八下单元话题阅读unit10A(玩具娃娃)Grandmother^Favorite DollAlitle girl had adoll.She lovedit somuch thatshe wouldtreat itwith greatcare,eventhough herfriends wouldlaugh ather forbeing socareful.As timepassed,the girlgrew up,moved houses,became anadult,married,hadchildren,and finallybecame alovely littleold womanwith manygrandchildren.One day,she returnedto herhometown,found heroriginal house,and wentin.Amonghundreds ofold things,the nowoldlittle girlfound herdoll.It was as welllooked afterasbefore.She tookit homewith herand gaveit to her granddaughter.Her granddaughterlovedit.Each timethe old woman saw her granddaughter playing with the doll,tears(日艮泪)(脸颊)ofjoy wouldroll downher cheeks.She wasso gladto seenow it was in the handsofher granddaughter.
1.The littlegirlhad a andshe lovedit somuch.A.dog B.doll C.toy carD.ball
2.The littlegirls friendslaughed ather becausesheA.looked sothin andugly B.didnt geton wellwith herfriendsC.treated herdoll socarefully D.didnt liketo playgameswith them
3.What does the underlinedwordoriginal^mean in the thirdparagraph豪华的原来的新建的木质A.B.C.D.的4,When the oldwomanfound herdoll,A.it lookedold andterrible B.she threwit awayC.it wasas welllooked afteras beforeD.she tookit homeand keptitherself5Whenever shesawhergranddaughterplayingwiththedoll,she wouldA.feel veryexcitedand joyfulB.think ofher oldfriendsC.want tobuy hergranddaughter anew dollD.wish togo backto herhometown againBEveryonehas worries.How willyou doif youhave your worry Thereis alwayssomethingyou cando to help yourselffeel lessworried.Sitting thereworrying isno fiinandit wontsolve yourproblems.Children are worried abouttheir gradesin school.If youworry aboutgrades,askyourself thesequestions:▲Why aregrades importantWhat dogrades meanto me▲How doI get ready fbrclass DoI goover mynotes evenwhen thereisnt atestA DoI havea goodplace to do myhomeworkA DidI trydifferent waysof studyingIf yourworryis abouta fightyou hadwith yourfriend,you mightwrite downall thethings you could do—write anote to him or her,invite himor herto watcha basketballgame,say sorrytohimor herand soon.Once youhave severalthingsyoucoulddo,youcan chooseone thingthat couldget yourfriend back.You canask fbrhelp whenyoure worried.You canfind someoneto talk to,such asyourparents,friends,teachers,and soon.A.Their homework.B.Their hobbies.C.Their gradesat school.D.A fight with theirfriends.
1.What dochildren oftenworry mostabout
2.If you5reworried,you shouldA,do yourhomework B・ask forhelp andtalktosomeone D,work hardC.getready for class
3.If youreworried aboutgrades,you shouldntask yourselfA.How doI getreadyforclass B.What dogrades meanto me(放弃)C.Why aregrades importantD.Why notgive upmy studies
4.Ifyouhadafightwitha friend,you couldA.invite himor herto watcha gameB.try to leave himor heraloneC.make newfriends D.put theblame(责备)on himorher
5..What doesthe passagemainly tellus(处理)A.When peopleare worried.B.How todeal withworries.C.Who isoften worried.D.What kindsof worriespeople have.CYe Haitaohas helpedover hundredsof childrenwith lessonsand homeworkfor freeoverthe last23years.When he wasa young man,he dreamedof beinga teacher,because hethought itwasthe greatestjob in the world.In1993he wentto ateachers college.However,in hissecondcollege year,he occasionallyfelt aslight pain in hisright leg.Worse,he couldntstand atlast.But thedoctor couldntdo anythingtohelphim.He hadto leaveschool,and livedin aterriblelife.One daysome villagerscame toask whetherhe wouldhelp childrenwith theirstudy.At thetime Yeheard therewere anumber ofleftbehind childrenin hisvillage.He decidedto open afree classinthesummer of
1999.The studentscame afterschool andduringsummer andwinter vacations.All thedesks werearound hisbed.When Yetaught them,he hadto lieon hisside.Hewould feelvery unfortableover time,but hecontinued forover twentyyears.So far,manyof hisstudents havegone to the college.Seeing thechildren improvewith hishelp,Ye ishappy andconsiders hisworkmeaningful.These left-behind childrenssmiles makeme forgetthe pain.”
1.Why didYewant tobe ateacher whenhewasyoungA.He likedchildren.B.His brotherscouldnt go to school.C.He thoughtitwasthe greatestjob.D.He couldntfinish hiscollege.
2.When didYe starttoopenhis freeclassA.When hewas
20.B.After hefinished hiscollege.C.In hissecond collegeyear.D.In thesummer of
3.Where ishis classroomA.In thehospital.B.In theschool.C.In thecollege.D.In hishome.
4.What doesthe lastsentence inthe passagemeanA.Childrens smilesmade himhave feelingof satisfaction.B.He neverexperienced muchpaininhis leg.C.Children couldtake goodcare ofhim whenhe helpedthem.D.Children likedto laughand smilea lotduring theclasses.
5..What programdoesthepassage efrom ina newspaperA.Health.B.Sports.C.Education.D.Culture.D(社区)Shared lifehas beepart of the livesofthe old peoplein somemunities inBeijingin recentyears.The shared kitchen appearedinthemunity service center forthe oldin Shunyiseveralyears ago,said Zhang Mei,ayoungwoman headinga volunteergroup.She set up the kitchen aftershe andher workmatesfound thatthe oldpeople weresometimeshungry whenthey cameto theservicecenterto havea restor takepart insomeactivities.Each personcan bringhis orher owncooking tools,fresh andtasty ingredientsand(食谱)good recipestothe kitchen.It isopen from7:30a.m.to5:30p.m.(压面机)I broughtmy ovenand noodlepress tothekitchenfor tworeasons.Firstly,I havesome moreat home,and Idont wanttoleavethem unused.Secondly,these canmakeour cookingmuch easier.At times,we makebiscuits andthey turnout tobe verytasty/said64yearold GuoQiuling.Mrs.Wang,a70yearold woman,has aspecial deepfeeling forthekitchen.In hereyes,itis morethan aplace whereshe canhave somethingto eat.Last year,my husbanddied.That mademe feelsad andlonely fora longtime.Pm gladto havesuch aplace toallow metomunicate withothers/said Wang.The kitchenis toimprove themunication amongtheoldand helpthem leada happierlife.
1.ZhangMeisetupthe sharedkitchen probablybecause.A.she oftenfelt hungrywhen sheworkedB.she wantedtodosomething forthe oldC.she hopedto makeherself famousD.she wasinterested incooking
2.What doesthe underlinedword ingredientsmean原料收藏电器气味A.B.C.D,
3.What canwe learnfrom GuoQiulings wordsA.She wasntgood atmaking biscuits.B.She wantedto liveinthe sharedkitchen.C.She lived a richerlife thanother oldpeople.D.Her cookingtools gavetheoldpeople muchhelp.
4.Why didthe writerwrite aboutMrs.WangA.To introducea poorwoman tous.B.To explainwhy shelivedalonely life.C.To showthe sharedkitchen meansa lottoher.D.To adviseus togotothesharedkitchen totalk withher.
5.Whats thebest titlefor thispassageA.Shared Lifein ChinaB.A Shared Kitchen inChinaC.Old PeoplesLives inBeijing D.How toRun aSharedKitchen。