31.The bloggerwrote ablog postthrough social network,blogging about the hotissue thesedays.
2.For corwenience,I useGoogle,a searchengine,to search for updatednews.
3.Wechat,a popularsoftware,makes itmore convenientfor us to chatwith friends.
4.If it is convenientfor you,we preferyou topav incash.
5.Tears streameddown mvcheeks whileI wasstreaming the film.
6.His identitywas identifiedafter hisidentity cardwas checked.
7.Unfortunatelv,we werestuck in the heavysnowstorm.
8.Mom alwayskept mecompany wheneverI wentthrough toughtimes,encouraRinH andinspiring me.
9.Despite beingdistant from the city,residents hereare accessible to advancedmedical service.
10.Now thatyou have access to the website,why notsearchforsome informationwe need
11.Since thecharity wasfounded,the residentsin theprovince havebenefited a great dealfrom it.
12.Regular exerciseis beneficialto vourhealth.
13.While I was surfingthe Internet,I wasinspired bva ladywho worksall herlife oncharity.
14.What wastalked in the conferencewill benefitthe residentsin thatdistant areaa lot.
15.He triedover againto pressthe startingbutton of the toycar,only to find that it juststopped functioningwith thedeadbattery.
16.It has been confirmedthat too much pressurecan brin-about brainfog.
17.He seta targetto Hetin shapebv regularexercise.Plus hewould Hetrid ofunhealthy foodfrom hisdiet.
18.With a simple dickof yourmouse youcan haveaccess toour websiteand keeptrack ofour latestmoves.
19.A passwordis setfor hisprivate accounton accountof privacyconcerns.
20.When he was askedabout hisprivacy,he respondedin arude manner.
21.After takingthe priceof thebike into account/considerstion,I decidedto buyit onweekends,when Ican getadiscount of30%.
22.The functionof thesoftware isto keeptrack of these filesand preventtheir theft.
23.We areupset about the increasingfalse informationonline.
24.Keeping thefollowing tipsin mindmight helpyou overcomemany embarrassingdifficulties.of foodcontribute agreat dealta astronautsmental health.
(二)Some peoplehold theshallow viewthat exploringspace is a wasteof time and money,arguing thatwe shouldfocuson solvinzproblems likefatal diseasesand polhition.However,space explorationcan actuallybe quitebeneficial.Firstly,it helpsthe worldto Fghta/ainst hunger.Exploring spacedirectly resulted in satellites.They cantransmit usefuldataon landand weatherpatterns,which isimportant information to helpimprove farming.Secondly,it alsohelpspromote technolocicalimurovements.This isbecause moreadvanced technolcnvwere createdto meetthe requirementsforspace exploration.Finally,the earthslimited resourceswill finallyrun out.As aresult,it isnecessary tofind anewhome toprovide forsuch arapidly increasingpopulation onEarth.In closing,we shouldattach importanceto spaceexploration asit canbenefit us in manyways.
25.To mvembarrassment,I couldntremember hisname.
26.The authorgives ussome[uidelinea onhealthy lifestyle.
27.Keep inmind notto makefun ofothers,which canmake themembarrassed andupset.
28.A cyberbullyis definedas someonewho ismean toothers on the Internet.
29.I amfamiliar with the authorand his novels impressedme particularlv/in particular.
30.In mostcases,itisparticularlv emberrassinHfor meto singin public.However,if myfriends canaccompany me,_lwont beembarrassed stall.B2U
41.With morethan3,000descendants,Confucius is a famousphilosopher in ancient Chinawhose chiefphilosophywas,,Renn,meaning^humanity andbenevolence人道和善良
2.Puzzled aboutthe puzzlingmath question,she turnedto herteacher forhelp.In fact,math washer Achilles1heel.
3.Ukraine used to belong to Soviet,but brokeaway fromit in
4.Military actionmav becomenecessary for the countryto defenditself againsttheir enemies.Plus manyresidents havealreadyjoined thearmy.
5.In the16th century,the nearbycountry ofWales wasjoined to the Kingdomof England.
6.The fourcountries thatbelongto the UnitedKingdom sharethe samecurrency arwell a「military defence.
7.Strong evidencehasbeenfound for his illegal act,and itis evidentthat hebroke thelaw andwill becharged soon.
8.Located ina smallv川age,my hometownis suiroundedby fascinatingmountains.
9.I wasfascinated bythe uniquepoet city,which usedto be stuck ina battleand wasconquered byits nearbycountry.
10.The qovernmeotmade anannouncement/aiiiiniiiiced that the battlewould startany time.
11.Keep youreyes openfor theculture of the port city,youll be amazed andfascinated by让s uniquecharm.
12.A2e「achieving;the goal,Jan felta senseof achievement.
