1.Why was6afraid of7Because78ate9!
2.What doyou calla bearwith noteeth Agummy bear!
3.How doyou makea tissuedance Youput alittle boogiein it.
4.What doyou callcheese thatsnot yoursNacho cheese!
5.Why didthe tomatoturn redBecause itsaw thesalad dressing!
6.Whats orangeand soundslike aparrot Acarrot!
7.What doyou calla dinosaurthat issleeping Adino-snore!
8.Why didthe mathbook looksad Because it had too many problems.
9.Why couldntthe bicyclestand upby itselfIt wastwo-tired!
10.What doyou getwhen youcross asnowman anda vampireFrostbite!
11.How dobees getto schoolBy theschool buzz!
12.What isfast,loud andcrunchy Arocket chip!
13.Why dontskeletons fighteach otherThey donthave theguts.
14.What roomhas nodoors orwindows Amushroom!
16.What didone wallsay to the otherwall Illmeet youat thecorner!n
17.Why didthe kidbring aladder toschool Becausehe wantedto go tohigh school!
18.Why didthe cookiegotothe doctorBecause itfelt crumbly.
19.What kindof keyopens abanana Amonkey!
20.Why didthe golferbring twopairs ofpants Incase hegot ahole inone.
21.What didthe zerosay tothe eightNice belt!
22.Why dontscientists trustatoms Becausethey makeup everything!
23.Why didthe scarecrowwin anaward Becausehe wasoutstanding inhisfield!
24.What doyou calla fakenoodle Animpasta!
25.Why wasthe mathbook sadBecauseithadtoomanyproblems.
26.What hasears butcannot hearA cornfield.
27.Why didthe kidstudy inthe airplaneHe wanteda highereducation!
28.What didthe littlecorn saytothemama cornnWhere ispopcornn
29.Why didthe teddybear sayno todessert Becauseshe wasstuffed.这些笑话不仅适合儿童,也能让大人会心一笑在教学英语或者仅仅是为了分享一些快乐的时刻时,这些笑话都是不错的选择。