Module1How to learn EnglishUnit1Let stry tospeak Englishas much as possible.Ms James:Welcome back,everyone!Today,we regoing to talk aboutgood waystolearn English.R eadyWho has some adviceLingling:We shouldalways speak English inclass.Ms James:Good!Let stry tospeakEnglishas muchas possible.Darning:Why notwrite down the mistakesin ournotebooksMs James:That s a goodidea.And don t forget to writedownthe correctanswers nextto themis takes.What elseLingling:It s a goodidea tospell andpronounce new words aloudevery day.Ms James:Thanks a lot,Lingling.How aboutHstening to the radioLingling:Yes,that sgood forour pronunciationtoo.But thereare somany newword.Ms James:Y oudon tneed tounderstand everyword.You justneed tolistenfor keywords andmain ideas.Darning:That s the samefor reading.English stories are sointeresting.I gettoknow a lot about the worldthrough reading.Lingling:I thinkwriting is also important.Why dont wetry to find someEnglishpen friendsWe can writeto them.Ms James:Excellent!I agreewith you.Unit2You should smile at her!Send yourquestions toDiana,the LanguageDoctor.Many studentsask for advice abouthow toimprove theirEnglish.Here arethreebasic questions.The firstquestion is about understandingEnglish films and songs.Li HaofromHubei wrote,“I li ke watchingEnglish filmsand listening to Englishsongs,but Icanonly understand a litde.What canLingling:It sabout agirl calledAlice.One day,Alice wassitting withher sister by the river and she saw awhite rabbit with a watch.Itran past.Tony:Why wasit runningLingling:Because it was late.Tony:Andwhere wasit goingLingling:To seethe Queenof Hearts.Alice followedit andfell down ahole in the ground.Tony:Yes!Then shesaw theCheshire Cat.It wassitting in a treeandsmiling ateveryo ne.Lingling:Then Alicearrived at the MarchHare shouse.He wassittingwith theMad Hatter andamouse.They werehaving atea partyinthe garden.Tony:And thenAlice metthe Queenof Hearts.She wasplaying astrangegame!Lingling:Do youalready knowthe bookTony:Yes,It sAlice sAdventures inWonderland.Everyone inBritainknows thes tory.Lingling:Then whydid youask meall thosequestions TonyTo seeif youremember thestory!Ha ha….U2She wasthinking abouther cat.Alice wassitting withher sisterby theriverand her sisterwasreading abook.Alic ehad nothingto do.Once ortwice shelooked intohersister abook.And whatis abook for,thought Alice,“withoutpictures orconversations^Suddenly awhite rabbitwithpink eyesranby.There wasnothing strangeabout that.She heardthe rabbit say,“Oh dear!Oh dear!I11be late!”and shedid not think it wasstrange.Then therabbit tooka watcho utof itspocket andlooked atit.A rabbitwith apocket andawatch.Alice gotup andranacrossthe fieldafter it.She sawit godowna large rabbithole in the ground.Then Alicewent downafter it,but neverthought abouthow shewasgoing to get outagain.She foundthat she was fallingdown avery,very deephole.It was too darkf orher to see anything.She wasfallingforalong time.While shewas falling,shewasth inkingabouther cat,Dinah.Suddenly shelanded onsome dryleaves,,,Module8Unitl whilethe limitswere changingto red,a carsuddenly appearedBetty:Good morning,Ms James!You lookpale.Are youall rightMs James:Im OK,but I saw an accident.A boywas ridinghis bikeandlistening tom usicon theroad.Darning:That svery dangerous!Ms James:I waswaiting tocross theroad.While thelights werechangingto red,a cars uddenlyappeared roundthe comer.It wasntgoing fast,but itdidn tstop.Lingling:Did theboy stopMs James:No.And thedriver wastalking onhis mobile phone.Betty:So didthe carhit theboyMs James:No,I mglad tosay.The carstopped justin time,but theboyfell offhis bike andhurt hisknee.Tony That stoo bad.Ms James:So when youre on your bike,think about the riskof anaccident!Pay attention,stop atthe redlights and---..what elseBetty:Don tride toofastDarning:Don tride sideby sidewith yourfriends.All:Don tlisten tomusic!Unite2One day,when Henrywas worldngin arestaurant,a snakesuddenlyappeared andb ithis hand.A fewdays earlier,the snakearrivedfrom Asiainabox ofbananas.It climbed outand hidsomewhere.