大学英语演讲稿选择的重要性篇高校英语演讲稿选择的重要性篇关于高校英语演讲稿篇高校英语演讲稿1418ears byit.l know,i amalso safein yourheart.i havealready forgottenwhen itold youi wasgoing toleave forAustraliathis summerholiday.You justsmiled asusual,gently speaking.Whatever youdecide todo,iwill bein favorof i^but,just onething,remember,when youfell lonelyabroad,do notforget wearehere,praying foryou.We areall aroundyoujar acrossthe distanceand spacebetween us.i closedmyeyes,the flashbackstarted.The memorieswe hadtogether,once we played gameson thepalyground,weplayedjokes oneach other,you alwayswrote alot ofsentences onmy articlestoencourage me.And themost unforgetablething,you toldme,you believedm icould be a biggirl.Sooner orlater.At thatspecific momentjsuddenly understoodthe meaningof thissentence totally.So onthatday,i smiledas youused tojookingat you.The lastwords isaid were,keep walking in sunshine.Yes,keep walking in sunshine.I saidto you,also tomyself.I knowi amnot alonewiht yourcompany,and wecan keepwalkinginsunshine tillthe lastminute ofour days.』I promisewill be a biggirl.I promise/will be a bravegirl.I promise/will keepwalkinginsunshine.That ismy speech,thank you!篇高校英语演讲稿19Let mebegin myspeech witha replayof scenesfamiliar tomost,if notall,of thosepresent heretoday.zzMum,Im sorry,but I need3,000yuan formy tuitionthis year/“Mum,it ismy friendsbirthday tomorrow,I mustbuy hera present//A worlddeprived ofdiversity wouldbe abland andboring place.The realtragedy isnot beingshortor shyor ugly,but havingyour identitylost ina worldin whicheveryone isa cloneof amodelcool boyor aflawless charminggirl.Given achoice,I wouldrather beugly thanlive insuch aworld.Id ratherbe agenuine dwarfaccompanyinga Snow White thanbeaSnow Whiteamong nothingbut SnowWhites.I wouldratherbe myself.I wouldcontribute myindividual andunique colorsto createa morediverse universe.Please,be yourself.〃Mum,this jacketwas outof fashionlong ago,would youdo mea favorTake.Take.Take.The relationshipbetween amother anda childalways seemsto followsuch apattern.I knowmy motheris alwaysthere forme,providing mewith everythingIneed;from foodtoclothing,from tuitionto pocketmoney.I neverthought twiceabout allshe diduntil oneday shesaid,篇高校英语演讲稿“Will therebeatime thatyoull sayyou havetaken enoughfrom me20I receiveda devastatingblow tomy selfconfidencein thefirst interviewof mycollege years.Iapplied to beahost inour StudentActing Troupeand feltconfident thatI wouldbe accepted.Butone ofthe panelmembers toldme:You seeminadequate andyou area littleverticallychallenged/My lifehas neverbeen thesame since.I usedbigger heelsto complementmy heightandpsychological maneuversand tricksto hidemy lackof confidence.But nomatter howhard Itried tolookthe part,there wasstill somethingmissing.As presidentof EnglishClub,I organizedtherehearsal ofSnowWhitefor anEnglish party.Unfortunately,we couldnot findan actorto bethe lastdwarf.It hadto besomeone whowas humorousby natureand fluentin English.Suddenly,all eyesturnedto me,and Iknew Iwould havetobethe dwarf.To mygreat surpriseand delight,once onstage,I wastotally absorbedin theperformance andmy humorousnature wasput tofull use.As thedwarf,I wasa bighit.Yes,each of us isonly oneamong millionsof others,but each ofusis anindividual andeachofus isunique.Cultivating ourindividuality willtransform ourlives,making ofthem akaleidoscope ofnewcolors andtextures.。