57.5听下面段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的、、三个选项5A BC中选出最佳选项听完每段对话后,你都有秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅10读下一小题每段对话仅读一遍
1.What isdifferent about the wo manA.She isdressed in a newblouse,B.Shd swearing anecklace,C.She gota haircut
2.What willthe manprobably doA.Have hiscar fixedB.Go shoppingwith LisaC.Drive the womanto apark.
3.Where mightthe manbeA.In apool B.In aboat C.In abath.
4.Who mightthe manbeA.A studentB.A regularteacherC.A substituteteacher
5.What isthe mosti mportant to the womanA.Her bankaccount B.Her happinessC.Her job.第二节(共小题每小题分;满分分)15L5225听下面段对话或独白每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的、、三5A BC个选项中选出最佳选项°听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题秒钟;听5完后,各小题将给出秒钟的作答时间每段对话或独白读两遍5听第段材料,回答第、题
6676.What isthe conversationmainly aboutA.Research oncoffee drinkingB.Effects ofsleeping habitsC.Studies abouta disease
7.When doesthe woman liketo drinkcoffeeA.In theevening B.In theafternoon C.In the morning听第段材料,回答第、题
7898.How muchmoney didthe manspend ona taxiA.$
9.What doesthe manseem tobe goodatA.Getting toplaces ontime.B.Finishing allof the foodC.Doing hiswork well听第段材料,回答第至题
8101210.What are the speakersdiscussingA.A travelplanB.A pastcamping tripC.A companyactivity
11.What happenedtothe speakers lastyearA.They hadan accidentB.They movedto ItalyC.They lostsome moneyin aforest
12.Where dothespeakersdecide togo in the endA.To themountains.B.To theseaside.C.To thedesert听第段材料回答第至题
9131613.What doesthe woman givethe manfirstC.Her name.A.Her passportB.Her ticket14Where doesthe woman askto sitA.In firstclass.B.By thewashroom.C.Near thewalkway.
15.What timeis itnowA.9:
16.How doesthewoman feelin theendA.Rushed B.Grateful C.Confused.听第段材料,回答第至题io
172017.How didPenang ToyMuseum enterthe MalaysianBook ofRecordsA.It hasthe biggest toyin MalaysiaB.If sthelargest museum in MalaysiaC.If sthefirsttoymuseuminMalaysia
18.When didthe ownerget hisfirst toyA.In
19.What dowe knowabouttheGundam robotA.If sfromM alasiaB.If scheap andordinary.C.If sl80centi meterstall
20.How manyhours isthemuseu mopen onSaturdayA.6B.9C.12第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分分)第一节(共小题;每小题分,
37.5阅读下面短文从短文后所给各题的四个选项、、、中,选出可以填入空A BC D白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑AYou mayhope tohave healthydiets anda healthybody.You maywant toeat tastyfood thatis easytoprepare Youmay beinspired toexercise andstay inshape.The goodnew sisthat thereare apps to helpyouPaprikaPaprika isan appto helpusers planmeals shopand cook.You cansave recipesfrom websitesand fromotherappstoPaprika Theapp canhelp keep a record of thefoods you have in your home,so whenyou goshopping,it canre mindyou whataretherequired foodsM ealBoardMe al Board isanother appthat cansuggest recipesand helpyou planmeals This app cansuggest recipesbasedon thefood youalready have inyourhome.Me alBoard cankeep alist ofwhat foodyouhaveand whatyouexpect tobuy.Thisappcan scan bar codesto additems toyour listUsing thisapp,you canalso note(保质期),the expirationdates soyou know when yourfood isno longerusable,MealBoardlets userssave recipesfrom websitesand thensearch themby foodsused in the recipesForexample,you cansearch forrecipes thathave“chocolate”in themI Eat WellTheI EatWell appsupports healthyeating bygiving usersre wards for eatingthe rightfoods.If youlikeearning rewardsformeeting yourgoals,I EatWell maywork wellfor youInstead ofmeasuring howmuchyou eat,I EatWell measureshow wellyou eatTell theapp what you areeating foryour mealYou canevenadd aphota Theapp willrate howhealthy yourmeal is,and thengive youa reward if you areeating well
21.What dothe appsPaprika andMeal BoardhaveincommonA.They canscanbarcodesB.They cankeeparecordof the mealsyou eatoutsideC.They canlet youknowwhatyouneed tobuy.D.They cantell ifthefoodhas passedthe expirationdates
22.What canIEatWell doifyoueat ahealthy dietA.It canmeasure howmuch eatB.It canprovide youwith recipesC.It cangive youa pictureD.It cangive youa reward
23.What isthe authors mainpurpose inwriting the textA.To makesome comparisonsamong gameapps.B.To introducesome waysabout howto stayhealthy.C.To introduceseveral appsto helppeople keepfitD.To callon peopleto purchasethese appsBIused tolive inSouthern Africaand recentlywent backto Botswanato visitthe CentralKalahari GameReservewith myfriend OscarWhy Becausethere snothing quitelike thevast Africanwilderness..Our jeepmoved slowlyalong thetocrhottcrtouch sandWith noair conditionerand anengine whichmightbreak downat anytime,it wastough work.The dryheat wasfierce andthe onlybreak camefrom usingourprecious waterfor briefbucket showers.一With nosupplies availablewithin thepark itwas asort ofno mans landwhich wasinhabited bythe一occasional cowit isnecessary tobring allyour fuel,food and water withyou.We campedin asmall placeinthecenter ofthe woods.At theheight ofthe dryseason,leaves inthetrees hadall fallendown,shade wasin scantsupply,so weplaced ourselvesnear aleaf lesstree Asthesun set,we drovetowards the watering holea fewmiles away,and werereminded justwhy wed chosento spendweekssuffering thisexercise onourselves Alone lionpaused hislapping toacknowledge ourarrival Heyawned,and thencarried ondrinking.That night,sleeping onthe roofofthejeep,we felthis shoutingas muchas heardit Thosevast Africanskiesoffered theonly indicationthat theoutside worldhadn tcome toa stateof quietness,as brightsatellitewhipped acrossthe blackness.In themorning wesaw thatthe lionhad walkedintheroad overnight,his pawprints pressedinto yesterdaystyre tracks.We setoff foranother morninginching throughthe sand;another dayof changinglandscapes andraw,wild beauty;another nightlit byshooting stars.24What canwe1earn aboutthe authorA.He isnow livingin Botswana.B.He enjoysthe wildnessof natureC.He sleptinahotel atnightD.He didnttake enoughfood andwater.
25.What didthey thinkof theirjourneyA.Cozy andsafe B.Scary andannoyingC.A mazingand toughD.Pleasant andeasy
26.What doesthe underlinedword“scant“in paragraph4meanA.inadequate B.unbendingC.abundant D.ready
27.Wh atcan bea suitabletitle forthetextA.Shining Starsand ALone LionB.My GreatEscape intothe WildC.Travelling inthe SouthernAfricaD.Camping inToo-HotHscrTouch SandC(光合作用)Photosynthesis isa uniqueskill ofgreen plants-they turnwater andcarbon dioxideintooxygen andfood viasunlight Agroup ofChinese scientists,however,“copied〃the processon animalsTounderstand thenew breakthrough,it isimportant toknow howphotosynthesis worksPlants takein carbondioxideandwaterfro mthe airand soilWithin theplant cell,thewateris oxidizedThis transferms the(葡萄糖).water intooxygen andthe carbondioxide intoglucose。