初三英语下册牛津译林版课时自主训练202320249BUnitl Readingl
1.——How doyou usuallygo towork Mr.Zhang一I ridea bike,but nowI thereto loseweight.A.used to,am used to walkB.was usedto,am usedto walkingC.usedto,am usedto walkingD.was usedto,am usedto walkto
1.1have aposition this afternoon and1wont have my hair.A.written;cut B.to write;cut C.to write;to cutD.written;to cut
3.Beijing isin Chinaand Chinais ancountry.A.North;Western B.northern;Eastern C.South;Eastern D.East;West一
4.Where shallI gofor thesummer holiday——How aboutXiamen It isacity worthon abike.A.looking forB.looking atC.looking forwardto D.looking around一
5.Have youever Tibet一Yes.I wentthere lastyear and I sawtourists there.A.been in,four thousandB.went to,four thousandC.been to,thousands ofD.gone to,thousands of
6.While Iwas speaking,the boyin blackhis handand askedme ifthe priceof thesebooks had__________a lot.A.rose;risen B.raised;risen C.rose;raised D.raised;raised
7.To limitthe numberof thevisitors,the zoois thinkingabout the of theticket price.A.rising B.raising C.reducing D.adding
8.The populationof China
1.3billion.And itis being.A.is;more andmore B.is;larger andlarger C.are;more andmore D.are;larger andlarger
9.The magazineis reading,so headvised meit.A wellworth;to buyB.very worth;buying C.worthing;buying D.worthy;to buy
10.Taiwan isthe east of Chinaand theeastofFujian.
11.Itisone of theofthe world.升高旗帜
12.Would youlike towatch theofthenational withme土也下的
13.There aremany strangethings in the world.
14.Dalian isa beautifulcity in thenorth partof China.位于
15.The valleyinthenorthern partof China.东部的
16.The novelGrass Housetells usa beautifulstory thathappened inYancheng,one ofthe seasidecities.形斗犬.
17.How amazing!The islandsviewed fromabove appearin allkinds ofunusual悬挂
1.11up thephone andturned offthe ringer.I didntwant anymore unexpectedphone calls.
1.21think Ineed to havemycarcheck.I heara strangenoise whiledriving it.
20.Vm sosorry thatInot understand you,but Ido now.一
21.When canwe playbadminton atthe court一Not untilitrepair nextweek.
22.It beganto rainwhen hestepout ofthe building.
23.The citylife hesused tomakehim nearlyforget abouthis hometownalready.
24.1dont knowwhere mychildrenpick upthose rudewords.
25.Dont worry,granny.The timetablesays thelast busleaveat9:05PM.
1.11ride toschool forthree yearswhen Iwas inthe middleschool.
27.Many touristsearly inthe morning珠穆朗玛峰是个世界自然奇迹
28.Mount Qomolangmais..他告诉我他们泛舟漓江需要两个多小时29He toldus itthe LijiangRiver.这家餐馆给顾客提供高水平的服务,价格还算公道
30.This restaurantto customersand itthe price..你能告诉我这两个朝代的皇帝过去是不是住在这个宫殿里吗31Can youtell meinthepalace ornot
五、完形填空通读全文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的、、三个选项中选出一个正确答案A BCYou feeltired andhave afever.You havea sorethroat andcough.Dont beafraid—you haveprobably gottenH1N1(甲流).flu Everyyear,some peopleexperience thesesick feelings,especially oldpeople and32children.HIN1flu is(症状)similar to the moncold,but itis muchmore serious.It cancause a33temperature above39℃,and thesymptom(持续)(疾病)of fevermay last3〜4days,or even5〜7days.H1N1flu isa diseasethat34quickly andwidely around(打喷嚏)(病毒)the worldnow.When someonesneezes orcoughs nearyou,virus travelsthrough theair andentersyour body,then makesyou beeill.If youhave H1N1flu,you willgo tothe hospitalas soonas possible.Take somemedicineandyou will beewell.How doyou keepaway fromH1N1flu Expertsgive somegood
35.▲Avoid going totheplaces fullof peopleduring fluseasons.If youhave to,you hadbetter36a(口罩).mask▲37to washyour handscarefully beforemeals andafter38things outdoors.(均衡饮食)▲Eat abalanced dietthat includesdifferent kindsof39vegetables andfruits.They willgive people(维他命)vitamins whichbody needs.▲Do moresports,like running,swimming and40,Exercise anhour aday,and livea happylife.▲Try tohave418hours sleepevery night.All inall,its importanttohavea healthyliving habit.The healthieryou bodyis,the fewerrisks ofgettingHINI fluyouwillhave.
32.A.young B.brave C.disabled
33.A.low B.high C.normal
34.A.is puttingB.is carryingC.is spreading
35.A.suggestion B.idea C.advice
36.A.wear B.dress C.offer
37.A.Forget B.Remember C.Disagree
39.A.fresh B.dirty C.creative
40.A.asking for help B.playing putergames C.climbing mountains
41.A.a fewB.at leastC.a little
六、阅读理解Pyramid SurprisePyramidLinda andIwere bornonly afew daysapart,so everyyear weplan abirthday partytogether.This year,our birthday(主题)theme wasDiscover thePyramids”.“What aboutinviting Mary”Linda asked.Mary waslonely,and hadntmade manyfriends,but shewas betterat maththan anyoneelse inclass.“Hmm,she wearsthe sameold trousersevery day.How couldshe evenafford aparty dress”After schoolthe nextday,Linda handedme abox.“Whats that”I asked.“My birthdaygift frommy aunt.I thoughtit wouldbe niceto givethis toMary,“Linda said.(礼品券)I openedthe box.Inside wasa giftcertificate forour favoriteclothes store.“WowJ Igasped.We bothknew howmany cuteclothes that would buy.“So,are wegoing tojust handit toher^^“How embarrassingthatwouldbe!”Linda answered.She wasright.Mary wouldbe totallyembarrassed ifwe gaveher moneyfor clothes.“What ifwe askour teacher..79“Wait asecond.I havean idea.Linda said.“What What”Tm notgoingtotell you!”On theday ofour party,Mary arrived,with-no surprise-the veryold browntrousers.We sang,danced andate biscuits.And nowfbr thebig prize game JLinda said.Big prizeMy mouthdropped.This wasnot inthe plan.“The big prizegameis likethis:Tom andSam werebuilding pyramids...If theirpyramids hadto be60feet high,who wouldfinish first”(眨眼示意)A mathgame.Of course!Linda winkedat me.No onewas surprisedwhen Marycame upwith theanswerbefore anyoneelse andwalked offwith thebox.The nextweek,Mary worea newpair oftrousers,and evena newdress.The wholetime shehad abig smileon herface.And sodid we.B.Lindaandthe writers.
42.Whose birthdayparty wasit D.Tom andSams.A.Marys.C.Lindas aunts.B.By askingthe teacherforhelp.
43.How didLinda tryto helpMary D.By invitingher tothe clothesstore.A.By givingher thegift directly.C.By settingup abigprizegame.B.Math skillslead tosuccess inlife.
44.What canwe learnfrom thepassage D.Helping othersalso makesus happy.A.No oneneeds help.C.A goodfriend islike amirror.。