“I was trying topick itup whenit bitme again.I threwit acrossthekitchen,and itlanded on a table.While the snake was lying on the table,Henry quicklypicked uphismobilephoneand tooka photowith it.Then the snake hidbehindthe fridgeWhen Henrywastryingto findthesnake,his hand beganto hurtbadly.He hurriedto hospital.As thedocto rswere checkinghim,the paingot worse.But theycould nothelp himbecause theydid notknow what kind of snake bit him.As hewaslyingthere ingreat pain,Henry suddenlyrememberedthe photo.The doctors sentthe photo to azoo.As soon as theylearntwhatkindofsnakebithim,the ygave Henrythe rightmedicineandheleft hospitalthe nextday.“So ifa snakebites you,take outyour mobilephone orcamera.Take itsphoto,an dshow thephototo the doctors,suggests Henty.“But asyou know,thesnakewon tsmile!”Module9PopulationUnitl the population of China is about
1.37billionBetty:What areyou doingTony:I mpreparing somenotes fora reportcalled“Our growingpopulation.^Lingling:Well,were in the rightplace to talk about that!Beijing is a hugecity with a bigpopulation thatcauses a lot ofproblems,such astoo muchtraffic andnoise.Betty:Its notonly Beijing.Population increaseis abig probleminmany countries.Do you know howmany babiesare borneveryminute in the worldTony:No.Can youtell meBetty:Over250!That makesover
131.4million birthsa yearLingling:I cant believeit!Betty:The populationof Chinaisabout
1.37billion.Thats almostonefifth of the worldspopulation,that is,about7billion.Tony Hangona minute!I11write thatdown too!Betty:But in the future,Chinas populationwont growso fast,because familiesare getti ng smaller.Lingling:How doyouknow all thisBetty:I wrotemy reportyesterday!Tony:Great,thanks!Now Ican writemy report!Unit2Jo isfifteen andlives in Parkville.When Jo s grandparentsfirst cameto Parkville,it wasa quietvillage.They hada smallhouse.Close tofields mdhills.Parkville wasnearArnwick,a city with200,000people.People fromParkville movedto Armwicktofindjobs.And theyneededplaces to live.However,it wasexpensive tolive in the city centre,so thegovernmentbuilt flatsout sidethe centre.Soon,Parkville becamepart of Arnwick.And Arnwickbecame acitywith overa millionpeople.Josfamily livesin one of thoseflats.It isvery crowded,an drubbishis also a problem.The smalllocal school inParkvilleclosed downfive years ago,so Jonowhas togo toaschool inArnwick with2,000pupils.It takesanhour to get thereby bus.There isa lot of trafficand pollution.It isclearthat Arnwickneeds moreschools,buses andhos pitals.It needsfreshair cleanwater and better publicservices.It alsoneeds morepolice to protect itspeople.But to do all these things,it needsmoremoney.However,can moneyhelp solveall theseproblems Dowe needmorebig citieslikethis In fact,this isjust astory.In fact,this isjusta story.But itdescribes whatis happeningall over the world.Could itbeyour townsome dModule10The weatherUnit1It mishit snowBetty:Hey,boys!Tony:Hi,Betty.Hi,Lingling,Where areyou goingBetty:We regoing to the parkto skate,There sthick iceon thelake,Are youcomi ngwith USTony:Are youjoking It s reallycold today.Darning:And it s cloudytoo so it mightsnow.Lingling:What^sthetemperatureTony:It sbetween minuseight andminus twodegrees!Winter iscolderhere thani England.Darning:Is itsnowy in England inDecemberTony:Not usually,although this year itsnowed quitea lot,MostDecembers arewe an d rainy.Darning:What sthe weatherlike inAmerica in winter,BettyBetty:We havecold wintersand hotsummers.It ssnowy inNewYork in winter.Tony:Sounds great!I like sunny weather,and I like snowas well.ButI dont likesh owersor windyweather.Betty:Me neither,Rainy weather is terrible!I wishI werein Australianow,It sProba blysunny andhot there.Lingling:You cango toHainan Islandif you likesunnyweather.Betty:One dayI will.Lingling:Come on,better getgoing!We canskate in the parkand