Unitl dontcross thatrope一.Warming-upGood morningclass.Its arainy day.Do youlike theweather Yes.we alllike sunnyday.川Welcome tomy class.We wlearn unitlModules.First Jetsenjoy avideo.What canwe learnfrom thevideo二Yes,No smoking.We canseea signin the video.It meansNosmoking”.slook atthesign.Can youguessthemeaning Pleaseturn tofinish Activity1lets checkyour answers
3.Please read them together.三.Lets learnsome newwords andexpressions.after theteacher四.read thewords andexpressions Look at thepicture.can youguess whatit isItsthe Britishmuseum,its sowonderful thatmany peoplewant tovisit it.there aresome children,theyare goingto themuseum.Do youwant toknow whatwill happen,please lookat Activity2to the conversationthe twoquestions.your answers Lookat Activity
31.Listen to the conversation
2.Now checkthe rulesmentioned in theconversation.
3.Share theanswers Lookat Activity4readtheconversation ina lowvoice whenss listentotheconversationthe videodownwhat youcant dointhemuseum.七.stime toshow youranswersLookat thepictures,what rulersare thereintheplaces
1.Ss discusswith theirpartners
2.Itzs timeto sharetheir answers八.
3.Ss clapfor themselves
1.Watch thevideo andthink aboutthe question“why mustwe obeytherules九.
2.Share ss,answers Homework.。