2.Children likedoing outdooractivity.
4.He speaksGerman wellinadd toEnglish.
5.Jackie Chanwas regardedas one of thebestact in the worldthen.
6.My grandmotheris75but she/s stillveryact.
7.We musttakeact beforeit istoo late.
8.He is now PresidentObamasadvice./The doctorhasadvice youto giveup smoking.
9.He saidthat therewas stillno finalagreebetween the two sides.
10.The manlooked atthe youngcoupleangry.
12.The ownerof thishotel is anAustralia.
13.Picasso wasone of the mostfamousart in the20th century.
14.1find itvery hardto staywakein theafternoon.
15.He wasbadhurt when he felloff thehorse.
17.At thebegin,we didntenjoy theparty atall.
19.The actressis dancingbeautifulon thestage.
21.The stormblowfiercely last night.
22.The candlewasblow outby thewind.
24.Ivebook atable forsix atthis restaurant.
27.Could youlend meyour rulerMine isbreak.
29.She isbrightchild in the class.
30.The sunshinesbright.What anice day!
31.Wevebring yousome goodnews.
32.Kitty looksafter hermother inhospital.She isbusythan methese days.
33.All hisbelongwereburn inthe fire.
34.If youdrivecareful likethis,there will be anaccident.
35.Canada speakboth Englishand French.
36.We watchedthe VictoryDaycelebrate inBeijing onTV.
37.Alice likeschatwith herfriends byQQ onlinevery much.
38.Indians havelived inAmerica sincecenturyago.
40.Next,add somechemistryto thewater.
41.I preferchickto beef.
43.The touristshad nochoosebut towait forthe nexttrain.
44.He waschooseto playthe heroin thisfilm.
45.Tony iscleverof thetwo boys.比较
47.with thetop student,that boyis verylazy andisnt hard-working.
48.The gardenis verycolorin summer.
49.Ivecomplete forgottenher name.舒服.
1.11changed myleather shoesinto sportsshoes sothat Icould walkmore
54.Have Ispelt yournamecorrect
55.The machineis beingcontrolby arobot insteadof aworker.
56.The dinnerwe hadlast nightcostme threehundred yuan.
59.In ourdaylife,computer becomesmore andmore important.
61.Dont playwith fire,children!It isdanger.
62.The nursesjob isto takecare of thedie.
64.With thedevelopof science,our country is becomingstronger andstronger.
66.You shouldthink it over carefullybefore youmake adecide.
67.She isused todealwith allkinds ofpeople inher job.
68.Have youseen thenew filmI amdeepmoved byit.
69.As weall know,China isdevelopmuch fasternow thanever before.
72.All myclassmatesdivide intofive groups.
73.There isnodifferent betweenthetwopictures.
74.Do youhave anydifficultwith yourstudies thesedays
74.1congratulate youon yourgreatdiscover.
76.Our dogdiga holeunder thetree andput thebone init forsafekeeping.
77.Their caseisnowstill underdiscuss.
78.The enemyran awayin alldirection.
79.The citystreets areevendirty than they usedto be.
80.I/ve neverdreamof doingsuch work.
81.In Britainand Australia,cars aredriveon theleft.
83.The glassdropon thefloor andbroke intopieces.
86.1enjoyeddraw somepictures on the wallwhen Iwas asmall child.
87.Without treesour worldwould be a muchdryplace.
88.Two bighamburgers wereeatwithin twominutes byEddie.
89.They weremuchearly thanI expect.
90.August istheeight monthoftheyear.
91.You caneasywork outthe mathproblem aslong asyou thinkitover.
92.Washington D.C.is theeastpart ofthe USA.
93.Km gladto take part inthiseducate exchange.垃圾箱
96.The cleanercleans thestreet andemptythe dustbinsalong thestreet every day.
99.Miss.Li,our Englishteacher,oftenencourage usto readEnglish loudlyevery morning.
101.This churchwas builtin theelevencentury.
103.Students musttakepartin examinationbeforeenter thecollege.
104.Noise isboring,especial when you aretrying tosleep.法国人德国人
105.and areEurope.
107.Can youtell meexactwhat happened
109.She wentto thehospital for a medicalexamine.
110.While travelingin Africa,we hadmany happyandexciting经历・
112.Well haveto havethefall leavescleaned away.
113.1think theresult ofthecompete isfair/unfair.We shouldbe thewinners.
114.The coatis muchexpensivethantheone wesaw yesterday.
116.The temperaturefallbelow zerolastnight.代
117.A erriding fora longtime,Ifeel Ihad litterenergy left.
120.Have youfeedthe dogand cleanedyour roomyet
121.Tomorrow ismy unclesfiftybirthday.Hell havea bigparty.
122.The rulesare asfollows,first dontmake anynoises,secondly...
123.Englandfight againstGermany inthe FirstWorld War.
124.If wedont useEnglish forsome time,some ofthe wordswill beforget.
125.Many dogsare veryfriendto people.They areour friends.
130.general speaking,I dontagree with you.
134.We hopeour childrengrow happilyandhealth.
135.It wassnowingheavy,and itwas toodifficult forpeople towalk.国家的英雄.
136.Zhong Nanshanis regardedas our
7.1dont want to makefriendwith sucha dishonestman.乐园
138.The libraryis anenjoyable wonderlandwhere studentscan findhidetreasures.
140.It wasalready halfpast sevenwhenhewoke up.Hehurry gotup anddressed.
141.He gotup late,so hehurryto work.
142.Don/t worryabout yourmothersill.She will be allright.信息,
143.If youwanttoget morei pleasewrite tous atthis address.
146.Moreimportant,you mustwork hardto catchup.