getwarm.Unit2The weather is fine all yearround.The USisavery bigcountry.It isabout3,000miles fromthe eastcoast tothe westcoast,sochoose carefullythe places to seeand the time togo.Bring amapbecause youmay want to travelaround.New Yorkand WashingtonD.C.are goodplacesto visit inMay orOctober,but inwin terthere isalotofsnow.The best time to visit NewEngland isin September.The weathergets cooler,and thegreen leavesstart toturn gold,then brown.Bring yourcamera soyou cantake photosof theautumntrees.California is on thePacific coast,and theweatherisfineallyearround.Take yourswimming clothes because youmi ghtwant togoswimming in the sea,even inDecember.In Seattle,in the northwest,it is not very cold but it rainsalot,sobring an umbrella.In Alaskathe days are longand warmin summer,but maybe coolintheevening.In winter,Alaska canbe veryverycold.If youwanttovisit Alaska,you hadbetter goin summer.Do notforgetto bringa warmsweater with you.In Texasand thesoutheast,it isusually veryhot and sunnycompared toother places.There arestorms fromtime totime insummerand autumn.So whenis the besttimetovisit the USAny timeyoulike!Module11Way oflifeUnit1In China,we opena giftlaterBetty:Happy birthday,Lingling.Darning:Here syour gift.Lingling:Oh,you remembered!What asurprise!Tony:You canopen it!Lingling:I dontthinkI shouldopen itnow.In China,we opena giftlater.Betty:But backinthe US,we opena giftimmediately.Lingling:So whatdo I doBetty:You neednt wait!Lingling opensher presentand findsa dictionary.Lingling:Oh,thank you.I reallywanted one.Betty:We rehappy youlike it.Tony:I noticed another difference.In China,you accepta giftwithboth hands.But inthe West,we usuallydontpay muchattention tothat.Betty:That sinteresting!I minterested toknowallthe Chinesetraditions.Tell memore.Lingling:There arealot.For example,in myhome town,people sayyou mustn tdo anycleaning on the firstday of the SpringFestival.And you mustn tbreak anything.It sbad luck!Darning:You mustonly usered paperfor hongbaobecause redmeansluck.And youdbetternot cutyour hairduring the Spring Festivalmonth.Darning:And inthenorthofChina,people eatlots ofjiaozi!Betty:Perfect!They tastegreat.Tony:Ilikeeating jiaozi too.Anyway,theSpringFestival is still overamonth away.Le ts celebrateLinglings birthdayfirst!Unit2In Engjand you usuallydrink teawith milk.My experiencesinEngland.I wentto Englandlast year.I enjoyedmystay,and I n oticedsomething interestingwith theEnglish wayoflife.For example,you mustsay Mror Mrswhenyoumeet someoneforthe firsttime.When yougettoknow eachother betteror whentheyask youto,you canjust usetheir firstnames.One daywe visitedsome friendsand hadafternoon teatogether.Afternoon teaisnot justa drinkbut alight mealat around4pm.We atesandwiches andalargefruit cake.In England you usuallydrink teawith milk.So Itried todrink teawithmilk too.Fish and chips is the traditionalfood inEngland.You canbuy itandeat it in specialfis handchipshops onthe highstreet,or you cantake itaway andeat itwith yourfingers.It isdelicious!At the bus stopyoumustnot pushyour wayonto thebus.You needtostand ina linebehind theother peopleand waityour turn.Sometimes peopleare slowto getonthebus.Once Inoticedagentleman toucha youngman onthe shoulder,asmile politelyandsay,Excuse me!Are youwaiting forthis bus”Hewas reallypolite.Module12HelpUnitl What should we do beforehelp arrivesMs James:This morningsclass isabout firstaid,or givingsomeonebasic medicalh elp.Lets imagineanaccident.A boyis lyingat thebottomof thestairs.He isnt movingor makinga sound.He isinpain.What can we doto helphimBetty:First of all,find outwhat swrong withhim.Ms James:How dowedothatBetty:Ask him.Ms James:Ok.But hecould havetrouble hearingyou orspeaking toyou.Lingling:Shout forhelp Call120MsJames:Good idea,but whatshould wedo beforehelp arrivesTony:Make himcomfortable.MsJames:And howcan wedo thatTony:Lift himup andsit himonachairMs James:No,that couldbe harmful!You coulddrop himand hurthimeven