1.Class begins.Good morning,boys andgirls.Are youready forour Englishclass
2.Hi,children/Hi there,kids.Let meintroduce myselfAllow meto introducemyself.引入
1.First,we aregoing tohave ageneral reviewof whatwe havelearned sofar.
2.Let sreview somewords/sentences first.
3.First ofall,I mgoing tocheck your homework.
4.First,please takeout yourworkbooks andturn toPage
5.First ofall,listen tothe tapeand thinkabout thequestion•••..
3.All right,Let,s have a lookat thenext exercise.
6.Ok,so muchfor***..Let smove onto somethingdifferent.
7.Let,s turnto somethinga littleless seriousfor amoment.提问
2.Any volunteers
3.Can youtry
4.Who cansay somethingabout thepicture
5.Will youplease readthis paragraph
6.Good,are thereany differentanswers Howabout you
7.What doesthat mean
9.Would yoube willingto---.
10.Can you think ofsome other•••.
11.Have yougot it
12.Are youfollowing me
13.Do you think you ve got it now表扬
2.Well done.
5.Very good.
6.That,s fine.
7.That sbetter.
8.That was a very good performance.
9.It s just what I wanted.
10.It s one ofthe mostexciting playsI veever seen.
11.1really likeit.
12.1enjoyed everyminute ofit.
13.1don tthink Ihave everseen a better one.不氾
1.Do itlike this.
2.Watch mefirst.
3.Listen to me saying it.
4.Copy me.
5.Follow me.
6.Do whatI,m doing.
7.Try todo itexactly the same wayas T m doingit.
8.Repeat/Say afterme.指挥活动
1.Everyone,listen andrepeat.
2.All togethernow,please.
3.The wholeclass,please.
5.Let,s allsay ittogether.
6.Now allthe boys
7.Just thegirls/Girls only.
8.Let,s beginwith theboys.
10.The nextgroup.
11.One afterthe other,please.
12.In turn,starting withXXX.
13.Now lets havesomeone elsetry it.
16.Once again,please.
17.Say itagain,but morefluently.
18.Say ita bitlouder,please.
19.Speak moreclearly.布置作业
1.This exercise/page is today shomework.
2.This isyourhomeworkfor tonight/this weekend.
3.For yourhomework,please doExercise8on page
4.Your homeworkfor tonightistocopy thenew wordsand expressionsby hand.结束课堂
1.All right!That,s allfor today,Let,s takea break.
3.Ok,we11stop heretoday,thank you.
4.Class isover.If you have anyquestions,you canask meafter class学生回答正确很对
2.Quite Righto正是这样
3.Thats it正是这样
4.That,s theway,.非常正确
5.Thats correct是的,你懂了
6.Yes,youve gotit你说对了
7.You,vegotthe ideao这一点提得很好
9.That,sa verygoodpointo好极了
10.That,s prettygood我喜欢IL Ilike that你干得非常出色
12.you madeaverygood jobof that,完全正确
13.That sperfectly correct
14.There s nothing wrongwith youanswer你的答案一点都没错.你一点点错误也没犯
16.You didnt makesingle mistake正中要害
17.That,s exactly the point.
18.That sjust whatI waslooking for.那就是我想要的答案我自己都给不出一个比这更好的答案
19.1couldn thave givena betteranswer myself这正是我的想法.
20.Thats exactlymy opinion.这正是我想要的
23.Theres somethingin what you saido那一点上你有些道理
24.Youve gotsomething thereo你的记忆力真是让我吃惊
1.11must sayyour memory/imagination surprisesme你的想象力令我大吃一惊
27.Your imaginationwas agreat surprisetome我的想法完全相同
28.Fm ofexactlythesame idea.漂亮的语调
29.good intonation难以置信的精确
30.Unbelievable accuracyo.你的陈述令人印象深刻
33.Your presentationwas quiteimpressive学生回答错误.不,那是错的
1.No,that swrong并非如此
2.Not really.,真遗憾,不是这样
3.Unfortunately not.恐怕不对
4.Tmafraid thats notquite right非常好的尝试,但不是很正确
5.Good try,but notquite right.已嗯,你讲的有点道理
12.Well,youhavea pointher这是我没想到的一种答案
15.That,soneanswer Ihadn tthought of.快动动脑筋
19.Come on,wake yourideas up.是这样吗
20.Is thatso真能这么说吗?
21.Can you say that你真能那样说吗
22.Can yousay itlike that
23.Are yousure thereJsnoproblem withthe sentence你真的确定这个句子没有问题吗?,仔细考虑一下
24.Think aboutit carefully你犯了个小错误
28.You madea small/slight mistake.你犯了个小失误
29.You madea little slip..嗯差不多对了就一个小小的错误
33.That wasalmost right-just onelittleslip来吧,试一下
39.Come on,haveatry..不要紧张,都是你的同学
40.Dont worry,just yourclassmate别担心你的口音
41.Dont worryabout youraccent..你一定能做到
45.nearly there.不知道的话,你可以猜一猜
47.Have aguess ifyou don*t know.我给你一点线索怎么样?
48.What ifI giveyouaclue追问或引导以何种方式呢
1.In whatway你为什么这么想?
4.Why do youthinkso你是怎么知道的
5.How doyou know你怎么能断定
6.How canyou tell我明白了但是你为什么那样想呢
1.1see.But whydoyouthink that你能支持你的说法吗?
9.Can yousupport whatyousay有证据支持你的说法吗?
10.Is thereany evidenceto supportwhatyousay肯定有人知道答案
11.Somebody mustknow theanswer.究竟正确答案是
12.What onearth isthe correctanswer还有其他人想就这一点说些什么吗?
13.Has anybodyelse anything to sayon this要补充什么吗?
14.Has anybodyanything to add你们对于李华所说的内容有补充的吗?
15.Have yougot anythingtoaddto whatLihua said汕谁同意/不同意苏所说的内容?
16.Who agrees/disagrees wSue/what suesaid某某某你是怎么考虑这个问题的?
17.XXX,what doyouthinkabout this有人能概括一下刚才所说的内容吗?
18.Could someonesummarize whathas beensaid有另外的说法吗?
19.Is thereanother way of sayingit有更好/更简短的方法来表达同样的意
20.is therea better/shorter wayof sayingthesamething思吗?什么方法能更好的表达它?
21.What sabetterwayofsayingit有谁能用其他的方法来说它?
23.Can anyonesay itanother way.试试用其他的话来表达
24.Try toput itin otherwords第四句里难道没有错误吗?
25.Isnt therea mistakein sentence4为什么要这样?
29.What for有谁注意到这个错误了吗?
31.Did anyonenotice themistakeo有谁能改正它?
32.Can anyoneimprove onthat有谁能改正所说的内容?
33.Can anyoneimprove onwhat Judysaid Judy有什么需要改正的吗?
34.Is thereanythingtocorrect第五句有什么错误?
35.Anything wrongin Sentence5。