147.Nothing ispossibleif youput yourheart intoit.
148.India foodis usuallyhot andspicy.
150.Paper-making isoneofthe greatestinventin China.
152.Would youplease giveme aninstructof it
155.Shekind droveme tothe trainstation.
156.west peopleusually eatfood withknifeand forks.
157.The weatherhas beenvery badlate.
159.like hisshort father,Mike istall andthin.
160.The oldman wasfoundlie on the groundwhen hisson wentin.
162.My bestfriend hada caraccident lastnight.lucky,he wasnot hurt.
163.A pandaeatsmain bambooshoots.
165.----How longhave yourparents beenmarry----For overfifteen years.
6.1mean tophone you,but Iforgot.
168.You musthavemistake mymeaning.
169.Its abouttenminute walkfrom hishome toschool.
172.The newterm willstart intwomonth time.
174.Tom likesmusic verymuch.He wantsto bea greatmusic.
175.From anearly age,he showedgreatmusic ability.
176.It isnatural fora catto catchmouse.
179.--What isthenation flowerof England--Rose.
180.1came tothe citytwo yearsago.Ive workedhere forneartwo years.
181.Trees arenatureair conditioners.
183.My grandmais90years old.Tomorrow wewill celebrateher90birthday.
184.Sweden isin thenorthpart ofEurope.
185.The studentsonthegrass cheerednoisy.
186.At weekends,the shopsare muchnoisethan usual.
187.He isno lessclever thanhisold brother.
188.The shelveswere filledwithobject ofall shapesand sizes.
189.Though Sandyhasoffer mesome advice,I stilldont knowhow to do it.
190.Do youmindoffer yourhelp whensomeone isin trouble
193.This afternoonour schoolwill haveaparent meeting.
194.“Jim paintswell meanshe isa goodpaint.
195.The buscan carrysixtypassenger
196.The managerthanked thecustomerpersonal byinviting himto dinner.
198.This letterisperson,so Idont wantanyone elseto readit.
200.He tookmanyphoto ofthe SaharaDesert inNorth Africa.
204.The governmentwill takea seriesof measuresto stopairpollute.
205.It gave me muchpleaseto talkwithyou.
206.Trafficpoliceman areteaching childrenhow torecognize trafficsigns.攵入.
207.It ispoliteto askabout otherpeoples incomeU
208.He askedpoliteforaglass ofwater.
211.1will comeas soonas Ipossiblecan.
215.The teachersaid Ihadn/t donemy homeworkproper.
217.1think theywillprobable getto Beijingtonight.发音
218.His grammaris goodbut hisis terrible.
221.He wentinto theroomquiet becausethe babywas sleeping.
3.1am surethat itwillbearain daytomorrow.Do youthink so
224.Thank youforraise somuch moneyfor thesepoor children.
225.return homefrom work,he founda letterinthemail-box.
226.She likesto talkto people.She wantsto beareport.
229.Km goingtodoa lotofreview forthe mathsexam.法语德语俄语.
231.She speaksand andalso alittle
232.Guide dogscan helpthe blindpeople walkacross theroadsafe.
233.The oldwoman iscryingsad.What happenedto her
237.Thescience wantto inventa kindof specialmachine.
238.separate forfifty years,they finallymet.
242.Be carefulwhenyouuse fire,or youwill beserousinjured.
244.Shopping onlineis popularamong youngpeople becausethey canenjoy fastserve.
245.A bignoise brokethesilent ofthe night.
246.Take theeast road,itsshort way.
251.Although mygrandfather isin his60,he isvery crazyabout popmusic.
254.The spaceshiptraveledsmooth inthe universe.
255.That littleboy hascorrectlyspell hisname.
256.Thesouth partofthecountryisdesert.
257.How canI improvemyspeak English
258.Chinese differsgreatly fromEnglish inspell.
259.Have thepolice foundthesteal diamondnecklace yet
260.Kmstrong againstyour idea.
262.She usuallytalks a lot,but todayshe wasstrangequiet.
263.He completedhis studiessuccessful.建议
267.My friendsgavemealotof useful/on howto learnEnglish wellyesterday.
269.Look atthe sun.it/s shiningbrightly.Its asunday.-一
272.-Whoteach youmath lastterm----Mr.Smith did.
273.Ann hadher10birthday inChina.She feltvery happy.
274.Kmterrible sorryfor mymistake.
276.He becamea professorin his
277.Before1954,peoplethink thatno mancould runon milein lessthan fourminutes.
279.He usedto bevery strong,but nowhe looksthinthan beforesince hisillness.
282.Please putyour thingsawaytidy.
283.There aresometomato inthe basket.I likeeating them.
285.We shouldbrush ourtootheveryday.
286.Dumplings arethe mosttraditionChinese foodintheSpring Festival.
289.Today isthe12of May.
291.I prefertravelto stayingat home.
292.The earlierthetreat isgiven,the soonerthe patientwillbebetter.
293.He isthought tobeagreattranslate.
294.Thetrue isthat theyhavent solvedthe problem.
296.She foundgreat difficultiesinunderstand him.
297.This bagwill beusefor carryingmy books.
300.Watson livesonthe20floor ofthis building.
304.Peoples livesare muchvaluethan anythingelse.Please cherishwhatever youhave.
307.waste waterisavery badhabit.
309.A fewthousand yearsago,people startedto usewheelon carriages.
311.Thewet placeinthe world isthe Brazilianrainforest.
312.He didhisgood toreach thestation beforethe trainleft.
314.English iswideused aroundtheworldfor computers.
315.Many peoplewisestayed athome inthe badweather.
317.Our teamplayed sowell thatwewin inthe lastweeks footballmatch.。