more.Be tty,youmustknow!You didsome basicmedicaltraining.Betty:Make sureheswarm.Cover himwithacoat.MsJames:That ssuch goodadvice thatyou couldbe adoctor,Betty!Unit2Stay away from windowsand heavyfurniture.What todo inan earthquakeEarthquakesalways happensuddenly,so itis difficult to warnpeopleabout them.Usually peoplehave litdeor noidea aboutwhat tododuring anearthquake,so hereissome advice.Inside Do not jumpoutof highbuildings.Hide undera table.Stay awayfr omwindowsand heavyfurniture.Keep clearof fires.Leave thebuilding quicklywhentheground stopsshaking,but donot usethe lift.Keep calm,especially whenyou arewit hother people.Be braveandbehelpful.Outside Moveawayfrombuildings,because partsof abuildingmay fallonyou.D onot standnear streetlights orunder powerlines.Stay awayfrom bridgesand trees.If youare ina bus or car,stay init.In themountains,be carefulof fallingrocks.On abea ch,run awayfromthe seaand movequickly tohigher ground.In short,follow whatyou learntin school.You canbe safeand youcanalso helps aveothersI doWatchingfilmsandlisteningtosongs aregreat way tolearnEnglish!Watch andlistenseveral times,and guessthe meaningof thenew words.Each timeyou willlearnsomething new.T alsoadvise youtotalkaboutthefilms orsongs with yourfriends.The secondquestion isabout speaking.Wang Fanfrom Jilinwrote,“Our schoolhas a teacherfro mtheUS.I amshy andI amafraid tospeak toher.What shouldIdo”You cansay,“Hello!How areyou’Do youlike China”These aregood waystostart aconve rsation.And before you begin,you shouldsmile ather!Rememberthis:Do notbe shy.Just try.The thirdquestion isabout vocabulary.Zhang Leifrom Anhuiwrote,“I writedownnewwords,but Iforget themquickly.How canI rememberthem”Donotworry.It isnatural toforget newwords!I suggestyou writefour orfivewords aday onpieces ofpaper andplace themin yourroom.Read thewordswhen yousee them,and tryto usethem.Module2My hometown andmy country,Unit1It staller thanmany otherbuildings.Tony:Hey,Darning!How wasyour weekendDarning:Pretty good!I wentto Shenzhen.Tony:Where sShenzhenDarning:Well,its onthe coast nearHong Kong.It wasa smallvillage aboutthirtyyearsago,but today itsavery bigcity.Tony:So itsa newer citythan Hong KongDarning:Yes,itsanewercity.Infact,it onlybecame importantinthe1980s.It,s gettingbigger and busier.Some dayit willbecome asbusy asHongKong,I msure.Tony:What sthe populationof ShenzhenDarning:It sover tenmillion,I think.That slarger thanthepopulationof manyothercities inCh ina.Its streetsare muchwider andcleaner too.I thinkitsabeautiful city.Tony:Idlike togo tothere oneday.Darning:Remember tovisittheDiwang Tower.It staller thanmany otherbuildingsin Shenzhen.Unit2Cambridge isa beautifulcity inthe eastof England.Cambridge,London andEnglandBy TonySmithI comefrom Cambridge,a beautifulcity inthe eastof England.It ison theRiverCam andhasap opulationof about120,
000.My homeis especially famousfor itsuniversity.Many famouspeople studied here,such asIsaac NewtonandCharles Darwin.There arelots ofold buildingsand churchestovisit.Students andtouristsenjoy tripsalong theriver byboat.Cambridge is80kilometres fromLondon.London isinthesouth ofEnglandand itisonthe River Thames.It hasa populationof aboutseven anda halfmillion,so itis bigger and busierthan Cambridge.It isabout2,000years old,and itis famousfor BigBen,Buckingham Palaceand TowerBridge.England itselfisapartofan island,andyouare alwaysnear thesea.The smallvillagesand beachesonthecoastare popularfor holidays.Tourists like the areasoflow andbeautiful lakesinthenorth,and thehills andpretty villagesin thesouth.Everywhere inEnglandyouwill noticehow greenthecounttyside is.It isnever veryhot insummer orverycoldinwinter.So comeand seeEnglandany timeof theyear,but bringanumbrellawithyou.You willneed itmost days.Module3SportsUnit1Nothing is more excitingthan playingtennis.Darning:Hey,Tony.Come and watch thefootball matchon TV.Tony:OK.What sthe scoreDarning:Spain scoredaminuteago.Tony:Wow!That