1、The24th WinterOlympic Gamesin Beijingin
2022.A.holds B.is held C.will beheld
2、the girlis onlyten yearsold,she cantake care of herbrother andcook mealsevery day.A.If B.Because C.Although D.As3^—What doyou thinkof thefilm yousaw yesterday-Oh,it*s thanthe moviesI haveever seen.A.interesting B.more interestingC.the most interesting D.mostinteresting
4、The milkterrible.It hasgone bad.A.feels B.sounds C.smells
5、一Why didntyou openthe doorfor mejust now—Sorry,I abath.A.will takeB.am takingC.was takingD.take
6、一Jim failedhis mathtest lastweek.Whats happenedto him—It takeshim toomuch timehis friendsonline.A・to chatwith B.playing withC.talk withD.got onwith
7、Father^Day iscoming.Tm thinkingabout・A.what presentI gavehimB.if Iplanned aparty for himC.how I will givehim asurprise
8、・Why didhe makeno to be understoodor liked-He didnt care whatothers thinkof him.A.balance B.risk C.replyD.effort
9、Lily doesntknow sheand herfriends cando to help thelittle boyparents haveleft theirhometownfor makingmoney.A.that;whose B.how;who C.what;who D.what;whoseV.书面表达
4.to form
19、范文Welcome toYancheng!Yancheng isa placeto openup yourmind.Yancheng isa seasidecity thatlies on the coastof theYellowSea.You canget thereby bus.lt isnamed afterthe saltfields aroundit.It hasa ChineseSea SaltMuseum thatdisplaysthe seasalt civilization.We can learn a lot fromit.Yancheng NatureReserve ishome toWild animals.Yancheng isfamous foritsred culture.For example,the NewFourthArmymemorial,there youcanlearnstories aboutAnti-Japanese War.East orwest,Yancheng landscapeis best!We arehere waitingfor you.
10、一Do youthink theywill thematch—I thinkso.The weatheris reallyterrible.完形填空A.take offB.turn offC.set offD.put offII.
11、(退役).Chinese starYao Minghas retiredYao madeit officialWednesday,telling a news conferencethat aseriesof footand leginjuries madehim]his playingcareer at the age of
30.“I willformally endmy career/9said Yao,2became ahousehold namein Chinabefore startinghis NBAcareerwith theHouston Rocketsin
2002.Yao playedeight seasonsin theNBA.“Today isan importantday forme andit3a specialmeaning forboth mybasketball careerand myfuture/5Yao said.“I4leave thecourt sinceI suffereda stressfracture(断裂)in myleft footfor the5timeat theend oflast year.My pastsix monthswere apainful wait.I6about myfuture overand over.Today Iam announcinga7decision,ending my career asa basketballplayer andofficially retire.But onedoor isclosing and8one isopening.”Yao saidhe wouldreturn to work withhis formerChinese team,the ShanghaiSharks,with thepossibility of9generalmanager.He10owns theclub andwants tocontribute more.uMy playingcareer startedwith theclub.I hopeI cando somethingforit,“Yao said.一He laterappeared withhis familyon thestage tothe applause and cheersof thecrowd.He thankedalotof peoplehisfamily,former coaches,even playerslike ShaquilleONeal—“for makingme a11player,^(告另!!)Rockets generalmanager DarylMorey was12those attendingthe farewellconference Wednesday.Morey madethelong tripfrom Houston.Morey said20hours onplanes was13but“I wouldbe sorry14I wasnthere.“Its15big momentJMorey added.“Yao hada sense of humor,a great attitude andsense ofresponsibility.I hopewe cancontinue hisculture in theNBA.”
1.A.end B.ending C.to endD.ended
2.A.that B.who C.which D.what
3.A.hold B.heldC.holding D.holds
4.A.had toB.can C.must D.need
5.A.three B.third C.thirdly D.thirds
6.A.thinks B.is thinkingC.thought D.was thinking
7.A.person B.personality C.personally D.personal
8.A.another B.other C.others D.the other
9.A.become B.becoming C.became D.becomes
10.A.just B.almost C.already D.nearly
11.A.handsome B.better C.best D.tall
12.A.among B.between C.on D.around
13.A.tire B.tired C.tiresome D.tiring
14.A.when B.that C.if D.before
15.A.a B.an C.the D./语法填空m.
