thecats losetheir homesand nobody8take goodcare ofthem.They runaround疾病生物the city.They passon diseasesand makepeople notfeel well.And theyhunt othercreatures9birds andfrogs.手In Japanand Australia,people tryto takehomeless catsto animalhospitals.There doctorsdo operations术on them.So thecats canthave babies.10this way,the numberof catswill notgo up.What do you thinkof itIsit rightto dooperations onpetcats
四、信息还原Jane:Hello,Tom.Tom:Hello,Jane.Jane:I haven91seen youfor along time.How areyou gettingon thosedaysTom:1,but Ifailed inthe Englishtest.Jan:Oh,really Er..2Tom:I dontknow.Can youhelp meJane:Yes,of course.But whatdo youthink isimportantinyour EnglishstudyingTom:
3.Because thereareso many wordsand rulesin English.目口使Jane:But itsnot enough.Even ifyouhavea goodmemory,you maynot learnit well.Tom:Thats true.
4.Jane:Everyone makesmistakes.But dontbe afraid of makingmistakes.We shouldlearn fromLinda andLouis.Tom:OK.5,Unit8Integrated skills随堂练习
7.Some fishcan jumphigh.They mayjump outofthetank.Thetank shouldbe covered.This keepsthe fishfrom jumpingout.The fishneed foodand theyshouldbefed everyday.额外的底部Giving them8food isbad.The extrafood willfall tothe bottomand makethe water9,However,the fishshould getjust enough food.They can10the foodin
101.A.keep B.buy C.find D.want
2.A.at B.for C.through D.out ofD.eggs
3.A.fish B.plants C.oxygen
4.A.have B.lie C.leave D.layD.cool
5.A.hot B.cold C.warm
6.A.So B.Never C.If D.But
7.A.sometime B.sometimes C.all the time D.some timeD.too much
8.A.somanyB.too manyC.much tooD.clear
9.A.dirty B.clean C.darkD.feed
10.A.choose B.finish C.turnminutes.埋挖Have youever watchedyour dogbury hisfavourite bonebut digit uponly aday orlater There(天,性).is actuallya reasonbehind this——its simplyin theirnature Forthousandsofyears,dogs have buriedtheir bones.When dogslived inthe wild,sometimes therewas notenoughfood,itwashard forthem to findfood.Ifthey wereable tofind meat and bones,dogs hadto protect them.In ordertokeepother dogsand animalsfromfinding theirmeat,dogs wouldbury itinthe ground.Even thoughmost dogshave lotsof foodto eattoday,their(本能)instincts stilltell themto bury their bones.Some dogseven hidemore thanone boneatatime.A dogcannot burya bonejust anywhere.He mustfirst findthe perfectplace.Often itsnearatree ora largerock.Once thedog findsthe perfectplace,he useshis frontfeet todig the hole,drops thebone andcovers uptheholetoprotect it.Dogs dontalways rememberwhere abone isburied,but they haveawonderful senseof smell.A dogcansmell abone evenif ithasbeenburied foryears.Most ofthetime,dogs find bones theyhaveburied by themselves,but they can alsofindbonesburiedbyother dogs.A.Why dogsdig theirbones.B.Why dogsbury theirbones.C.When dogsbury theirbones.D.Where dogsbury theirbones.()
1.What doesthe underlinedword thisin Paragraph1refer toA.Near adoor.B.Near arock.C.Near ariver.D.Near ahouse.)
2.Where dodogs wouldlike toburythebones)
3.What canwe learnfromthepassageA.Dogs startedburying bones100years ago.B.Dogs do not burybones toprotectthemnow.C.Dogs smellalways workwhen findingbones.D.Dogs onlyhide onebone eachtime.)