sfast!Darning:That sright.Last weekthe matchon TVwas soboring becauseno onescoredat all.So thisweek smatch isalready moreexciting.Betty:What sthe matterwithyou,Tony Youlook tired.Tony:I mreally tiredafter last night stennis match.And Ihurt myknee.Darning:That stoobad!Sit downandwatchthe match.It ssafer than playingtennis.Betty:Yes,watching isnot sureabout that.Nothing ismore relaxingtoo!Tony:Well,I mnot sureaboutthat.Nothing ismore enjoyablethanplayingtennis.Betty:But youenjoyed watchingthe Olympicson TV,rightTony:Yes,but that sbecause it wascheaper thanbuying ticketsfor allthe games.Darning:And stayingat homewas easierthan goingtothestadium.Oh,look atthat!Tony:Oh,he missed!Oh,bad luck!Darning:Never mind.There sstill plentyof timefor themto score.Unit2This yearwe practicemore carefully.Training hardByLi DarningIt is Saturdaytomorrow,but I am goingto school.I amnot goingforlessons,but to playfootball.I amin ourschool teamand wearegoing to play againstanother schoo1next week.The practicestartsat10am.We allarrive asearly aswe canso thatwe havetimetowarm up.We aretraining harderthan usualbecause theother teambeatus last year.This yearwe wanttodobetter.It ismore difficultto practiseinwinterbecause thedaysareshortand theweatheris coldtoo.It getsdark earlier,soitis importantnotto belate forafter-school practice.Our coachis pleasedbecause weare playingbetter asa teamnow.Last yearwe were sometimescareless whenwe passedthe ballandwe losttotheother teaminthefinal match.What apity!This yearwepractise morecarefully.That meanswe havea betterchance ofwinning.The fanclub hasfewer peoplethisyear.We hopetoplaywell sothatwe havemore fansto watchthe matches.It isgood tohave ourfansaround.They cheerus onloudly andwe feelmore confidenttowin thegame.Module4Planes,ships,and trainsUnitlHe livesthe farthestfrom schoolBetty Iwas latefor schooltoday.Mum:Why WhathappenedBetty:I tookthebus.There wasa roadaccident,and thetraffic wasveryheavy.But nobody waslate,except me.Maybe Ishould gotoschool bytaxi.Mum:It sthe mostcomfortable way,but its also the most expensive.Betty:Then whatabout goingby bikeMum:Thatsa goodchoice,butitsabit dangerous.There sso muchtraffic.Betty:But mostof myclassmates ridebikes,and its quitesafe.Dont worry.I’11be carefull.Mum:How doesTony goto schoolBetty:He livesthe farthestfrom school,so hetakes theunderground.Mum:And whatabout LinglingBetty:Her homeis theclosest toschool,so shewalks.Mum:How aboutDarningBetty:He goesby bustoo,the sameas me.But itssocrowded!Andthe trafficis heavy.Mum:All right.You canride yourbike toschool,but rememberto becarefulalltheti me.Unit2What isthe best way to travelQuestion:What isthebestway to travel fromLondon toAmsterdam.Iamplanning totravel fromLondon toAmsterdam.How longdoesthe journeyta keand whatisthebestwaytotravelCould youpleasetell meaboutthetrains orships toget thereThe moreinformation,the better.Thanks!Best answer:There arefour waystotravel.A journeyby trainismorerelaxing thanby coach,but alot moreexpensive.When you go by train,buy yourticket along timebeforeyou travel.It isusually cheaper.You cangobycar andby shipacross theNorth Sea.This isthe mostcomfortablewaytotravel butalsothemostexpensive.Book yourticketbeforeyoubook yourhotel.Re memberthat parkinginAmsterdam isvery expensive,so stayoutside thecitycentrean dtravelin bybusorby train.The thirdchoice isby coach.This isusually thecheapest,but insummerthe coaches sometimesget crowded!And ittakes youabouttwelve hourstogetthere.However,itwill notcost asmuchasgoingby train.Finally,you canfly.Itisthe fastestand thesecond cheapest,butyou mayhave towait forhours atthe airportbecause ofbad weather.Well,I hopethis helps!Have agreat trip.Module5Lao She TeahouseUnit1I wanted to seethe Beijing Opera.Listen andreadBetty:Lingling andI wentto Lao She Teahouselastnight.Tony:How wasitBetty:It wasgreat!You know,I wantedto seeBeijing Opera,soLingling offeredtotake methere.We dranktea andwatched anopera.Tony:Did youunderstand theoperaBetty:No,itwasdifficulttounderstand thewords.But theactorsand actresswere excclient.Tony:How longdid youstayBetty:We onlyplanned towatch foran hour,but inthe end,westayed forthree hours■Tony:Did youenjoyed itBetty:Well,itwasinteresting--thatsthe mainthing.I hopetounderstand morenex ttime.Tony:Do youoften gotoseeBeijing Opera,LinglingLingling:No,I don’
