愚人节英语作文词范文80这里给大家共享一些关于愚人She smiledto usand saidApril fools!节词英语作文,希望对大家能有所帮助80初三愚人节英语作文词801Last March,my mothertold my father andme thatmy grandfatherwouldcome inApril.We werevery happybecause mygrandfather wasaninteresting oldman andhe hadnot visitedus sincehe wentto HongKong.On April1my father and Ibought alot offood fromthe supermarketandbought abig bunchof flowershome.Then wedid somecleaning athome.At nightwhen wewere waitingfor mygrandfather,the bellrang andincame my mother.She smiledto usand saidApril fools!初三愚人节英语作文词802April1st isthe holidayApril Foolsalso knownas AllFools Day/Itsexact originis notknown,because thereare somany storiesas towhy itstarted.The mostplausible taleis thatNew YearsDay in France usedto beApril1st,but theKing changed it toJanuary1st.Not everyoneaccepted thischangefor severalyears andthose whodidnt werescoffed asfools,thusthe termApril Fools.Today peoplefrom manyparts of the worldare recognizingandcelebrating April1st in their ownunique way.Here atInternationalschool isa fruitfulstudent bodyfrom allover theworld.I decidedtoask afew ofour fellowclassmates fromIS topass onwhat theydid forApril Fools andalso passon thistradition tothis whodont knowaboutthis goodhearted holiday.Maybe throughJinan Univ初三愚人节英语作文词803April Fools Day isa dayto playjokes onothers,No oneknows howthisholiday beganbut peoplethink itfirst startedinFrance.In the16th century,people celebratedNew YearsDay from March25to April
1.In themid—1560s KingCharles IXchangeditfromMarch25toJanuary
1.But somepeople stillcelebrated inon April1,so otherscalledthem April Fools.Each countrycelebrates April FoolsDaydifferently.In France,peoplecall theAprilFoolsApril Fish”.They tapea paperfish totheir friendsbacksto foolthem.When heor shefinds this,they shoutApril Fish!”In England,people playjokes onlyinthemorning.You area“noodle ifsomeonefools you.In Scotland,AprilFoolsDay is48hours long.They call〃an AprilFool“April Gowk.Gowk isanother namefor acuckoo bird.In theAmerica,people playsmall jokeson theirfriends andany other」people onthe firstof Aprol.They maypoint down to yourshoe andsayYour shoelaceis untied/If youbelieve themand lookdowntosee,you areanAprilFoolthen.初三愚人节英语作文词804In westerncountries,the annualApril1st foolsDay meansa personcanplay avariety oftricks anddont haveto bearthe consequences.Calleda foolsDay jokeyour trickwill beforgive.This isa distinctionbetween softhearted andhard heartedday,softhearted personwho madethat theyhave beencheated,but lookveryfoolish.A womanset afew yearsto saveher fromthe otherwomen getabusiness card,and nonotice oftheir intentionto obtaina numberof friendsthere,and thenwith alot ofthis kindof businesscard togo foolsday party.She brazenlypeople flirt,suggesting thatspend thenight withher wouldbenot fairof pleasure,and gaveeach onerequires themen meetagain aanotherwoman card.Undoubtedly,during thisholiday,magic goodsstores willberefurbished toprovide alot oftricks.For example,sit upwill happenharshnoise cushion;row willbe fireworksafter thematch;and forthose whowantto fita ballat theother facesofthepeople readysarcoma,fake nose,glasses,beard andputty.初三愚人节英语作文词805Last March,mymothertold myfatherandme thatmy grandfatherwouldcome inApril.We werevery happybecause mygrandfather wasaninteresting oldman andhe hadnot visitedus sincehe wentto HongKong.On April1myfatherand Ibought alot offood fromthe supermarketandbought abig bunchof flowershome.Then wedid somecleaning athome.At nightwhen wewere waitingfor mygrandfather,the bellrang andincame mymother.He smiledto usand saidApril fools!。