12、IV.语法填空用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的根据上下文填入适当的词A groupof studentshave helpedtheir classmateCheng Dongdongfor sevenyears inAnhui.Cheng,16,was unableto walkafterhe gota terribleL illattheageofseven.“It wasin Grade2that Iintroduced Dongdong9s situationtothe students.Then I asked
2.someone wouldlike to help him,said WangMi,the teacherof Chengsclass.To Wangssurprise,many studentsraised their3・hand.And shechose eightboys
4.form aspecial groupto helpCheng.The groupwould takehimto school5^_bring himback everyday,help him at lunchand play6^_him duringthe breaks.After severalyears,XieChenxu,Liu Weiand LiaoJiangtao of the groupare stillin
7.same classwith Cheng.Xie isresponsible for8,carry Chengin轮椅and outof thewheelchair ashe is
9.strong thanothers.Chengs parentstook himto lotsof hospitals.A Canadiandoctor10,begin treatinghim earlythis yearand hissituation startedto become better.Lets wishhimavery nicefuture.阅读理解IV.A
13、Youve gotplenty ofemails fromyour mom,and maybeeven a few fromdear oldgrandma.But haveyou everreceived amessagefrom ariver无线的Now,Irelands RiverLee issending outmuch informationthanks towireless technology.In aprogram calledthe9传感器DEPLOY project,scientists haveput somesensors inrivers thatcan findpollution levels.Instead ofasking scientists tocollect watersamplesseveraltimes aday,the governmentcan nowexamine pollution levels in the water,and findout ifthere isanythingpolluted enteringthe river.This makesit mucheasier forscientiststoprotect theenvironment,since problemscan bediscoveredbefore a serious pollution accident reallyhappens.People in the areacan alsoreceive freereports from the river,sothat they can findout whetherthe wateris safefor swimmingor boatingonacertain day.And peoplecan alsoknow ifthe wateris clear enoughfor themto drinkand use.The DEPLOYproject hasnot only started inIreland,also the same programshavestarted inthousands ofplaces around the U.S.Now youlive in a worldin whichyou couldreceive informationwith yourmobilephone about environment.The technologyshould help to makeus knowmore aboutthe pollutionthat surroundsus—which justmightget usall alittle moreinvolved withtrying toclean upour world.小题
1.1How doscientists findpollutionlevelsin riversA.By puttingsensors inrivers.B.By usingmobile phones.C.By boatingor swimming.D.By surfingthe Internet.(<、题)
2.J2The underlinedword samplesin the passage meansin Chinese.样品有机物无机物示范A.B.C.D.(小题)
3.3The DEPLOYproject isa projectthat caresfor.A.weather B.environment C.industry D.study(小题)
4.4What canwe mainlylearn from the fourthparagraphA.People canreceive reportsfromtheriverB.People canfind ifthey canswim in the water.C.The projectis goodfor peoplesdaily lifeD.People canknow ifthe waterisclearenough(<、题)
5.J5Which of the followingis TRUEA.The DEPLOYproject hasonlystartedin theUnited States.B.The DEPLOYproject tellsus howto keepthe airand waterclean.C.The DEPLOYproject helpsus liveinaworld withclear air.D.You canreceive informationaboutenvironmentwith yourphone.B
14、(抑郁症)Depression isa seriousproblem today.One expertsays thatdepression islike cancerbecause itis^widespread,costly anddeadly”.Depression hitsone personin fivearoundtheworld.Over anysix-month period,between fiveto sevenpercentof theworlds populationwill besuffering fromaseriousdepression.A recentresearch shows that the more teenagerswatch television,themore likely theyare to develop depressionas youngadults.(调查)(传The researchersused anationwide long-term surveyof teenagehealth toinvestigate therelationship betweenmedia播媒介)useanddepression.They basedtheir findingson more than fourthousand teenagerswho werenot depressedwhen thesurveybegan in
2000.As partof the survey,the young people wereasked howmany hoursof televisionor videosthey watcheddaily.They werealsoasked howoften theyplayed computer games andlistened tothe radio.Media usetotaled anaverage offive andone-half hoursaday.More thantwo hoursof thatwas spentwatching TV.Seven yearslater,in2007,morethanseven percentof theyoungpeoplehad signsof depression.The averageage atthat timewastwenty-one.The researcherssay theydid notfind anysuch relationshipwith the use ofother mediasuch asmovies,video gamesof radioetc.But thestudy didfind thatevery extrahour oftelevision meantan eightpercent increaseinthechances ofdeveloping signsofdepression.Young menwere morelikely thanyoung womento developdepression giventhesameamount ofmedia use.The studydidnt exploreif watching TV causesdepression.But onepossibility is that it was takingtime awayfrom activitiesthatcould helpprevent depression.Last December,the journalSocial IndicatorsResearch publisheda studyof activitiesthat helplead tohappy lives.Sociologistsfrom theUniversity ofMaryland found that peoplewho describethemselves ashappy spendless timewatching televisionthanunhappy people.The studyfoundthathappy peopleare morelikely to be sociallyactive,to read,to takepart inreligious servicesandto vote.