1.1wantedtotake Bettytotheteahouse becauseits famous.Tony:Who isLao SheBetty:No idea.Ask Lingling.Lingling:Lao Sheisagreat writer.He sespeciallyfamousfor hisplayTeahouse.Unit2It describesthe changesin Chinesesociety.2Read thepassage andmatch theheading withthe paragraphs.a Lao She TeahousebTheStory ofTeahousecLao She1Teahouse is oneofLao Shes mostfamous plays.He wroteitin
1957.The playhas threeacts andshows thelives ofcommon peopleinChina fromthe endof thenin eteenthcentury tothe middleoftwentieth century.It tellsus thestory ofWang Lifaandthecustomers ofhis teahousein Beijing.It describesthe changesinChinese societyo verfifty yearsaround thebeginning ofthetwentieth century.2Lao Shewas bornin Beijingin
1899.His mothersent himto ateachers schoolin
1913.After finishingschoolin1918,he becameahead teacherofaprimary school.In1924LaoSheleft homeandwent toEngland.He taughtChinese ata collegein London andreturnedto Chinafive yearslater.He wrotemany plays,novels andshortstorie sabout peoples lives,and wasnamed“the PeoplesArtist”.LaoSheisoneofthe greatestChinese writersofthe,twentieth century3At LaoSheTeahousetoday,customers candrink teaand eatdeliciousBeijing food.If youlike theBeijingOpera,traditional musicormagic shows,youcanenjoy themattheteahouse.Lao SheTeahousegives awarm welcometo everyonefrom alloverthe world.Module6Animals in dangerUnit1It allows people toget closer to them.Listen andreadLingling andBetty areleaving thezooLingling:Did youlikethezooBetty:Yes!Isawthe pandasat last!But Iam moreinterested toseethe pandas in theWolongPanda Reserve,becauseitallowspeopletogetclosertothem.Lingling:Itssad tothink ofthe pandasand other animals in danger.Betty:We needto protect them better.Lingling:Yes,Many wildanimals dont havea safeplace tolive,because villagesand farmsare growingbiggerandare taldngawaytheir landand forests.Betty:Also,often thereisn tenough cleanwater,because wevemade itdirty.I think weall needto helpanimals livein peace.Look,there sa notice.Lingling:It says,Help!We wantto saveanimals indanger,and weneedyour help.”Betty:But whatcanwedoJLingling:It says,“Your moneypays tolook afterthe animals.Thatmeans wecan give moneyto helpprotecttheanimals.Betty:Maybe wecan raisesome moneyat school.Let sfind outwhatelse wecan doto saveas manyanimals aspossible.Unit2The WWFis workinghard to save them all.2Read thepassage andmatch theheading withthe paragraphs.a Natureparks forpandasb WWFAnd animalsin dangercThe pandas homedAn animalindanger1Pandas areindanger.There areonly about1,600pandas livinginthe wildtoday.Zoos andresearch centresare lookingafter about340pandas.Pandas donot haveman ybabies,and babypandasoften die.The situationis gettingvery difficult.Scientist aredoing alotof researchto helppandas producemore babiesand helpbabypandas live.2Pandas liveintheforests andmountains ofSouthwest China.Each pandaneeds to eatalotof bambooevery day.The bambooforestsare gettingsmaller,so pandasare losingtheir home.Andthere arenot manypandas left.3In orderto protectpandasinthe wild,the governmentis settingupnature parksa nddeveloping otherplans.The nature parks willbebig andthere willbe morebamboo tofeed the pandas.Pandas bominzoos maygo backtoliveinthenatureparks.4The WorldWild Fundfor NatureWWF wantstoprotectallanimals.And itcho sethepandato beits symbol.We donot wanttolose tigers,elephants,or anyotheranimals sothe WWFis worldnghardtosavethemall.Module Afamous storyUnit!Alice wassitting withhersisterbytheriver.Tony:Hi^Lingling!Lingling:Ssh!I mreading.Tony:Sorry!Whatsthe bookabout。