13.With Internetyou areaccessibleto a largeamount ofinformation.
14.It wasso generousof MissWhite to have thesnacks servedin hercourtyard forhomeless peoplestuck inhunger.
15.I preferthe kindof breadwith butterand honey!
16.The peacefullandscape ofIreland andits manygreen countiesisatrue feastfor eyes.
17.With Christmas approaching.I startto beeager forqifts.
18.The approachto dealingwith theconflict isto ensure/make surethat bothsides(双方)benefit from the policy.
19.The poemwritten bythe poetwas positionedat astriking placein theart gallery.
20.Our ancestorsusedto bestuckinaposition wherethey hadno foodto eat.
21.Memories ofchildhood crowdedinto mymind.
22.When holidayscome,pubs will be crowdedwith touristswho camefor ataste oflocal beerand wine.
23.Fresh flowersgreet springwith itssweet scent.
24.Welcome toChina toexperience thelocal customsand traditionsfirst-hand.
1.The ownersaid shewould giveme adiscount andonly chargeme50yuan for all thebooks.
2.Now that the presidentgot ill,the vice-president willtake chargeof thecompany.
3.These filesare in the chargeof the boss.No oneexcept himhaveaccessto them.
4.It isthebosswho isin chargeof thesefiles.
5.Td like to speakto theperson ichargeface toface.
6.She wascharged withstealing in the supermarket.
7.He forgotto chargehis phoneso itneeds charging
15.To myrelief,my fatherwas curedofthedeadly disease.
16.For me,singing rapwas acure formy stress/can relievemy stressand anxiety.
17.We havereached astage whereeach stepmatters andthus weshould takeeach stepinto coodaccount.
18.Altogether,these bsokswere charged50yuan.
19.I madean assumption/assume thathis previousexperience had agreatimpact onhis character.
20.Aiming to get hisspoken Englishimproved,he ispreparing totry outfor theEnglish speechcontest.
21.It turnedeut thatthe pianistwho hadnever sungbefore actuallyhadatalent/cift forsinning.
22.In additionto thetalent forsinging,he isalso aifted/talented inpiano.
23.Having developeda seriousdisease,he had to quithis joband becameunemployed/out ofwork.
24.It isso romanticof him to makean albumforall the photos,which isa witnessfor theirromance.
25.With theaim ofimproving classefficiency,our schoolhas setup multimediaequipment ineach classroomand oftenhasit updated.
26.Though havinggone throughseveral medicaltreatments,my bodystill acheddue tothe disease.
27.Music wasthe ruckI leantontoget throughthe toughtimes.
28.To showhis apolog,he sentmeagift.Moreover/In addition/Plus/Besides/AdditionaUy,he promisedthat hewouldtreat meta ameal.
29.We aresatisfied withour headteacher ashe treatsu§in an equal way.To oursatisfaction,our headteacher treatsusinanequalway.
30.We needdifferent rulesto satisfyvarieties ofneeds.
31.Peoples reactiontothe new policysomehow variesfrom personto person.
32.From thenon,I beganto writemy compositionsbased onoutline.B3U
11.To celebrateRio Carnival,local residentswill dres$up incarnival costumesand marchalong thestreets.
2.Girls dotheir make-up andwear charmingcostumes toattend theComing-of Ageceremony.
3.Festivals havea widerange oforigins,ranging fromrnligiog famousfigures toimportant events.
4.Visiting alantern fairis absolutelya joyfulcustom,where youcan havefun zuessin/riddles writtenonlanterns.
5.I wishmy parentscan attendmy graduationceremony.After all,I figurethatit will be a significantmemory in my life.
6.Im gratefulto youfor Ggurinrout asolutivn tothe troubleIm faced with.
7.Harvest festivalis anagricultural festivalwhichtakesplace afterall thecrops have been gatheredin.
8.It usedto bea signiikantcustom todecorate churcheswLh flowers,but astime pasiedbe,it craduallyfaded away.
9.Setting offfirecrackers isa typicalcustom onChinese NewYear Eve,which originallyaims to drive awayevil spirits.
10..Despite/In spiteof differentorigins,festivals havethe commonspirit ofsharint ioy,gratitude,love andpeace.
11..Festivals arebecoming increasinglycommercial,with businesstaking advantageofthecelebrations.
12.This uniqueportcityfeatures touristindustry andhas attracteda largenumber oftravelers aroundthe world.
13.It isof ereatsignificance tohave仔rm beliefsin ourselves,thus promotingus toachieve ourdreams.
14.The surveyconducted bythe mediareflected theillegalactofthecompany.
15.Customs playasi如ificant rolein festivals,but theycan changeover time.
16.Festivals areof creatimportance,which reflectpeoples wishes,beliefs,faiths,aed attitudestowards life.They areoccasionsthat allowustorelax andenjoy lifeand forgetabout ourwork fora littlewhile.