1.The surveyshowsthatof allthe media uses.A.most teenagersprefer tolisten tothe radioB.teenagers enjoywatching TVvery muchC.computergamesare teenagers9favouriteD.magazines arementioned inthesurvey
2.The resultoftheresearch seemsto prove.A.mediausesdo noharm to teenagersB・teenagers aremorelikelyto developdepressionC・those whodont watchTV wontdevelop depressionD.TV probablycauses teenagersto growup withdepression
3.According tothe passage,we caninfer that.A.watchingTVmay lead to happinessB.social activitiescan preventdepressionC.a teenagershould playmore videogames insteadof watchingTVD.itwaseasier foryoung womentodevelopdepression thanyoung men
4.What is the besttitle for this passageA.Media useis harmfultoteenagersB.Adults,Media useand DepressionC.Teens,Television andDepressionD.Take greatcareofteenagers depressionc
15、Once again,God seemsto haveput a homeless personin mypath.Lately,I haveregularly comeinto contactwith peoplethat I justcant ignore.His nameis Markand Iwas surprisedto hearthat heis onlythree yearsolder thanme.He looksso mucholder!He wason(砰地放下)(路边)the counter,asking formoney.I parkedmycarand plonkedmyself downon thecurb totalk.People weredrivingby andlooking atus,but Ididntcare.He toldme abouthis life.How muchof hisstory I believe,I dontknow.He toldme hewas dying--that partIbelieve,for hecouldhardly walkand hadtrouble catchinghis breath.Iaskedwhat Icould doto helphim.He saidall he wanted wasa sliceof pizza.I gavehim$3,the onlycash Ihad・He saidhewanted togo toget thefood himself,but hewas stoppedfromtheshopping centerfor begging.I saidI wouldget itforhimandasked ifhewantedsomething todrink.()Then heasked for anride tothe trailinthewoods wherehe hadhis tent.Usually Idon giverides tostrangers,but thiswasjust upthe street,and quitehonestly hehad nophysical threatto me.When weparted,he heldmy handfor along timeandwe justlooked ateach otherwordlessly forafewmoments.At thattime,he wasntahomelessman andT wasnta sufferer.We becamejust twosouls makinga humanconnection Idontknow ifI willever seehim again,but Iknow Iwill neverforget him.God blessyou,Mark,and yourbeautiful blueeyes andgentlesoul.
1.ignore”inthefirst paragraphmay mean.A.notice B.pay noattention toC.care forD.forget
2.Why didthe writeragree togive Marka freeride A.Because hewanted tohelp thehomeless personwithout anydoubt.B・Because hewas willingtohelpanyone.C.Because hethought Mark was notstrong enoughto harmhim.D.Because hethought Markwas gentle.
3.The passageshows whatMarkwaslike throughtheuseof.A.description ofhis thoughts.B・description ofhis dialogue.C.description ofhis looksand actionsD.people aroundhim
4.Paragraph5is mainlyabout.A.How tohelp MikeB.Mikels influenceonthewriterC.Why theauthor agreedtohelpMike D.How thewriter feltabout Mikesown storiesD
16、Now citiesare full of cars.Some familieseven havetwo ormore cars.Parking isa greatproblem,and soisthetrafficin aroundthe cities.Something willhave tobe doneto changeit.What willthe cars of tomorrowbe likeLittle cars maysome daytake theplace nftodays big cars.If everyonedrives little cars inthe futurethere will be lesspollution intheain There will alsobe morespace forparking carsin cities,and thestreets will be lesscrowded.Three littlecars canfit inthespace nowneeded forone caroftheusual size.The littlecars willcost muchless toown andto drive.Driving will be safer,too.What ismore,these littlecars cango about65每kilometers perhour.Little carsofthe future willbe fine for gettingaround acity,but theywill notbe usefulfor long trips.If bigcars arestill usedalongwith thesmall ones,two setsof roadswillbeneeded inthe future.Some roadswillbeused for the big,fast cars,and otherroadswillbeneeded forthe slowersmall ones.
