【精品】牛津英语九年级阅读理解PART.A阅读理解难度中话题学校After SchooI Fun at ChesterElementary SchooIMarch10-May23After SchooI Funbegi ns at3:
15.It fi ni shesat4:
15.You mustbe pi ekedupeach dayby4:30at the I atest.Al Ic Iasses arefree.S i gn up(报名)by March3Classes fi I Iquickly!Th i s i s greatway tofiI I thetime betweenschooI andd i nner!(串珠饰)Beading♦Teacher:Kirsten Olafsdattir(手In thisclass youcan makea beautifulbeaded bracelet镯).Anyone canleam!Fridays,Art Room(跆拳道)Taekwondo♦Teacher:Nina MalpasTaekwondois apopular sportin SouthKorea.It teachesvouhow tomove beautifullv.But it is morethan that.ItJ Jalsoteaches vouto believein vourselfand canmake vouJ■Jinto abetter person.Nina Malpas is thebest taekwondoteacheraround.Youll loveher class.Wear comfortable clothes.Thursdays.GvmJ--Games YourGrandparents Played♦Teacher:Susanna ONeillThis classwill showyou howchildren playedlong ago.You11jumprope.You11play nmninggames.The gamesyour grandparentsplayedare reallyfun Wearcomfortableclothes.Mondays.GvmSpanish♦Teacher:Juan AlvaradoDQBs/IDcneDid youknow tliatSpanish isspoken bymillions ofAmericans・因nARsip Aftera fewweeks withJuan Alvarado,voull•Jbe able to talkabout theweather inSpanish.Youll beable tonamethe peoplein yourfamily.Youll beabletoname clothes and animals,too.For thelast class,vou willgo toa realMexican restaurantandorder ameal inSpanish!Mexican food is trulydelicious!Tuesdays.LibraryJ-J
1.Linda cantake ifshe isfree onFriday afternoons.A.Bead i ngB.Span i shC.TaekwondoD.Games YourGrandparents Played
2.What dowe knowabout Nina MalpasA.She I i kesMex ican food.B.She i s anexcel lentteacher.C.She hasa beauti fuIbeaded braceIet.D.She canspeak Spani shvery well.
3.This materialis mostprobably from.A.a storybookB.a newsreportC.a studentsd iary.D.a schooIswebs i te(答案见文末)PART.B阅读理解难度中话题故事与诗歌A mouseIooked through the holein the waI I tosee the farmer and hi s wife open package(包裹).He wassurpr i sed tod iscover it was mousetra(捕鼠tl).There is mousetrapin the house!There is mousetrapinthe house!the mouseto Idothers thenews afterreturni ngto thefarmyard.The chickensa id,Mr.Mouse,Im prettysure thatitis for you.So Iwont betroubIedby it.The pigsaid,Im sorry,Mr.Mouse,but thereisnothing Ican doforyou.Thecow said,Wow,it isno skinoff mynose,The mousehad toreturn to thehouseand facethe mousetrap a I onesad Iy.That veryn ight,a soundwas heardthroughout thehouse.It wasIike thesound ofamousetrap catching itsprey(猎物).So thefarmers wifegot upquickly tosee whatwas caught.I nthe darknessshe didntsee it was asnake whose tai I wascaught.Thesnake bither.The farmerhad totake hertothehospital and she returnedhome withafever.Everyone knowsyou shouIdtreat afever withfresh chickensoup,so thefarmer killedthechicken forthe soup.But his wifes si cknesscont inued.So the i rfr iends andne ighbors came to sitwith heraround thedesk.The farmerhad toki II thepi gto treatthem.The farmerswifedidnt getwell,andshed i ed.Many peopI ecametothefarmers housetosay goodbyeto hiswife.The farmerhad thecow killedto provideenough meatfor aII ofthem.Next timeyou hearsomeone is facingprob Iemand thi nki tisnone ofyourbus i ness,remember themouse inthehouse.
4.Who foundthe mousetrapfirstA.The mouse.B.The chi cken.C.The pig.D.The cow.
5.What didother animalsthink whenthey heardabout themousetrapA.They wantedto heIp themouse.B.They triedto destroythemousetrap.C.They thoughtitwasnone ofthei r business.D.They thoughtitwas goodfor them.
6.What wasin themousetrap thatnightA.A mouse.B.A snake.C.A pig.D.A chi cken.
7.What canwe learnfrom thestoryA.Traps canaIways causecha in reacti ons.B.It isbetter tobe safethan tobe sorry.C.Sometimes whentheIeast of us is threatened,we aIImight beat ri sk.D.To keepthe baIance ofnature is theduty ofus all.(答案见文末)试题答案A
1.答案A解析细节理解题根据Beading的时间和地点“Fridays,Art Room可知Linda可以上串珠饰这门课,故选Beading.
2.答案B解析细节理解题根据TaekwondoN ina中的介绍Ma I pasis thebest taekwondoteacheraround可知N inaMaIpas是一名优秀的老师,故选She isanexce II entteacher
3.答案D解析推理判断题根据文章标题After SchoolFunatChester EIementarySchool及一段中提到的报名时间可推知这是学校发布的信息,结合本题选项可知应选“schooIs website
4.答案A解析细节理解题根据第一段中mouse lookedthroughthehole inthe waII tosee thefarmerandhiswifeopenpackage.He wassurpr ised todiscover itwas mousetrap.”可知最先发现捕鼠器的是老鼠故选The mouse.
5.答案C解析细节理解题根据第二段内容可知其他动物认为房子里有捕鼠器这件事和它们无关,故选“They thoughtitwasnone oftheirbusiness.H
6.答案B解析细节理解题根据第三段中“In thedarkness,she didntsee itwas snakewhosetaiIwascaught,5可知捕鼠器里是一条蛇故选snake”.
7.答案C解析推理判断题通过阅读这个发生在动物之间的故事,我们可以得知有时,当我们中最弱小的一个人受到威胁时,我们都可能处于危险之中故选Sometimes whenthe Ieastofusisthreatened,we aIImight beat risk.”。