(一)Jen hasa browndog.Her dogsname isMax.Max likesto playwith theball.Jen throwsthe ball.Max bringsit back.Max lieson the bed.Thismakes Jen*s mommad.She wantsMax tolie on the floor.One dayMaxgot lost.Jen lookedall overfor him.She walkedup the street anddownthestreet.She yelled,zzCome home,Max!She foundMax!Hewas in the park.He washappy tosee Jen.
1.What doesMax like to playwitha.a stickb.a slipperc.a boned.a ball
2.Who doesnot likeMax onthebed
3.Who gotlost_________________________________________
4.Where washe__________________________________Hippo squishesmud betweenher toes.She gulpsdown lily pads.She blowsbubbles in the water.Blub blubblub.Hippo lovesher homein the pond.Frog watchesher.He livesin the pond too.Frog said,likeyou Hippo,but Idont likemud.It ismessy.Hippo said,T am sorry.Iwill tiptoethrough the mud.I willnot bemessy.Frog said,like youHippo,but Ido not like it when youeat the lilypads.I liketo hoponthem,Hippo said,I amsorry.I willnot eat the lilypads.You canhopon them.I willeat thegrass instead/7Frog said,zzl likeyou Hippo,but Idonot likebubbles in the water.It isloud whenI swim.Hippo said,amsorry.I willnot blowbubbles in the water,Frog said,“You areverykind Hippo.Thank youfor beingmy friend.”
1.Where doHippo andFrog livea.in ariver b.in alake c.in apond d.in thewoods
2.Why doesntFrog likeit whenHippo squishesher toesin themuda.The mudgets onFrog.b.It makesa mess.c.It makesthepondsmellbad.d.Frog wantsthemud.
3.Frog tellsHippo thathe doesnotlikeit whenshe eatsthelilypads.What doesHippo eatinstead
4.Why doesntFrog likeitwhenHippo blowsbubbles in the water
5.Why doesFrog say,“You arevery kind/7to Hippo
(三)Some peoplehave catsas pets.Others havedogs.Aunt Leeis notlikethose people.Her twopets arechickens.Both aregirl birds,or hens.One isnamed Lulu and theother isMolly.Lulu andMolly livein acoopin Aunt Lees backyard.They eatspecial chickenfood boughtat thefeedstore.When thehens areoutside,they loveto eatbugs theycatchin theyard.Lulu andMolly evenliketo eatworms theypull outof theground.Aunt Leespets giveher eggstoeat.Dogs andcats donot dothat.LuluandMolly arespecial pets.
1.Whatare girlchickens called
2.What arethe namesof AuntLees twochickens and3Where doAuntLee/s chickenslive
(四)Mom andBaby areat thepark.They sitonthegrass.Mom says,zzlhave bubbles!”She takesout thebubble stick.zzPop poppop!saysBaby.Mom says,Do youlike the bubbles”Bub bubbub!”says Baby.Mom dipsthe stickinthebottle.She blowslots ofbubbles.“Ha haha!〃says Baby.Mom dipsthe stickinthebottle.She putsthe stickbyBabjs mouth.She says,“Blow the bubbles,Baby.Baby makesan0with hislips.Baby blowsthe bubbles.There arelots andlots ofbubbles.Pop.Pop.Pop.Pop.
1.Where areMom andBabya.inthebackyard b.by thepool c.atthepark d.inside thehouse
2.Who blowsthe bubblesa.Mom b.Dad c.Baby d.Mom andBaby
3.Why doesMom dipthe stickinthebottlea.She wantsto getbubbles onthe stick,b.She doesnot wantBabyto spillthe bubbles,c.She wantsto putthebubblesaway.
4.Baby says,“Bub bubbub!”What isBaby tryingto say
5.How doyou knowBaby likesthebubbles
(五)Bob thefrog waslost.He couldnot findhis home.Bob hoppedto atree.zzls thismy home”A birdsang,No,this ismy home.Bobhopped toa hole.z1s thismy homeA mousewiggled hisnose.No,this ismy home,Bob hoppedand fellinto apond.Splash!Bob swamtothe top.He hoppedon alog.Ah,this ismy home.A bugflew by.Zip!”Yum,yum・〃Bob thefrog wentto sleep.Zzzzzzzz!
1.Who livesinthetree
2.Who livesinthehole
3.Where isBobs homea.in alake b.in apond c.in apool d。