4.Whats thebesttitleforthepassageA.Dogs LifeintheWild B.Dogs WonderfulSense ofSmell D.Why DoDogs BuryTheir BonesC.What areDogs Instincts
三、阅读表达(石头).Some antsmake their homes undera stoneIf theweather iswarm,you maysee many ants underthestone.When theweather iscold,manyantswill bein theirhouse undertheground.Most ofthe antsare workers.They arevery busy.They lookfor foodand takecare ofthe youngants.Eachfamily of ants hasa queenant.The queenant doesntwork.She isimportant becauseshe layseggs.These eggswillbee newants.There aremany kindsofantsin America.One kindof theseisverystrong.People areafraidof it andanimalsare afraidofittoo.These antsmove ingroups.They eatall theanimals ontheir way.They cankill andeat elephants,and theycaneat woodenhouses.Sometimes theycan evenkill people.When the ants enear,people leavetheirhomes.Butsometimes peopleare gladafter theants passthrough,because theywill seeno otherinsects.
1.Where canyoufindtheantsin warmdays
2.Why isa queenant moreimportant thana workerant
3.Do youthink thestrong antsinthepassage aregood forus Whyor whynotUnit8Task随堂练习
1.There istoo much[no Iz]intheclassroom.Its[no Izi].(重)
2.The fishabout2kilos.
3.—How oftendoyoub yourteeth—Twice aday.(成长)
4.Amy wantsto bean animaldoctor whenshe up.(在乎)
5.Nobody inhisfamilyabout theprice ofthe carbecause theyareveryrich.(同意)
6.He isagoodstudent.Do youwith me(重复)
7.My parrotis goodatthewords Isay.
8.1think asoft[tA tf]may helpthe babysleep well.
9.This kindof goldfishis about20g each.They5re easyto lookafter.养
10.1two rabbitsat home.They likeeating carrotsverymuch.
二、信息还原There aremany differentkindsofparrots.]Others aresmall.Many peoplelike thembecause theyoften havebeautifulcolours,and becausetheycan“talk”.厚2Most birdscannot talk.Some peoplesay thatparrots can talk becausetheyhave big,thick的舌头.tongues Butsome otherbirds thatcantalkdonothavebig,thick tongues.3Parrots donot usuallyknow whattheyaresaying whenthey talk.4However,they knowwhen tosay somewords,such as“Hello”and Goodbye”.5Most parrotse fromhot countries,but theycan liveanywhere.
三、短文填空The wolfandthe fox wanttoeatthe rabbit,but itisnt easyto catchhim.死了.One day,thewolfsays tothe fox,You gohome]lie inbed.Ill tellthe rabbitthat youare deadWhenhe esto lookat you,you canjump upand catchhim.”Thats agood idea,“says thefbx.The foxgoes homeat once.The wolf goes tothe2rabbit houseand knocksatthedoor.u3is it”asks therabbit.“Its thewolf.Ieto tellyou that the fox4die justnow.Then thewolfgoesaway.The rabbitgoes tothe foxshouse.He looksin throughthe windowand seesthefox5lie inbed withhis eyes6close.He thinks,Is thefox reallydead Ifhes notdead,hell catchme whenIgonear him.So hesays,“Thewolf saysthatthefox isdead.7he doesntlook likea dead fox.The mouthofadeadfoxis alwaysopen.^^When thefox8hear this,he thinks,Ill showhim thatIm dead.So heopens9he mouth.The rabbitknows thatthefoxisnt dead,andheruns away10quick.
四、选词填空尽管Danny liveda hardlife withhis motherinasmall town.Although they were poor,theywerealwayshelpful to those L.巨大的One day,Danny sawan oldman carryinga hugebag.The manlooked tiredand hungry.He askedpeopleto helphim carrythe bag.
2.nobody agreedto helphim.Danny offeredtogivehimahand.The oldman toldDannythat hehad nomoney topay him.With alaugh,Danny saidthat hewasjusttrying tohelp.He askedthe oldman wherehe wantedto go.He toldDannyto followhim.Finally,the oldman stoppedright infront ofDannys house.ccThis ismyhouse!”cried Danny.The oldman just
3.and toldDanny,This bagis fbryou.Use it
4.Then heleft.Danny openedthe bagandwas
5.tofinda lotof moneyinside.A noteinside itsaid,Help estothosewho help.”。