读后续写人神共奋材料When Dr.Gullickson wasassigning project mates for his introduction to experimental psychology class,I secretlyhoped he would pairme with my bestfriend or at least a classmate I couldhave somefun with.Above all,I hoped he wouldnt assign me to work with the intense,fiercely competitive,singularly seriousfellow who always wore dark clothes and apparently had a personality to match.As fate would have it,Dr.Gullickson verydeliberately matchedeveryone in class andannounced that I would be working withthe one person inclass I wanted to avoid.I wentup to my newlab mateand introducedmyself.He lookedat me as though I weren,t there.Ifelt he treated meas thoughI would hold him back and probably cause his grade-point averageto takea nosedive.He wasnt outrightmean orabusive.He justgave methe impressionhe coulddo whateverprojectwe dreamed up better if he did it alone.Needless to say,I didn,t look forward to an entireterm of being brushed off,but Itried to makethe best of itand didnt say anything,lest Imake thingsworse.The projectrequired eachlab teamto developa hypothesis,set up an experiment to test the hypothesis,run the tests,do the statistical analysis and presentthe findings.Whatever gradethe teamreceivedwould beshared byboth students.When my teammate and I met to discuss our project,I wasuneasy.Herewas this challenging student who had a reputation for single-mindedness andgood gradesthe exactoppositeof me.I wasoutmatched.I actuallywanted todrop the class at one point,but stoppedshort becauseIdidn t want to give him the satisfaction of my chickening out.After lengthydiscussions,we somehowagreed to do astudy on the tactile-kinesthetic perceptionofspace.I wasnt sure what it meant,but at least we had atopic.注意
2.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;Paragraph1:Westarted tomeetregularlytodraw upourplans.Paragraph2:OnedayI gotword thathewas admittedtohospitaifora seriousdisease.说实话,初读这篇材料的时候,会眉头紧皱Why材料对学生词汇量的要求着实不低,甚至还有专业术语,这很可能会影响部分学生对文本的理解但是,既来之,我们则坦然面对吧#人物分析01Dr.Gullickson这位实验心理学博士老师起了“牵线搭桥”的作用,通过assign projectmates,把“我”和“他”组了搭档,“人神”组合因此上线02“人”——自然是“我”内心无比希望与最女福朋友,或者最差也得是个志趣相投的同学组搭档;•I secretlyhoped he would pairme withmy bestfriend oratleasta classmateI couldhave somefun with.内心OS被仿佛有顺风耳的老师听见,于是被有意安排与“他”牵手成功;•I wouldbe workingwith the oneperson inclass Iwanted toavoid.第一次打交道,“他”把我当空气,默认“我”为“猪队友”然而,“我’没吭声,唯恐把事情弄得更•糟;He lookedat meas thoughI weren,t there.I felthetreatedmeas thoughI wouldhold himback andprobably causehis grade-point averageto takeanosedive.•,lest Imake thingsworse.••“我”,学业上虽然被outmatched,但也算有些志气,既不想chicken out而让“他”如了愿,也不想被“他”冷落整个学期,仍然希望能做到最好I didnt wantto givehim thesatisfaction ofmy chickeningout.I didn,t lookforward toan entireterm ofbeing brushedoff.tried to make the best of it.03“神”—就是“他”•高冷学神,以专心致志和好成绩而闻名;the intense,fiercely competitive,singularly seriousfellowHe justgave methe impressionhe coulddo whateverproject wedreamedup betterif he did italone.Here wasthis challengingstudent whohad areputation forsingle-mindedness andgood gradesthe exactoppositeof me.•越是对“他”敬而远之,越是“难逃孽缘”;As fate would have it,...•“他”也没那么坏,毕竟学神的世界只可远观,“我”不配懂...he wasnt outrightmean orabusive.#情节分析人神交手,看点管够因为项目合作需要,“我”和“神”被强行绑定成为搭档“一条绳上的两只蚂蚱”,互相再不待见,也必须碰撞出一些智慧的火花来,否则一荣俱荣,一损俱损“学神”面前,“我”自然相形见细,但好歹终究有了课题在接下来的频繁见面中,“我”和“神”又会做些什么呢?仔细研读材料中的信息,小榜做出如下的预测
2.搭档生病(partners disease)从第二段段首句One day I got word that he was admitted tohospital for a seriousdisease中得知,“学神”搭档因为重病而入院治疗因此,在“我”和“神”的多次交集中,“我”可能会注意到“他”身体上的某种不适症状,从而为第二段“他”的入院治疗打下伏笔但是,小榜在这里提醒一下各位粉丝千万不要把我们这位“学神”写死了小榜的很多学生似乎都有一种悲剧情结,每个故事,必有事故,好像人物不离世,情感就不能爆发,主题就不能升华似的21世纪,医学那么发达,再重的疾病,也有生还的希望吧,更何况是在虚拟的故事中呢让我们怀揣最大的善心,释放最大的善意,让这位“学神”搭档劫后余生吧
1.事实证明,他是对的,我们成了终生的朋友And inthe end,hewasright:we havebecome friendsforlife。