17.People li/ht fireworksand firecrackerstodriveaway theevil spiritsand celebratethenewyear.However,to be frank,thefi rewo rksgoing offthroughout thenight werereally annoyingto me.
18.FaHinq onthe fourthday ofthe sixthmonth ofthe lunarcalendar,the NaadamFestival inInner MonrolianAutonomousregion isrepresented bythree events:horse racing,wrestling andarchery.
19.I stillremember mywedding ceremony.It wasthe onlymoment inmy lifethat Idressed myselfup ingraceful andfancyrobes,with all the attenderscheering andclapping forme.
20.Weve packedour tentand decidedto setoff forthe camping.But toour disappointment,the planwas allstopped bythehoEble storm.
21.Im pleasedwith theresult ofthe examexcept forphysics,in whichI madea stupidmistake.
22.The newpresident wonthe respectef hisemployees withhis greatcontributions tothe developmentof thecompany.Thanks to his management,now wehave branchesin almostalltheregions inour country.B3U
21.She wasfacedwitha moraldilemma whetherto savethe faintlady ornot.
2.Many womenentrusted theirprecious lifeto DrLin Qiaozhi,who wouldnever letthem down.
3.They seldom/rarely complainedabout eachother,which carriedthem throughmany hardshipsin theirmarriage.
4.The majorityof peoplecouldnt affordthe hightuition fees,and therefore/thus theychose tostudy hardto winscholarship.
5.Her colleaguesrecommended himto beappointed asresident physician.However,when thehospital hiredher,herejected theoffer.She wasmore willingto servethe womenat home.
6.We wantedto phonefortheappointment atthe clinic,but therewas noresponse.
7.Deeply affectedby DrLin Qiaozhisgood virtues,she determined to devoteherself tostudying medicine.
8.After operation,patients whoare carefullytended tendto/are morelikely torecover better.
9.Over thera§t severaldecades,she hasbeen devotedto Diiblishiegmedical researchon carefor womenand children.
10.A scary/horrible accidentstruck himby accident/accidentaHy,which scaredhim somuch that he wasunable tospeaka word.
11.Americans aremakinn complaintsaboutthesharp increasein thecost ofhealth careand healthinsurance.
12.After retiringfrom work,he donatedpart of his savingstoakindergarten.
13.Unlike therest ofthe staff,she wasappointed towork elsewhere,a farawayv川age.
14.To replace/take theplace ofpassive learningand improvelearning efficiency,teachers arecarrying outthe principleofactive learningamone students.
15.Keep yourvoice downIwhi§pered/said ina whisper.It wasmidnight afterall.
16.After doctorBethune passedaway,Chairman Maowrote anarticle inmemory ofhim,praising himasahero tooffermedical assistancefor Chinesepeople duringthe war.
17.A chainof measureshavebeentaken topromote importand exporttrade.
18.It isof greatsiiniflcance to be givenfirst aidimmediately ifyou arebitten bya snake,bite-bit-bitten
19.Narrowly trippingover thedining chairin thecafe,the pregnantlady scaredthe waitress.
20.Without anyassistance,I wasin despair,therefore havingto bearthe acheinmylag andlimp backhome intears.
21.After aqreat dealof effort,the girlmanaced tomove/succeeded inmoving thestoee withall hermight.
22.Everyone iseager fora jobwith flexibleworking hoursand highincome.
23.He saidthat alcoholrelieved histeniion andpresiure,but tobe frank,it coulddo harmto/be harmfulto hishealth.词汇复习B3U
31.Different ethnicgroups formedthe diversecultures ofthe district/region.
1.1defiiiitely/flrmly/strongly believethat Illbe admittedto myideal university.
1.1t occuiredto/struck/hit himthathecould wentto downtownto seekhis fortune.
4.Many Chineseimmigrants choseto earn a living by openingup restaurants,which wasa forcedoption/selection/choice.
5.Li Lanwalked arvundenioyinn/apDreciatinRadmiriiin thestreet graffitiart andcomic art.Afterwards,she headedto alocalmuseum,which showedthe historicalchanges inCalifornia.
6.After seekingsome adsicefrom anagricultural expert,hewasdeterminedtoearnalivingbygrowing corn.门
7.According toa traveliou iMontheInternet,the jazzbar enjoyed”eat popularityamong localresidents aswell asvisitors.
8.Unfortunately,miracles didntoccur tohim despite/in spiteof varioustreatments.
9.The seriesof failuresin businessbrought about/led to/resultedin/contributed tothe financialburden ofthe family.
10.The mediaclaimed thatnothing serioushad occurred.However tobefrank,several younglives wereclaimed duef,tothecoisoiwus chemical
11.Reading Shakespearescollection ofpoeby usedtobemy escapefromthepressure andtension ofstudy.
