1.Bank-It canrefer to a financialinstitution wherepeople depositandwithdraw money,or itcan also mean theside ofa riveror aslope
2.Bat-It canbe aflying mammal,or itcan also refer to a piece of sportingequipmentused inbaseball orcricketo
3.Bear-It canbe alarge mammalfound in the wild,or itcan also mean totolerateor enduresomethingo
4.Blue-It canrefer to a color,or itcan also mean tofeel sador downo
5.Bowl-It canbe around container used forholding foodor liquids,or itcan also refer to a sports eventwhere teamscompete fora championship
6.Box-It canbe a containerused for storingor transportingitems,or itcan also refer to a small enclosedarea inasportsarena whereathletescompete
7.Break-It canmean toseparate ordamage something,or itcan alsoreferto ashort restor pause
8.Brush-It canbe atool used for groominghair orteeth,or itcan alsomean to touchor grazeagainst somethinglightly
9.Case-It canrefer to acontaineror coveringfor anobject,or itcan alsomean a situationor eventbeing investigatedor studiedo
10.Change-It canmean tomake orbecome different,or itcan alsorefer to coinsor smalldenominations of moneyo
11.Check-It canrefer toa writtenorder topay acertain amountofmoney,or itcan alsomean toinspect orexamine somethingo
12.Club-It canbe agroup ororganization of people withsimilar interests,or itcan alsorefer toa heavystick usedas aweapono
13.Crane-It canbe alarge birdwith longlegs anda longneck,or itcanalso refer toamachine used for liftingand movingheavy objectSo
14.Date-It canrefer toa specificday ortime,or itcan alsomeanasocialor romanticouting withsomeoneo
15.Deck-It canbe aplatform orfloor ofa ship,or itcan alsorefer toaset ofplaying cardso
16.Duck-It canbe a type ofwaterbird,or itcan alsomean tolower oravoidsomething quickly
17.Face-It canrefer tothe frontpart ofa person,s head,or itcan alsomean to confrontor dealwith adifficult situationo
18.File-It canbe afolder orcontainer forstoring documents,or itcanalso mean to submitor recordsomething officiallyo
19.Glass-It canbe atransparent materialused formaking windowsorcontainers,or itcan alsorefer toa drinkingvessel madeof glasso
20.Hammer-It canbe atool used for drivingnails,or itcan alsomean tostrikeor hitsomething forcefully
21.Iron-It canbe achemical elementwith thesymbol Fe,or itcan alsoreferto ahousehold applianceused forremoving wrinklesfrom clotheso
22.Jam-It canrefer toa sweetspread madefrom fruitand sugar,or itcanalso mean to blockor congesta passageor road
23.Key-It canbe a small metalobject usedfor unlockingdoors orstartingvehicles,or itcan alsorefer toa crucialor importantfactor
024.Lead-It canmean toguide ordirect someone,or itcan alsorefer toaheavy metalo
25.Letter-It canbe awritten communicationor message,or itcan alsomeana characterof thealphabeto
26.Line-It canrefer toa long,narrow markor stripe,or itcan alsomeana queueor sequenceofpeopleor thingso
27.Match-It canbe asmall stickusedforlighting fires,or itcan alsorefer toacompetition orgame betweentwo individualsor teamso
28.Nail-It canbe asmall,thin pieceof metalusedforfastening objectstogether,or itcan alsomean to hit or strike somethingaccurately
29.Park-It canrefer toa publicarea withgrass andtrees forrecreationalpurposes,or itcan alsomean toplace avehicle ina designatedarea
30.Paste-It canbe athick,soft substanceusedforsticking objectstogether,or itcan alsorefer toatypeof sauceor spreadused incookingo
31.Plant-It canbe aliving organismthat typicallygrows insoil andhasleaves,stems,and roots,or itcan alsomean toplace somethingfirmlyin theground
032.Point-It canrefer toa sharpor taperedend ofsomething,or itcan alsomeana specificdetail oraspect ofa largertopico
33.Pound-It canbe aunit ofweight equalto16ounces,or itcanalso meantohitorstrikesomething repeatedlywith force
34.Ring-It canbe asmall circularband wornas jewelry,or itcan alsomeanto makea soundlike abell ortelephone
35.Rock-It canrefer toa solidmineral substanceforming partof theearth,s crust,or itcan alsomeantosway ormove backand fortho
36.Roll-It canrefer toasmall,round pieceof bread,or itcan alsomeanto moveor turnover repeatedly
37.Row-It canrefer toa lineof objectsor peopleplaced nextto eachother,or itcan alsomeantopropel aboat usingoars
38.Scale-It canbe adevice usedfor measuringweight,or itcan alsoreferto aseries oflevels ordegreeso
39.School-It canbe aneducational institutionwhere studentslearn,or itcanalsorefertoagroup offish swimmingtogethero
40.Sheet-It canbe alarge,thin pieceof fabricor paper,or itcan alsorefertoabroad,flat surface
41.Shop-It canrefertoa placewhere goodsor servicesare sold,or itcanalsomeantolook aroundor browsein stores
042.Sink-It canbe abasin witha faucetusedforwashing dishesor itcanalso meanto descendor godown belowthehands,orsurfaceo
43.Spot-It canrefertoasmall,round markor stain,or itcan tosee ornoticesomethingalso mean
44.Spring-It canbe aseason betweenwinter andsummer,or itcanalso meanto movesuddenly orquickly
45.Stock-It canrefertoa supplyof goodskept onhand forsale,or itcanalsomeanto provideor furnishsomethingo
46.Table-It canbe apieceoffurniture witha flattop andlegs,or itcanalsomeanto postponeor delaya decisionor discussiono
47.Tear-It canrefertoa dropof liquidproduced bythe eyes,or itcanalso meanto ripor pullsomething apartforcefully
48.Tie-It canbe along,narrow stripof fabricworn aroundthe neck,orit canalsomeanto fastenor securesomething tightlyo
49.Trip-It canrefertoa journeyor excursion,or itcanalsomeantostumbleor losebalance
50.Watch-It canbe asmall timekeepingdevice wornon thewrist,or itcanalso meanto observeor monitorsomething closelyTheseare justa fewexamples ofcommon wordsin Englishthat havemultiplemeanings.There aremany morewords withmultiple meaningsintheEnglishlanguage,making ita richand versatilelanguageo。