1.What isthe bigproblem forthose peoplewho havecarsA.Money.B.Parking.C.Time.D.Waiting.
2.What doesthe underlinedword“take theplace of”mean inChinese花费地方超越取代A.B.C.D.
3.People canmoney withusing thelittlecars.A.spent B.cost C.save D.take
4.Littlecars are veryfinefor・A.everyday lifeB.journeys C.longtripsD.sport
5.What isthis passagemainly aboutA.The littlecarsareas usefulas thebigcars.B.What thecarsoftomorrow willbe like.C・Therewillbe lesspollution inthefuture.D.Cities arefullofcars now.E
17、Chinese CafeMonday-Saturday LunchTake Away1200-1400$5Each BoxPutwhatever youwant intoone boxLunch$6UnderlO$4Monday-Thursday Evening1700-2300Eat InDinner$llUnderl0$6All youcan eatBarbecueFriday-Saturday EveningFree Bottleof Wine1700-2300For EachTable ofFourDinner$12UnderlO$6Evening andoverl8onlySunday LunchEnjoy yourmeal!1200-1500Tel46559651Lunch$7UnderlO$4Green Avenue,LongbridgeSunday Evening1700-2230Dinner$llUnderl0$
61.We cansee thisad•A.at acafe B.atalibrary C.at schoolD.at home
2.We cango forlunch aton Monday.A.1030B.1145C.1230D.
14303.Mrs Zhouwill spendif shegoes fordinner onFriday.A.$6B.$7C.$11D.$
124.Mr.Brown andhis8-year-old sonhad topay fordinner lastSunday.A.$7B.$11C.12D.$17F
18、Making a good job choice isalmost asgood aschoosing agood life.So,choosing a job isone ofthe mostimportantdecisions tomake inlife.For myjob,there arethree important things thatIwillconsider:The firstone—thatImust work in an area I like-is mostimportant tome.Someone oncesaid ifyou finda jobthat youenjoy,then youwont havetoworkanother day.I wouldlike towork inan areawhere I can bemore creative.I wouldlike tobethe mostvaluable memberthere.All thisis possibleonly ifIlikewhat Ido.The secondone isthat thearea ofmy workmust leadmetosolve somenew andhard problems.I wouldlike tostay inthesame areaforalong time.In orderforthisto happen,the workmust provideenough problems.More thanjust workingto live,Ienjoy makinga differenceand tryingmy bestforthewhole progress.I wouldalso like tobewell remuneratedfor myhard work,so Ican leada comfortablelife withthis hard-won money.Then Ican providethe bestfor myfamily.The thirdimportantthingisthatI wouldliketoworkinanareathat wouldhelp otherpeople.The workin mymind isinflelds suchas thearmy,training ormanagement.In suchareas,Icanhelptodevelop theabilities ofothers andbring outtheirbest.It wouldbe amost satisfyingjob tohelp youngpeople tobecome the best thattheycanbe.When Ibecome old,I wouldliketo lookback witha greatsenseofsatisfaction thatthousands ofpeople havebecomebetterpersons throughmy work.I acceptthe ideathat noone shouldmake achoice ofa jobsuddenly orquickly.He shoulddecide whathe wants tobein thelongrun.Then,he shoulddecide howhe workstowards it.He shouldstudy theproper courses,read thebooks andspeak toknowledgeablepersons inthat fieldbefore makingajobchoice.A goodchoice willmost probablyleadtoa betterlife.
1.According tothepassage,agoodjobchoiceprobably makespeople・A.solve fewerproblems B.choose agood lifeC.be goodfamily membersD.provide hardthings
2.The underlinedword nremuneratedninthepassage meansA.trained B.praised C.accepted D.paid
3.The writerwantstotell usthat everyoneshouldA.become aknowledgeable personB.join thearmy tobecome abetter personC.make preparationsto finda satisfyingjobD.help youngpeople tochoose aninteresting job
4.What isthebesttitle forthe passageA.My JobChoice B.My FavoriteJobC.My ComfortableLife D.My Senseof Satisfaction。