12.I wantto buysome suitablehand-made accessoriesof Miaopeople assouvenirs,whose pricesas Iwas told,Ldepends onthe percentageof silver.
13.I wouldliketosettle ina citywith mildclimate andconvenient transportation.
14.Mom askedhimtofold hisclothes upand keephis roomneat andclean.
15.The legendaryDragon Gatewas constructedusing materialsdonated fromChina.
16.There arevarious kindsof foodto suit/§ati§fy everyonestaste inChinatown,so comeand experiencethem firsthand.
17.The exhibitioncontains varietiesof worksof art,the mostvaluable itemof whichisaPicasso drawing.
18.After thesettlers settledin theirnew settlement,they foundthey couldntsettle downto theirnew jobs,so theyneededa methodfoi70f it.B3U4词汇复习
1.There aremany requiremintsin theselection procedurefor astronauts.Anyone whoi§admitted shouldnot onlybeinteHigent enoughtogeta relatedcollege degree,but takepart ina seriesof mentaland physicaltraining.
2.Scientists makevehicles likerockets,satellites andspacecrafts,launching theminto spaceinthehope offi-urine outthesecrete ofthe universe.
3.Neil Armstrongwas universallyknown asthe firstman tostep ontothe moon,famously saying,thats onestep foraman,one giantleap formankind.”
4.The accidentsthat occurredin spacemissions madeeveryone sadand disappointed,but thedesire anddeterminationto explorethe universenever died.
5.The satelliteorbits aroundearth andcarries ontransmitting importantsigials anddata tosome govemmentagencies.
6.Much toour disappointment,itwilltake quitea Ionatime forui tobe onboard duetotheaccident.
7.In orderto gainindependence fromher parentsas soonas possible,she isdetermined notto dependon themanymore,which meansshe willhave tobecome bothfinancially andmentally independent.
(一)The hardshipsin spacelife isbeyond ourimagination.A lackof gravityin spaceresults inthe weaknessinastronauts bonesand muscles.As aresult,they needto exerciseregularly soato stayhealthy.Besides,allthewastewater producedin astronauts5daily lifewillberecycled.Astronauts canttake ashower.Instead,they areonly allowedtouse asoapy towelto keepthemselves clean.In addition,while sleeping,they mustattach themselvesto somethingotherwise/or theyII probablyfloat away.Fortunately,thanks tocurrent advancedtechnolocy,astronauts areable tobringsufficient foodto suittheir tastes.It isactually confirmedthatthevarieties
1.The firebroke outat night.2,It hasbeen confirmedthatthewar hasbroken out,
11.What shesaid brokehisheart.
3.The machinebroke down and stoppedfunctioning.
4.The nearbyhouses allbroke downin theearthquake.
5.To[hein embarrassment,the carbroke downso theyhadtounwillingly stoppedthe journey.
6.I brokedownandcried afterhours1*3*56working.
7.Why thecouple brokeup remainsa puzzle.
8.The housewas brokeninto bya thieflast night.
9.My parentsbroke theirpromise ofbuying mea bike,making meupset.
10.The vasefell ontothe floorand wasbroken/broke intopieces.
12.We cantake/have shortbreaks betweenclasses.immediately.
8.Many onlinecourses arefree ofcharge,from whichwe canbenefit alot.B2U
51.Both classicalmusic andhip-hop giveme energyand touchmy soul.
2.Years havepassed by,professor Liisnolonger young.Yet heis justas energeticand devotedtohiscareer asbefore.
3.Many ofthe compositionscomposed bythe composerproved tobeagreat success.4,Im honouredtohavethe opportunityto givea performanceinthestudio.
5.The performanceproved tobeagreat success,enablin himtobeawarded animportant musicalprize.
6.He receivedan awardforhisstrikine achievementsinthearea ofvirtual realityVR.
7.At first,I foundthe performanceordinary anddull.However,Iwa、fascinated byit afterhearing itperformed live.
8.The proofhe offeredenabled thepolice toarrest逮捕the thiefinthename oflaw.
9.It isa wasteof timeand enerevto spendtoomuchtime onsocialnetwork.
10.Researchers conducteda surveyon thisspecial naturalphenomenon butstill they were unabletofindoutthereasonbehind.
11.Originally,most ofthe songsfromtheband wasan imitationfrom others.But graduallytheywerecapable ofwritingtheir ownsongs.
12.I fellin lovewiththebook andwas absorbedin readingit.
13.Artimisnin wasa medicinediscovered byTu Youyouto curepeople ofmalaria.
14.Knowing thatthe newly-invented medicinecan curemy fatherofhisdeadly disease,I cametoarelieBfelt inrelief.。